Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 08, 1937, Image 1

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Lauded by Martin
In Campus Speech
Class Vote Question
To Be Investigated
By Freshman Group
Colors Wave Welcome to Oregon's Governor
ROTC boys were out in full regalia yesterday when Governor and Mrs. Martin made an official
tour of the campus. Surrounding the state’s chief executive and the first lady are President C. Valentine
Boyer, Wallace S. Wharton, the governor’s executive secretary and budget director, Colonel E. V. D.
Murphy, I’OTC unit chief, and Chancellor Frederick M. Hunter. In the rear stand the student color guard
which greeted the governor with ceremonies at Gerlinger hall entrance.
Frosh Ask Right to Vote
Pape|to Appoint
Board to Survey
. FroshConstitution
Committee of Six Will
Represent Factions
In Vote Struggle
Frosh protestors to voting' eli
gibility as defined at the nomina
tion-election assembly Wednesday
reached an agreement last night
with class president. Tiger Payne,
that an opportunity would be given
them to include their extended
suffrage clause in a freshman con
They offered to withdraw their
protest to the University judiciary
committee on the election voting
eligibility if Pavne would appoint
a constitutional committee on
which the protestors would be
equally represented, which he
agreed to do.
(Please turn to pac/c four)
Students Not to
Be Blamed For
Faulty English
Don’t sentence college students
too heavily for murdering the Eng
lish language, says Dr. Leo L.
Rockwell, director of the school of
languages and literature at Colgate
university, explaining that it’s the
language’s fault and not the stu
“English has at least four things
the matter with it: First, it is used
every day. No one expects students
of algebra to go out and do their
problems on the sidewalks, but
English students are barely out of
the classroom before they show
what they haven’t learned. Eng
lish as a language is one of the
most treacherous of our social
tools. Words change their meaning
almost every time they are used.
More Adults Wanted
“A strenuous program of adult
living brings one ultimately to
terms with life so that life reaches
fulfillment. The central business
of a college is to produce adults.
The centr'd business of the adult
mind is to come to terms with
life,” according to the president of
Brown university. Henry M. Wris
ton. ** y'
"Coffee Time"
Every Tuesday afternoon at 4
o'clock is “coffee time” at the Uni
versitv of Iowa Union. Fostering
an informal, person-to-person ac
quaintance between students and
faculty, the University Women's
association presents to the student
staff members of one of the uni
versity departments each Tuesday.
Sophomore Council
Studies Class Votng
Acting- on the question of voting eligibility fol spohomores not
holding class cards following the frosh turmoil Wednesday, Dick Litfip,
sophomore class president, yesterday appointed a committee headed by
Lloyd Hoffman to investigate the feasibility of extending class suf
The committee will consult the
judiciary committee, the executive
council, the dean of men, the
ASUO president and other authori
ties for advice, study the evidence,
then render a decision to the in
corporated class of ’40 to be voted
The class assembly will be held
as soon as Hoffman announces a
conclusion has been reached by the
Other members of the investigat
ing group are Patsy Warren, Verdi
Sederstrom, Marge Valentine, and
Gordon Benson.
Emerald Delivered to
Independent ASUO s
Delivery of the Emerald to
ASUO members living outside of
organized groups begins this
morning. Up to now, those stu
dents have been receiving their
papers at the Co-op because it
has been impossible to get a
complete list of the group. Boun
daries for delivery are Willam
ette to Fairmount boulevard and
Broadway to 22nd street.
Send -Off Rally for
Ducks Set for 4:15
Members of the Stanford-con
quering W’ebfoot team will leave
this afternoon for Spokane, where
they will play Gonzaga Saturday
A send-off rally for the team will
be held at 4:15 this afternoon at
the College Side. Paul Cushing,
yell-king, urges all students to
come and give the squad a real
Live Literature
Now Available
For Sick Studes
Shakespeare, University Read
ings, Principles of Accounting,
and other habitual literature of
a grade-conscious campus are
relegated to the book-shelf and
more appropriate perusals in
spire the convalescing inmates
of the infirmary.
