Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1937, Image 1

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    Rain Returns Campus
To Routine Conditions
As First Week Closes
"From Where I Sit’
And ‘Side Show’ Make
Bow Today on Page l
Rally, Dance
Prepare For
Stanford Tilt
* _
Indian, Duck Coaches to
.!► Be Introduced at 4:15
With Teams at College
Side; Dance Follows
Webfoot rallyers will meet at
4:15 today in front of the College
Side in the first pep rally of the
football season to cheer Oregon
gridders in preparation for the
Stanford - Oregon game tomorrow
on Hayward field, it was announced
yesterday by Sam Fort and June
Brown, co-chairmen of the rally
“Tiny" Thornhill, coach of the
Stanford squad, will be introduced
! to the rallyers with members of his '
team, followed by Oregon’s Coach
Callison and his team.
Dance at 9 o’Clock ,
A rally dance is scheduled for
9 o’clock tonight in Gerlinger, with
Babe Binford and his orchestra
playing. Admission will be 75 cents
a couple. Smoky Whitfield will be
featured with Binford’s band as the
■ "dusky duke from the delta." Cam
pus clothes are in order.
Other rally committee appoint
ments as made by Barney Hall, stu
dent body president, are Kirk Eld
ridge, Hal Duden, Jim Wells, Abe
Weiner, Bill Pease, Zane Kemler,
Bob Moore, Scott Corbett/, Dick
Hutchison, Russ Iseli, Bill Van Du
sen, and John Luvaas.
Women appointees are Pat War
ren, Betty Lou Drake, Betty Clea
tor, Virginia Regan, Aida Macchi,
Ruth Sterrat, Dorothy Witt, Jac
queline McCord, and Browna Ket
' BA Classes Plan
For Student Body
Forecast for a student assembly
of the business administration
school within the next two weeks
• was released yesterday from the
* office of Dean Victor Morris.
Aimed to copy the student body
set-up of the Oregon law school,
the business administration stu
dents will organize as a separate
unit. Date for the assembly, which
will be held either the middle of
next week or the first of the fol
lowing, will be announced later
Miss Ruth Chilcote, secretary to
Dean Morris, said.
Hal Young, instructor in voice
at the University of Oregon music
school, is the father of a six pound,
five ounce son born in the Sacred
Heart hospital Tuesday.
Trucking Fad
Hits Campus;
Routines Vary
It's in!! The “trucking” craze is
spreading rapidly throughout the
nation’s educational institutions.
The "Big Apple” is being cut in
Kansas, Illinois, California, not to
mention Oregon, along with num
erous other campuses. “Suzy Q,”
“pecking,” “shagging,” and “shin
ning” routines are being patiently
practiced everywhere. Solo talent
is rewarded highly where “swing”
contests are being held. Weekly
trucking classes are held just before
closing hours by the Chi Omegas
on their front lawn at the Univer
sity of Kansas.
Sham pain vs. Moonshine
The University of West Virginia
humor magazine has been given a
new name. Formerly known as the
“Shampain,” the magazine now
f . basks under “Moonshine.”
■ \ “ ‘Moonshine’ seems to be a more
typical mountaineer expression
than ‘Shampain,’ and anyway the
staff voted upon it,” explained the
student editor.
Note Sale Brings Battlt
Open antagonism between £
member of the University of Cali
fomia at Los Angeles faculty anc
students selling "flybate notes’
flared on the California campus re
cently, when one professor an
nounced, “There will be no note;
taken in my class for sale to stu
The manager of the note-sellinj
organization replied: “Notes on al
current lectures will continue to b
sold as advertised.”
Legality of the notes was uphel
by a professor of law, who said tha
if the person taking notes to sell t
students does not copy the lectur
verbatim and does not use th
terminology- of the lecturers, th
plan is legitimate.
