DUCK TRACKS By ELBERT HAWKINS Durable as the Rock of (llbral tar are many of the country’! leading football coaches. “Once i coach, always a coach” seems to b( their philosophy. Take Hugo Be/, deck for instance. He tutorei Oregon’s great team of 1916 int< the Rose Bowl, and now—21 year later—is coaching the Cleveland Rams in pro football. There was a stretch of sever years up to this fall when he wai on the sidelines as director of th< school of physical education an< athletics at the Pennsylvania Ktati college, but Hugo is once more if the big swim. Of course he isn' the most durable by all means, thal honor must he retained for thi grand old man of football, Amof Alonzo Stagg. Stagg first coached football bad in 1891 at a Massachusetts train ing school. Now, with 46 years ol gridiron lore tueked away, he b still ticking away victories at litth College of Pacific, In Stockton California. He was forcefully re tired from the University of Chi cago five years ago, and chose t( wind up his days at a small school * * * ‘‘Football's grand old man” cel ebrated his 75th birthday about two months ago, by jogging foui blocks to a tennis court, where h( went through a brisk workout. A perfect parallel for baseball's Con nie Mack, who simply won’t quit Speaking of coaches, several re cent grads from Oregon are mak ing their way with prep teams ir their vicinity. Johnny Londahl former Webfoot back, recently transferred from Redmond, where he mentored several seasons, tc Bend high. Stepping out at Bend was Jerry Lillie, who is head grid coach at Grant high. Bill Bower man is holding Prink Callison’s old job at Medford high. Most of our Oregon grads at least stay in the country to serve, but not an Oregon Stater. At least not Howard Lyman, sometimes called Sir Howard Watson Lyman, Bart., younger brother of Baron von Lyman, also a former Beaver, who travels to Germany. He re cently accepted a call to a Ger man-Swiss mission for the Latter Day Saints church in Berlin where brother Richard once served. , * * * Rather silly these football feuds between different sections of the country. We have ’em between Pcdunk of the Southeast, and Yarvard of the North, between conferences of rival sections, or the plain East and West. For instance, the Big Ten con ference of Michigan, Minnesota, etc., have bragged for years of playing tougher hall than the coast conferences. This is very possible, of course, for they have played or ganized ball longer, hut national championship ratings by Professor Frank Dickinson, of Illinois uni versity since 1924, give Big Ten teams but four titles to three for the Coast conference. It’s a time-worn scrap between teams of California and the North west. Nothing serious, Imt still those biting words of sarcasm. From southern football powers early this fall came threats of com pletely dominating the conference. At present they seem to be making good. California's unbeaten Bears are still in front, with Southern California and Stanford rigid be hind. A hair behind them comes I CLA, Washington, and Oregon State. Short shots Only 500 students out of 1973 holding ASUO cards have got exchange tickets for the Oregon State game . . . tonight is the deadline . . . 1400 students had better make tracks to the Igloo . . . the longest drive in golf, 445 LIDS at the CO-OP Mystery Prevails in Duck Camp; Eyes on OSC Varsity Works On New Turf; Portals Barred i - Callison Drills Tearr On Passing; Staters Have Tough Line i For the second time this week i Prink Callison took his varsity be I hind the locked gates of Haywarr ■ field in preparation for Saturday’; i coming battle with Lon Stiner’; ; Beavers. With Howard Hobson's wore that the Oregon State line is a tough one, especially with Elmer Kolberg playing defensive fullback Coach Callison developed plans tc send his plays both around and over the Beaver line. Passes Bring Scores Jay Graybeal, who has scored on a pass against every confer ence opponent that Oregon has run up against, took part in practice yesterday afternoon for the first time this week. The return of Graybeal gives the Smith to Graybeal pass com bination, which has been the one which clicked in all these games, a chance to dope out some more poison for Oregon State. At that, it is doubtful if the Pendleton Jackrabbit needs very much help doping out plays. He is credited with originating the two Oregon pass plays which took the Webfoots to the Trojan 312-yard line. On the second of the two i plays, Jay took a lateral from Ar leigh Bentley which was good for 30 yards. Dulled Lance I-arry I.ane<\ Webfoot flanU nian Has left home oil tlit* varsity’* rt'eent soul hern trij>, bemuse of an Injured shoulder. yards, was recorded in 1913 . . . Jimmie