Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1937, Page Four, Image 4

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Black Tells His Story
FDR Visits Martin
Labor War Looms
Chinese Check Japs
Blark Talks Bark
Broadcasting to the nation a de
nial of claims that he is now con
nected with the Ku Klux Klan, or
that he is prejudiced against Ne
groes, Jews, or Catholics, Asso
ciate Justice Hugo L. Black last
night faced a barrage of micro
phones and told his side of the
much-mooted court appointment
question for the first time.
Admitting that he had belonged
to the Klan, Black said he re
signed before being elected to Ala
bama senatorship. He also told
listeners that he had never consid
ered the "unsolicited card" he re
ceived for life membership as a
reinstatement into the Klan. Black
indicated that he will assume his
supreme court duties Monday.
FDR Visits Martin.
Two hits, one run, one error ( ? I
was the score for Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s inning in Washington
yesterday. The two hits were made
when he visited Governor Clarence
D. Martin in Olympia for fifteen
minutes, and when he spoke brief
ly from the platform of his special
train at Tacoma.
The error, if it can be so called,
was made when he disappointed
several thousand people in Olympia
by making a run out of the city
without speaking, to continue on
his way to Seattle.
Labor War Looms
More trouble on the national la
bor front became imminent follow
ing a statement in Denver yester
day by William Green that the A.
F. of L. plans- to start cleaning up
on John L. Lewis’ CIO “rebels.”
Green said the Federation will
charter new unions to carry on the
fight in the automobile, steel, rub
ber, and glass industries.
Spasmodic fighting continued on
the Shanghai front last night with
little ground changing hands. Chi
nese defenders of that city boasted
of putting the Japanese troops to
flight near Kiangwan, north of
Shell fragments from Japanese
anti-aircraft guns fell in the inter
national settlement when Chinese
planes roared overhead later in the
evening, but no fatalities were re
Co-op Book Sales
Top Last Year’s
Book sales have increased
twelve and one-half per cent over
last year, according to Marion F.
McClain, manager of the Univer
sity “Co-op.” The volume of sales
is larger in proportion than the
percentage of increase in the en
The “Co-op” was also able to
furnish the students with more
second-hand books, he said. A to
tal saving of a thousand dollars
can be estimated for the freshman
class alone.
Dean Earl has an emergency
loan fund exclusively for the stu
dents who have money held up for
a, few days. No security and no
interest is required to receive this
v loan. Only a small service charge
of a few cents is necessary.
A larger and more expert typing
service will be of use to students
wishing to have work typed for
them. Miss Vincent Holcomb will
be in charge of the division this
Mr. McClain announced that stu
dents can read all the books they
wish for a dollar a term in the
rental library.
Math Hook l s<*<l llorc
Written hy Dr. Del Ion
Dr. Edgar DeCou, head of the
math department, said that his
mathematics text entitled "Social
ized Mathematics for Freshmen,”
is now in use by four sections of
freshmen and two divisions of pie
medical students.
Dr. DeCou first conceived the
idea of writing a text from an ar
ticle in the "American Mathemati
cal Monthly,” which stated that
the social sciences had advanced
to a point where mathematics had
become a necessity to its under
standing'. Accordingly, he devise !
a course in mathematics aimed to
ward those majoring in the social
sciences, which requires only one
year, instead of the usual two.
Dr. DeCou said that the course
fulfills a long felt need in the so
cial science field, as his text is
the first of its sort and purpose to
he published.
The Oregon t)aily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, pub
lished daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods.
Entered as second-class mail matter at the postofftce, Eugene, Oregon.
LLOYD TUPLTNO, Managing Editor
?Highei\ Education Paves the'Way to, a Wise Decisicn^
Y\7T1’II action on tin* naming of a sneers I
sor to Presilent Valentine I •over I
apparently to lie announced soon, there have!
been reports that no member of Hie faculty!
remains in the running' I°r 'I"’ University s|
highest executive post. Statements have ap-*
peared. even, announcing the withdrawal of
men whose names have been mentioned as
possible candidates for the presidency.
Since no campus figure lias announced his
ennlidacy, such statements are obviously un
necessary. Reliable sources dose to the ad
visory council have indicated, however, that
the council's findings with respect to the
persons considered have not yet been made
to Ihc state board of higher education.
