Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1937, Image 1

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    Ducks Hope to Hang
Bulldog's Hide With
Scalp of Indians
Oregon 'Greeters'
To Give Glad Hand
To Campus Visitors
VOLUME xxxix
Give Emerald
Top Ranking
R. C. Hall Gets New
Headline Type for
University Paper;
Features Added
With this issue the Oregon Daily
Emerald presents to 3,000 Web
foots a collegiate daily ranking as
one of the most modern on the
Pacific coast, due to an array of
innovations which have been com
Today's paper, printed with the
new type faces, secured this term
through the efforts of Robert C.
Hall, director of the University
press, represents the addition of
the last new feature promised
readers earlier this year.
Equals Toast’s Best
In this, the publishers of the
Emerald have succeeded in giving
to the Oregon campus a paper
which will compare with the best
offered by the collegiate press of
the coast, according to typographi
cal and journalistic experts of the
In acquiring a complete new set
of headline type the Emerald is
following the trend toward mod
ernism that has been characteriz
ing American newspapers during
the past years. The two main
Types used, Tower and Stymie, rep
resent the best offered by the
American Type Founders as to leg
ibility and pleasing appearance.
Other innovations which have
already been added to the Emer
ald in this, its fortieth year of pub
lication, are pictorial coverage of
the campus and a new selection of
columnar comment. *
College Tax
Evasion Will
Go to Court
In an attempt to avoid a 10 per
cent tax on sports events, a num
ber of colleges have redefined foot
ball as a “function essential to gov
ernment functioning.” By this defi
nition, the declare the tax uncon
stitutional. Secretary of the Trea
suary Morgenthau, however, is pre
paring to take the issue to the
supreme court.
Coeds Go Masculine
Northwestern university coeds at
Chicago rapidly are stealing the
thunder of the N.U. masculine ele
ment. Not content with affecting
plaid shirts and N.U. beer jackets,
they finally have resorted to wear
ing the freshman’s badge of honor
-—the green cap. From seniors
down to freshmen, all are sporting
the new “calots.” “No matter how
you spell them or what you call
them,” declare irate males in re
ferring to the popular skull caps,
“they’re still freshman caps.”
Sorority on Probation
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority
at Oregon State college has been
placed on probation for the winter
and spring terms of this year for
alleged violation of rushing rules,
the panhellenic council announced
in the campus “Barometer.” The
penalty imposed is not being al
lowed to rush or pledge additional
members during the probation per
Cooperation of
Library Users
Urged by Sawyei
Ethel R. Sawyer, in charge o!
the browsing room at the library
yesterday urged cooperation ol
students in forming the policies
which will govern the use of ths
room during the school year.
The room is at present serving
as a display room for all new books
received at the library. In this waj
students and faculty are given s
chance to read and glance througl
the new books before they are pu
in circulation. At present bott
magazines and books in the roorr
may be taken from the library. I
is up to the students whether o
not they would rather have nev
books kept in the browsing roon
for a period of about two weeks
or let new books out for genera
circulation right away.
Miss Sawyer would like to kee;
a really “live” collection of book
on hand all the time in the brows
ing room, arranged according t
subject matter, and all easily ac
cessible to the students.
The Pauline Potter Homer col
lection of books is now on exhibi
in the browsing room. From tim
to time other collections will b
Hall Appoints University’s
5 'Official Handshakers’
Jack Enders Is Chairman
Emerald Campaign Begun Last Term Brings
Appointment of Committee dor Official
ASUO Receptions t
A long-left need for an official delegation of Oregon students to
act as freeters for the University on all occasions demanding a wel
coming committee was realized yesterday when Barney Hall, ASUO
president, appointed Jack Enders chairman of a group of five “official
Assisting Enders will be Marcia Steinhauser and Willa McIntosh
Melody Men Hold
First Meet Tonight
Plan Big Year With
Activities; to Put on
Student Prince
The Oregon Melody Men, organ
ized last year under the direction
of Hal Young, will hold their first
meeting of the year in the music
building tonight at 7:30 o'clock.
Oregon songs will be sung and
plans will be made for the coming
year, music to be used during the
year being selected. Cider and
doughnuts are to be served.
