Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1937, Page Three, Image 3

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    Open House
To Be Held
On October 9
Annual Event Features
Fraternity Dancing in
20-Minute Rounds at
Each Sorority
Open house will be held October
9 from seven to twelve at all coed
living organizations. This is the
first attempt of the year to start
a revival of the traditional Oregon
spirit of friendliness.
Every year this is an annual
event in which the men at schedul
ed times appear at all different
coed living organizations, introduce
themselves, and are entertained
for twenty minutes. At the end
of this time they p/oceed to an
other house.
New Contacts Made
Contacts made during this occa
sion are important to new students
who have no other way of getting
acquainted socially early in the
“jean Palmer is in charge of ar
rangements and will schedule the
time and place of the men’s ap
pointments. Short silk dresses are
to be worn by the women.
Activities Board
Adds H. Robinson
Member of Staff
Announcement of the addition
of Horace Robinson, professor of
dramatics, to the educational ac
tivities board was made yesterday
by George Root, activities mana
Mr. Robinson fills the post vacat
ed by Kenneth Shumaker, who left
the Oregon faculty recently to join
the Stanford teaching staff.
Mr. Robinson is in charge of a
project to erect permanent decora
tions in McArthur court to be used
for all concerts, dances, and for
commencement exercises.
A series of draped curtains to
be brought into artistic display by
indirect lighting which will go com
pletely around the Igloo walls, is
the general plan.
No definite information as to j
the construction date was avail
Finishing Touches Are
Applied to Igloo Roof
Finishing touches are being ap
plied to the roof fit McArthur
Court, which has been for some
time in the process of renewal and
The whole roof was re-tarred
and new paper was put on wher
ever needed, the project involving a
$2800 contract.
Eight Houses HitJ
Roof in Card Sale
First sorority and fraternity to
reach 100 per cent in the ASUO
card sales drive were the Tri-Delts
and Kappa Sigs, it was announced
yesterday by "Bobby Duck" De
Armond and Peggy Vermillion,
drive co-chairmen.
Betty Paske won the women's
prize for the most card sales and
Harry Hodes led the men. Lloyd
Hoffman, Russ Iseli and Bill Fos
ter were runners-up.
Other living organizations that
have reached 100 per cent are Al
pha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Chi
Omega, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa
Alpha Theta and Delta Gamma.
Students Express
Desire For Work
The same spirit of independence
and the desire to work their own
way through school is evident
again as in previous years, Miss
Janet Smith, employment secre
tary, declared yesterday. More stu
dents have money for the whole
year’s tuition than before.
Rightfully called one of the bus
iest persons on the campus, Miss
Smith had, by the end of the first
day of “rush week/’ interviewed
134 people and received 66 phone
Although most of the people
contacted were students in need of
work, some were townspeople
searching for employees.
Those seeking employment this
year are not only the usual run of
experienced dishwashers and table
waiters, but are also accomplished
bookkeepers and typists who are
willing to exchange their services
for meals.
Wayne L. Morse
(Continued from paye one)
point out to such well-intentioned
friends, that even if there were a
disposition on the part of the au
thorities to consider any qualifi
cations that I might possess for
the position, I probably would not
be appointed because of certain
conditions precedent, which the
tenets of my educational philoso
phy would compel me to insist
upon. %
‘‘Thus, I have explained to my
friends that in view of the tangible
and intangible factors involved, I
believe that my greatest service
to the University, and to the state,
is to continue for the next 20 years
or more to develop the finest
school of law and public adminis
tration which the facilities and re
sources of the University will per
mit. Therefore, I am pleased to
make clear, that at no time have
I applied for the position of presi
dent of the University, nor do I
intend to do so.”
THIS 20,000 WORD, 192-PAGE
I Offer good only in U.S.A,
| and only while Supply of
Dictionaries Lasts
With the Purchase of
a 15c Bottle of
—the amazing new writing ink that
cleans a pen as it writes. Made 2
ways—WASHABLE for home and
school—PERMANENT for ac
counting and permanent documents.
