Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 25, 1937, Page Six, Image 6

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    1938 Year Book to Be in ‘Swing Time9 Style With Natural Pictures
'Campus in Color’ to Be
Presented in Oregana
For 1938, Says Harbert
The campus in color will be presented to University of Oregon stu
dents by the 1938 Oregana promises Wayne Harbert, the year-book’s
new editor, who plans to utilize natural-color photography.
“Photos of students and the campus all in their natural color will
be used,” Harbert said. "The book will have a greater pictorial display
than any annual of the past with 20 per cent being given to full-page
photos. Picture taking started las
spring term, and has been continu
ing all summer,” he continued.
Fort to Sketch
Sketches of every phase of cam
pus life will be made for the boo]
by Sam Fort, 1937 junior weekem
chairman. Fort plans to sketch th
year’s activities, personalities am
oddities as they come.
In order to give the students o
Oregon something entirely differ
ent in photographic layout in th<
Oregana for 1938, Editor Harber
has conceived an designed an “Ore
gana in swing time,” an artistii
plan of the book so entirely new
informal and rhythmic with a veri
table "swing" from page to pag<
that professional men who hav<
viewed the dummy of the bool
have given it the highest of praise
in addition to “swinging” the
book's design, Harbert plans new
feature sections, a greater spreat
of student personalities, and ar
entirely new section e n t i 11 e c
“Where and how students play’
showing not only campus life but
also how students live when not
studying and methods of amuse
ment indulged in by students.
Harbert Aims High
Harbert gave notice of his in
tention of aiming again at the posi
tion of the 1936 Oregana, which
was given national top honors. He
said the general lay-out of the
book is nearing completion, and
copy work has already begun in
some sections to assure issuing the
book during Junior Weekend as a
highlight of the weekend festivi
The book will be financed entire
New Professors
i Increase Staff
1 Two assistant professors and five
instructors will be added to the
f University of Oregon faculty, it
. was announced yesterday by the
president’s office.
In the department of psychology,
Francis B. Robinson will join the
staff as an assistant professor. Ma
jor Edwin T. Wheatley will be an
assistant professor in the military
science department.
The college of arts and letters
will have the services of Frederick
M. Combellack as an instructor in
. the classics, and Charles Micaud
as an instructor in French.
Margaret Kathryn Hair will be
an instructor in zoology. Francis
; Holderreed will act as a part-time
instructor in the physical science
survey. Rex Rhoten will also be a
part-time instructor, in the physics
ly as a separate project of the
associated students, by sale of
copies and advertising. It will be
approximately 350 pages long.
Mrs. Marjorie Reynolds, librarian
for the business administration li
brary and for the Oriental museum
library, left August 21 to visit mu
seum libraries at Chicago, Washing
ton, D. C., Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York and Boston.
Your College
W ardrobe
H. Gordon & Co.
Eugene, Ore.
From the lime you alight in Eugene, he it.
from train, hits, or family ear, you will he liv
imr in a different world, where King College
rehrns supreme. Everything will he different—
affairs, activities, and associates—and so will
You will want to dress the part, and it is
for that reason T have prepared the following
chart in the hope that it mnv he of help to you.
I am sure that you can select vour wardrobe
from IT. Gordon and Co. with all confidence lie
cause our Mrs. Freli'di in New York has been
most successful in finding manufacturers who
are tops in the production of voting women’s
apparel. Then too, years of dressing Oregon
coeds have given us a knowledge of the ward
robe requirements of college girls.
Evervope has been offering von advice so T
shall do the same. Mine will be different because
it concerns clothes. Here’s the outline:
Essentials for Freshman Week
I Campus outfits (Wool sport dress)
(wool suit) Also go to luncheons
(wool knit dross)
Fnsembled with n sport coat (fitted or straight)
( Fleece or tweed)
A three piece suit will fill nil needs.
In high colors for fall, brown, spice brown,
rust. blue, peacock, green, red currant, or of
course, black.
IT For social events
Costume suits (wool dress, satin top, fur
trimmed fitted iacket)
Fur coat and silk dress (or fine wool)
Dress coat and silk dress (or fine wool)
Dressy suits fur or self trimmed
Dinner dates
Dinner dresses (Velvet)
Formal (velvet)
An evening wrap, preferably long, will
carry you through college a small in
vestment considering the pleasure and
satisfaction it will give you.
Should you decide to wait and purchase some
of your needs after coming to Eugene T will do
my best to see that you are not disappointed.
Just a word about prices:
Our wool and silk dresses begin at.$11.95
Sport coats and suits start at .$19.75
Dressier coats and suits begin at.$25.00
You will find me at H. Gordon & Co., Tenth
and Willamette, Eugene, Oregon
Webfoot Rally
(Continued from page one)
and their friends the biggest Uni
crowd,” Elmer Fansett, alumni sec
retary and campus organizer said.
A reception committee will be
waiting at the doors to welcome
students, issue tickets, and make
introductions. Besides the pro
gram, dinner, and dance a one
third reduction will be made on all
rides and concessions.
Fun-Filled Program
Barney Hall, president of the
Oregon student body and general
chairman of the affair, was rapidly
whipping the day’s activities to
gether last week to give students
versity party in history.