What could be more fitting for
the appendicitis sufferer than
Irvin Cobb’s “Speaking of Op- ;
erations—” ? Undoubtedly, when
it is all over, he will want the
entire campus to know how hurt
he was—diagonally, vertically,
cross-wise, and on the bias.
Others who miss their weekly
or bi-weekly Donald Duck and
Mickey Mouse find consolation
in “Winnie-the-Pooh.”
The perpetual arm-and-leg
breaker philosophizes over
“Life’s Minor Collisions” while
trying to convince himself that
he has not been the victim of a
major one.
Last week’s campus belle pores
upon “The Joys of Being a Wo
man” and curses a dateless,
maleless existence.
For the rest of the sufferers,
vicarious atonement is derived
in “Sports Action,” "Adven
ture,” “Love and Romance”
Architectural School
Handed High Praise
The University of Oregon's school of architecture and allied arts
was honored when C. Grant La Farge, the noted painter, made a
notable speech to the art students of the University of Texas, not
long ago.
The importance and significance of Oregon’s system of teaching
was so vitally stressed that Alvan C. Gage of the Spectator gave half
a page to the comments made by
C. G. La Farge.
Editor Gage ended his article by
stating: “The University of Ore
gon’s system of teaching Art Tech
nique in the field of architecture
has influenced some of the most
outstanding schools of the country.
Harvard and Columbia were the
first to resognize its fullest quali
ties. Oregon is to be congratulated
for receiving such tributes to its
school of architecture and allied
I arts.”
Funds to Be Raised
For Browsing Room
The student committee in charge
of the browsing room met recently
in Dean Karl W. Onthank’s office
to discuss means of raising money
to finish furnishing the room.
Mrs. Irene Gerlinger, a former
regent of the University, is general
i chairman of the committee.
Aggressive Spirit Emphasized
By Martin on UO Campus Visit
Colleges of Oregon to
Give a Trophy
Annuallv for Best
Military Units
A perpetual trophy, the winner
to be determined eaeh year at a
competitive company drill of ROTO
units from the University of Ore
gon and Oregon State college, will
be posted bv Governor Martin, it
was announced yesterday during
his visit to the campus.
The eomnetit've nbn includes a
grand review of cadet units, alter
nating at the end of each school
year at the respective institutions.
The first of these naradea will be
held here next soring, and at this
time the first award will be made.
Army Officers Will Judge
The outstanding company of
each corps will be selected by armv
officers attached to the schools
prior to the date qf the grand re
view. The competition between
these two crack companies will
then precede the grand review and
the winning company will head the
revivew column. The company
commander of the winning unit
will take a place on the reviewing
stand after his company has pas
The trophy will be a bronze
plaque of suitable design to sym
bolize the importance of military
science as a basis of national de
fense, the governor announced.
Adrian Voisin, Portland sculptor,
has been commissioned to design
and execute the trophy.
Final competition between the
two representative companies will
be judged by regular army officers
other than those attached to the
state system of higher education.
Awarding will be made on a basis
of points for military appearance,
military efficiency, company drill,
execution of company movements,
and manual of arms. Attendance
during the year will also‘count in
the scoring.
Campus Life Photos
On Sale This Week
At Godfrey's Office
Photographs of campus life,
large and attractively printed, are
being sold this week at the Univer
sity News Bureau, priced at 5 and
10 cents.
The pictures cover every phase
of University activity, including
proms, games, rallies, parties, and
candid campus scenes.
Students will have the opportun
ity of buying these pictorial re
cordings of their college life only
if they apply early, as the supply
is limited.
FR's Quarantine Plan
Dr a ws Martin's OK
General Believes Adequate Protection Is
Necessary, But Warns U. S. Against
'Carrying Trouble to Others'
Waylaid during his brief tour of the new University library, Gov.
Charles H. Martin yesterday expressed himself on issues now holding
the local and national spotlight.
