Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 25, 1937, Image 1

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    University Students
A ml WelUWishers
To Rally a{ Jantzen
Greater Oregon Set
To Start 61 st Year
Of Educational Work
Web foot Rally Program Includes
Tree Lunch’, Entertainment and
Dancing at Jantzen Beach Park
University Fiesta Set for
Sept. 9; Hoaglund to
Play; Entertainers Fill
The biggest off-the-campus cele
bration undertaken by the Univer
sity will be staged at Jantzen
Beach park in Portland Thursday,
September 9. The “Webfoot rally”
for University students and incom
ing freshmen will feature a free
supper, a surprise entertainment
program, topped by a free dance to
the music of Everett Hoaglund's
A fun-packed program under the
direction of Bob Bailey of Portland
will be all set for the big night.
Gates at the Portland park will be
The /ell Trophy, awarded at last
year’s Oregon rally to Chi Omega
for having the largest attendance
at the affair, has been discovered
sitting on an obscure corner of the
Chi Omega mantel; will be re
awarded at this year’s rally on
Septeml>er 9 to the living organ
ization registering the largest
percentage of their members dur
ing the evening! Chi Omegas be
thrown open at 5:30 Thursday af
ternoon at the party where alumni,
students, and prospective freshmen
will mingle at the off-to-college
Welcome Extended
“All Oregon students are urged
to bring their friends who are en
tering school next year, and all in
coming freshmen are cordially in
vited to come out and join the
(Please turn to t>a(jc six)
Offices Refitted
For UO President
Dean of Women. Graduate
Headquarters Moved;
NYA in Johnson
Moving of the dean of women’s
office, and the graduate office to
make way for a suite of offices to
be occupied by Oregon's new presi
dent and Earl Pallett, registrar,
was accomplished this summer.
Hazel P. Schwering, dean of wo
men, and Alice B. Macduff, assist
ant dean and housing secretary,
will be “at home" in Gerlinger hall
this fall. The lounge downstairs in
alumni hall has been refitted into
a new dean of women’s office.
Offices of the graduate division,
f occupied bv Dr. George Rebec, i
dean, and Mrs. Clara Fitch, secre
tary, have been moved upstairs in
Johnson hall. The small offices
formerly used by Dr. Howard R.
Taylor, head of the psychology de
partment, for research purposes,
have been transferred to the dean
of men's office, and will be used
for files and records. Dr. Taylor's
research offices are now located
upstairs in Johnson.
The former graduate office and
dean of women's office have been
entirely redecorated and refitted
for occupancy of the registrar and
the president, to take the place of
their former headquarters in Vil
lard hall. NYA headquarters will
be located in Karl Onthank's office
in the dean of men's suite.
Jantzen Rally Their First Job
The first task of the school year which faces the officers of the asso
ciated students is the staging of the huge University of Oregon rally on
Thursday, September 9. Working with alumni secretary Elmer Fansett
are President Barney Hall, general chairman; and committee members
Noel Benson, Frances Schaupp, and Dave Silver.
$40,000 Business Placed
In Hands of Manager Root;
Fees to Be rStepped9 Again
When George Root was named educational activities manager to
replace Ralph S. Schomp last spring, he became the educational activi
ties board’s executive administrator to a business with a turnover of
more than $40,000 annually.
’Students fees, which will be stepped again this vear at $7 for fall,
$5 for winter, and $3 for spring- terms, provide $6,634.44 of the ten
tative income budgeted for 1937-38. Educational activities receive 40
Tier cent of the total derived from
fees, with 60 per cent going to ath
letic activities.
Funds Available, $44,357.10
Estimated income for the com
ing fiscal year, including the $6,
634.44 portion of fees, is $39,348.28.
Cash on hand as of June 30, 1937,
is $2,201.21. These sums, plus
$36161 in accounts receivable,
$2,000 in payment from the ath
letic board, and $446 payment from
the athletic board for its share of
the band and administration ex
penses, leaves a total of funds
available as $44,357.10.
Operating expenses of the stu
dent corporation are budgeted at
$40,151 25. Payments on “old”
debts total $5,511.29. Of this last
sum, $4,899 29 is in accounts pay
able, and $612 goes to the alumni
holding company.
