Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1937, Page Four, Image 4

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    Commencement Will Finish Senior Exam Week
Graduating Students
Observe Traditions
While Others Labor
While other students prepare for their final exams the following
week, graduating seniors and those receiving advanced degees will
combine in five days, from May 2’.’ to 31, the traditions and events of
the annual commencement weekend.
Starting with the informal senior picnic, Thursday afternoon, and
ending with the very formal climax of the commencement exercises the
following Monday night, the graduates’ progrma will be filled with
various events.
Gowns at Three Events
Three of the events of the week
end, the University luncheon, bac
calaureate services, and commence
ment exercises, will be symbolized
by the wearing of caps and
gowns. When the bachelor degree;
are conferred, President Boyer will
call on each group of graduates tc
rise and receive the degree. After
the degree is conferred, the tassel
of the mortar board, on the left
side of the cap up to this time, will
be transferred to the right side oi
the front, point of the cap
Seniors and others receiving de
grees will receive instructions at
the alumni office, starting Wed
nesday, concerning the details ol
each event.
The senior picnic, fully guarded
by an anti-mooching committee
will be held next Thursday, with
details to be announced later, ac
cording to Margiiee Morse, clas
$250 Prizes
Prizes of $150 and $100 will be
awarded Friday night in the Fail
ing-Beekman orations for seniors.
Senior women will breakfast
with the State Association oi
University Women, Saturday at
8:30 a. m., at the Osburn hotel,
and will participate in the tradi
tional flower and fern procession
at the Pioneer Mother statue, at
7:30 p. m.
The alumni meeting at 10:30 a.
m. followed by the University
luncheon for seniors and alumni in
John Straub Memorial building' at
noon, and the class reunions at
5:30 are events of interest on Sat
urday. The garden party given by
the music faculty in the sunken
garden east of the school at 3
o’clock, and the twilight concert,
following the flower procession are
events on Saturday's program.
Baccalaureate in Igloo
Baccalaureate services will be
in McArthur court Sunday at 8
p.m. Dr. J. Hudson Ballard, pas
tor of the First Presbyterian
church in Portland, will speak on
The commencement exercises,
Monday at 8:00 p. m., will also be
in McArthur court. Principal
speaker then will be Clyde B.
Aitchison, graduate of the Univer
sity and member of the interstate
commerce commission, will speak
on “Statescraft and Scholarship.”
Members of the graduating class
will become members of the Al
umni as -ociation and be entitled to
a subscription to Old Oregon for
one year, through arrangements
with the administration and state
board of higher education.
.’crnac-i wmnmmmmmr
Shorthand - Typewriting ;
Complete Business Course
University Business College ]
Edward L. Ryan, B.S., L.L.B.. <
T O,O F. Building. Eugene
The equipment may be pur- jB
chased and the real estate p
leased; or the entire property, g
or either the restaurant, or ^
swimming and canoeing fa- H
cilities may be leased or pur- =§
chased. B
Ideal business for parents B
of students. No one with less ft
than $1000.00 cash need in- g
quire. D. T. BAYLEY. §
Propeller Club
Banquet Tonight
Appreciative Audience
Hears 133 Songsters in
Mnsic Auditorium
Ton members of the senior port
of the Propeller club of Portland
will attend the Foreign Trade week
banquet of the campus chapter of
the club tonight at 0 o’clock, in
the College Side.
Campus speakers will be Calvin
Crumbaker, professor of econom
ics, and Victor P. Morris, acting
dean of the business administration
school. Louis Larson, president of
the local port, will ac| as tosat
The recently organized Univer
sity port has 25 members, with A.
L. Lomax, professor of adminis
tration, for its faculty adviser.
Entertainment for the banquet
will be given by campus entertain
IT. Kehrli Sends
Out Information
On Rieyele Laws
The bureau of municipal re
search and service at the Univer
sity is sending out letters and
pamphlets on bicycle control and
the many methods employed in
enforcing it in different Oregon
cities. Herman Kehrli, director of
the bureau, states in his letter that
he hopes in developing an affirma
tive inLerest in safety and law ob
servance among the children of the
state, Cregon cities and schools
can lessen the traffic problems
that wili confront future legisla
tures and city councils.