All those interested in joining
the Melody Men, a singing organ
ization made up of University men,
are urged to attend tonight’s meet
ing, Freed Bales, president of the
organization announced. Those
present tonight who stay with the
chorus will be counted as charter
The Melody Men will form the
nucleus of the students’ chorus for
the “Student Prince,” a light opera
to be presented by the school of
music during the year.
Onthank to Salem in
Advisory Capacity
Dean Karl W. Onthank, Univer
sity personnel administrator, left
Monday morning' for Salem to at
tend a conference of the advisory
board of the Silver Falls recrea
tional project.
Dean Onthank, acting in his of
ficial capacity as state director of
the national youth administration,
was at Timberline lodge when
President Roosevelt visited the
Bonneville project.
Freshman Pictures
Are Available Today
Frosh pictures for ASUO cards
may be obtained today; with soph
omore, junior, and senior pictures
being available the latter part of
the week, Zollie Volchok, assistant
activities manager, said yesterday.
as the coeds of the committee,
with Gerald A. Smith, Burt Barr
and Dick Litfin completing' the
group as the male representatives.
It will be the job of the commit
tee to meet all campus visitors of
note, as well as to greet the “at
tractions” of the ASUO concert
series as they arrive from the Hall
Johnson Choir, October 18, to Hel
en Jepson during junior weekend
next spring.
Emerald Campaign
Agitation for a group with a
purpose such as announced by Hall
yesterday, was first begun last
spring term in a campaign con
ducted through the Emerald, with
nothing definite being done due to 1
the term nearing a close.
Transportation to hotels and to
the campus and making arrange
ments for the comfort of the visit
ors will also be the greeters' job.
Plans for receptions to be held for
visitors and for concert series per
sonalities will be another duty of
the committee, Hall said.
YWCA Pushes Drive
For Iron Lung Fund
Contributions for the iron lung
for Eugene are being asked by the
campus YWCA Community Service
group in their ‘*Penny Pot" drive
to be held on the campus Wednes
day through Saturday of this week.
Each student will be asked to
contribute at least a penny during
the four-day drive Anne Freder
icksen, community service chair
man said yesterday. Containers to
receive donations will be located
at the College Side, the Co-op, and
the dean’s offices. There will be
representatives in each house.
Rules for Baffey
Award Announced
Announcement of rules for the
1938 Baffey memorial award by
the National Association of Pur
chasing agents was made this
week. The contest, which closes
June 1, 1938, has $500 distributed
in four prizes. Rules are posted in
the business administration build
■Oregon Profs View
China War Opening
Professor Ray P. Bowen and Associate Professor D. D. Gage, of
the University of Oregon faculty, were both in the vicinity of Peking,
China, July 8, 1937, when the opening shots of the present Sino
Japanese conflict were fired at the Marco Polo bridge, six miles from
Professor Bowen had arrived in Peking July 4 on a tour of the
Orient, Dr. Gage was on the Blue
Express passenger train between
! Nanking and Peking when hostili
ties broke out. The express was
held overnight at Tientsin, a two
hour run from Peking, on the even
ing of the. incident because of
trouble along the line.
“About 10 o’clock that night a
small detachment of Japanese in
the vicinity of Fengtai encountered
a part of the Chinese 29th army
and one of the forces opened fire,
starting the war,’’ Dr. Gage re
“News of the fighting was re
ceived on the train and we were
held at Tientsin. The next morning
i it took us five hours to cover the
ordinarily short run to Peking.
. Tension and confusion were ap
. parent everywhere, but no one had
. any idea of the possibility of war
or the intensity of the situation,"
. he says.
Professor Bowen tells,, “I was
• asleep in my room at the time of
- the incident but was awakened by
i the sound of the firing, which
, could be distinctly heard within
1 the city. The gates of the city
were closed the next day but I had
3 no thought of leaving for two
3 weeks, believing the trouble would
. be over by that time.
3 Consul Warns Americans
“On July 12 the gates were
opened and the barricades of dirt
. shoveled away from behind them,
t but within two hours they were
e closed again and barricaded. I re
e ceived word from the American
(Please turn to page three)
Hunter AdoptsT
Patriotic Pain t
For Homestead
Green and yellow . . . the most
popular color combination in the
state! Green and yellow on foot
ball jerseys, notebook covers,
store windows, blotters, and
pennants. Even on the home of
the chancellor!
The home of Frederick M.
Hunter on the corner of Thir
teenth and University, is under
going' a change ... in other
words, being redecorated. A new
paint job — the chosen colors ?