Made by The Parker Pen Co., Janes
ville, Wis. Get Quink and free dic
tionary at any store selling ink.
mm mis
li>IKHilHI!i!IIL iHiiiWIIIIHilliHniV I !■' ■ : ■ : II
Phone 740
Have your clothes cleaned on the
Get Your Duck—(its !
Miss Barbara Baldinger, freshman, plans to practice for Olympic
swimming events in Tokyo while attending the University.
Champion Girl Swimmer,
Barbara Baldinger,Here
For Journalism Course
Oregon has a “Who’s Who” on the campus in Barbara Baldinger,
freshman from Grants Pass, who is holder of the junior national 880
meter relay championship, the Newport harbor 3'^ mile rough water
championship, the 500-yard Southern Pacific Amateur Atheltic union
championship, and the Hermosa 880-yard championship.
The Australian crawl is her favorite stroke and the one used in
her record-breaking races. She also represented the Los Angeles
athletic club in swim events for four years.
tsar Data, canea t>oo uy most
of her friends, is eighteen years
old. Although she has been swim- |
ming for some time, she didn’t
take it seriously until the latter
part of 1933, when she won the;
Newport Harbor championship.
Asked whether she had any ob- [
stacles, she answered quickly and
eagerly, “Of course, all the good
swimmers.” In perfect health and
filled with endless energy, enthu
siasm, and ardent determination,
she does admit that training was
a little hard at times, when she had
to eat all carbohydrates at one
meal, and all proteins at the next,
but she would do anything for her
Her father is her trainer and the
inspiration of her career. Impul
sive, and living joyously by the
whim of the moment, “Bob” is
conscientious and hard-working.
Has Operation
In 1936 Barbara underwent an
operation. Recovering, she trained
for six weeks before the Oympic
tryouts, and barely missed qualify
! ing for the American team.
Barbara Baldinger, according to
; Aileen Allen, women’s swimming
coach for the Los Angeles athletic
club, and one of the nation’s best
] swimming authorities, has “prom
ise of becoming one of the out
standing long distance swimmers
of America.”
Barbara’s main interests are
swimming and journalism. Al
though she has already achieved a
degree of success in swimming, her
' ambition is to become a journal
ist. Clear-eyed and eager, she says
that if she can get the training in
swimming down here, she will try
for the 1940 Olympics.
C. L. Kelly Plans
To Attend Annual
Accounting Meet
Professor C. L. Kelly of the busi
ness administration school will
leave October 14 to attend the fif
tieth anniversary meeting of the
American Institute of Accountants,
in New York City.
The meeting is to be an inter
national affair and outstanding
accountants from all over the
world are expected, Mr. Kelly said
yesterday afternoon.
“I am not making the trip for
pleasure,” Mr. Kelly said, “but
am going in an attempt to keep
the Oregon accounting school in
touch with eastern and world-wide
progress. If we are to continue
our school in the same progressive
manner in the future that it has
advanced during the past, we need
outside contacts with leaders in
our specialized field.”
Mr. Kelly attended the meeting
at Atlantic City in 1935 which
formed plans for the consolidation
of the American Institute of Ac
countants and the American So
ciety of Certified Public Account
ants, which went into effect in
1936. He acted as a representative
of the University at the 1935
Women’s PE Dept.
Makes Several
Changes in Staff
Pirkka Paasikivi has replaced
Mrs. Faye Knox as teacher of the
modern dance, clog, tap, and folk
dancing in the dance division of
the women’s physical education
Miss Paasikivi was graduated
from the Sargent School of Physi
cal Education of Boston university
with honors in 1931 and from Iowa
State university with Pi Beta Kap
pa honors in 1934. She has stud
ied in New York City and attend
ed the Bennington School of Dance.