Special Meeting Is Called
For Choice Of Successor
To Dr.BoyerAs President
President’s Vacancy Will Be Filled by
Out-of-State Man, Campus Rumors
Indicate ^
Announcement was made last night by Frederick Hunter, chan
cellor, of a special meeting of the state board of higher education, on
October 11, to consider the selection of a successor for Dr. C. Valen
tine Boyer, who resigned last summer as president of the University.
The meeting, called by Willard L. Marks, Albany, president of
the board, will be held in Portland to choose a new president from a list
of names submitted by the chan
cellor, who has worked with the
faculty administrative council.
No Names Given
Mr. Hunter’s report will include
results of a three months' study of ■
possible material from leading edu
cation positions throughout the na
tion. No announcement of any of
the candidates has been made, but ’
it was believed that the list of pos- f
sibilities has been narrowed down
to three or four men.
Dr. C. T. Rayner, professor of
economics at the University of
Michigan; David Faville, former
University professor; Dr. Homer
Dodge, dean of the graduate school
at the University of Oklahoma, and
one or two others.
Dean Wayne L. Morse of the law
school, said last night he had not
withdrawn. He declared that he
had never been a candidate. He
was believed, however, to be a
strong contender.
Decision Soon
Although the position may not
be filled at the meeting, it is
thought that the board will try
hard to fill it, as Dr. Boyer’s resig
nation stated that he would like
to retire as soon after September
30 as possible.
Dr. Boyer stated last night that
he will retire at any time after
the new man has been chosen, but
that he expects to have to remain
nearly until the end of the term.
He said it is too much to expect
his successor to finish his/ affairs
and take over the post very soon
after being chosen.
Stehn Announces Big
Enrollment in UO Band
Enrollment in the University of
Oregon band is now the second
largest in its history, with 85 reg
This was announced yesterday
by John Stehn, band director, who
has returned to the University
from a year at the Eastman School
of Music and the Columbia grad
uate school of music.
During November the band will
give a free concert in the music
auditorium, playing numbers prin
i cipally by modern composers.
12 Students Added to
Fraternity Pledge List
Twelve more names have been
inscribed upon the pledge rolls of
i the University of Oregon fraterni
The latest additions include At
lee Pearcy to Alpha Tau Omega;
George Ehlers, Richard Turpening,
and Richard W. Brenneke, Delta
Upsilon; Leighton J. McKenzie,
Theta Chi; Frank Van Vliet, Kap
pa Sigma; Frank Simmons, Jim
Hannaman, Herbert Hamer, and
Jim Armpriest, Phi Kappa Psi;
James Cadenasso, Sigma Phi Ep
silon, and Ray Spalding, Phi Sig
ma Kappa.
Men’s Pepster
Sam Fort, newly appointed men’s
rally chairman, will govern the en
thusiasm-makers when they over
run the campus today in prepara
tion for the initial grid clash of
the year between Oregon and Stan
Emerald of Air
To Change Hour
The air waves will be carrying a
bigger and better “Emerald on the
Air” program this year, according
to Don Kennedy, program head. A
15 minute or half-hour evening
presentation over a mutual sys
tem is the goal for this year.
A tentative feature, scheduled
for winter quarter, is a radio con
test in which fraternities and so
■ rorities will take an active part.
Work on programs will begin as
soon as arrangements are made
with the broadcasting company. It
is hoped that a change from the
! old afternoon hour to an evening
hour will induce every student to
listen to what is really his own
Jewell Gives Address
At Salem H. S. Opening
Dr. J. R. Jewell, dean of the
school of education, last night de
livered the dedicatory address at
the formal opening of the new Sa
lem high school. Silas Gaiser, city
I superintendent of schools and the
Salem board of education, invited
Dean Jewell to speak who is one
of the outstanding educators of the
Dr. C. L. Huffaker, another mem
ber of the University school of ed
ucation, helped design the school.