Green and yellow.
Barristers to Have
Fling at 'Smoker'
Faculty Will Be Hosts
At Affair October
13; for Men Only
The annual law school “smoker,"
highlight of the fall social season
For-yearling barristers, and big time
fall bv the law school faculty, is
scheduled for October 13.
The “smoker,” sponsored each
fall by the la wschool faculty, is
held to introduce the plebe lawyers
to the more advanced second! and
third year students, and also to
acquaint first year students with
members of their faculty. Each
class presents a skit.
Last year the faculty surprised
even themselves with a farcical
take-off of “Themselves,” i.e. . . .
a typical faculty meeting. What
thev will pull from their law
shelves this year is still a mystery.
Committees organizing skits for
the various classes are: Dave Silven
and George Neuner, third year
class; Mel Rooney and Jim Quinn,
second year-group; and Ken Abra
ham and Joe Devers, first year fel
Hall Completes
Frosh Election,
Meeting Plans
New Set-up Will Try
To Eliminate Party
Vote Wrangling
Final plans were completed yes
terday for the new plan of nomina
tion and election to be held Wed
nesday night at 7:30 in Villard hall,
according to Barney Hall, ASUO
Less Red Tape
In an attempt to do away with
as much of the party vote-wrangl
ing and bloc planning as possible,
the new set-up will have the whole
business completed in one meeting.
In past years, according to Hall,
the party actions have set off some
dangerous and slightly shady fire
works before the time of elections.
Under Hall's plan, membership
cards will admit frosh classmen to
the assembly hall and give each
one ballot. After as many nomina
tions are made from the floor as
the frosh want to run on either
party or independent tickets, the
selection will be held.
Plan Is Reform
The new frosh election plan, put
forth by Hall and approved by
Dean Earl, is the first sweeping
reform in class politics to be
brought about since the spring
term elections.
Hall announced that he will
recommend that the newly organ
ized class take up as its first busi
ness the adoption of a constitution
to enable it to run. Such a docu
ment, the center of much wrangl
ing was formed by the last frosh
class, but was tabled last spring
to be decided upon by this new
class. At present the class is run
ning without any legal standing, as
there is no provision in the ASUO
by-laws to govern any class action.
'Yes, I Was a Nobody
When I went to the game last Saturday, I was just a nobody, I
was suffering from an inferiority complex, and I was afraid to look
people in the eye, but now, at last I’m a big shot.
Self consciously I slunk into the stadium last Saturday afternoon
and took an unobtrusive seat in the last row. Little did I realize the
gift that fate wo’uld throw my way. Little did I know then, how my
popularity would increase.
The game stopped after the first
thirty minutes of play, and because
I was feeling so self conscious, I
decided to get up and slink out
before the others, but just as I
passed the Oregon cheer section, I
noticed something that set my
heart afluteer. Two students
in white sweaters were sit
ting on the steps weeping. Con
quering my fear, I sidled up to
one of them and in a low embar
rassed voice I asked what was the
Their low moans floated to me in
the warm fall breeze.
“Our yells are coming off in a
minute, and there aren’t enough
guys with white shirts to cover up
the cards.”
In one swift moment the plan of
lifa was made clear to’ me. Draw
ing myself up to my full five foot
two, I announced proudly, “I have
(Please turn to pai/c three)
Phyllis Gray Recital
Will Open Season
Phyllis Gray, 14-year-old pianist
and student of Mrs. Aurora Un
derwood, will open the recital sea
son at the University for the school
year when she presents a program
at 8 p.m. tonight in the music au
ditorium. Included in her recital
will be numbers by Handel, Bee
thoven, Chopin, Poldini, and Go
Miss Gray, a sophomore in the
Eugene high school, played with
the junior symphony orchestra
here last year.
On tonight’s program will be
featured the ever-popular Pathet
ique Sonata of Beethoven. The re
cital is open to the public.
Over the Posts as Thousands Cheer
^ ~ ■■ ■ — — i - - * .j . -~ ~ ^
Ton thousand grid-fevered spectators inhaled as Joe Huston poised to l<iek the goal that meant victory
for Oregon, and as the hall sailed precisely over the center of the posts Oregon rooters rose to acclaim
an act in sports history—Oregon's first win over Stanford. Below is the Emerald cameraman’s view
of the Stanford touchdown. 1 ^
Enrollment Nears Record
Dr. Landsbury
Has Article in
Music Journal
In the September issue of the
Music Educator’s Journal ap
pears an article of Dean John J.
