Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 24, 1937, Page Four, Image 4

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    The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, pub
lished daily during the college year except. Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods.
Entered as second-class mail matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
LLOYD TUPLING, Managing Editor
Paul Deutschmann
Clare Tgoe
Bill Pengra
Bernadine Bowman
Staff Thin Edition
Betty Jane Thompson
Kllamae Woodworth
Rita Wright
Wen Brooks
Gordon Ridgeway
Gladys Battleson
Dick Litfin
Stan Hobson
John Pink
Parr Aplin
Lew Evans
Elbert Hawkins
Catherine Taylor
Moritz Thomsen
A Vote of Confidence
OREGON enrollees “went to tho polls” in
McArthur court yesterday and east a
stron;' vote for the ASIJO.
Extension of tin? enrollment period from
one- and one-half to two- and one-half days
brought a low total of only 800 students com
pleting registration Thursday, but about 70
per cent of that number, COO students, became
members of the associated students.
When the dust cleared in McArthur court
last year and the annual drive had been com
pleted, 69 per cent of the students boasted
ASTTO cards. This year’s total is even more
encouraging since all of the memberships sold
were more or less ‘‘voluntarily purchased
because there has been no oiiieial drive by
individuals or in houses.
Last year about 190 students bought tfln
all-year cards. Yesterday 290 joined the
association for the entire year by this method.
That makes, if this figure can be maintained
in the remaining day-and-a-half, nearly one
fourth of the students members for spring
term—nearly half as many as there were at
the end of last spring’s session.
A 7f> per cent student body would be an
increase of around l.r> per cent over the num
ber of student members on the campus for
the average term of last year.
‘ODAY’S encouraging sales can probably
be attributed to several factors. No mat
ter what 1 he reason or reasons, however, it
is tremendously significant because it shows
that a good majority of the people on the
campus are members of and are solidly be
hind the student program. A poorly support
ed program not only fails in its essential
purpose of interesting and educating students
but soon finds the very existence of its activi
ties threatened because of funds shortage.
In the years since optional fees went into
effect, there has been a steady decrease in
the percentages of the student body belonging
to the ASEO. This year’s increase is the first,
comparing fall term with fall term, since the
new system was installed.
qPl IE associated students and its two boards.
A educational activities arid athletic activi
ties, have learned lessons in showmanship and
in salesmanship from optional fees. There has
undoubtedly been a great deal of good derived
from the new system, as can easily be seen by
the almost incomparable improvement in the
programs and activities. These improvements
brought a fair return yesterday when such
a high percentage of students enrolling'lay
down the money for their student body cards.
The fine program presented last year
worked i4s effect on the confidence of the
students. Because they received a square deal
in every case last year, in spite of difficulties
raised by weather, time, and expense, those
who took part in activities and who saw the
games and concerts confidently accepted this
year’s billing at its face value. And this series
is undoubtedly tin* finest of them all.
ORE leasurely enrollment, better times
■LTA financially, wiser efforts to push sales,
and many other things played a part in the
increase. Without a doubt, however, the
major factor was the splendid program offer
ed for 1937-38, for it is an offering almost
phenomenal in its values.
Under optional membership the AMUO can
probably never go above 90 per cent. Too
many students work, take only a few hours,
or have little interest other than academic
in the University. It is entirely possible with
the type of program being offered and strenu
ous efforts are being made to place it before
reluctant card purchasers that a 100 per cent
group of student?! really engaged in Univer
sity life could he attained.
The ASUO program can be only as good
as the support it receives. In tin1 past few
years it has been struggling for survival.
Now it can commence to build.
Oregon Fattens the Proverbial Calf
'IIREE years ago a slender, blonde girl,
"*■ Frances Brockman, completed her studies
in music at the University of Oregon. Under
the tutelage of Rex Underwood of the Univer
sity music school Frances presented violin
concerts here, and was featured several times
with the University symphony orchestra. And
the faculty of the music school, and her
friends on the campus and in Eugene agreed,
that in this young girl’s playing there was
more than a touch of genius.
