Calmness and Naturalness, Plus Some Knowledge of Clothes Are Best Assets of Freshman Woman Reasoned, Calculated Decisions Must Be Made by Freshman Men in Multitude ol Choices, of Everything From Hat to House Advice on Choice of Wardrobe, Events Of Rush Week, General Demeanor Advanced by Seasoned Senior ' (Kditor's note: Th<‘ author of this article is a senior woman. Vor three years she has been employed at the offlee. of the dean women counselling; and meeting freshman women. Last year she was awarded the Gerlinger cup as outstanding junior woman. Because of her experience and college success, her advice should b^' valuable to the entering woman.) By CLARE IGOE .■With the beginning of her college career before her, the girl freshman-to-be finds herself faced by many problems, which perhaps bear only indirectly on the business of learning, but which seem overwhelmingly important and perplexing. Ihe first of these is that eternal feminine wail—“What shall I.wear?” Clothes are not as big a problem as they seem, but it is un deni&ble that a knowledge of “what to wear where” does help a lot in let'tQig us forget, ourselves and get over any self-conscious feeling cauacd by wondering whether or ndt “we are dressed correctly. If tlierT is any one rule more gener ally applicable than any other, it is “Don’t overdress. Let simplicity be youc” And remember, a dresfe needn’t be expensive to be smart. If it is becoming, well fitfeO, appropriate, and in style, that'ti all that matters. - .Appropriate Accessories Accessories should be in keep ing with the dress. Sport shoes are worn for general campus wear and to games. As a general rule, heels are not worn on the campus, tha ^comfortable low-heeled type betflgf preferred. A dressy shoe is required for silk dresses worn for informal affairs and on Sunday, and evening sandals for formals and dinner dresses. In ^general, three typos of dresses are Worn sport for campus wear, silk afternoon dresses, and the din ner 'dress and formal category. Perennial campus favoritos arc swdajer and skirt combinations, knit - sport clothes, wool dresses (not I too heavy) with detachable collars of crisp white pique or linen. They should be comfortable, easy to keep pressed, and neat, of be coming cut and color, and with that peculiar quality of "wearable ness" that some clothes have when they may be worn time after time without becoming tiresome and shabby-looking. To wear with them, I suggest the saddle oxford, or sport shoes with low or medium heel. If you don’t like to wade about in mud puddles in your school shoes, re member galoshes will be extremely useful. Campus Coats Coats for campus wear follow the same general rule—let them bo durable, warm, and of simple style and cut. The polo coat, and mannish-tailored style arc as gooil as ever. A gayly-colored raincoat will combat the drab greyness of i rainy day most effectively, and will be a very useful wardrobe item. Hats are seldom worn on the :ampus. During rush week, campus dothes are worn at lunches. Hats ire not necessary. Short-skirted ulk dresses are worn to Sunday :ea. With them hats are worn, and iccessories of purse, gloves and ligh-heeled shoes. The Formal For dinnor and evening dates ong dresses of the informal type, with long or short sleeves, arc Williams Stores Inc. J 015 Willamette St. The store where the students shop and save SHOES HOSIERY READY TO WEAR Somehow! * 1 he whole town seems different—a better place in which to live when NEW STUDENTS AND OLD arrive once more to enter a new year at 1 he University of Oregon \yk wklcomi; \oi The Broadway Inc. 30 East Broadway 'BEADY TO-W EAK DEV GOODS Trim Full Fines worn. A "must” in every ward robe is a wrap for evening wear. Fur coats are worn over dinner dresses and formula, as arc formal jackets and capes of many other kinds. One is plenty. It is wise to number at least two evening dresses in your wardrobe, one din ner dress and one formal, or two dinner dresses, one of slightly for mal cut. Extreme decolletages are seldom worn on the campus, and the evening dress with short sleeves is the most popular. The formal with a little jacket for din ner wear is a favorite. Buying the Wardrobe Don't feel you have to buy your wardrobe for the whole year at the beginning of fall term. It is,better to buy what you need for fall term, and supplement your wardrobe during the year with a few new things as fashions change. With the question of clothes out of the way, the next important consideration js "What to do fresh man week,” a week set aside to introduce all entering undergradu ate students to life at the Univer sity. In the broadest sense, this week lays the foundation for study and play and friendships that com bine into a University education. During this time the freshman becomes acquainted to some ex tent with University procedure, and makes decisions regarding her course, and perhaps her sorority