Other changes in the staff of
the women's physical education de
partment are the addition of three
new graduate assistants, Dortha
lee Horne, Beth Taylor and Ruth
Miss Horne was graduated from
the University of Missouri in 1930
and has done graduate work at the
University of Wisconsin. She has
been supervisor at the elementary
school at Kirkwood, Missouri and
has had seven years experience in
high schools, summer camps and
Miss Taylor was graduated from
the University of Nebraska in
1936 and has had experience in
teaching at the University of Tex
as and at Washburrie College in
Topeka, Kansas.
Miss Russell was graduated
from the University of Colorado
in 1937 and worked last summer
as recreation leader at the Mam
moth Hot Springs in Yellowstone
All of these- women will do half
time teaching and half time work
in the graduate school working
towards a masters degree.
Handbooks Available
At Men’s Gymnasium
The new handbook of intramural
sports for 1937-38 is now available
at the physical education office.
In it are pictures of champion
teams of the campus and a sched
ule of .events offered throughout
October will be taken up with
tennis, volleyball, swimming, water
polo, cross country, field sports
and archery. Everything is listed
for the year and records are listed
from the last year. All living or
ganizations will receive a copy
through the mail.
Willamette between
10th and Broadway
Oregon’s Library
To be Dedicated
At Homecoming
The University of Oregon new
library building will be offically
dedicated on homecoming week
end, October 23, at 10:30 a. m., in
the browsing room.
John Henry Nash, Litt.D., of
San Francisco, sponsor of the John
Henry Nash Fine Arts Press of
the University will be the principal
Mr. Nash will display several
volumes from his own collection.
The Edward Sandford Burgess
Collection of rare books and manu
scripts recently acquired by the
outstanding in their fields. Ad
vors, napkins, and place cards.
Others taking part in the dedi
cation program are: Dean J. H.
Gilbert, chairman; Dean Ellis F.
Lawrence; Chancellor Frederick
M. Hunter; Vice-President Burt
Brown Barker; United States Sen
ators Charles N. McNary and
Frederick Steiwer.
NPA Chooses Arne Rae
As INext Vice-President
In the national convention of
managers of 25 state and regional
newspaper publishers’ associations,
Arne Rae, of the University jour
nalism department, was elected
vice-president for this year. Rae
is manager of the Oregon N.P.A.
The convention was held in Chi
cago this year from July 13 to 16.
- ■ ■■ ■.■ A .
Two Fraternities
Change Quarters
Residences Redecorated
With New Furniture and
Fresh Paint
Two completely remodeled and
newly furnished fraternity houses
have blossomed out on the campus.
The Phi Gamma Delta house, for
merly occupied by the Delta Gam
mas and later the Chi Psi lodge,
now takes its place in the Alder
street row, and the Sigma Phi Ep
silon house, occupied by the A D
Pi's two years ago, graces the
Paint, kalsomine, new drapes
and furniture have given the hous
es a shining exterior and comfort
able, homey interior. Both houses
are refurnished from kitchen to
attic, done in individual yet har
monizing color schemes.
Both houses were opened the
week preceding registration. The
Fijis moved from Sherry Ross hall
in the dorm.
The old SPE house is now a girls'
I co-op.
More Students
Swell BA School
One hundred and fifty-four of
the 200 added student registration
at the University of Oregon for
the 1937 fall term are business ad
ministration majors. This informa
tion was announced yesterday af
ternoon from the office of the dean
of the school, Dr. Victor Morris.
Registration in the school jumped
from 682, at this time last year,
to 836 at the present time.
The release shows a 22.6 per cent
increase in the business school as
compared to a 7.3 per cent increase
in the whole university. Univer
sity registration at this time last
year was 2722 while 2922 have al
ready been registered for the com
ing fall term.
The largest increase in the busi
ness school is in the freshman
class in constructive accounting
where registration of 116 is 32 per
cent over last year's enrollment.
Other freshman and sophomore
courses also show a larger enroll
ment than last year.
Upper division courses have a
slightly larger total than in 1936,
but the big advance has come with
the influx of a larger group of un
dergraduates than in the past few
Registration figures for the Uni
versity show that the enrollment
in the business administration
school totals 28.2 per cent of the
University’s entire student group,
the announcement said.