Students and freshmen can gain
admittance to the park by submit
ting a coupon, or by getting one
at the gate. As soon as members
of the Oregon Mothers club starts
serving the free dinner to guests,
an extensive entertainment, will be
started with Warren Waldorf of
Eugene as master of ceremonies.
Entertainment Varied
Scheduled to appear on the pro
gram are outstanding University
entertainers such as Hal Young
and George Hopkins of the Univer
sity school of music; Don Palmblad
and Hoy Vemstrom, skit artists,
the Gamma Phi Beta chorus, Bill
Lubersky and Kessler Cannon in a
short skit; sports and football pic
tures by Bill Hayward, Oregon’s
veteran track coach; swimming
exhibition by Oregon’s champion
ship swimmers and divers, and a
host of other surprise feature num
bers, including bathing beauty and
log-rolling contests.
Until 9 o’clock entertainers will
hold the spotlight, then the doors
of the beautiful Jantzen Beach
ballroom will open to the college
dancers. Music by Everett Hoag
lund's noted San Francisco orches
tra will be heard along with fea
tured artists.
Committee at Work
Assisting the general committee
for the celebration are Jean Raw
son, attendance committee chair
man, and Peggy Vermillion, chair
man of the ticket sales to alumni
and dads.
Members of the Oregon alumni
association, Oregon Dads, Oregon
Mothers and the ASUO are coop
erating to put over the annual
Boyer Resigns
(Continued from page one)
their last meeting but extended
the time he will leave his post
until they are able to name a new
president. Dr. Boyer will return to
the position he held previous to
his appointment as president, dean
of the school of arts and letters.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
W anted—
One representative in
each sorority and fratern
ity to sell dignified pro
duct to house members.
First Come—
First Served
Get your goods before
school starts.
For full information,
write now!
60 E. 11 Ave., Eugene
Entering Frosh
Forced to Make
Many Decisions
(Continued from parje two)
here. Of course if you are a “step
! per” and like to “hoof-it” a lot at
everything that comes along . . .
that’s another thing.
Every fellow should have one
good suit, preferably a dark one,
as there are dances and dinner
dates a-plenty through the year.
There will be formal affairs but
tuxes are "out" for freshmen. One
good suit’s all you need. More for
variety and "dash” as you wish.
A couple of pairs of slacks, sweat
ers, and a coat complete your
wardrobe. Hats aren’t essential.
And you should have a slicker
jacket for wet weather. You’ll find
quite a bit of that noted “Califor
nia-climate” right here in Eugene.
And did I mention "frosh pants,"
or “tin pants,” as they’re more
commonly known ? They are tradi
tional at Oregon and all freshmen
should have them. Both practical
and economical, they prove quite
a saving on other slacks when an
‘My! How You Talk’
(Continued from paqe one)
a "snuggle puppy,” one who, might
X say, is rather “eager” for kiss
And the coeds have not been too
backward about "telling” the men.
For instance, should you linger too
long in parting you may aptly be
dubbed a "bell-polisher.” If you do
not shave, or are just plain unat
tractive, the girls may call you
an “airedale.” As for the fellow
who happens to be called a "cream
puff” . . . need more be said? And
the "five-H” fellow is not the most
popular guy in the crowd. Hell
How He Hates Himself! Besides
the common garden snakes the
girls find there are those of the
parlor specie. There also are
“lounge lizards.”
And the chaperons have come in
for their share of the fire. They
may be "alarm clocks,” “goose
berries,” or just plain “fire-extin
Enough for that. Now as for
some of the expressions . . . let’s
run a little bit together and see
what we get . . .A winking-willie
(male for Mae West) is slobbering,
or blubbling, a bib full (in other
words, waxing mushy) in some cu
tie's ear in the local hug center.
Or just say the two of them are
"lollygagging.” Anyway, there is
a moon and he thinks it would be
just plenty nice to "do the bear”
(hug) and then “hang a goober on
her." In other words, kiss. But
she thinks him to be rather “green
pastures” (stupid), just a little
"milky in the filbert.” Besides, he
isn’t an extra hot "frame” (dance
partner) and she is already rinsing
her eyes on the chief "itch and
rub” as a possible date to the next
mixer. So she "poo's out” on this
guy, refuses to let him plant a
"honey-cooler” and, as a result, he
thinks she's a "holaholy” because
she won’t “smooch.”
He doesn't see a great deal of
her after that (though it isn’t his
fault) (still admits she’s a plenty
cute sketch) and he starts com
plaining that his best pal has
"creamed his lady,” that is, he has
cut his throat, pulled a fast one.
So our poor rejected and dejected
hero has to get an “import” to
“smudge it with” at the next big
campus "shinslop.” Sad? Well
don't start manufacturing salt on
my shoulder, please!
When you establish your University resi
dence in Eugene establish your banking
home with us—a banking home like your
home bank.
We have been here to welcome students
for over 53 years.
The First National Bank
of Eugene
Home Owned and Home Managed Since 1883
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
I unexpected bath in the mill race
comes your way. They may be
obtained at any one of a number
of stores here in Eugene.