At this time she must make clear, level-headed judgments and decis ions, affected as little a., possible by the dubiously helpful advice of others. AJany entertainments and pi ■ grams have been planned to help the fresman get her "campus legs" and introduce her as pleasantly as possible to all phases of University social life. Through the efforts of the frosh counselors assigned by the dean of women's office, every girl will have a coed adviser who will escort her around the campus, and to whom she can turn with questions r e g a r d i ti g procedure, clothes any problem that might momentarily perplex her. Bush Week Events Starting off rush week on Sun day, Septembei IP. will he open SOPHOMORES J o i ii Oregon's greatest Sopho more class. BUY SOPHOMORE CLASS CARDS Freshman Program Register, women at dean of women’s office in Gerlinger, men at office of dean of men in Johnson hall, immediately upon arrival on the campus. , EXAMINATIONS: September 18 to September 23 Physical examination gymnasium. Placement examinations Villard hall. Phftograph. physical check health service. ASSEMBLIES AND SOCIAL EVENTS (both men and women): Monday, September 20, at 8 pan.— University assembly, a get-acquainted meeting sponsored by the personnel deans, with introduction of University and student-body officials, and explanation of campus organizations and their place in students’ programs. At the music building Wednesday, September 22, at 2 p.m.— A.S.U.O. assembly, a pep meeting with Oregon songs and yells, and initiation into campus student life. At the music building. Friday, September 24, from 3 to 3 p.m.— Open house at Westminster House, a place to relax and talk and size things up. At the corner of 14th and Kincaid streets. Friday, September 24, at 9 p.m.— Mixer sponsored by Yeomen and Phi Theta Upsilon, a dance and party for the whole student body. At Gerlinger hall. EVENTS FOR WOMEN ONLY: Sunday, September 19, from 3 to G p.m.— Open house at all living organizations, including sororities, dormitories, and cooperative houses. Sunday, September 19, at 8:15 p.m.— A.W.S. (Associated Women Students) assembly, with pro gram arranged by Mortar Board. At music building. Tuesday, September 21, at 8 p.m.— Fireside party sponsored by Orides .Oregon independent coeds). At Gerlinger hall. Wednesday, September 22, from 3 to 5 p.m.— Y.W.C.A. tea, for all freshman women. At the Y.W. bunga low. Wednesday, September 22, at 8 p.m.— W.A.A. (women’s atnietic association) stunt party. At Gerlinger hall. Thursday, September 23, at 6:30 p.m.— Supper and hobby show sponsored by Philomelete. At Ger linger hall. house at all living organizations, including sororities, dormitories, and cooperative houses. Every girl is urged to visit the different liv ing organizations, become acquainted with the girls there, anti form a foundation for later friendships. Hours arc from 3 to 6 o'clock, freshman staying for a short time at each house. Wheth er a girl has rush dates with a given house or not, she may visit wherever she wishes. Sunday even yig at 8:15 the associated women students present an assembly at the music building with a program arranged by Mortar Board, senior women's honorary. Monday morning at 8 o’clock, a general assembly and get-together meeting will be held at the music building, with introduction of Uni versity and student body officials, and explanation of campus organ izations and their place in students’ programs. On Tuesday at 8:15 in the even ing, Orides, organization of the unaffiliated women on the campus, will hold a fireside for all fresh man women at Gerlinger hall. On Wednesday from 3 till 5 in the af ternoon WYCA will sponsor a tea for freshman women at the Y bungalow. Jn the evening, the wo men’s athletic association plans a stunt party, to which everyone is, invited, at Gerlinger. Girls U rged to I’articipate On Thursday at 0:30 a supper and hobby show will be held in Gerlinger hall, sponsored by l’hilu melete, women'.; "hobby group" organization. Freshmen are urged to participate in as many of the rush week activities as possible that do not conflict with their schedule of exams. For till the events above mentioned, campus clothes are in order. Hush dates are handled through panhrllenie, and all questions re garding then: should be referred cither to the panhellenic headquar ters or the dean of women’s office. A few rules, if observed, will help the freshman woman through the events of rush week with a minimum of confusion: 1. Be prompt to all engage mcnts.. This includes examina tions, rush dates, etc. The bes way to avoid difficulty and con fusion is to be present at even event on time. 2. Get plenty of sleep and rest. The English, physical, and psycho logical examinations which are a part of the fresman week schedule vequi r c level-headed thinking-. Don’t over-exert yourself — you have the whole school year before you, and needn’t crowd it all into a week. Relax and take things calmly the people you meet want to help you, they’re not there to “heckle” you. 3. Be yourself. Don’t feel you have to “impress” either the in structors or the girls you meet with an affected, psuedo-sophisti eated manner. A natural, charm ing manner is the most effective one anywhere. 