Rain Moves Cal Gal to
Curse, Poet to Verse
With the new change in weather conditions, it seemed rather
fitting that a few new comers to the campus this fall be interviewed
on their impressions. Miss Chaltek, president of the local poetry so
ciety, had quite a few impressions.
‘‘The rain, the rain,” she said, ‘‘the beautiful rain. It drips anc
it drops from the tragic fall blossoms, and it foretells the coming
Cleanness oi me eaim. ucau
tiful rain.”
Her companion. Miss Folsop, was
less articulate. “The rain, the rain,
it pours and it pours and it pours.”
, At this time your reporter left in
search of new impressions.
Mike Kopolotz, potential fullback
' on the first-year team, said, “Huh,
. rain? What rain? Is it rainin’?”
Miss Sniffle, a Berkeley, Cali
, fomia, girl, became quite angry
. “Listen, wise guy, this is the lousi
est weather I've ever seen. I car
r tell you we don’t have this kind ol
1 weather where I come from.”
> There was one junior who has
spent many years at Oregon. We
1 never did get his name, for as
t soon as the rain was mentioned, i
3 frenzied look came into his eyes
e and he ran screaming into the
i bushes next to Chancellor Hunter’s
e home. Didn’t you hear the fire
trucks about two this afternoon'
Baptists Meet Friday;
Tahiti Unique Theme
The annual reception for Univer
sity students of Baptist preference
will be held in the social hall at
the First Baptist church on Friday
| evening, October 1, at 8 o’clock.
It will be an informal affair. The
theme of the reception will be “The
Isle of Tahiti,” which promises to
be especially interesting.
Ted Parsley will lead a group in
playing Hawaiian guitar music.
| There will be vocal solos by Miss
| Helen Judy, Miss Lurlene Wood,
! Miss Frances Taylor, and numbers
by the men's quartet. Miss Martha
Hennigan will play the violin.
There will also be group singing,
i games, and refreshments—all in
! keeping with the Isle of Tahiti
| customs.
Record Still
Is Possibility
Figures Wednesday Top
1936 Mark by 18:
200 More Expected:
Males Increase
Fall term registration topped
last year's figures by the third day
of classes, according to Clifford
L. Constance, assistant registrar.
Totals up to Wednesday night
were 2922, as compared to the 2904
registered in the fall of 1936.
As approximately two hundred
more are expected to register be
fore the end of the term, chances
are strong that the term total will
reach a new peak in the Univer
sity history. The previous record
is 3095, set in the fall of 1930.
Wednesday night's figure is 200
ahead of the same day last fall.
The schools of physical educa
tion and business administration
have shown increases of around 25
per cent, while several depart
ments have decreased in size.
A small decrease in women and
an increase in men registering was
seen. Both the freshman and soph
omore classes numbered well over
A previous estimate that 1200
new students would register was
found correct by the official rec
LJO Music School
Recital Season
Opens October 5
The recital season in the Uni
versity of Oregon music auditor
ium will be opened October 5 bj
Phyllis Gray, pianist.
The recital, which begins at 8
p. m., will include selections frorr
Handel, Chopin, Poldini and Go
dard. Beethoven’s Sonata, Opus
13, (Pathetique) will also be
played by Miss Gray.
Miss. Gray is a student of Au
rora Underwood, assistant profes
sor of music at the University. She
played with the Junior symphonj
orchestra in a concert last year.
Paul Whiteman Orchestra
Signed for Homecoming
Dance and ASUO Concert
Caid Sales Top
Last Semester
Ducks in Co op ^ imlow
Depict Men ami Women
As Contest Leaders
The ASUO card sales drive un
der Bobby ''Duck” DeArmond and
Peggy Vermillion was well under
way yesterday with 1855 being the
total student body cards so far
sold. The total for the entire se
mester last fall was 1854, Zollie
Volchok, assistant activities mana
ger, said.
A window in the Co-op depicts
two ducks, one for each of the
co-chairmen, by which students
tells whether the women or the
men are leading the drive.