Thompson, one of the long est hitters ot today, gets up to 350 yards in actual competition . . , Chuck Taylor, the basketball wiz ard, never went to college. Exactly lit',912 persons watched Southern California and Notre Dame tangle in 1929 . . . the game of roulette is of French origin . . . it started in the 17th or ISth cen tury . . early golf balls were made out of feathers . . . football teams used to play off ties . . . boxing is today wholly legal in less than 30 states . . . Michigan's grid team scored but 21 points last season, and won but one game . . . an arm less golfer, Tom McAuhffe, once played IS holes in 88. l’.v\LOU'S < OM E( TIONKliY 1139 Willamette Mic makers ot tjuuhti (.audits —Try a box 10 years same location 1 .Shorthand T>penrding i Complete Business Course I ilivrrsdi Business College Edward L Kyan, B.S., LL..B Manager I.O.O.F. Building, Eugene Phone 2973J tv* ATOs Match Shots With Fiji Golfers In Title Tiff Today The ATO and Fiji four-man golf teams, last survivors of the heated intramural divot-digging carnival, will match strokes over Laurel 1! wood's tricky greens and long fair ways for the 1937 intramural championship this afternoon, tee ing off at 4 o’clock. 1 Long-driving Bob Finter, sturdy Fiji, and A1 Davis of the ATOs will lead off from their number one j positions, followed by Fred Davis, Fiji, and Bill Mortimer, ATO, num ber two men. The final foursome will consist of George Smith and George Sulli van of the Fjis and Page Yaw and either Harry Weston or Kirk ICld ridge of the ATOs. Chi Psis Release Bear Story; End Is Incapacitated Coaches, Managers Confer as to Rules For Classic By WEN BROOKS One more Chi Psi footballer is off the payroll, according' to latest reports from the lodge, and will, in all likelihood, be forced to see Sunday’s thriller from the bench. This time scrimmage claims an end, none other than “Shadow Jack” Huemmer, one of the fastest men on the squad. Coach Williams, though a little depressed at the | loss of "Fleet-foot” Jack, said yes terday his men were still “defi nitely in the running” and would give the Phi Psis a battle if they j had to wear crutches to do so . . . he inferred strongly his gridsters j could even beat the Phi Psis on ! crutches. Both ball clubs are easing up on scrimmage and devoting most of Lhe practice sessions to light signal drill and pass receiving. Unless it j rains Sunday, fans should see a Plenty of action in a game that is ; bound to be wide open with lots of ! passing and probably lots of fumbl ing. Have Bull Session Coachgs and managers of both clubs met last night at the lodge to formulate rules governing this year’s contest. It was decided foot I ball shoes would be out, as would i any shoes with cleats or hard soles. Not being superstitious, the mem bers decided the game should con sist of four “thirteen-minute” quar ters. Reports late Wednesday night continued to give the Phi Psis a slight advantage over the Lodgers in the coming game. Rumors have it that the Phi Psis, at least the l hi Psi pledges, will be in "plenty good” condition by starting time Sunday . . . seems there’s a bit of work lined up for the boys at the house on Eleventh due to some peculiar disturbance which took place Tuesday night. Gamma Net Sqaud Enters Semi-Finals Clean Sweep Scored Against Zeta; Face ATOs Today Gamma hall's tennis team con sisting' of Bill Cardinal, number i one singles; Bob Engelke and Jim- | my Aloe, number one doubles; and Dick Wray and George Akutagawa. number two doubles, swept their! three matches with Zeta hall yes terday to enter the semi-finals of the fall intramural tennis tourna ment. The ATOs will furnish the next opposition tor the Gamma forces (Pleitse turn to page four) Watts, Not Candlepower John Watts, reserve Beaver tackle, is one of Lon Stiner’s few ex perienced substitutes. He is expected to see action here against the Webfoots Saturday. Deft Chuck Taylor Spins Ball, Declares Hoop Game Popular Coast Casaba Quintets Rated With Ranking Clubs of Nation by Ex-professional Star Now nn Nrrtion-wide Evhihition Tour By GEORGE PASERO Jovial Chuck Taylor, the hoop game’s professional showman and exhibition artist deluxe, twirled a seamless basketball on the tips of three sensitive fingers, looked intently at the whirling sphere, and declared that the popularity of the game is increasing with leaps and bounds all over the country, not overlooking, of course, the west coast wilts i t: iits atiiu rtumts ui tilts ucai teams of the country are produced. Talking rapidly while donning his sweat-shirt and black trousers prior to his exhibition on McArthur court Tuesday night, the genial big fellow who can do marvels with a basketball, let it be known, in be tween handshakes with