It will make certain that an in
telligent electorate will pass on
questions involving street and
highway service. He feels that in
legislating on problems incidental
; to the use of bicycles, that every
! city should recognize the excel
, lent opportunity for juvenile safe
ty education offered by this meth
od of control.
Mr. C R. Duer, city auditor and
police judge of Grants Pass, has
prepared a statement on bicycle
i control in that city which is in
cluded in the bulletin compiled by
William Hall, research assistant of
the bureau of municipal research.
Duck Golfers End
(Continued from pane three)
dumping the highly-touted Cliff
Folen for three points.
Milligan will not play in this
morning’s best-ball foursomes, his
place being filled by Stockton, No.
7. Other Webfoots are Walt Cline,
No. 2: Dave Hamley, No. 3; Bill
Watson, No. 4; Doug Ramsey, No.
5; and Stockton, No. 6.
Oregon frosh, after their second
win over the Rooks in today’s
match, are Don Coles, Ben Hughes,
Bill Rosson, Doc Near, Charles
Phipps, and George Fortmiller.
The Rooks are Stafford, Blasen,
Murch, Ireland, Weidemann, and
Subscriptions only $3.00 per year.
Wo think they are friends, for they visit us
quite regularly . . . and they say friendly things
about the famous PIT barbecue . . .
We feel that we are part of the campus ... so
here's to a grand summer . . .
Orators’ Contest
Manuscripts Due
Fail inp-Rork man Orations
To Bp in Speech Office
By Noon Today
Students participating in the
Failing-Beekman oratorical con
test must have the finished manu
scripts of their orations at the
speech division by this noon, John
L. Casteel, director of the speech
division announced yesterday.
The preliminaries for the con
test will be held Monday evening,
May 24, at 7:30 p. m. One section
will speak at the Guild theatre and
the other at room 110 Johnson. Or
der of speakers will be determined
by lot and three will be chosen
from each section to take part in
the final contest to be held Friday
evening, May 28, in the music au
ditorium, at which time the prizes
of $150 and $100 will be awarded.
34 Students to Attend
ROTC Training Camp
This summer, ?A Oregon stu
dents of the first year advanced
class will attend the summer
ROTC training camp at Vancouver,
Wash. The training session lasts
from June 14 to July 24.
Students from Oregon State and
Washington colleges as well as
from the Oregon campus will be
in attendance. Approximately 100
students will be present, as well as
staff members chosen from each
school. Staff members from Ore
gon will be Major Wappenstein,
Major Morris, and Sergeant Agule.
Bend High
(Continued from page three)
Dudrey, Salem; Fortner, Washing
ton, and Gilman, Heppner. Top
height—11 feet. Six men.
100 yard dash—First heat; Keen,
Lincoln; Collingsworth, Enterprise.
Second heat: Diez, Franklin; Sav
age, Bonanza. Third heat: Francis,
Bend; Schultz, Forest Grove. Best
time—Diez -10.3.
High jump — Gregg, Benson;
Adams, Klamath Falls; Britton,
Pendleton; Eivers, Grant; Hamil
ton, St. Helens; Hoxworth, Frank
lin; Larbach, Seaside; Norton, '
Grants Pass, and Steele, Hood Riv
er. Height 5 feet, 6 inches.
Broad jump — Dickson, Bend;
Stitt, LaGrande; Schultz, Forest
Grove; Rober, Malin; King, Hepp
ner; Stevenson, Eugene; Lewis, As
toria, and Halloway, Washington.
Best Distance — Dickson — 21
feet 5 inches.
Discus — Blackledge, Corvallis;
Stone, West Linn; Wilson, Hood
River; Regner, Grant; Miller, Sa
lem; Olson, Washington; Dungey,
Scappoose, and Ryan, Franklin.
Best distance — Blackledge—131
feet 8 1-2 inches.
Javelin—Hoffman, Washington;
Rukareno, Bend; Ingram, Grants
Pass; Thornton, Milwaukie; V.
Guggisberg, Cottage Grove; Gil
man, Heppner; Burgess, i'oledo,
and Robertson, Albany. Best dis
tance—Hoffman—176 feet 4 inch
440-yard dash — Eagleton,
Franklin; Karpstien Beaverton;
Witty, Pendleton; Turner, Grant;
Lilly, La Grande; Yoth, Dallas;
Tuckwiler, Hill Military Academy;
Steele, Grant. Best time, Eagle
ton, :51.9.