No definite check through the
registrar's office is yet available
to determine Who wins the furni
ture prizes, .but seven sororities and
one fraternity have already gone
100 per cent, Volchok said.
Paul Cushing Will
Be New Yell King
Paul Cushing was appointed yes
terday to the post of Oregon’s yell
king for the coming football season
by Barney Hall, student body presi
dent. He will be assisted by Bob
Elliott and Leland Terry.
Cushing requested that all stu
dents occupying the cheer section
during the Oregon-Stanford game
wear white shirts and rooter’s lids.
Only 360 men will be allowed in the
cheer section, he said.
Bill Kopsack will give a tumbl
ing exhibition during the half, Cush
ing said.
Ping Pong Too
Tough ,Frosh
Breaks Wrist
Scanning' the list of injured
for the week, a new and sinis
ter factor is to be seen rising in
the American accident problem.
For when Bob Elle, a freshman
living at the Campbell coopera
tive house, took a nose-dive last
Sunday after an elusive ping
pong ball, the result was a frac
tured wrist.
File's partner in adventure
was Larry Quinlin.
Drama Classes
Register Many
With heavy registration in all
drama classes and with new talent
to be added to the ranks of sea
soned players, the University thea
ter is preparing for a full season.
Ottilie Turnbull Seybolt, direc
tor,, states that with such campus
favorites as Jerry Smith, Adrian
Martin, and Bob Henderson back,
an ambitious and interesting pro
gram may be planned for the year.
Among the plays under consid
eration are: Eugene O'Neill's "Ah,
Wilderness,” which was the first
choice in a campus audience poll
last spring; the Maxwell Ander
son plays, "High Tor" and "Winter
set"; and the new Lanzner Guiter
man adaption of "The School for
Milton Pillette, former secretary
of the drama division, is now in
Cleveland, Ohio, as a member of
the apprenticeship group of the
Cleveland Playhouse, and has been
replaced by Hoy Schwartz, former
member of Guild hall.
Steamed Up for Oregon’s Local Grid Opener
Pete Zagar, Stanford’s great left tackle, was one of the coast’s best last season as a sophomore, am
should do big thi ;gs this fall. Blocking enemy punts Ls his specialty.
Bill Dalton Named to Head Tliree-Day
Program; Oregon-Oregon State Game,
Galli-Curei Included
Paul Whiteman's 30-piece orchestra was signed yesterday to
top off the all-star program being planned for homecoming
weekend, October 22-24, activities manager George Root announc
ed last night.
Whiteman’s music at a concert program 6 p.m. Friday—a
bonus to ASUO members—and at a homecoming dance from
10 p.m. to 1 a.m. will strike the tempo for a three-day program
Oregana Takes
National Honors
All-American Ruling Still
Retained Willi Editing
Of Don Caseiato
Scoring a repeat, the 1937 Ore
gana, edited by Don Caaciato, was
awarded All-American rating by
the National Scholastic Press as
sociation, according to George
Root, educational activities direc
The University yearbook was in
the same informal style that
brought it the honors in 1936. Can
did snapshots of various phases of
campus organizations and activi
ties were featured.
Twenty-one such ratings were
given out of the 200 books judged.
Casciato's book received the honor
along with Stanford, Texas Tech
and Kansas State, all being in the
class with enrollment between
2,500 to 4,999.
Howard Ovcrback, manager of
the issue, will again hold that po
sition on the 1938 edition. Nearly
seven hundred copies more have
been signed for at the present time
than were sold the entire term last
year- .
Forensics to Open
Year’s Program
At Meeting Oet. 7
A general assembly in the audi
torium of Villard hall at 7:30 p.m.
| on October 7 will formally open
forensics for this year.
The main speaker on the pro
gram has not yet been announced.
The activities of the speech depart
ment, under the administration of
John L. Casteel and A. Dahlberg,
will be thoroughly discussed.
