Special edition tlie Oregon Daily Emerald, ent ered and published Thursday, August 20, by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. Entered at Eugene postoffice as second-class mail matter. LeRoy Mattingly, editor Staff Homer Graham Rita Wright Gladys Battleson W. Lloyd Tupling, managing editor Panl Deutsrhmann Clare Tgoe Walter B. Vernstrom manager Wen Brooks Warren Waldorf Dick Litfin The 'First Act’ of Education ^^FTFN 1 lio student about to enter a uni versity or college lias been characterized as “confused,” “bewildered,” or “preen.” Tito freshman entering Oregon need feel neither bewilderment, nor discomfort, for the Universify, just as other schools, is ready to welcome and enroll him and has prepared him to a considerable extent for his entrance through its catalogue, letters, and other in formation. The student who has chosen the University of Oregon as his school should be, rather, caper and alert, for he is about to enter an institution which can open for him the rich est of all vistas, education. Et.y- J. W. Johnson, Charles II. Chapin"!' Dr. Frank Stroup, Prince Lueieii (’ampb’l. end Dr. Arnold Den nett Hall. Just one dav after his resignation iis sixth president nf the University had been an nounced in Portland. Dr. Dover, once more in bis Villard ball office, smiled and said: “I hove not lost my interest in education.” Made in connection with an announcement llmt he would resume his duties as head of the Enplish department, that statement pave oral expression to the philosonhv and spirit which led him to tackle the difficult job of Universil\ administrator in depression years, which led him to make the exaetinp but nec essary battle to maintaui the standards of education, and which will now enable him to return to the wo'-k th«t he loves best. * * # '‘"'em 'ot also indicated his realiza tion that the work of an executive, even enihryo journalists edit tlm “cony" collected hy the renortorial staff, "'rites heads on if, sends ii to the press, where a night staff of approximately 130 members "sets the heads (hand composition) and reads ' ‘ proofs. Emir nmn. members of tie* tvnrogeinhers handle the meidi'inical composition of The Emerald. Two linotype men are einnlov °d. 1 ressmnn Penlai d. and genial Night Foreman Stephen Cady, the make-up man. * # * |7 Eli EXE businesses invest over $7000 each year in advertising, purchasing space for copy which reaches a public with a buying power of over $3,000,000. More than L'O stu dents write ml copy, pound Eugene pavements, contact these business men. Financially as well as in work expended The Emerald is thus one of tin* largest branches of the more than $10,000 a year ASI'O corporation. Emerald salaries, aside from money paid bnck.shon employees, mailers, and carriers, arc: editor, v.'ttJO; business manager, $11(10; managing editor, $140; five business assist ants, total of $140. The Emerald is distributed by carrier „s P:f vest ns Willanic**to street and within a ruluis of eight blocks from tho campus in other directions. Subscription rates arc, per college year: by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $2; single copies, 5 cents. Every member of the associated students is a subscriber and in re turn the ASEO credits the paper with 75 cuds per term for each student body member. Sneh is tin1 nature of the state's sole uni versity daily. Information Information as to living costs in dormitor ies, private bouses, and fraternities and soror ities is on tile at the offices of the dean of men in Johnson hall and of the dean ot women in (ierlingcr hall. Roth offices are also prepared to council freshmen on almost any of the problems aris ing from enrollment and “moving in. Fresti men advisers have been appointed to aid the freshman student —don’t hesitate to call upon t hem. The Season Changes One sure sign that Eugene is preparing to welcome once more the proverbial “hordes of returning students" is to be seen in the win dows of down-town clothing stores. The suits which were displayed for $!■> hist spring are now shown for “$8, one-half otE The final stage in the metamorphosis of the summer shop window will be the “fall campus special. Oregon Receives 64 Scholarships Tuition, Course Foes Are Covered by Grants of $61,50 Each The state has awarded 64 schol arships to the University of Ore gon for the coming year 33 going to freshmen and 31 to upperclass men according to figures given out through the office of Flat! M Pallett, executive seeretarv. The scholarships cover tuition and lab oratory and course fees, totaling $64 50 for the year to each schol arship winner. The number of scholarships swarded each year is computed from 2 per cent of the previous year's enrollment. Awards are based on the student's need and scholastic ability. To be eligible for the award a freshman must have ranked in the unper third of his high-school graduating class Students wh- have oreviously at tended the University must have i rrr-rie point average of 2.50 to be eligible. Exnert Library Workers Adeleil To Oregon Staff M. II. Douglass, University libra rian, yesterday announced that j three new members will be added to the staff for the coming' year. Oliver Field will serve as a re serve assistant. Ethel R. Sawyer , will be the new browsing room librarian. Jack Plotkin will act as assistant in the circulation depart ment. Mr. Field is a graduate of Reed college, Portland, and cf the Uni versity of Washington school of library science. Mr. Plotkin is a graduate of.the University of Cali fornia and of its school of librarian ship. Miss Sawyer is a graduate of Wesleyan University of Middle town, Conn., and of the Pratt In stitute school of library science, Brooklyn, New York. Oregon’s Coach (Continued from Pat/c Five) Last spring Milligan not only cap tained the team whi< h took the 1937 northern division championship but also acted as coach and steered his team to the title. He