admiring friends, that the possibilities of the maple court game for both players and spectators are just beginning to be realized. Gaining Foothold “Basketball has been just like any new thing in that it takes time for it to gain a foothold. All the high schools are building fine gymnasiums now, and the young boys are playing the game. That means increased popularity and better play, for when, and only when, the kids start playing will a sport establish itself," he comment ed. Answering the question, “Are the west coast teams on a par with those of the east and middle west?" he said, “Yes, I think so. You remember a couple of years ago when the University of Wash ington went to New York for the Olympic tryouts. The Huskies were a fine club and the best of the college teams.’’ Travels Plenty Mr. Taylor, who probably travels more basketball miles than any other man in the United States feels that the elimination of the center jump adds little to the game of basketball itself. "It doesn’t mean a thing,” was his answer to the query of whether the new ruling ousting the center tip sped up the play. 1 he professional artist appeared here for the first time two years ago and exhibited basketball tech nique. Taylor had booked a tour through this section of the country last year, but had to cancel it when lie was caught in the big Ohio river flood. Lives in Indiana -My home is in Columbus, In t-I--1'-1--f.-I--!• -1--1--i--1--i--1--1- -1- -1 t OREGON | BARBER SHOP $ In the Co-op Bldg. It ^ 4* + * “ORDER EARLY i FOR THE BEST” f Official AWS | Mums ? * r* + + 4* f * *• f r b mm 50c, 75c, $i College Flower Shop 3018 839 Kiist 13th f -fH M I tl«l+H HHflHH|lfH4H4m+H4fH4W •f diar.a, and I was in Louisville, Kentucky, and I couldn’t even get home. There was 90 miles of wa ter between me and Columbus, and that’s too far to swim.” An ex-professional star, having played with the old Buffalo Ger mans and New York Celtics, Taylor has passed his active playing days, and now spends the fall and winter instructing basketball to the Am erican people as a whole. He quit playing when the professional leagues disbanded a few years ago. Five Hundred Out , A good five hundred basketball fans turned out to see the show put on by Taylor and nine of Hobby Hobson’s varsity men—Ford Mullen, Wally Johansen, Bob Anet, Laddy Gale, Slim Wintermute, Ray Jewell, Ted Sarpola, Bob Hardy and Dave Silver. The first hour was devoted to proper offensive and defensive play, ball-handling and the art of shooting, with the 190-pound six foot Taylor giving a demonstration of deceptive passing and accurate shooting. The second half of the show con sisted of moving pictures of the foremost basketball systems and coaches of the country, including such notables as George Keogan, coach of Notre Dame, and John Bunn of Stanford. LOST A large black-grey man's “Lebouf” fountain pen. Call Frank, 134S J. Reward. .1. J ■ J. .L J_I_I. • ft A ATTENTION WRESTLERS The first workout of the U. of O. wrestlers will be held this afternoon from 3 to 5. This is the first scheduled meeting of the newly organized division of university sports. All who wish to participate sign up and turn out for regular workouts. Orange Babes Prepare for Frosh Eleven Coach McKalip Drills Rooks on Offense; Have Yet to Crash Victory Column • OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 20.—-Bent on col lecting revenge for the 19 to 12 spanking handed them hy the Web foot frosh in the first meeting, Oregon State’s Orange Babes will clash with the University of Ore gon frosh on Bell field’s new turf here Friday night at 8 o’clock. “Wild Bill” McKalip, freshman head coach, concentrated on block ing assignments in the early drills this week before turning to the offensive attack which includes a speedy running attack plus a po tentially effective passing game. Babes Are Winless Thus far in their campaigning, the Beaver yearlings have yet to post their first victory. Following the defeat at the hands of the Oregon babes, Oregon Normal held the Rooks to a 7-7 tie. Heading the Orange starting group will be Kenny “Rowdy” Dow, ace ball packer and tosser from Great Falls, Mont., and his fellow Montanan, Joe Tomich, from Butte. Dow plays fullback while Tomich takes care of quarterback duties. Jake Hergert, ex-Jefferson high of Portland star, probably will start at right halfback with Dick Mehlhof, Sutton, Neb., left half. Portlanders Star Outstanding among the Orange rook linemen are Leonard Younce, husky ex-Roosevelt high of Port land, and Ray Wolf, former Jef ferson star. Younce plays right tackle and does the team’s punting. Other probable starters with this pair include Eldred Swendall and Gordon Ferris, ends; Monty Tuck er, center; Vic