THE CHATTER BOX flitmnniniiimiinmninninimnniinmninnmnimimiimnimuiimmimimnmim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimlinimKiiiimiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimniniimiimiimiiiinmmni By ELBERT HAWKINS Co-sports editor, the Emerald ^REETINGS. you high school cindermen! May you enjoy these two short days on the Uni versity of Oregon campus, and we frankly hope every record in the books :s smashed. There’s some hope in that score, for Bill Black ledge, Corvallis powerhouse weight man, came through yesterday af ternoon to heave the iron ball for a new mark of 51 feet 7 3-8 inches. Some of those records are going to stick, but for your edification we're going to list them. lOOyards—:09.9—Set by Les lie (Klamath Falls) in 1934, and Grayson (Jefferson) in 1933. 320 yards—:21.8—Set by Bra dy (Washington) in 1933. 440 yards—:51.2 — Set by Schriver (Jefferson) in 1935. 880 yards—2:01.5—Set by Mc Gaughey (Roseburg) in 1933. Mile run—4:29.8—Set by Me Gaughey (Roseburg) in 1933. 120 yard high hurdles—:15.7 Set by Hunter (Chemawa) in 1934. 220 yard low hurdles—:25.5— Set by Grayson (Jefferson) in 1932, and Ellis (Salem) in 1936. High jump—6 feet 1 5-8 inch es—Set by Dufresne (Roseburg) in 1933. Broad jump—22 feet 6 1-2 inches—Set by Burdette (Sandy) in 1935, , Pole vault—12 feet 1-8 inch— Set by Hendershott (Bend), and Simmons (Forest Grove) in 1936. Javelin—201. feet 5 1-2 inches Set by Demaris (Prineville) in 1931. Shot put—51 feet 2 1-2 inches —Set by Anderson (Roosevelt) in 1935. Discus—131 feet 11 1-2 inches —Set by Anderson (Roosevelt) in 1935. 880 yard relay—-1:31.3—Set by Harrow, Snell, Collins, Brady (Washington) in 1933. rj^HERE you are preppers, read ’em and weep. Those marks include only annual meets since their renewal in 1927. If you want to include all-time, two marks which have stood since 1912 will have to be considered. They are in the 880 and the mile. Back in t that pre-war meet which was held in Eugene, a guy named Windnagle from Washington high of Port land negotiated the half-mile in 1:56.8. His teammate, Wilson, ran the mile in 4 :29. Hefty Blackledge’s record shot heave yesterday wasn’t the only outstanding performance, for he also heaved the discus to within three inches of the 131 feet 11 1-2 inch record. Eagleton of Franklin threatened the 440 time in yester day's trials by dashing it in 51.9 mark of Jim Schriver’s. The pole vault record will also be under dangerous fire today as Bend’s Hendershott steps into action. IJEST easier baseball fans for Hobby's Wcbfoot nine WILL NOT have to play those two Wash ington games which were rained out here last week. They would be a pair of sweel games to watch, we’ll grant that, but not having to play them makes the champion ship situation considerably easier for Oregon. The Lemon-Yellow baseballers can cinch the pennant by downing Oreegon State here either Friday or Saturday. One victory will positively settle it. The confereenee ruling on post poned games was called to our at tention yesterday afternoon by Coach Hobson. It was written into the northern division rules follow ing a meeting of the graduate managers in Seattle on August 30, 1031. In order to avoid further confusion, we’ll give the rule as it now appears. $ # # 4*IJOSTPONED games shall be played off as follows: If througn some cause uncontrollable by either institution a regular scheduled game is not played, a double header shall be played on the following clay providing it is a Saturday and a regular scheduled game is to be played between the two institutions. “In ease no game is to be played on the Saturday following the date of the postponed game, no game shall be played on any other date and the postponed game shall not affect the percentage of the teams involved. It is under stood that because of location. Idaho and Washington State—Ore gon anc! Oregon State shall play four games each season regardless of postponements.’’ And there is (Please turn to poje four) Prep Stars Wind Up Meet Here Today Bend High Dominates Field in Qualifying For This Afternoon’s Finals Washington and Grant Squads Lead Portland Entries; Blaekledge Tosses Ball to Record By JOHN PINK (Co-sports editor, the Emerald) Heralded as one of the finest teams to represent the up-state country in years, a powerful Bend high school track and field squad dominated the field in the gualifying heats of the eleventh annual Oregon State championships which opened yesterday afternoon on Hayward field. The Lava Bears gave promise that they might be the first team in years to break the long domination of Portland high schools in the annual event by placing nine men and their relay quartet in the finals slated for this afternoon. They also have Ray Klienfeldt, 1936 champion in the mile run, scheduled to defend his crcwn today, giving them the honor of having the largest team in the finals. Two Portland Schools, Grant and Washington, followed in men qualified with six each. The Co lonial relay quartet also garnered a place in the finals. Other teams that qualified several men are Franklin, Portland, and Salem, five; Eugene, Medford, Hood River, and Grants Pass with four apiece. Rose City teams have a virtual cinch ''n district honors with an overwhelming number of qualifiers. Blackledge Breaks Mark On the huge biceps of Bill Black ledge rested the honor of breaking the only record of the day. Black ledge, 1936 champion in the shot and discus, heaved the leaden ball 51 feet 7 3-8 inches to better the mark of 51 feet 2 1-2 inches set by Anderson in 1935. The husky Corvallis weight star also won the discus with a toss of 131 feet 8 1-2 inches which is but three inches short of the existing record in this event. Miller Nicholson’s Lava Bears were paced by Dickson who took his heat in the 220 lbw sticks, first in the broad jump, a place in the high hurdles, and Francis, a slim speedster, who took heats in both the 100 yard dash and 220 yard dash. Diez Cops Two Diez, Franklin, cream of the Portland sprint crop, gave notice that he will be in the money this afternoon with wins in both his sprint heats. Eagleton, also from the Quaker school, turned in the best time of the 140-yard dash heats by sprinting to a :51.9 finish in his race. If pressed today, the Portland entry is expected to eclipse the state mark of :51.2. Finals in all events will start this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with the same order of events holding effect. The mile will be inserted, however, moving several races back slightly on the program. At the conclusion of each event this afternoon individual winners will be presented with awards. The winner of the 880-yard run will receive one-year possession of the Vere Windnagle cup. If some runner breaks Windnagle's record, which was made in 1912, he will be awarded permanent possession of the silverware. A handsome trophy will go to the team having the greatest to tal of points. The district making the best showing will also receive an award. Walter Hummel will act as chief starter again this afternoon. The list of men who qualified for today's finals are as follows: Shot put Blackledge, Corvallis; Regner. Grant; Swindell, Eugene; Hare, Sheridan; Stone, West Linn; Stamm, Grant; Pruess, Grants Pass, and Pritchett, Grants Pass. Winning distance — Blackledge 51 feet 7 3-8 inches. New record. Pole vault—Putnam, Albany; Russell. Grant; Hendershott, Bend; Hill. Medford; Chapman, Salem; (Please turn to pajc jour) Thirteen Men Will Compete In Seattle Tiff \aroff Expected to Top Boh Robinson’s Vault Mark; Foskett and Holland Should Win By JIMMIE LEONARD Expected to have a hard fight for third and with a slim chance to land in second place, Coach Bill Hayward’s under-dog 13-man track team will compete with Washing ton, Washington State, Oregon State, and Idaho for honors in the northern division track meet in Seattle this afternoon. Dutch Holland, California’s big contribution to the Oregon team, is favored to take first place in the discus throw. It is doubtful if he can better the mark of 157 feet 2 inches made by Moeller of Ore gon in 1929, but with good luck and coordination he might possibly equal the record. Undefeated in this year’s compe tition, Bill Foskett is a sure bet {Please turn to page four) Duck Golfers End Play Against OSC Today’s Final Match Finds Oregon After Revenge; Milligan at INo. 1 By LARRY QUINLIN Oregon's varsity and frosh par chasers go into their final dual meet session of the 1937 season to day when they mix shots with the formidable Beaver varsity and Rooks in Eugene. The deadlocked Webfoot and Beaver varsity teams will be playing for the unofficial northwest dual meet championship. Both matches will open with 18 hole best-ball foursomes in the morning, followed by singles mat ches in the afternoon. Trounce Webfoots The Oregon State varsity squad toppled the Webfoots last week in Corvallis by a 17 If.