Looming large in both the in
come and expense columns of the
educational activities budget is the
Oregana. It is expected to glean
$11,500 and to cost $11,285. Of the
expenses, $2,200 is to be spent on
engraving and $500 on photogra
phy for this year's book. Oregana
circulation is valued at $7,500, $2,
800 is derived from organizations,
and $1,200 is the budgeted value of
Advertisers Pay $7,000
Next in importance as measured
by debit and credit total is the
Oregon Daily Emerald. In 1937-38
the Emerald is expected to pro
duce $10.9SS.84 income and to cost
$10,234.65. Income is derived from
$. 75 collectible on each student
body ticket sold for a total of $3,
588 84, plus $400 from other circu
lation and $7,000 from advertis
(Please turn to I'aije seven)
_ Web foot Night
Jantzen Beach Park, Portland, Oregon, Thursday evening, Sep
tember 9, 1937.
This coupon t presented at gatei will admit all students plan
ning to enter college next fall and all University of Oregon students
1. FREE DINNER, served in the open by the OREGON MO
songs, personalities, door prizes, and ALL-UNIVERSITY
Beach Ballroom . . . EVERETT HOAGLUND S BAND . . .
Oregon songs . . . special features.
Temporary ASUO
Office Located in
Journalism Shack
Temporary offices for the ASUO
have been established in the first
floor of the journalism building.
George Root, newlv appointed di
rector, and his staff will remain
there until September 15 when they
will take over the old offices in the
educational activities building re
cently vacated by Ralph Schomp,
former manager.
Iris Davis, secretary under
Schomp, will continue in her posi
Hits New High
At University
2„03fi 0«1«1 Jobs Filled
Rv Work Service in
1936; 8 Per Cent of
Enrolled Get NYA Aid
Tbe growth of the University
errmlovment service is almost un
believable, according to M'ss Janet
Pmith. emplovment secretary. Fig
ures show that during: the past
veir 2.OHS odd-iobs were filled
through the employment office
(exclusive of NYA) as compared
wibt 104 odd-iobs filled in 1032.
This p-rowth is largely due to the
cooperation of the people of F.u
"ape. Miss Smith savs. Tt is also
duo to the changed attitude of
most students toward work. Fu
geneans, however, have v/orked
hand in hand with the University
employment service, cooperating
in every way possible so as to give
more needy students work which
would see those students through
Permanent Jobs
During the past summer 130 odd
iobs were filled through Miss
Smith’s office and fourteen per
manent placements made.
Through the school year 1930
1937, 12 per cent of the student
enrollment (an average of 373 stu
dents a term) had NYA help. Now
the federal allotment has been re
duced so that only 8 per cent of
the enrollment (last year's enroll
: ment figures) will receive NYA aid
' this year. Because of this there
will be more demand than ever for
(Please tarn In fiatie five)
pSiwash Stories9
Bring $14,000
ToUO Secretary
“Good old Siwash,” Mrs. Clara
Lvnn Fitch, secretary of the
University graduate division,
murmured delightedly one day
last week.
Mrs. Fitch had just been noti
fied that Paramount studios had
purchased motion picture rights
to the Siwash stories created by
her husband, George Fitch, for
George Fitch, author and jour
nalist, died in 1915. His Siwash
stories, satires on college life,
first appeared in the Saturday
Evening Post, later they were
published in two books, "Petie
Simmons at Siwash,” and “Good
Old Siwash.”
Loan1Fund Has Extended
$75,000 to Students Since
'09; $68,000 Out Last Year
During the past five years over one quarter of a million dollars has
been loaned to Oregon students, loans made available through the Uni
versity of Oregon student loan fund.
A recent report made by the loan committee estimates that over
the life of the loan funds at the University, that is, since 1909, approxi
mately three quarters of a million dollars has been loaned to students,
rhe loan found has grown from $52,179.69 on July l, 1932, to $73,530.60 as
wx ouiy tv, approximately ai
40-per cent increase during the
past five years.
J. O. Lindstrom, University bus
iness manager and member of the
student loan committee, points out
that nearly one-half of the loan
funds ($73,530.60 to be exact) is
composed of interest earnings.
Donors Listed
Donations to the loan fund and
their donors during the period July
1, 1936 to June 30, 1937 include:
U. of O. Orchestra, $160.00: U. of
O. emergency supply fund, $30.00:
Brun loan fund, (real estate and
cash) $211.04: Mary McCormack
music fund. $500.00: Oregon Moth
ers emergency loan fund. $1,008.82,
totaling $2,129.86 in gifts this past
year, interest collected during this
period totals $4,658.68, making a
grand total of $6,788.24.