Landsbury of the school of mu
sic. Dean Landsbury's article,
entitled “The Three Visits" is a
fable of modern times—an ex
pression of Dr. Landsbury’s hope
for music’s place in the life of
the future.
Grad Registration
Gains 13 Per Cent
Returns from the first week of
graduate registration show an in
crease of 13 per cent over last
year’s registration at this time, it
was revealed yesterday by officials
of the graduate division. Total
graduate registration to date is
113 as compared to 100 of a year
All-campus registration reached
| 3065 Monday night, an increase of
I 50 over 1936 figures.
'Death' Blood Cells
Found by Physician
By observing a new type of blood cell discovered by Dr. Edwin
E. Osgood, professor of experimental medicine at the University of
Oregon medical school in Portland, physicians may now predict ap
nroachinir death, it was announced recently.
After makinir blood tests of 100 patients in the Multnomah county
hospital, Osgood predicted death
correctly in 90 per cent of the
The Jackrabbit Heads Down the Home Stretch
» .- , _ --- --- - ■- --«..*-...... vv.-..j>aTO/
Tearing through left side of the picture is J. (as in Jaekrabbit)
Graybeal, Oregon halfbaek, who led his fighting teammates to a
narrow 7-to-0 win over Stanford. Graybeal stood on the 26-yard
line as Bob Smith's pass floated through Hayward’s ozone. Graybeal
leaped, caught the hall, pivoted around two tackles, and was off on
the touchdown march.
Cells Perforated
The cells which are perforated,
have abnormally large granules,
and stain a darker blue than nor
mal, are discussed fully in Dr. Os
good’s new book, “Atlas of Hem
In his book Dr. Osgood also dis
cusses new discoveries which sup
port the theory that leukemia, a
fatal blood disease, is allied with
cancer. Enlarged nucleoli within
the neclei is typical of leukemia
cells and cancer tissue, the book
Invented “Bone Glass”
Osgood is inventor of the Osgood
"bone glass,” which combines the
functions of kidneys, lung, and
blood stream. The instrument,
used in laboratory study, makes it
possible to culture living cells out
side the body.
While Dr. Alexis Carrel and
Colonel Charles Lindbergh’s “arti
ficial heart” propagates living tis
sue, Dr. Osgood’s “bone glass”
grows individual, separate cells,
for the first time in medical his
All A S U O members desiring
their Emeralds will continue to get
them at the Co-op for the next two
days. Members of fraternities, sor
orities and other organized houses
will receive papers according to
Poor Pictures
Save Student
From Prison
Poor photography saved Arthur
Fthiel, University student and re
cipient of the Ion Lewis traveling
fellowship, from what might have
been a bitter experience at the
hands of German officials. Rhiel
was arrested while snapping pic
tures of industrial plants in the
jarly summer.
After spending two days in jail,
he was released when officials dis
covered that none of the pictures
were good.
1938 Oregana Sets
New Sales Record
Harbert, Overback
Optimistic; Color
Photos Aid Sale
Approximately 1750 copies of the
1938 Oregana have been sold since
the opening of school, it was an
nounced yesterday by George Root,
director of educational activities.
This is believed to be an all-time
high and is 50 more than were sold
last year after the publicity and
sales campaign had been conclud
Although this year’s goal is only
2000 copies, Editor Wayne Harbert
and Manager Howard Overback be
lieve that the total may be nearer
2400. Last year’s campaign netted
000 books. As many mor" this
year would put the figure at ap
proixmately 1350. The increased
enrollment would net 50 more, it
is thought.
Alpha Chi Omega sorority will
go to Kennell-Ellis studios for in
dividual pictures today. Tomorrow
Alpha Gamma Delta and Alpha Xi
Delta coeds will pose for their pic
tures. Two pages have again been
allotted for the living organiza
tions, Harbert has announced.
Some complaint has been heard
concerning the editor’s announce
(Please turn to page four)
At 7:30 last night in Gerlinger
hall the Yeomen representatives
held their first official meeting for
the year. President Hairy Hodes
presided, over the meeting and
briefly outlined the social events of
the year.