The final choice, ol course, rests with the
state board. The advisory council has worked
with it in an investigative and advisory
* * #
/^UACIOUS and wise indeed has been the
state board in working so closely with
the faculty with which the incoming execu
tive must work. For it is with Ihc faculty
that the board's presidential choice must,
work and the faculty advisory council is a
democratically chosen body representing a
cross-section of faculty opinion.
The advisory council is composed of six
members, three deans and three professors,
chosen from the faculty at large annually and
without formal nominations. This year’s
council, which is taking an active advisory
interest in the state board’s search, is made
up of deans Wayne L. Morse, school of law;
James II (lilbert, college of social sciences;
(Jeorge Rebec, head of the philosophy depart
ment, and professors S. Stephenson Smith,
(). K. Burrell, and Orlando J. Hollis.
» # #
-yyilFN Dr. Boyer’s decision to return to
his duties as dean of the college of arts
and letters was announced in the early sum
mer months, the board postponed action until
its September meeting. VVlnm the president
made it clear, however, that he could not
be induced to retain his post permanently,
Chancellor Hunter was granted permission to
proceed informally with the investigation of
possible University executives.
About this time the advisory council, as
representative ol taenlty sent uncut, nan tin*
opportunity 1 o take part in tin- discussion of
a successor. Tim council sent tin* chancellor
a tentative list of six names. Chancellor Hunt
er suggested candidates for investigation to
the council, as did the state hoard, and many
suggestions were offered by persons not con
‘neeted directly with the University. Work
ing hack and forth, the chancellor, the hoard,
and the council have considered dozens of
name. On his recent trip to the Hast the
chancellor interviewed many eastern educa
tors whose credentials may also he submitted.
# e #
Reliable sources have indicated one glar
ing error in reports of the council's discus
sions. Candidates have not been considered,
favorably or unfavorably, in the light of their
connection with the University. The council
has refused to do this, believing that if such
a distinction were made, a strained relation
ship woidd naturally result if either a campus
or an off-campus man were chosen, and espe
cially if an outside educator were named.
The council's first tentative list contained
names of men from both classifications, with
no reference to preference.
There has been a great deal of ethical
consideration, wisdom, and acumen shown on
all sides in the attack upon tin* problem.
State hoard, chancellor, and faculty have been
working together without friction, facing a
difficult task coolly and with a warm respect
for the judgments and opinions of the other
parties involved.
* * *
j^’O matter what the final choice, it cannot
be challenged as undemocratic, auto
cratic, or in any sense hasty or arbitrary.
The board has been wise in grasping the
chance to judge the trend of faculty sentiment
through the use, in an advisory capacity, of
the faculty council. An advisory council
recommendation would be one almost certain
to be popular with the faculty it represents.
Apparently no discussion could be con
ducted or choice made on a fairer and more
democratic basis without loss of efficiency.
Tin* decision made under such ideal condi
tions should be an intelligent one. The man
named should prove capable of filling the
position that retiring President Boyer lias
handled so capably.
rNumbers System’ Simplifies Book Borrowing
^jpiIE potential Oregon book-borrower who
enters the library these days eeases to be
an individual and beeomes a number.
The library has a new system nmeh like
that used in penitentiaries. It is designed,
however, not to prevent loss of “enrollees”
but to stop loss of books.
Inaugurated .just this term, the new sys
tem should expedite book borrowing and im
prove student book serviee greatly. The
“numbers system” is somewhat simpler than
the method formerly in use. Each student is
issued a card, bearing a number. From that
time on he heroines only the possessor of a
number as far as the libe staff is concerned
and is responsible for all books loaned to his
# «■ #
11 HUE a student formerly signed dupli
cate cards to receive a book, he now
hands over his card, bearing a metal number.
which is placed in a machine stamper to mark
the metal figure on the records.
The advantages of the use of numbers are
many. In addition to increased expediency
and simplification, the method prevents sign
ing of false names and enables only regularly
enrolled students with fee receipts (shown
when they get their cards) to use library
0 we poor frosli are fond of fun;
Alas, it is our fate;
Hut we must watch for frothy beasts—
Is found in fashions, foul and base.
Like floating freshmen down the stream
With bubbles as the only trace
Left to mark a dying race—
The frosli.
The sophomores, whose hate
Edited by ....
raid Di'utsi'hmanii, National
ltill Cummings, Campus
"When this statement is ended
my discussion of this question is
closed." This calm remark, broad
cast last night to millions of radio
listeners by Associate Justice Hugo
Black, will probably be the last
official word on the Klan ehaiges.