During the past year 124 regular
loans, for periods of six months to
two years, and 2.737 emergency
loans, for 30 days, were made to
students ... a total of $68,000
being loaned, more than doubling
the total of $30,556.61. loaned.
University Begins 61st|Year
Of Educational Service With
Best Physical Plant in History
3 New Structures Place
Oregon Assets at Peak
Of All Time; Academic
Growth Keeps Pace
Ti'P University of Oregon this
f..t| hoo-ins its sixty-first year of
educational service.
S>n“e October 10. 1876. "hen it
opened :ts i,nnrs as a "tate-SMn
c^rtc-l ins4if"t'on to its first class,
the T'nivcrsitv’s hisforv has l>ccn
ooc of steady persistent proerress,
From a single hnildln", now-ven
crahlc Deadv hall, it has grown to
! a broad, green campus studded
with buildintrs which house the cal
ipees that make it a true univer
Yet the physical growth of the
campus has been paralleled and
out-stripped bv its academic
erowth. Its educational record and
reputation indicate that the in
vestment in the physical plant has
been a productive one.
New Buildings
CVownine' the physical growth of
the University are three buildinys,
the library, physical education
plant, and infirmary, opened with
in the past vear and worth, in all,
more than $1 000.000.
So the freshman class of 1911
eomes to an Oregon campus at the
hiah point of 61 years of develop
ment, when the University is richer
in material resources than at any
other time in its history.
Created in 1872
Created bv an act of the state
legislature in 1872. facilities for
instruction were not made avail*
able until four years later, when
the University formally opened its
Todav the campus covers about.
100 acres. It is divided by 13th
street into the north and south
Building's on the north cammis
include the older group, as well as
some newer structure. They are
Peadv. Villard, McClure, and
Friendly halls; and Commerce.
Oregon, Journalism, the Old Lib
rary, the newlv-reconstrueted nata
torium, and the buildings housing
the school of architecture and al
lied arts.
The South Campus
On the new south campus are
Johnson hall (administration!,
Condon hall, the education group,
the music auditorium; Susan
Campbell, Hendricks, and Mary
Spiller halls (women's dormitor
ies! ; Gerlinger hall, and the his
tory house, the new library, and
the Murray-Warner Museum of
Oriental art.
To the east are the men’s dormi
tories. Alpha, Zeta, Gamma, Ome
ga, Sigma, and Sherry Ross halls,
centered about the John Straub
memorial hall court an(i dining
rooms; the new men’s gym, McAr
thur court, and the University hos
Back With Honors
He turned to his work os dean of the University of Oregon school of
law is Wayne L. Morse. In addition to retaining his position as head of
the attorney general’s survey on criminal release procedures, Dean
Morse will edit a five-work series on results of the survey.
Back at the Old Job
September will find C. V. Boyer hack at his position as dean of the
college of arts and letters, a position he has never relinquished while
acting as president of the University. lie will retain his position as
president until Chancellor Frederick M. Hunter and the state board of
higher education are successful in their search for a man to replace
him. Their selection will probably be announced in September.
Boyer Resigns;
Post Is Still Open
President Continues Work: J
Board Appointment Is
Expected Soon
Oregon education eircles were
set agog earlv this summer with
the announcement that Dr. C. Val
entine Bover had tendered his res
ignation as president of the Uni
versity of Oregon to the state
hoard of higher education.
Prime subiect for coniecture
throughout the state is who will be
the successor to the able president
who took over the reins of Univer
sity administration in 1933. Dr.
Bover was inaugurated president
of the University in the winter of
1936 at impressive ceremonies.
Stepping into his job at the
denths of the depression when
higher education problems were
| most difficult. Dr. Boyer guided
I Oregon education throughout the
| lean years and decided to relin
1 ouish his position because of bad
j health. Although he has resigned,
j Dr Boyer has kept at his routine
| duties, continuing his administra
1 tive work.
[ The state board of higher educa
tion accepted his resignation at
(P’casc turn to pnrjc six)
The Dalles Grads Form
Oregon Alumni Group
Greater Oregon promotion is be
in°r hoosted in The Dalles and Was
co countv, according to a letter re
ceived this week from Dong Milne,
active alumnus at The Dalles, Ore
Oregon boosters at The Dalles
who are working toward the forma
tion of a permanent alumni group
: there include Francis Galloway, '07,
Sam Van Vactor, '32, Roscoe Krier,
I ex-’33, F. L. Phipps, 'll, Malcolm
| Wilkinson, '28. Dr. Thomas Coberth,
M.D. ’ll. Dr. Paul Vogt, M D. '36,
Dr. James Odell, ex-12. Lay Car
lisle, '20, George Stadelman, ex-'30,
j Paul McCulloch, '30.