All students interested in selling
programs at the Stanford game are
requested to be at Hayward field
Saturday morning at 11 o’clock.
Enjoy ALL the game
with perfect vision.
Have your eyes accu
rately examined at—
14 W. Eighth
for the
598 E. 13th
Phone, 654
Photo Schedule
Full cooperation of every stu
dent will be necessary to com
plete on time the following pic
ture schedule for sororities, fra
ternities and halls for the 1938
Oregana: October 5, Alpha Chi
Omega; October 6, Alpha Gam
ma Delta and Alpha Delta Pi;
October 7, Alpha Omicron Pi
and Alpha XI Delta; October 8,
Alpha Phi; October 11, Sigma
Alpha Mu; October 12. Gamma
Phi Beta; October 13, Alpha and
Omega halls; October 14, Delta
Gamma; October 15, Beta Theta
Pi; October 18. Sigma Kappa,
Zeta Tail Alpha; October 19, Al
pha Tau Omega; October 20,
Delta Upsilon; October 21, Sig
ma and Gamma halls; October
22, Pi Beta Phi; October 25,
Phi Kappa Psi: October 26,
Hendricks hall; October 27, Sig
ma Chi; October 28, Theta Chi;
October 29, Chi Omega.
November 1, Delta Delta Del
ta; November 2, Phi Gamma
Delta; November 3, Susan
Campbell hall; November 4,
Kappa Sigma; November 5,
Kappa Alpha Theta; November
8, Sigma Nu; November 9, Kap
pa Kappa Gamma; November
10, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; No
vember 11, Phi Sigma Kappa;
November 12, Phi Delta Theta;
November 15, Chi Psi; Novem
ber 16, Delta Tau Delta, Pi Kap
pa Alpha; November 17, Sherry
Dr. Nelson L. Bossing, professor
of education, received a new book,
"Institutional Teacher Placement,"
in which he is the author of a
chapter entitled "The Measure
ment of Teaching Efficiency.”
This book was edited by J. G.
Umstattd, and was prepared under
the auspices of the National In
stitutional Teacher Placement As
‘Tn fnl rTTl fr3 fnl fnl fnl fnl fnl fnl fnl f nl fnl Ini Ini I nl fnl fnl Ini fnl (nl Ini ini fnl
Journalism Meet
To Be Held Soon
Informal Conference Here
To Discuss Problems
Ami Methods
Journalism professors of the Pa
cific coast will gather here at an
invitational informal conference
over Thanksgiving for a round
table discussion of problems of
their trade.
Stanford, Washington, USC, Ne
vada, Idaho, and Oregon will be
The conference has been held at
Stanford for the two previous
Check-up Made
On Business Ad
Graduates of ’37
While a complete check on the
graduates of the class of ’37 is not
available, information has been
received as to positions held by a
number of last year's business ad
ministration graduates.
Robert Buzzard is with the Pub
lic Utilities commission of Oregon.
William Corman is in the Harvard
graduate school of business. Vir
ginia Hackney and Lloyd Nichol
son have scholarships in retailing
at Northwestern university. Janet
Hall is employed in the United
States National bank in Eugene.
Albert Henke is with Whitfield and
Co., a firm of public accountants
in Portland.
Alvin Overgard and Ed Jacobs
are salesmen for Swift and Co. Jo
Skene is a salesman for a life in
surance company. Lyle Rowan is
in the office of the Western States
Grocery Co. in Eugene. Jack Med
dler' is taking graduate work at
the University in accounting. Wil
son Siegmund is also doing grad
uate work in accounting as is Al
fred Tyson who is also taking eco
nomics. p
The, Selling and Repairing of
is our business
I Buy or Rent Your Typewriter where the guarantee does you
some good—We maintain our own service department.
Buy any make, $3.00 down, $3.00 per month
1047 Willamette Phone 148
Walt Vernstrom, Emerald Manager,
which is a bonus attraction to ASUO
card holders L
Get ASUO card at the Educational Activities Office
until noon today