Just a word to top off this
clothes business . . . styles keep
changing all the time, especially
around a campus and all of us like
to be as "up-to-the-minute” as pos
sible in our dress, so I’d advise
against loading up too much with
a big wardrobe beforehand. Come
on down . . . see what the others
are wearing . . . then go ahead and
wear what you want. Just remem
ber . . . college isn’t high school
when you buy .. . and conservative
clothes are always in style.
Keep Regular Hours
Many of you will undoubtedly be
somewhat awed, or perhaps, just
plain "bewildered” by it all your
first few days down at the Univer
sity. At the same time it is very
important that you get off to as
good a start as possible ar.d to do
so you must keep clear-headed, be
mentally alert and fit—the first
week if at no other time. Get all
the sleep you can nights so as to
be in "tops” condition when you
take the various examinations.
And it is important that you
stay mentally awake and on your
toes for more reasons than one.
The choices and decisions you make
during the first week—rush week
—may mean a great deal toward
your ultimate happiness or disap
pointment in campus life and your
University career.
A word about the examinations.
They are nothing to be afraid of.
The physical examination is given
merely as a check-up on your phys
ical condition ... to find out what
shape you are in and where your
condition can be improved by spe
cial care and attention from the
physical education department and
the University health service. The
examinations also safeguard the
entire student body against the
spreading of contagious disease.
The placement examinations are
given to find out just where each
incoming student stands . . .to
measure his or her general mental
ability to succeed in the Univer
sity. The results of these exams
help both you and your advisor plan
a course that will be most suitable
to your particular capabilities. So
you see, it is to your own advan
tage to make as good a record as
possible in these examinations so
as to be catalogued as you should
be. And to do well you must be
fresh and fit. Keep as good hours
as you can the first week . . . and
for that matter, all through the
Ask Questions
One thing that cannot be stres
sed too much is the little matter
of frankness. Be frank. Both when
talking with fellow students and
advisors. Especially when you are
planning your course of study with
your advisor. Remember, your ad
visor can help you just as much
or as little as you let him. The
more questions you ask' and the
more you open yourself up to him
the better able he is to understand
your particular problems and be of
service to you. Don't be afraid to
ask questions.
with orthogon margin
corrected lenses which
make your peripheral
view as good as that
through the center of the
14 \V. Eighth St.
Join Oregon's
greatest Sopho
more class.
The above statement can aptly
be applied to rush week. When you
are choosing your fraternity you
are making an important choice.
While you are being rushed around
from one house to another, when
something comes up that you do
not quite understand, ask some
j one. Ask about anything that
bothers you. The fellows should
be glad to answer your questions
! and discuss with you freely any
[ question you bring up. Every fra
ternity man that rushes a prospec
tive pledge is out to sell “his fra
| temity” . . . regardless. That is
to be expected.
What to Look for
Now supposing you do intend
, to pledge some house ... in choos
'■ ing your fraternity what do you
want? All of us want different
things but it must be admitted
that the members make the frater
nity what it is and determine its
position on the campus. Look for
the group ol fellows you think you
will get along well with during
your four years at school. Don’t
join some fraternity merely be
cause it has an impressive front,
beautiful house, or is “tops’’ in
national standing. After all, it's
the fellows you'll be living with
that count most while you're here ;
as far as the fraternity is con
In closing I will say: Don’t take
llisappoirrtments too hard! You
know that saying about the best
laid plans of mice and men . . .
anyway, when something doesn't
pan out exactly as you had hoped
it would . . . and some things will
happen that way . . . why take it
like a man. Learn to take it. Inci
dentally, you'll find your class
mates and brothers more than
willing to give lessons so-o-o-o . . .
better take disappointments and
everything else with a smile.
Ee seeing you . . .
The student drugstore next to the
campus to serve
Student Supplies
U. S. Postoffice
Western Union
\ Co\oT
Business Manager
This year's Oregana will be distributed on Hie campus on Saturday
morning of Junior Weekend.
They said the expense would be prohibitive—but the !38 Oreeana
brines you natural-color pictures of your campus in life-like litho
For the first time in nnv university yearbook, dramatic red-filter pho
tographs will be featured.
Our aim is more pictures, bigger pictures, of more people!
Past editors have <«it the write-ups to a supposedly new low, hut this
year's Oregano will he one of pictures and captions!
Oregon humor comes had' into its o"'" with the Orogana’s revival of
our traditional “Lemon Punch.” \ll-or»<»innl ravings of Oregon’s
screwiest writers—cleaned during the entire year.
BRIT T.TANT View sppttoNS
Featured is a spnrkUn<v new section of students at play. It will keep
you young all your life! You'll like it!
Thirty-five live sections, covering every phase of vonr University year,
will capture for you forever this active school-year ahead of you, he
you frosh. sophomore, junior or senior!
The Editor had an inspiration: the Oregana in swing-time! _And
he swang it. wait until you see! A lively, rhythmic lay-out from each
exciting page to the next!
Marginless pages of superior photography will bring to you the largest
and finest pictures ever to appear in an Oregana! —and no doubt
you'll find yourself in many of them !
Sign for Your OREGANA