Student 'Labor9
Gets 5-Day Week
Without Sit-Down
Without resorting' to sit-down
strike, conciliation, or arbitra
tion, Oregon students have been
rid of one of the major perils of
college existence- the Saturday
University of Oregon profes
sors. perhaps with selfish mo
tives, abolished the obnoxious
study hours at a faculty meet
ing held earlier this year.
Informed sources claimed that
the professors' move was forced
by the prospect of having half
the classes excused for football
games and the other half unat
tended while sleepy students
caught up on their snoring.
Enrollment Expected to
Be 3000; Registration
! Will Begin Sept. 22,
Lasts 3 Days
Enrollment at the University
will total over 3000 students for
fall term, a forecast released by
Assistant Registrar Clifford I..
Constance indicates.
Compiled from a comparison of
last year’s enrollment figures and
from pre-registration material re
leased to prospective new students,
the forecast predicts an increase of
five per cent over fall term of last
Although freshman week opens
Monday, September 20, registra
tion for old students will not begin
until September 22. The major
part of the orientation period fin
ished, freshmen will begin the pro
cess of enroilment September 23.
Classes Begin Sept. 27
When the furor of the three-day
allotted registration period has
cleared at noon Saturday, Septem
ber 25, nearly 1800 men and 1300
women will be ready to begin
the following Monday.
Registration materials will bo
released to new undergraduate stu
dents when they go to their con
ferences with their advisors, who
will be stationed in McArthuP
court. The procedure of advising
and registration for these students
has been combined, Mr. Constance
states, along with the moving of
underclass advisors from Condon
hall where they were last year to
The Igloo.Registration for new stu
classes the following Monday.
Red Books in Johnson
Returning collegians will get
their red books and other materials
at the second floor offices in John- '
son hall. They will complete e
rollment and make fees paymei
in McArthur court, beginning Set
tember 22.
Fees for this year have been in
creased slightly at both Oregon
and OSC, figures released reveal.
Total tuitions and fees cost will be
$30 for resident enrollees and out
of-state students must pay an ad
ditional $40. This does not include
gvm suit fees, which will remain
at $2, or special fees for instruc
tion in applied music.
Of the $30, $10 goes for tuition,
$11.50 for laboratory and course
fees, $3 50 for health service fees,
and $5 goes into the building fund,
A matriculation fee of $5, not re
fundable, has been added this year,
which each new undergraduate
must pay. All students must make
the usual $5 deposit, refunded at
the end of the year with fines and
breakage deducted.
‘My! How You Talk
Joe, Betty Sling Slang
Adam and Eve. Antony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet. .. one and
all had a name for it. And Joe College and Betty Coed also have a name
for it . . . leastwise, here at Oregon.
Yes, probably one of the most famed of Oregon's idiosyncrasies i3
that quaint custom of "pigging.” Pigging consists merely of boy plus
girl in a favorable situation, or. should I say, enjoying a favorable re
lationship with each other unto themselves. When two of opposing sexes
are “keeping company” on this ! i-—-----.
campus they are known as “pig
Delightful and most truly ro
mantic terminology, what? Yes,
but you’ve not heard the half of
t, really. When Joe and Betty start
manufacturing the slang they real
y swing it!
The fellows, for example, have
called Betty everything from a
‘calorific mama,” or a “sheba,” to
a, “cold shudder.” The former have
plenty of sex appeal as the terms
might suggest. The latter? Well
. . she would not be a "repeater,"
if you get me. A "lulu” is altogeth
sr desirable. A “clinging vine,” or
•hot-house plant," a delicate baby
. . a “tin pan,” too noisy . . . and
(Please turn to page six)
Hit Parade
An Oregon hit parade will be
played by Everett Hoaglund's
orchestra at the Jantzen beach
jamboree for prospective Uni
versity students, September 9.
Clip this coupon, freshmen,
with the name of your favorite
popular music selection, your
name and address, and mail to
Bob Bailey, 5120 N. Greeley Ave
nue, Portland, Oregon.
My favorite popular song is
My name is ...
Free Picnic, Dance Features of Webtoot Night at Jantzen Sept. 9