221-yard low hurdles — Dickson,
Bend; Hill, Medford; Schippers,
Hill Military Academy; Dungey,
Scappoose; Holloway, Washington;
Loving, Hood River. Best time,
Holloway—: 26.3.
220-yard dash—Diez, Franklin;
Francis, Bend; Schultz, Forest
Grove; Hamer, Eugene; Collings
worth, Enterprise; Smith, Salem.
Best time—Schultz—:23.1.
880-yard run — Nelson, Bend;
Borden. Corvallis; Lineell, Medford;
Shields, Salem; Crowley, Jeffer
son: Bryant, Clatskanie; Scharpf,
Eugene; Sanders, Hill. Best time,
120-yard high hurdles — Loving.
Hood River; Holloway, Washing
ton; Maerz, Salem; Hoger.son, La
Grande; Dickson, Bend: Luther,
Medford. Best time, Holloway—
Half-mile relay — Franklin, Al
bany, Benson, Klamath Falls.
Bend. Washington. Best time. Ben
son, 1:34.3.
Quiz of W eek
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. c
8. d
9. C
10. d
To Broadcast
Over Network
Hal Young, G1e e in e n,
Symphony Orchestra
Complete Program to
Be Heard in West
A radio* audience of thousand?,
in addition to the audience in the
music auditorium Sunday at 1:30
p.m., will hear for the third time
this year the broadcast from the
school of music over the NBC net
The half-hour program, spon
sored by the Oregon state highway
commission, will be sent over west
ern stations of the network. Feat
ured on the program will be the
University symphony orchestra, di
rected by Rex Underwood, profes
sor of music, with the noted Port
land lecturer, Frank Branch Riley
as master of ceremonies.
Young Sings ‘Liebstraum’
Contrary to former announce
ment, a program of the symphony
orchestra will not follow the broad
cast at 3 p.m., but will be given
the following Sunday, May 30 at
3 p.m. The broadcast is to be given
as announced.
On the broadcast will be Hal
Young, professor of voice, singing
the beautiful Liszt, “Liebstraum.”
Songs will also be rendered by the
Eugene Gleemen, led by John Stark
Evans. The Gleemen, in addition to
singing the famous Handel
“Where'er You Walk," will give the
magnificent "Hallelujah” chorus
from Beethoven's “Mount of
Gov. Martin to Speak
Numbers to be played by the
symphony orchestra will include
the Brahm’s Hungarian dance
number five, and the prelude to the
third ac tof “Lohengrin.” Gover
nor Charles H. Martin, will also ap
pear on the program, giving a brief
The public is invited to attend
the broadcast program.
Thirteen Men
(Continued from pane three)
in the shotput event. Theodortus of
Washington State still holds the
record with a mark of 52 feet
% inch set in 1934 at Eugene. Fos
kett may better this mark, but
odds in his favor are small.
Eob Fitchard, broad jumper,
Frank “Squeak” Lloyd, broad and
high jumper, Elmer Koskello, jave
lin heaver, and Chan Berry, shot
and discus artist, are high-ranking
Webfooters who will be trying
hard, and who have a chance to
star in their events.
Vic Palmason, Washington half
mile ace, will have a battle on his
hands with Oregon’s fiery Ken Mil
ler, who will, according to Colonel
Hayward, be in top position rank
ings. Captain Sam McGaughey,
Webfoot miler, will fight on even
terms with two sturdy Huskies,
Trowbridge and Anglo.
Three Good Men
(Continued from page three)
place in fourth in the Pacific coast
conference last year.
This Miller boy has really some
thing to look forward to when he
gets out of school. He has applied
for a coaching job in Salvadore, a
small republic in Central America.
His work would be that of coaching
track and basketball, and to work
up an Olympic team for the next
However, if he doesn't land the
job, he will take a graduate course
in physical education at the Uni
versity of California.
(Continued from page three)
a ruling that MAY mean an Ore
gon baseball title.
Curtains it is this morning for
Oregon's daily publication, the
Emerald. You won't have to read
—or skip—this sports column
again until next fall. It's been a
pleasure to dish it out, and my
only hope is that somewhere,
somehow, the Chatter Box has
done some good.
