Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 25, 1937, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Associated Students Sign Galaxy of Stars for Concert Series
r -
Famous Negro Choir
Opens Season Oct. 18;
Galli-Curci to Follow
Lanny Ross, Mystery Girl Angua Enters,
Hindu Ballet, Violinist, Primadoima
Also oo Year’s Diverse Program
i Heralded as the greatest concert series ever to be presented
by the ASUO, the 1937-38 season will bring such outstanding
personalities as Metropolitan opera's Helen Jepson, NBC’s
Lanny Ross, and “Mystery Girl" Ar.ga Enters to the campus to
be presented under the direction of George Root, newly-appoint
ed University activities manager.
The first attraction will be the Hall-Johnson negro choir
Root ‘Inherits’
$40,000 Business
(Continued from page one)
ing. It costs $7,781.40 to print 131
issue of 2.700 copies each.
Contrary to popular belief, the
ASUO does not "clean up” on its
concert series.
Artists Come High
This year's series is expected to
cost §8,408 and to clear only an
estimated $7,000 in order that stu
dent body card holders may attend
their performances without extra
expense. Although expenses of pre
senting these concerts total §1,
540.00. the main cost is in artist’s
fees which average nearly $1,000
and total §6,500 for seven events.
Canoe fete, homecoming, student
directory, the check room, class
fund carrying charges, and the
Oregon high school band concert
all produce some income. (Band
concert expenses outstrip income.)
Activities which contribute no
income include forensics, women's
rifle team, Philomelete, band, or
chestra, associated women stu
dents, and women's athletic asso
~¥ ‘
► j CLASS OF’40 |
For bigger
and better
October 18. This choir is best
known for its performances on
stage and screen, and was recently
featured in the motion pictures,
“Banjo On My Knee,” and “Lost
Amelita Galli-Curci, Italian pri
madonna, will bring her famous
soprano voice to the University
October 24. Formerly a Metropoli
tan opera star, Galli-Curci appears
here on her first western tour in
several years.
Mystery Girl Featured
On November 11 Angna Eenters.
known as the “Mystery Girl,” and
featured as a one-woman theatep,
will appear in the University's Mc
Arthur court. A world-famed
mime, Miss Enters is a satirist of
human frailties, and a master of
pantominc, Mr. Hoot said.
Nathan Milstcin, young and
handsome Russian violinist, will
appear next on the program Febru
ary 13. Ho has played with the
New York philharmonic, Leopold
Stokowski's philharmonic, and
twice with Willem Van Hoogstra
ten of the Portland symphony or
Hindu Ballet
February 22 will bring Uday
Shan-Kar and his Hindu ballet to
.offer an original and exotic ballet
attraction from-the far east. Hindu
music from native instruments will
be a feature of the presentation.
Lanny Ross will appear March
2" on his first concert tour of Am
erica. The leading radio tenor and
star of the “Show Boat” broadcast
recently completed two sell-out
appearances in New York which
stamped him as the season's con
cert “find.”
First Appearance
Mr. Ross’ Eugene concert will
mark his first stage appearance on
the Pacific coast.
Concluding the year's concert
series on May 8, Mother’s day and
junior weekend date, Helen Jep
son, star primador.na of the Metro
politan opera company, will pre
sent a concert in honor of the mo
thers. Miss Jepson recently was
awarded' a starring role in a new
Hollywood musical production.
in ^Swingtime”
As in the past, Wiltshire’s will make
the engravings for the “11)111! Ore
gano.” To carry out Editor Har
bert's theme, we’re going to help
him “swing” this year’s hook to
one you’ll be proud to own.
New Buildings Ready
For Oregon Students
Full Facilities of Modern Library Now
Available; Gymnasium Courses and
Medical Service Given
Two decades ago University educators went into a huddle. The re
sult was a gigantic building program with a far-seeing view to Oregon's
growth. Last yoar finishing touches were put on three buildings costing
more than one million dollars; completion of the program was almost
When more than 2,800 Oregon
students trudged back to the cam
pus last fall a new infirmary, com
plete with the most modern hospi
tal equipment on the coast, and
decorated in modernistic simplic
ity was ready for their use. The
two-story structure offers free
medical service to Oregon students
and clean, comfortable wards for
bed-stricken patients.
!5. E. Plant Finest
Second building lo reach com
pletion was the Pacific coast's
meet up-to-date physical education
plant. Housed inside the building
is the finest of athletic equipment,
air-conditioned, artificially lighted
gym rooms. The new building gave
Oregon the opportunity to organize
one of the most con.plete and com
prehensive physical education dc
Every Co-ed should study the classics
. C. Hadley s
College Shop
11-IV arc some of our subject
and many other collegiate lines
Willamette St.
Next to
.Ui’I)qiialcl Theater
partments in tlic United States.