When questioned regarding the stand taken by President Roosevelt
that America should join in a concerted effort with other nations to
“quarantine” warlike nations, Governor Martin said, "I thoroughly
Forensic Program
t Outlined at Meeting
Radio Work Included;
Tryouts Next Week
For Activities
The year’s forensics program
was explained at the speech assem
bly held last night in Villard hall.
S. Stephenson Smith of the Eng
lish department delivered the main
address on “Speech at Oxford.”
Student leaders explained each
division of speech activities. Mr.
John L. Casteel concluded the pro
gram with a summary of all speech
events and activities. Unusual inci
dents which had happened during
previous tours were related.
The speech department offers
opportunities for work in radio
drama and announcing. Actual ra
dio time makes it all the more in
teresting. Another important di
vision is the argumentation group
which discusses important current
events. The numerous speech tours
interest the students. The women’s
division offers a full speech pro
Tryouts for the activities will be
held next Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday in Friendly hall.
Cheer Leaders Asked
To Try Out at Three
Freshmen interested in turning
out for the rally squad and cheer
leading are asked to meet at the
Educational Activities office at 3
o’clock this afternoon.
Three of the candidates will be
selected by Paul Cushing, Oregon
yell master, to go to Portland for
Saturday’s game between the Ore
gon frosh and the Oregon State
Mens' Swimming Pool
Offers New Features
Again in use after being closed for more than a year for complete
alterations, a rejuvenated swimming plant is now available to men on
the University of Oregon campus.
Radically different in some particulars, the pool is strong- in manv
features, according to M. S. Hoy
man, varsity swimming coach. It
has the first ten-foot diving board
in the history of the school, as well
is a low board. Moreover, there is
plenty of space above the high
board, the ceiling being 26 feet
ligh, 15 feet above the high board.
Pew pools throughout the country
lave enough space above their high
Doards to allow freedom in diving.
Under the high board is a div
ng pool has been sunk, giving 11
’eet of depth. This diving pool is
;he latest thing of its type, with
aeveled edges to eliminate the pos
sibility of accident.
The two diving boards are also
mounted differently, being set on
lew-type self-adjusting rocker ful
;rums, a new principle in diving
ooard seat construction.
The building itself is the old
men’s gym cut in half and raised
several fet higher. Seating facili
ties for 600 spectators have been
built in.
The pool is rated class-A, which
means, among other things, that
the water has a lower bacteria
count and less sediment than or
dinary drinking water. The water
is tested every two hours, and all
the 100,000 gallons of water in the
tank is completely filtered and
chlorinated every eight hours. The
bottom of the tank is regularly
cleaned by means of a vacuum
process. Cleaning of the water is
handled by new equipment, includ
ing a new chlorinator.
The pool is available for general
use except during swimming class
(Please turn to page jour)
U O Students
Take Prizes In
Talent Contest
Donna Rowe and Jerry Smith,
both University students, were
chosen as local winners of the
Bing Crosby "search for talent”
eontest Wednesday night.
On Thursday night they will
go to Portland to compete
against the winners there and
the couple chosen in that con
test will be sent to Spokane
1 where Bing Crosby will person
ally choose the boy and girl to
be sent to Hollywood for screen
Miss Rowe is a freshman in
journalism and Smith a senior
in business administration,
played feature roles in three
University theater productions
last year.
Independent girls will hold open
house Saturday evening on the sec
ond floor of Gerlinger hall at 7
Orides members will be admitted
free of charge, but non-members
will be required to pay an admis
sion fee of 25 cents.
Short silk dresses are in order
for the evening, it was announced.
agree with the president.” "Glad
he made the statement. It’s right
i down my alley ... a fighting
Favors “Adequate Protection"
The governor said he himself
believed in adequate protection
against war by maintaining at all
times an up-to-the-minute war
j machine which is ready to defend
the nation, but that he did not be
lieve in stressing a powerful mod
ern army about everything else, as
some militaristic nations.
He said the United States has
today what he termed a defense
“framework" which is adequate.