is a Eugene country club player and a former Eugene high star. Moe, captain of the University golf team in 1930, Vince Dolp, a member of the championship team of that season, and Frank Dolp, an other ex-Oregon golfer, were among those qualifying for the champion ship flight. • LOW FARES. • Low-Cost Meals. • Air-Conditioned Coaches and Sleepers. • Fast, Convenient Service. • Free Pillows and Porter Service in Coaches. J. C. Cumming, Gen. Pass. Agent C. H. Jacka, Trav. Traffic Agent 751 Pittock Block Portland, Ore. UNION PACIFIC | SOPHOMORES Join Oregon's greatest Sopho more class. BUY SOPHOMORE CLASS CARDS WASIIIU'RNT/S for Desk and Study Lamps * Copp<*r and Bronze * Chromium * Goos-neck Styles Beaten copper ami bronze bases and shades add beau ty and originality to these clever student’s lamps! I Small upright lamps for t he desk or the goos-neck student lamp. $1.49 WASH BERNE'S - for Sheets * By Pequot * By Cannon The reliable well known Pequot or Cannon sheets have long been the student's choice in select ing linens. The most called for size is the 72x108. $1.8.') and *1.69 For Pillow Cases Pillow cases by Cannon and Pe quot are also cho sen by college men a” ' women. Size 42x33. dOr and 40c cadi WASIIBURNE’K - for Hosiery * Archer * No Mend * Nolde & Horst We couldn’t pos sibly recommend a more beautiful or more satisfac tory pair of hose than one mad» bv Archer. No Mend or Nolde and Horst. Attractive new fall shades are more interest ing than ever! 79c to $1.65 WASIJRURNE’S - for Campus Footwear * Scalding * Johansen * Red Cross * Peacock Sold exclusively by Washburne's are the Spalding saddle oxfords that are the out standing favorites for campus wear. Among attractive dress shoes are the Peacock, Red Cross, and Johan sen. WASHBURNE'S - for Day Bed Covers * Reps * Crashes * Homespuns For slip covers drapes, or bed spreads you will find rep and crashes in 50 inch material —all new shades — Beauti ful homespuns in a variety of de signs and colors 69c to $2.25 WASIIBURNE'S -:_ for Arrow Shirts * New Styles * New Patterns * New Colors Every c o 11 e g e man knows the value of Arrow shirts for wear and for consistent good looks. Look to your Esquire . for the A r r o w Shirt of the month — then come to Wash burne's to huy them! $2.00 to $3.50 WASIIlU'KNE's for Interwoven Socks * Self Supporting * Newest Styles * Latest Colors Interwoven are the “Tops in Socks" — cool, comfortable, with new self-supnort i n g “Nu - Top” f e a t u r e—They stay up! — With wearing qualities little short of Marvelous. 55c pr.-2 pr. $ 1.00 A College Store in a College T own There is no place like Washburne’s to buy your College Clothes College fashions are distinctive and peculiar to tho individual college and its location. Fasliious in vogue on one cainnus arc not necessarily good on another. And so there is only one safe rule to follow—Buy C ollcgc fashions in vour ( ol lejrp Town . . . Wa'shhnrne’s 142 employees number many university men and women. A special college board is selected each year to assist us in selecting merchandise and to help you in your buying. 1 he Dudley field shop on the campus carries splendid assortments of men s apparel in authentic college lash ions. Charge accounts are available to students and every possible aid ""ill be given you to make your budget cover all apparel and room furnishing needs. • From the very moment you step off the Southern Pacific train onto Willamette street you know you are in a University city. “Gridiron” Camel Coat Smart campus clothes are constantly the con cern of the well dressed, conscientious college girl. For service, practi cability and style you won’t go wrong to de cide on a wool camel's hair coat. “Ten O’Clock Wool Flannel Dresses An ideal two piece flan nel dress for early morn ing campus wear. Clever smart styles direct from New York that will please the most careful shopper. You will find them in flattering col ors. “Don’t Dress for Dinner’’ Velvet Dresses Kverv college girl is in terested in dresses for Sunday evenings or in-^% formal dinner wear.VL New, smart, and highly V flattering are these vel vet dresses with street length skirt and short puffed sleeve. and up 9 The University of Oregon Campus is one of the most beautiful in America. Wool Plaid Shirt $3.95 This shirt was especially made for us copying last year's Pa laka shirt worn by men on the Oregon campus. Every girl will want to add one of these new wool plaid draw string shirts! Tailored Silk Shirt $2.25 and $2.95 Sweaters and skirts have long been the accepted campus garb fo,‘ the average college girl. What could be more practical, convenient, and good looking than a silk tail ored shirt to complete the en semble ? Tyrolean Sweaters $2.25 to $2.95 We have given our new unbe lievably smart sweaters which are styles brought from the Tyrolean Alps the original name Gamma Chi Rho. You will love their brightness and gaiety. Campus Togs for Men! The “Dudley Field ’ Shop is Washburne’s'Men’s Store on the Campus DUDLEY FIELD VARSITY JACKET Every college man will “go" for these new flannel varsity jackets! Four pleated pockets comfortable style, buttoned down the front. Plain colors, brown and blue. WILSON BROS. PALAKAS Palakas will be just as popu lar on the campus this year a3 last. Plaids and checks—cot ton shirts—Variety of colors, blue, grey, brown, red. Just what you men want! NO-BELT PAJAMAS $1.65 Faultless No Belt Pajamas are made for comfort, dura bility, and good looks. You will find them in prints, stripes, plaids, and checks in a variety of styles. GRID-IRON SWEATERS $3.95 The brand new sweater with the Dudley Field label—the vertical stripe resembles the football field. The newest, cleverest garment for you col lege men! Brown, blue, grey, maroon, green, oxford. FROSH PANTS $2.95 The traditional Frosh pants that every college “punk'' will have to wear. Made for dura bility, and service. Buy them here and wear the best!