4. Don’t be afraid to ask ques We Invite You to Visit Our Friendly Store . . , resu k Erie Merrells I'nivt'rriit.v Mi ll's Stare The home of . . . $ Hart, Schaffner & Marx ® Society Brand © Griffon Clothes Come On! J: We’re all $ headin’ back %; tu Oregon. ' v V GEORGE FLINT. Representative YOUR Shelton-Turnbull 44 est 10th Avenue PRINTER /'Fuller Company Telephone 16 63 PRINTERS I Lions. It's only natural that there will be a great many things about the University you will want to know, and everyone is eager to help you learn. 5. Don’t feel discouraged and lonely if you don’t seem to fit in everywhere the first two or three days. It will take a little time to orient yourself and become ac quainted, and after you have been here for awhile you'll laugh at the time you once thought you wanted to turn light around and' go back home, because everything seemed so “different.” (1. Most important of all, keep your sense of humor. Remember, nothing is as important as it seems to you right now it couldn't be! It's all a lot of fun, and a great experience. I'll be seeing you, Freshman! Wardrobe of First-Year Man Need Not Be Extensive or Expensive; Sineere Attitude. Frankness Wins Friends (Editor’* note: Last year Wen Brooks came to Oregon as u fresh man. As a sophomore, he is a fraternity man and a valuable member of the Emerald staff. Brooks, in this article, attempts in a friendly waj to pass on to freshmen bits of knowledge he has picked up in knocking about the campus with his eyes and ears open. It’s bro therly, not father, advice from a learned sophomore.) By WEN BROOKS You’re a prospective member of the class of '41? Swell! Of course you want to know something about the U . . . the living organization . . . “how much’’ . . . and a few other little things. Naturally. It’s a good idea to get a little “pre-game dope,” so to speak. Darn good idea. Well . . . Probably the first thing most of us fellows think about (after eating, having a good time, and the girls) is a place to sleep nights and call “home,” for the year anyway. Now there are six teen national fraternities repre sented here on the Oregon campus as well as a large men's dormitory and two cooperative living organ izations for men. All freshmen in Engene are required to live in either one of the halls of residence (in the dorm), a fraternity or one of the independent groups, unless otherwise excused by the housing committee. Expenses Vary Living expenses vary according to whore and in what style you wish to "put up.” The charge for board and room in one of the halls in the dorm is $33.00 per month, when two fellows share a double room; $38.00 a month when a stu dent has a single room. The charge for board alone is $23.00 a month. Both of the men's independent liv ing organizations, the Canard club and Campbell Co-op, keep expenses, at a minimum. Living rates for all fraternities may be obtained at the administration building when you reach the campus. As to life in the dorm . . . the men’s dormitory is divided into six separate units or halls of residence Each hall has its own house; or ganization, corresponding some what to that of the fraternity, with officers being elected by the stu dents. Students residing in the halls arc expected to abide by the general University regulations of student conduct. Hell Week Old In the fraternities each house, needless to say, has its own meth cd of obtaining discipline and en forcing regulations. No prospective fraternity man, however, need har bor any illusions as to the terrible tortures inflicted by frightful, dom ineering brothers on the poor pledge. Hell week and its associa tions are no longer in existence at Oregon, Of course discipline is still maintained. There is more than one way of cooking a goose, or anything else. Another item which is bound to coma up when planning for school is that of what to wear. This causes those of the fairer sex more worry than us fellows, usually, though everyone knows they wear less. However that may be, we all wear clothes. But as for elaborate wardrobes? Nix! They are not essential to a college education (Please turn to page six) Students Do You Need Extra Cash ? Highest CASH prices paid for your old suits, over coats, hats, shoes, kodaks, musical instruments, etc., etc. Bring- them to— Willamette Announcing the open*n£ . „ new fashion of a distinctive ne with a center for vromen . • • refreshing collection of nP v^pc Vo J 1 and accessories!. parelanao. the\ 938 coflegienne throng' tinnrp—P^ aatcs.-nnapnceawhUrnthe means of every college, gnl. 937 Willamette Street