That is, the skeleton military or
ganization maintained is efficient.
Citizens can be worked into the
machine rapidly and effectively in
case of war.
“We should be prepared, but not
aggressive . . . we should not carry
trouble to the others,” the governor
Governor Martin was graduated
from West Point in 1887 and has
always been intensely interested
in the army and the government’s
military program, having himself
had a long and active career in the
Decorated for Service
The governor began his military
career as a 2nd' lieutenant in the
(Please turn to facie four)
Governor Is Welcomed With Full Military
Ceremonies bv ROTC, University Band;
Hunter Makes Introduction
Governor Charles II. Martin brought a stirring message to the
youth of Oregon yesterday at the first assembly of the University stu
dents in Gerlinger hail following a military welcome by the University
ROTO unit.
The governor stressed the vital need of a growing “spirit of the
offensive" in contemporary Oregon, and urged that “the primary func
— on —
A big day on the campus when
the chief executive officer and the
first lady of the state are visiting
. . . big for two hours, anyway.
That’s how long it took . . two
hours, packed to the brim. One
minute they're here; the next
they’re gone . . . but not without
having first left some definite Im
pression with those who saw them.
A few notgs picked up along the
way: The governor’s car arrives
in front of the chancellor’s resi
dence. Dr. Boyer assists the gov
ernor and Mrs. Martin from the
car. The official student welcom
ing committee are all smiles. To
be sure, there’s Godfrey with a
camera. The governor chuckles,
“Suppose we should smile now?”
And inside the chancellor's house
where the rest of the notables
are. Line forms to the right. It
is the reception. There's Dean
Earl . . . big as life, smiling. Mrs.
Hunter and Mrs. Macduff gracious
ly receiving guests. ASUO’s Bar
ney Hall, The Emerald’s editor,
Mattingly, AWS president, Gayle
Buchanan, Virginia K^gan, Gene
vieve McNiece, Branjlon Young,
Don Thomas, Frances Schaupp,
students. After the introductions
(Please tarn to pane four)
Dr.Cressman Completes
Summer Research Work
In Southeastern Oregon
Dr. L. S. Cressman, head of the anthropology department and a
party of ten spent six weeks this summer in research work in Catlow
valley, 100 miles south of Burns. The party consisted of eight summer
session students, Dr. Cressman, another experienced assistant, and a
cook. Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of the geology department, also
spent a few days at the work.
Excavating in one cave, and sampling another, the group returned
__OAAfl nntkunnnlAn! . --—----- ■ ---•
cal specimens. Additional infor
mation about most of the speci
mens will be announced later, ac
cording to Dr. Cressman. Some of
the skeletal material has been sent
to the Smithsonian Institute for
The party also brought back
many biological specimens. Among
those are examples of bats and
a type of squirrel not previously
reported for that region. They
have six rattlesnakes and a striped
racer in preservation. A complete
series of bats in every stage from
the newly born up to the adult was
In August Dr. Ernst Artevs, re
search associate of the Carnegie
Institute made a trip to the cave
with Dr. Cressman and a party
for a special study of geological
problems. They examined other
caves in the vicinity which, they
say, promise to provide much an
cient material. They also took
samnles of peat in the northern end
of Warner valley. They may be
able to tell from these peat sam
ples about changes in climatic con
Two NewTeachers
Replace Dr. Martin
Donald F. Roy and A. Kirk
Knott have been added to the staff
of the sociology department to
take the place vacated by Dr. R.
R. Martin, now teaching in the
University extension division in
Mr. Roy, who received his bach
elor apd master's degrees at the
University of Washington, was a
teacher at Spokane university for
two years before coming to Eu
Mr. Knott, who came here from
Boulder, Colorado, received his
bachelor and master’s degrees at
Baylor university in Waco, Texas.
Mrs. Connell Dyer, alumnus of
Chi Omega, was entertained at din
ner at the sorority Wednesday
night. Mrs. Dyer was accompanied
by Mrs. William Hamilton. Both
are from Salem.