In the same calm tone, Black
had just a few moments previously
said: "1 joined the liu Klux Klan
about 15 years ago. 1 later re
signed. I never rejoined. ... 1 have
never considered and 1 do not now
consider the unsolicited card given
to me shortly after illy nomination
to tin' senate as a membership of
any kind in the Ku Klux Klan."
Skillfully he continued, pointing
out his lt-year record as a liberal
in the senate, refuting charges of
religious intolerance, told of Cath
olic Jewish, and negro friends.
Methodically he admitted Klan
membership 15 years ago. in the
next few breaths declared:
"I have no sympathy with any
organization or group which, any
where or anytime, arrogates to it
self the un-American power to
interfere in the slightest degree
with complete religious freedom."
Black mentioned that an "effort
is being made to convince the peo
ple of America that I am intoler
ant," but he did not name his con
demnors. The original accusations
were published in the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette, run by Paul Bloch,
Thi* new .justice based his rea
sons for breaking traditional judi
cial silence upon a desire to avert
the catastrophe of religious bigorty
that threatened.
Just as the frosh political situa
tion was beginning to drag, leaders
of one faction touched off a fuse
last night which, if it continues to
burn toward its dynamite-laden
objective, should explode with a
knock-'em-down-and- drag - ’em - out
election next Wednesday night.
Tt all happened around the Phi
Pelt pow-wow table last night
when half-a-dozen representatives
of the ATO-Beta-Phi Pelt bloc met
for the steenth time this week and
decided that t. if they have their
way 1 Wentworth Bowman, Beta,
will be president of this year’s
freshman class. Wally Rossmann.
I ATO, and Bob Stafford, Phi Psi,
[ were selected as Bowman's co
| campaign managers, and the way
things looked last night Mr. Bow
man will need the best of services
from both of them.
For the A TO - Beta - Phi Delt
triple alliance is going to have stiff
opposition from its rivals of last
spring, the SAE bloc. Representa
tives of this faction met Thursday
night at the Fiji house in the cli
max meeting of the week and chose
Harrison Bergtholdt, of Theta Chi,
as their candidate for president.
His campaign manager is Glea
son (Tiger) Payne, Sigma Nu.
On the other hand, Wally ltoss
mann of the Triple Alliance an
nounced his complete ticket last
night as follows:
Wentworth It o w in a n. It e t a.
president: Barbara Benham, Hen
dricks hall, vice president: Vnn
Waha, Kappa, secretary; Lloyd
Sullivan, Chi Psi, treasurer; Ham
Hickson, Phi Delt, sergeant-at
Although •"Tiger” Payne is still
undecided about the rest of the
Bergtholdt ticket, it was hinted
as early as Wednesday that Ken
neth Erickson, a freshman at Al
pha hall, would run as treasurer.
At the Fiji meeting Betty Hamil
ton, Chi Omega, was suggested as
Dedicated to nothing in particu- |
I !ar, this column is meant for the
consumption of freshmen especial
ly, although such P. E. majors
i as can read anything but the large
print in a Spaulding athletic goods
ad are entitled to membership in
the small group who will read the
thing. Even if you can't read—
come on in, you’ll enjoy the col
umn rhore. . . .
comes romantic sophomore Johnny
Valleaux ... a summer spent hop
ping bells near the Mexican line
finds the boy replete with yarns
. . . this one can be printed. San
Diego’s cop cars are black and
white, lacking only a meter to
make ’em look like cabs . . . one
of them had just driven up to the
night court with an intoxicated
gentleman in tow . . . suddenly out
of the shadows, lurched another
disciple of Bacchus. With difficul
ty he opened the door, sank into
the cushions. “Driver,” he mut
tered. “The Bay View Arms,”
“Here you are, sir,” said the quick
witted bull. “No, no fare . . . just
go inside, they’ll fix you up with
a room.” And they did—for 15
days. Thus justice in the south.
summer spent oiling roads: He was
from OSC and his new-found dig
nity as state inspector fairly
swaggered. But he was fresh out
of the green Willamette valley and
the rattlesnake-infested high des
ert of eastern Oregon was no place
for a boy who didn’t even like gar
ter snakes.
So ono day he was strolling: alone:
the shoulder of the road, thinking
of his high position and of femi
nine interests back home in God's
country. Suddenly, the wind rat
tled in the sage and greasewood.