$80 II a r t in a n Wardrobe
Trunk for $23. Like new.
Glenn Reed. College Side Inn.
Make Them Weleome
Today the University of Oregon is entertaining 300 high
school athletes who will be on the campus to participate in
the Eleventh Annual Oregon State High School Aathletic
Association track meet.
Courtesy and the opportunity to serve our alma mater
demand that we all exert every effort to entertain our guests.
We want these visitors from the high schools to feel that
they are welcome, and we want them to see what the Univer
sity has to offer. Let us see to it that every guest, when he
leaves the campus, leaves with the feeling that this is his
University to which he is going to return.
McKenzie, Orient Are
Attractions for Faculty
Dean James H. Gilbert, during the summer session, will be in
Eugene. After that, during the month of August, his activities will
be in the pursuit of fish on the McKenzie and eastern Oregon lakes.
Dr. N. H. Cornish will work on research in sales retailing and will
write a series of magazine articles from the data he has collected on
Appointed the acting dean of the school of education during the
summer session in tne absence ot
Dean Jewell, Professor R. W.
Leighton will be here during the
summer session.
Dr. Gage to Visit Orient
Remaining in Eugene, Dean Vic
tor P. Morris will work in his of
Dr. D. D. Gage is leaving June
10 from San Francisco on the
Asama Maru for the Orient. Points
on call are Honolulu, Shanghai,
Peiping, Manchuria, and Korea.
He will attend the world federa
tion of Educational associations
held in Tokyo August 2-7, return
ing home August 20.
Professor J. H. Bond, will teach
here during the summer session.
In the latter part of June he will
go to Denver to read a paper for
the conference on inflation held
there on June 26. This conference
is held under the auspices of the
Econometric society, an • interna
tional society for the advancement
of economic theory in its relation
to statistics and mathematics.
Professor Bond was asked to par
ticipate through the suggestion of
Carl Snyder, of the New York Fed
eral Reserve bank.
Professor L. C. Ball will remain
in Eugene.
Professor D. R. French is plan
ning to go east this summer.
Allen to Become Father-in-law
j-'cau jlii iu -fallen win apeiiu Lilt:
summer in Eugene. He will teach
in summer school and said he I
would stay here anyway because
“there’s going to be a wedding at
our house.” His daughter Eliza- j
beth, will be married.
George Turnbull, professor of
journalism, announced yesterday
that he will teach in summer ses
sion. The rest of the summer will
be devoted to writing.
Arne Rae, professor of journal
ism, ar.d field manager and sec
retary of the Oregon Newspaper
Publishers’ association, stated yes
terday that his job is a twelve
month one and that he will be kept
busy all summer here in Eugene.
He remarked that he might pos
sibly take a trip to Montana later
in the summer.
Hulten to Attend Chicago U.
Charles M. Hulten, professor of ;
journalism, will leave as soon as
finals are completed for Chicago,
where he will attend the summer
session at the University of Chi
cago. He will work for his doc
tor’s degree in political science.
Professor Hulten will make the
trip by automobile, accompanied
by his wife. Mrs. Hulten, society
editor of the Register-Guard, is
resigning from that post.
Professor W. F. G. Tliacher will
spend his summer “playing around
with the Oregon Trail Pageant.”
Prof. Thacher is the author of the
Professor Hal Young, professor
of voice, will remain at the Uni
versity this summer, to give vocal
lessons in summer school. Although
Mr. Young has been asked to go
east and do a show with the Schu
bert company in New York this
summe", he has decided to remain
in Eugene.
Professor Leavitt O. Wright, of
the Spanish department, is driv
ing to Mexico with his family this
summer. He is heading a group of
students who will leave Pomona
college, Claremont, Cal., on June
19 for Mexico City, via Laredo,
Texas. Prof. Wright will be in
Mexico about eight weeks.
Dr. Barnett of the law faculty is
teaching at the law school during
the summer session. He plans to
spend a couple of weeks right af
ter commencement at his farm.
Orlando J. Hollis, acting dean
of the law school, is teaching dur
ing the summer session here. At
the close of the session in August
he intends»to take a trip either to
the islands or the canal zone. He
is undecided which as yet.
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