-9win, to place the two teams in a deadlock for first place. Beaver golfers are Lettermen Cliff Folen, Rex Pemberton, Bob Ingalls, and Prosser Clark, and Sophomore George Arenz and Tart Johnson. Milligan Sole Winner Milligan. No. 1, was the only Oregon golfer to win against OSC, (Please turn to page Jour) THE DOORWAY TO FINE FOODS College Inn 73"> SW Broadway Restaurant — Coffee Shop Portland's popular rendezvous for all college and high school students. Du Broadway next to the Orpheum Theater. OPEN ALL NIGHT Tiro of Oregon's Veterans Webfoot Captain Sam McGaughey, outstanding northwest miter, 1 is shown striding' past Colonel Bill Hayward, Oregon’s veteran mentor. Both’ are in Seattle today where MeGaugliey Is expected to write a brilliant finis to his college career in the northwest championships. Three Good Men9 All Tried And True, Wind Up Varsity Track Careers This Spring By HUBARD KUOKKA Three University of Oregon track stars, Frank “Squeak” Lloyd, Ken Miller, and team-captain Sam McGaughey, who will hang up their spikes this spring, will be conspicuous next year by their absence from the Hayward cinderways. Each a number one man in his event, these three have dona their shore in winning firsts for dear old Oregon and have won plenty of recognition in the Pacific coast track circles. rue grand old man ot this year s year letterman's sweater is Sam cinder squad to win his white three McGaughey, the distance runner who, however, is not averse to running a fast quarter mile or even a sprint. Counting his freshman year, he has competed for four years on the cinders, and on this, his senior year, he was made cap tain. Sam was one of those who started turning out early in the fall for cross-country and started his spring training right after New Year. McGaughey has had but one ambition this year and that is to run the mile in 4:20 or less. “Squeak” Lloyd is just rounding off about 13 years of vigorous ath letic activity. He started when he joined the YMCA in Pennsylvania as a kid swimmer. Ho is thinking of making swimming his sport again. On the track his main forte is the broad jump, having leaped 25 feet 8 Vi inches. He is intending to crack the northwest conference meet record up in Seattle today, and .jyijl, too, if a badly sprained ankle permits him. “Squeak11 jumps for height as well as for dis tance and can run the hundred in 9.8 seconds. Webfoot Nine Needs One Win To Take Title League Ruling Prevents Replaying of Husky Series; Two Contests Left With OSC In second place in the northern division baseball chase when they left Eugene over a week ago, Ore gon's victorious Webfoots returned l to town yesterday needing but a single win over Oregon State to clinch the 1937 championship. The Ducks made an inauspicious entrance into town yesterday de spite a gala parade by University students, beating local supporters to the station. A large crowd of fans turned out to voice their ap proval over Oregon’s sensational winning streak up north. Two More Tilts According to northern division rules on postponements Oregon and Washington will not replay the pair of games which were rain ed out on Howe field a week ago last Monday and Tuesday. That leaves only two conference games against Oregon State to wind up Oregon's present schedule. Coach Howard Hobson’s boys are a full game out in front of Buck Bailey's Washington Staters, and need but one win in their last two games to make the championship mathematically certain. Beavers Improve Slats Gill's lowly Orangemen, twice kicked over by Oregon this season, will wind up the pennant race on Howe field next Friday and Saturday afternoons. The Beavers spilled Washington i once at Seattle, and then moved over to Moscow to grab a pair | from Idaho's lowly Vandal crew. Hit in Pinches Hitting in the pinches was one of the main reasons for Oregon's amazing six victories in seven games against Washington State, Washington, and Idaho said Coach Hobson yesterday. The Duck men tor was well pleased with his ball players. Lloyd and McGaughey expect to come back to school next fall to round up a tew more hours of class work required for graduation. “Squeak” is majoring in social sci ence and Sam is in business admin istration. Ken Miller surprised everyone last year. After a mediocre season he ran the half mile in 1:53.4 to (Please turn to page four) PINK LEMON-AID <>'.!' miuiiiuiiiiiimuiiimiminimiiniitmmiimininiummiiimiiiinimniiimuit'inmnniiimiiriiiiimuiiiimiiimmnnntiiminiiiiiniimmuiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiinmnmi •» . mii!",!