He glanced down—there, under his
feet almost, was a rattler, coiled
and ready for business. Oregon’s
Varoff couldn’t have gone higher
with a ladder and a couple of rock
ets. When he alighted it was, by
conservative estimate, at least 50
feet down the road. The snake?
—dead several hours and posed by
a prankster who had suffered en
tirely too much at the hands of a
too conscientious inspector. The
Stater kept in the middle of the
20-foot road after that and never
either vice president or secretary,
and Art Hannifrin, Sigma Chi, ser
There's a catche to that last
candidacy, for rumor has it that
the Sigma Chi boys are disagree
ing vehemently among themselves
as to which bloc they should sup
Last night they undertook the
ticklish task of organizing a third
In a midnight analysis last night,
the Bergtholdt faction seemed like
ly to win many of the smaller
houses and the dorms, while the
Bowman faction controlled the fe\w
large houses, the women's dorms,
and a strong sorority hold. Here's
the setup:
Bergtholdt: S.YK. Sigma Xu,
Kappa Sig, HI', Theta Chi. l>elts,
Fiji, and the men's doms. ..
Bowman: I’hi Belt. ATO. Beta,
Chi Psi, Phi Psi, the women’s
dorms, and allegedly some of the
sororities. j
seemed to grasp the humor of the
jest that kept the grimy oiling
crew chortling for a week.
PLEDGE: The rushee who looks
over the menu—while you rub two
thin dimes together—and says in
a loud, clear voice the hasher can’t
miss: “Sirloin steak, 75c . . . oh,
guess I’ll have a steak—and make
it rare.”
Possibly there’ll be more of this
University to Be Host
For ’38 Psych Meet
The University of Oregon has
been selected for the site of the
1938 convention of Western Psy
chologists’ association to be held
next summer, according to Dr.
Howard Taylor of the psychology
department here. The decision was
made at the last meeting in June
at Claremont college.
“We’re anticipating an interest
ing series of meetings,” Dr. Taylor
Backgrounds of Publishing class
at 9 on Tuesday and Thursday will
meet in room 103 McClure hall.
Infirmary patients today include:
Saverina Graziano, Corrine Ander
son, Marian Hale, Margaret Mykut,
Carrie Rivers, Margaret Mills, Ezra
Gott, Marvin Helon, Bob Black,
Dennis Donovan.
Grace Lutheran church “Shall
the Church Be in Line With Songs
of Today.” 11 o’clock service - pas
tor, Simon.
Rebec to Interview
Students iy Portland
Dr. George Rebec, dean of the
graduate division, will leave this
morning for Portland, where he
University Opens
Adult Education
Outstanding Members of
University Staff Picked
To Instruct Classes
Adult education is again in full
swing at the University. Five night
classes, each carrying two hours
of regular credit, opened Monday
Townspeople who are unable to
attend day time classes, and those
who wish to continue various stud
ies, are being taught by members
of the Oregon faculty who aro
outstanding in their fields. Ad-^,
vanced art appreciation, conducts
of group discussion, problems of
the curriculum, American litera
ture, and administration of justice
are the courses.
The layman's feelings and ideas
about beauty are used as an ap
proach for the art course, which
emphasizes the practical and the
constructive. It is taught by Pro
fessor N. B. Zane. The course in
group discussion, directed by Dean
John Casteel of the speech depart
ment, presents new ideas in public
speaking and allied work.
The education class, designed
primarily for teachers, is under
, the direction of Dr. F. G. Macom
ber, a new member of the faculty
of the school of education. David
Thompson, assistant professor of
English, is teaching the class in
literature. Dr. Thompson, who has
studied extensively in Canada and
Egypt, formerly was head of the
English and poetry rooms at Har
vard university.
The course in administration of
justice is headed by Wayne L.
Morse, dean of the school of law,
who recently returned from Wash
ington, D. C., where he was con
ducting a national survey in his
field. He is introducing much orig
inal and new material into his
course as a result of his trip to
the East.
Classes last two hours and are
held in the commerce building
once a week at 7:15.
will interview students at the ex
tension offices in the Oregon build
Dean Rebec spends two week
ends of each term in the extension
offices giving his attention to
graduate students in the Portland
(at the Activities Office)
In order to vote at your
class elections next week!
and be a member of the great
Class of ’41