After her course here was finished, Fran
cos, with prospects of a brilliant future before
her, went east to study. The promises of
outstanding talent that she had displayed at
Oregon became even more apparent as she
continued with her studies under well-known
P<)R the past few seasons she has been study
ing in Boston, and was presented in eon
(‘crt with the Boston philharmonic orchestra—;
a triumpli for a girl violinist as young aS
This winter Frances, one of Oregon’s most
noteworthy students, will return to the cam
pus, to thrill Fugene audiences again as fea
tured soloist of the University symphony or
chestra on December 5. Iler playing—always
brilliant—will be tempered by her further
studies, and by her concert experiences before
eastern audiences, so that Fugene, which
knew tin1 promise of her future, will have an
opportunity to judge how that promise has
been fulfilled.
Oregon will be proud to welcome Frances
back. She has made an impressive niche for
herself in the musical world, with promise of
an even more* impressive out1 to come—an
Oregon “local girl who made good."
U. S Put No 2.082.106 m
YELL0-B0LE $|25
This new way of burning tobacco gives you a
better, cooler, cleaner smoke. Updraft of air from
bottom cools smoke, keeps bowl absolutely dry,
takes rawness out of any tobacco, improves com
bustion. Carburetor Yello-Bole also gives you the
famous honey treated bowl. Nothing else has its
j flavor. At dealers’ now.
Do You Need
Extra Cash?
Highest CASH prices paid
for your old suits, over
coats, hats, shoes, kodaks,
musical instruments, ets.,
etc. Bring them to—
Welcome Students
Let us serve you with Grade A Dairy Products $
Eugene Farmers Creamery j
568 Olive Street Phone 638 |
We Invite You to Visit Our Plant j
Light Opera
To Be Given
“The Student Prince,” interna
tionally popular light opera, will
be presented by the University of
Oregon school of music this year,
it was announced yesterday by Hal
Young, instructor in voice at the
“Unless something drastic hap-,
pens,” Mr. Young stated, "the op
era will be put on in Eugene by
members of the student body,
some time during the winter."
Tryouts for parts in the famous
story of Karl Franz and his sweet
heart Kathie, will be started as
soon as possible. The play will re
quire a chorus of about 40 boys,
2f> to 30 girls, and 10 principals.
Working with the cast will be the
University symphony orchestra,
which last year was composed of
approximately 70 pieces. The con
ductor, Rex Underwood, said yes
terday that in addition to the work
with “The Student Prince,” the
orchestra will present a series of
five concerts, one ASUO concert,
and an NBC broadcast now sched
uled for December 5.
Five students who graduated
from the school of business admin
istration last June have gone to
New York City to accept graduate
scholarships in retailing at New
York university for this years, ac
cording to Dr. N. H. Cornish, pro
fessor of business administration.
The students are Rdna Bates,
Elaine Cornish, George Economus,
Ralf Finseth, and Ralph Miller.
Port Innovates
New Brainstorm, j
IJO Rally Danee
Sam Fort and June Brown, new
ly appointed rally chairmen, an
nounced today plans for a rally
dance which will be held on the
iibrary terrace. The idea of a rally
dance is something new, and as an
idea innovated by Sam Fort may
take the place of the regular as
sembly meetings. Plans have been
made to hold the dance on the
Thursday preceding the Oregon
Stanford football game.
At the dance, a no-date affair
with an ultra-informal atmosphere,
NO squeal
NO grunt
N^Oy nothing
but clear music after your
radio is repaired at—
Radio Lab.
Westinghouse Radios
I’liouc 1085 U. of O. Co-op Bid".
coaches, yell leaders, and the foot- :
ball team will be introduced to the I
itudent body. Popcorn and peanuts
vill be sold.
Arrangements can ne macie iui
Elementary and Advancer! • • •
Classes in....
Transportation provided free to and
from Riding Academy
Instruction In rulin'? and jumpin'? by W. 0. Rife,
Covered range— 100 miles of
brush, hills and mountain trail
Phone 2603
Located at Lane County Fair Grounds
Be Sure to Get That
Speed-Smooth Binder Paper
at the
Gray Canvas Binders
Light weight, plain.25c Medium weight, plain.50c
Medium weight, “Oregon”.60c Heavy weight, plain.75c
Heavy weight Seal Stripes, 85c
All-Leather Zipper Books.. $2.50 and up
Portables, Royal, Corona, Underwood,
Remington—Rent ’em or buy ’em—
$3.00 per month
Gym Shoes
for Men and Women
Line renowned for:
Hygienic Inscles,
Posture Foundation,
Non-skid Soles,
Long, Hard Wear