|l::ir:!ii wmKwrm miiiiii—iwiiiii iiiwiim .win—.. vtmmmmmmmmmmmm By JOHN PINK Well, all thee who have awaited with bated breath my daily screen ing; for the past some time, as this is the final appearance of this rag for the season, I won't keep you too long from your morning's bath. The first little item that I want to put before you is the final results of the northern division track meet at Seattle as compiled by myself and a corps of assistants, who have been peering into archives, arti chokes and egg plants for many months just to give you a sure-fire betting angle so you can go home with your pockets bulging with lucre. The tough part about picking the correct results was the lack of information concerning the Idaho and Montana teams. Of course, 1 don't expect either to win, but these two are always coming in with a few points here and there. Which is my alibi if I don't hit this. So mortgage the old sorority, sell Johnson hall to one of the visiting coaches and put the dough on the following men to finish in the order presented (1-2-3-4). 100-yard dash—L. Orr (WSC); Ledford (WSC); Humber (W); Hay (W). 320-yard dash—Same as century—honest. 440-yard dash — Benke (WSC); Nettlcton (WSC); Montgomery (VV) ;*J. Orr (WSC). (880-yard run—Palmason ( W); Miller (O); Kintner (W); Lewis (OSC). Mile—MrGaughey (O); Shepard (OSC); Trowbridge (W); Wooten (WSC). Two-mile—Shepard (OSC); Little (WSC); (Lyle (O); Angle (W). 120-yard high hurdles—McGoldrick (W); Taylor (WSC); Willard (WSC); Stutfield (W). 220-yard low hurdles—Benke, (WSC); McGoldrick (W); Taylor (WSC); Anshutz (W). Broad jump—Lloyd (O); Panton (W); Fitcliard (O); Fiser (WSC). High jump—Vandermay (W); Akerson (OSC); Smith (WSC) and Beamer (OSC) tie. Pole vault—Varoff (O); Harr (WSC); Childs (W); Idaho man. Shot put—Foskett (O); Berry (O); Johnson (I); Markov (W). Discus—Holland (O); Campbell (WSC); Deming (OSC); Berry (O). Javelin—Johnson (I); Nelson (WSC); M. Miller (VV); Koskello (O). Mile clay—Washington State, Washington, Oregon, Oregon State. Counting up the points in the above array you will find that Wash ington State is going to win with a total of 57 counters, the Huskies coming second with 43i.j, Oregon third with 3D, Oregon State 16Vi, nnd Idaho 8 j. That’s leaving the growling Grizzlies from Montana out in their cold winter, but I can’t help that. Of course the Webfoots might slip into the second stall and I will be heck of a happy mann to see myself out-guessed, but put your Townsend dough on that above list, and you all will be spending that $200 a month. * * * * A word about the prep track meet this afternoon. The big field of 234 entries were whittled down yesterday to almost half leaving the best to perform for you today. I venture to say that some of the fellows churning today will be the one’s you will be marveling at, ip, a, few years. .The barrel-chested Blackledge boy from our neighbor city of Corvallis is probably the best college prospect. But I think our neighbors have him sewed up. Jimmy Halloway, Vere Windnagle’s all-aound star; Schultz from For esL Grove; Francis and Dickson, a great looking Lava Bear duo; are several more that I imagine will be getting the arm-around-the-shoulder talk before long. Thus windeth up a year that found me with not enough sleep most of the time. And with your jpermission I will say goodbye, and so to bed (for days and days and days). But Van Duscu still owes me that two-bits—how am I going to steep! A. E. ROBERTS, President Telephone G(iG Summer School June July and August EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Miner Building A Good School Eugene, Oregon MAY 24 to JUNE 5 ARE TO BE BARGAIN DAYS AT THE ‘CO-OP’ Special Prices on a lot of things you want OREGON BLANKETS SEAL JEWELRY OREGON PENNANTS CREST PLAQUES ViPES AND POUCHES CIGARETTE LIGHTERS BILLFOLDS MEMORY BOOKS SOCIAL STATIONERY DESK CALENDARS TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS SHIRTS, BLOUSES TENNIS SHORTS GOLF BAGS TYPEWRITERS MANY OTHER STAPLE ‘CO-OP’ ARTICLES