Stricken Gal's Story
Warningto Campus
I don't think I will ever forget that morning just about a year ago
when I was sitting in the infirmary. Outside the sun was beaming,
grass sparkled with gleaming dew, and the birds were in the full of
their morning sonata.
As I sat there thinking of the happiness that must pervade the
world on such a morning, deep in
my revgrie, my mind far from the
realities of life, I was suddenly
brought back to the conscious
world by the banging of a door.
Looking up, I saw two young maid
ens enter the infirmary at the far
end, supporting a third, sobbing
and moaning, cradled between their
Although the two flanking girls
were attractive, as college misses
go, wherever they go, it was the
girl in the middle that drew a wide
eyed stare from me. She was limp.
Her head hung from drooping
shoulders like a forlorn tassel. Her
face puzzled me. Although there
(Please turn to paye four)
tion of education is to teach us to
think.” Most of our difficulties
come from not recognizing- the sig
nificance of the factors that make
up our problems and then thinking
them through to a conclusion," he
Given Enthusiastic Approach
Students and townspeople gave
Governor Martin enthusiastic ap
proval as he pointed out the path
of broad-minded, carefully instruc
ted minds in a period of national
unrest and re-adjustment in eco
nomic and political matters. He
pleaded the cause of past experi
ences in determining the course of
the future of Oregon.
President Boyer, master of cere
monies for the occasion, called
upon ASUO president Barney Hall
to express the greeting of the Uni
versity students and upon Chan
cellor F. M. Hunter to introduce
the state executive.
Hal Young and George Hopkins
directed the musical features of the
initial fall-term gathering of the
student-body, including the Oregon
state song, “Land of the Empire
Builders” and “Marching Oregon,”
newest song of the school reper
Mrs. Martin Introduced
President Boyer escorted Mrs.
Martin to the platform for a for
mal introduction to the University.
Wallace S. Wharton, executive
secretary and director of the bud
get, was also a member of the
governor’s party.
A military escort conducted the
governor to his car at the entrance
as students arose to sing “Mighty
Oregon” in farewell tribute to Ore
gon's governor.
After pausing for a few words
with the U. of O. faculty on the
steps of Gerlinger hall, and receiv
ing final acknowledgements of the
ROTC unit, Governor Martin made
a visit to the new library, recent
ly completed WPA project. Gen
eral Martin expressed himself as
being very well pleased with the
moral and spiritual development of
the state of Oregon as embodied in
the beautiful new structure. He
was particularly interested in the
fine wrought-iron work with which
the interior of the library is deco
rated, and in the mechanical book
carrying device.
Governor Martin’s visit to the
campus came to an end at 12:30
when he left to attend a banquet
in his honor at the Eugene hotel,
given by affiliated downtown clubs
and the University faculty.
Excerpts from Governor Martin’s
speech follow.
“Our civilization is subject to
similar dangers and stresses. In
the United States we have rather
definitely established our course.
It may not be perfect, but the na
(Please turn to page fair)
Phi GammaDeltato
Extend Open House
Phi Gamma Delta will hold open
house Sunday afternoon from three
to five in their new home at 1367
Alder. Invitations are extended to
all members of the University stu
dent body and faculty, members
of the house announced yesterday.
The Fijis are celebrating' the
opening of their first year in an
individual house since 1933, when
they moved into a private section
in the men’s dormitory. The fra
ternity lived in the dormitory until
this year when they rented their
new home from the University.
Approximately $5000 was spent
by the school in refinishing the
house for Phi Gamma Delta. An
other $3500 was expended by the
fraternity and alumni for furnish
Faculty Will Hear
Advisory Change
At the next faculty meeting,
which will be held the first Wed
nesday in November, Prof. John
Ganoe will present a motion that
the faculty legislation which pro
vides that the advisory council
shall be composed of three deans
and three members of the faculty
be amended to read that the ad
visory council be composed of six
members of the faculty, irrespec
tive of their status.