Sears, left tackle; and Jack Oglesby, left guard. General admission tickets for the classic are 75 cents for adults and 40 cents for high school students and children. Coach Announces Men's Pool Closed, Still Under Repairs The men’s swimming pool will continue closed Thursday, accord ing to H. S. Hoyman, varsity swimming coach and technical su pervisor for the pool. The pool, reopened this year af ter being closed a year for re modeling, has for several days been undergoing repairs which are still in progress. Honest John Primes Frosh Point Machine Ad Pi Vollegballers Beat Co-op, 28 to 22 The ADPis defeated the Wo men’s Co-op in volleyball by a score of 28-22 in a speedy, well played game Wednesday afternoon in the women’s gym. The score at half was 10-20. In the beginning of the game the Co-op girls were too tense but they clicked in the last half, out-playing the Alpha Delts although unable to make up the lead gain from the first five minutes of the game. The Alpha Delts played a very good defense line. Lineups were: Alpha Delts — Plumber, EC; Loftea, LC; Brown, LF; Heisler, CF; Van Dellen, RF; Overstreet, RB; Jacobs, CB; Smith, LB. Substitute, Godlove. Women’s Co-op—Snyder, RC; Blake, LC; Donaldson, LF; Miller, CF; Reetz, RF; Richardson, RB; Enokson, CB; Clarke, LB. Substi tutes: Hale, Still, Monroe, Martin, Putnam. The game between the Sigma Kappas and the Pi Phis, originally scheduled for today, has been post poned. I_ MARSHALL STENSTROM Another player from the ranks of all-stars now girding- them selves for a place on -next year’s varsity squad. He is “Stinky” Stenstrom as the “gang” on the field call him. Broadway high is where “Stinky” was tutored in the art of football. He was taught well, for he was chosen all-star at the all-important position of full back. 1 The “One Man Gang,” as he was often called, is a rugged and bur ly, rough-going sort of player. A super line-plunger, and equally adept at packing the mail, and lo! behold those who get in his way, for when he hits them they stay put. He has a very valuable knack of plowing through the line with a bent over locomotive power style, it is similar to that of the famed Nebraskan, George Sauer. In all the games thus far “Stin ky” has been right in the thick of play. From all indications he will probably start against the Rooks this Friday. However, in fairness to Chet Haliski who has shared the fullback post with “Stinky” we might say that both are evenly rated. Haliski has been one of the big guns in all the games to date but will be out due to a side in jury. So the burden will fall on the shoulders of “Our One Man Gang” Stenstrom, the flash from Seattle, Washington. It’s a Cinch FLY At the new reduced prices! The lowest ever offered . . . investigate now! INSTRUCTION FREE to members of the campus flying club. Join now and learn to fly in a few easy lessons . . . No membership fees required. See Bud Burnett (phone 1024) for additional details. EUGENE AIRPORT Phone 1 I 95 .+++.+_+.+.+.-i ’♦tWHWWHHHHWWWWWW With the appearance of quarter back Chet Haliski in tomorrow night’s rook fracas still in the hat, “Honest John” Warren sent his yearlings through a passing and signal drill last night. Suffering from a pulled back muscle and a slightly injured shoul der, Haliski spent last night in the infirmary. Whether he will super vice the frosh army in the second battle of “the little civil war” to morrow is still on the teeter-totter. Schultz in Reserve Gene Schultz, La Grande quarter, is all set to fill Haliski’s shoes if he fails to don grid togs. Emphasizing an aerial attack, Warren primed his boys for a wide open offense. Signal practice filled the balance of yesterday's bill of fare. The tentative starting lineup is Bob Hendershott, left end; Wallace White, left tackle; Worthy Blais dell, left guard; A1 Samuelson, cen ter; Barney Reams, right guard; Jim Stuart, right tackle; Norm Conoway, right end; Gene Schultz, quarterback; Don Mabee, left half back; Duke Hankinson, right half back; Marshall Stenstrom, full back. OSC Beware Jay Graybeal, midget Webfoot threat, is expected to be right “in the thick of it” Saturday. Prepare for Homecoming NOW DeNeffe’s Dressware Service offers you an op portunity to get the thrill that comes of being well dressed and at no extra cost. So fill in your re quirements now,for everything points to the biggest Homecoming in years. To serve as a reminder— Suits $30.00 to $45.00 Coats $19.50 to $35.00 Hats.$3.50 to $5.00 Shoes .$5.50 to $7.50 Sweaters .. $3.50 to $5.95 Shirts.. $2.00 to $2.50 Neckwear .. $1.00 to $1.50 AND GET THIS— the finest-fitting and best-looking TUXEDO for $25.00 Remember .... Your Dress Wear problem is ours. DeNeffe McDonald Theater Bldg. Get the habit