New Libe Opened
Spring term rolled around and
students were presented with a
house-full of knowledge in the
form of a beautiful library build
ing. Radiating beauty from every
corner, but still including all the
requirements of utilitarian educa
tion, the new library gained im
mediate approval of students.
Awaiting returning students this
year is the widely - publicized
“browsing room,” dedicated to the
pursuit of relaxation.
Oregon’s building program is not
finished. Plans are being formu
lated for achievement of the ulti
mate goal planned by University
builders twenty years before.
Kaufmans Take Over
Beard’s Women’s Store
A new specialty shop for women
will greet the returning cccd this
Taking over the business form
erly run by Beard's at 957 Willam
ette street are Mr. and Mrs. Lud
-> rm m m m m m m rzi m m rm r;. r^n r^i r;n r£"i I7P. (Til finl (7
Parade of Arlists
Artists representing (he top* in stscreen, and opera are include:! on th
1937-88 University concert series. Among them ere, left to right, above, AmeSit i
Giilli-Curci, world-famous cclornturn soprano; Helen .Jepson, American-born Met
ropolitan opera sensation; f.unny Kcs , fit ape ami j ,:d;o tenor- Vnj>ni’ r-’nte-s lo-di’i;;
exponent of the art of the puutoniirv.*; and left, Nathan Militrin, noted concert
violinist; the Huli-John-.on negro choir; Shan liar, loader of the Hindu ballet.
jl , ..
Rugene Shops
Are Ready for
School Opening
F o otsorc and weary from
trudging over hundreds of miles
of Eugene streets and peering in
to stocks of almost every store in
town, Walter It. Vernstrom, Em
erald business manager, cooled his
I heels on the top of his desk and
proclaimed that “Eugene shop
keepers are better prepared than
ever before to supply the needs of
college students.”
“Everything from toothpaste
to overcoats, al) tire best models
and the latest styles arc available
in stores near the campus.
“Men and women who have at
tended Oregon in the past have
> found it advisable to wait until
coming here before buying their
college clothes. Eugene mer
chants buy clothes to fit ever
changing college styles. Price and
quality in the latest fashions arc
the same here as in any other'
city,” he said.
wig Kaufman, who will manage
the new firm. Doth have had years
cf experience in clothes styling
work on the continent.
Mias Letha Tall man, who server
Oregon coeds for years under' tin
former management, hu ; rccentl}
returned from a cl then select] :*
trip to New York with Mrs. ICauf
man and will retain her formei
Beverly Gavcrhill, circulation li
brarian, war; married August 14 t*.
Miss Ellcncre Bcndrolh.
n^i,sir7rrararHirarKiifi;rivmi'i;wR!rnj|ffiKfr JnuirVV
I Jen ver and Lombard .Street, Port land
Across from (Sigma Xu on Kir vent h Eugene
!. After tin WKB1-OOT day at •lani/.en Beach en
joy a Siberriaii treat at Tommy May s Portland
'1. Tiieu. on entering the university. Tommy May
again greets you with the same good food, ice
cream delicacies and service at his shop in Eugene.
R! rHJ r?u nor^i rfofnj ^,r^
Your Dreams Come True in Eugene
...the Ideal College
? I'(! HN K, t lie home of t lie I Hi
versify of Oregon, will not
ci isrtppoi nt you iu 1 he set ting it
oilers for your college life. It
will exceed your expectations.
Ask any alum. Ijet him describe
the romantic mill stream . . . tlm
spread in};' sluu to t i'its lining I lie
broad streets . .. beautiful homes
. . . and I lie perpottially p:reen
campus witli its windup:' walks
bordered with hope trees ami
beaut il'ul shrubs.
Kufi'ene lias the distinct ad
vantage ol‘ lieinj; larpe eiimi^li
to enjoy numerous met ropolitau
advantages. Idvery year, for in
stance, nationally famed musi
cians and speakers provide I he
community with a broader eul
i ural life. Iter real ioual facilities
are numerous and varied with
the beaches, lak' S. winter snow
•ports,and world -fam *d McKen
zie River in (dose proximity to
i he eit v.
Truly, Kugetu is
I lie renter of (>re
".'oii outdoor world.
I 'hurdles of ovor
20 (lonomiiiiit ions
(•urry ou flic rolijr
iou.s activity of t lie
community, h v -
cry type of service
and commodity is
ottered In the 4d()
retail s t o r e s a‘
prices and quality
proven comparah!"
to stores of larger
cit ies.
Yes. yon will
agree that the city
(O' Hugene is the
ideal college town.
You '.. ill enjoy liv
ing here while at
tend i rig t he I ni
versity of Oregon.
For further information, write
Ch&mibsr of Commerce
Eugene, Oregon