Briefly, there will be three ma
! jor activities offered: women’s
symposium public discussion;
! men's symposium public discus
sion; and radio forum program,
which includes announcing and
Any student is welcome to par
ticipate in the program, whether
he is taking a speech program or
not. For further information see
Mr. Casteel or Mr. Dahlberg.
Forensics is an extra-curricular
activity, but unlike most others,
hours of credit are given. The ac
tivities take up part of the fall
and winter terms.
Oregon-Oregon-State grid clash on
(lu* Webfoot field Saturday, a Sun
day afternoon concert by Amelita
Oalli - Curci, Metropolitan opera
star, and a myriad of student and
alumni affairs.
Bill Dalton, assisted by Jean Pal
mer was appointed to head the
weekend committee. Elmer Fan
sett, alumni secretary, will havp
charge of arrangements for the re
turning graduates.
Two Appearances
The concert by Whiteman and
his orchestra will come as a sur
prise addition to the ASUO con
cert series, and will be free to paid
up alumni members.
General plans for the weekend
so far as announced by Root in
clude five o’clock dinners Friday,
followed by the Whiteman concert
from 6 to 7, and the rally parade
from 7 to 9, which will precede
the annual homecoming dance in
Bonfire on Hayward
The traditional homecoming bon
fire to be constructed by Oregon
frosh will be lit on Hayward field
where the parade of Webfoot ral
lyers terminates.
Homecoming committee is Dick
Pierce, dance; Cy Wentworth, pa
rade; Genevieve McNiece and Bill
Vermillion, campus luncheon; Har
old Haener and Warren Waldorf,
advertising and publicity; Maury
Manning, signs; Harry Hodes, fi
nances; Dale Mallicoat, decorations
and Kathleen Duffy, registration.
Janitor Clock
Quits Position
After 15 Years
Beginning of the school year
brought a bit of sad news to
Emerald workers and members
of the journalism staff in the
announcement of the resigna
tion yesterday of F. B. Clock,
janitor of the journalism build
ing, after fifteen years of ac
tive service.
Mr. Clock, who is retiring to
his fa.rm near Creswell, handed
his resignation to A. H. Foot,
building superintendent, early in
During the fifteen years in
which he served the University,
Mr. Clock drove the nine miles
from his farm to his work every
day except Sunday.
Mr. Clock will be succeeded
October 1 by B. F. Wechsler,
who is coming from Roosevelt
school in Eugene. Mr. Wechsler
is an old campus worker and will
not be entirely new to his sur
‘Musi-Quest’ Course
Popular at Oregon
When George Hopkins, professor of piano at the University of
Oregon, started his group piano classes for business men, he designed
it for persons who had no opportunity to study music and who wished
a pleasant diversion to take their minds from the tensions of the
working days. .
That is why he entitled his course "Musiquest, Pleasure Cruising
on the Piano Keyboard.”
The idea was immediately seized
upon by business men who, with
no knowledge whatsoever of mu
sic, attended the classes.
In a remarkably short time
many of them learned to play the
piano without having to read notes.
The course was so popular that
Mr. Hopkins has found if neces
sary to open a second group for
men and a women's group. These,
he has decided, will not be limited
to business men and housewives,
but may also include University
students, as long as there are va
cancies in the class.
Mr. Hopkins, who has his course
material ready for publication, ex
plained that the idea is based on
the premise that children talk be
fore they read. “It is an approach
1 to giving beginners a working
knowledge of tone relations so
Enrollment Exhausts
Supply Military Suits
No more military suits. Because
of the large enrollment, all available
suits have beeri issued, and the new
ones which were ordered will not
be here until January. Military
classes include more than 700,
which is a greater increase than
was expected.
they can play for their own pleas
ure,” he added.
Students who are interested in
taking the class for a nominal fee
are advised to see Mr. Hopkins or
Ralph Wilson of the Wilson Music
house. They are also invited to at
tend a session of the class held
Monday nights in the Wilson music