Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1937, Page Two, Image 2

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LcRoy Mattingly, editor Walter R. Vernatrom, manager
Lloyd Tupling, managing editor
Wm. F. Lubersky, ass’t business manager
Associate editors: Clair Johnson, Virginia Endicott.
Sports staff: Bill Norene, Larry Quinlin, Chuck Van Scoyoc,
Morris Henderson, Russ Iseli, Jimmie Leonard, Lucille
Assistant managing editor Day editor:
Clare Igoe Lew Evans
Night editors
Gertrude Carter Elbert Hawkins
A Great Year.
COON graduation will ring down the* curtain
on another school year at the University
of Oregon. In almost every respect, this year,
which is about to become a part of the Uni
versity’s record, has been a great one.
Through the efforts of Chancellor Fred
erick M. Hunter, all higher education was
spared drastic budget slices. At Oregon, the
new infirmary was opened fall term. Winter
term saw the new physical education building
in service, while the recent completion of the
library climaxed an almost phenomenal build
ing program.
similar story is that of the associated
students.| In athletic activities, under
the new split program, success was particu
larly outstanding. The football team held up
its end. Basketball was an oitystanding suc
cess—second only 1o the fact that the team
made a wonderful showing and tied for the
northern conference title was the heavy finan
cial gross of $K,000.
Atop the northern division standings at
present is the Oregon baseball team. It has
just completed the greatest “northern invas
ion” of any team in recent history by sweep
ing every one of its six games. It is almost
safe to say the Wobfoots have 4hc title vir
tually clinched, even in the face of the old
diamond curse which falls on a team counting
the number of outs or putting away the bats
before a game is ovex
'J’MIE educational branch of the association
has presented the strongest concert pro
gram in its history and the new setup has
“made good.” A progressive plan for the
election of student body officers and a move
to put appointive power in the hands of a
capable and neutral body indicated a greater
interest in student government, at least
among campus leaders.
Minor phases of the student activities pro
gram have not been neglected, although many
of them still need aid before they can be ex
pected to establish themselves as self-main
taining. These can be made to pay, with pro
per promotion.
What About the Future
pUIi tin- AKUO find (he II of 0, ltKIG-37 can
be marked down in Ihe records as a year
of achievement. However, ball games, beyond
a certain point, are seldom won “out, of the
records" or in the past; neither are student
body cards sold for many terms on past per
formances. New students do not select uni
versities and colleges on past glories alone—■
Oregon must continue to offer the same fine
educational program and must extend it.
Her the University must not be blinded by
its own glory, must not sit back, figuratively,
fat and contented, satiated with its own suc
Kvrry college and university in the north
Avcst is literally moving out. Idaho has an
increased enrollment and is constructing u
fine stadium which will, it hopes, seat 20,000,
including Wallace Rccry. All over the confer
ence there.is a budding— not of twigs and
grass alone but of increased spirit, increased
enrollment, increased drive and all the other
things which make for academic and institu
tional greatness.
* * *
1 year s eoneerl series is a great one,
the equal of this year's. The football
team is going to be better if the annual serim
mage practice was any indication. The Lemon
Yellow and (ireen grid squad will include
more capable reserves and the team will play
a more open and interesting type id' ball.
Oregon s basketball team should be even
belter in comparison to the strength of the
rest of the team in the league. The baseball
team will be strong, alotlnigli both of these
^ftrlegations lose their captain, John Lewis.
These things indicate a banner year. With
the state and the northwest and every college
expanding, this is no year to retrench or to
attempt to save ‘‘pennies’’ which we have
now. Such savings, no matter how impressiC?
they may appear on paper, are hoarded at
the expense of dollars in the future.
* * #
'plUS is no time to stand pat and to rest
on the institution s laurels. Oregon must
continue to build for the future.
On the one side is a brilliant future for
Oiegon. On the other is the oblivion of second
position. The University deserves a better
The Last Roundup
rJ"'IIlS is not a swan song, not a summary or
a review of the Emerald for the past year.
Lest it be mistaken for such because this is
the last Emerald, its purpose should be de
fined before its gets well under way.
My tenure as editor has been too brief to
permit me the liberty of reminiscence. This
piece, then, is in part a prospectus of the year
to come, a prologue at the end instead of an
epilogue. This it is but chiefly it is a small
attempt to give recognition for faithful and
inspiring service, a Weak testimonial to the
worth of three people who with retiring edi
tor Fred Colvig have formed the nucleus for
the Emerald.
* «•
jgY its very definition, such an editorial is
very limited in its appeal. It can mean
little to tin; campus at large that the Emerald
next year will attempt to maintain the high
standards which Fred Colvig has set. It seems
hollow to say it will strive for universal
coverage of all University activities, large and
small. It, is a small audience indeed which is
interested in the statement that the Emerald
staff next year is going to bend every effort
to make a better paper but without warping
nary a journalistic ethic.
The readers who find these statements sig
nificant are journalists. It is for them that
this is written. Only this small audience can
fully appreciate this statement of apprecia
tion of services, for though merit and effort
are everywhere recognized, few persons out
side the school of journalism realize just how
much of these things go into the making of
1.J0 papers each year for four years.
Clair Johnson
JT is perhaps to Clair Johnson that the Em
erald’s debt is greatest. To express my
personal appreciation for his assistance and
guidance would be to understate his worth,
for guide and aid he has been to every mem
ber of the staff and to the paper as a whole.
There is no need to enumerate the long
hours Clair spent as managing editor or to
list the other positions he has held. It has
always been the paper first with Johnson.
Possessing wide influence on the campus, lie
lias defended it warmly and intelligently
against the legions of critics which attack any
newspaper attempting to hold up its head
and fight for what seems right. Even more
valuable than Clair's defense of the Emerald
against enemies of the moment his been his
defense of the paper against itself. He has
been the check, the balance—in more than
several instances, the one man who looked
Virginia Endicott
'T'HE brilliant record which Virginia Endi
cott has made on the campus seems a
small thing to me in comparison with that
which she lias hewn out for herself on this
pa lie r.
b’or lour years, Virginia has never been too
busy or too tired to do something which really
needed doing. Iler work has not only been
rapid, it has been brilliant and accurate'. If
ever there was a born reporter, it is Virginia.
Moreover, she has extended the staunchness
of her friendship to include everyone who has
worked with her on the staff. Robert Lucas,
editor of t wo years ago, once elmracterized her
as “the best man on the start’.” If I mens
erred in his statement, it was on the side of
# #
Mildred Blackburne
JJAINSTAKINU, eonseienlinns, so depend
able slio lias often put tin* rest of the staff
to shame has been Mildred lllaekburue. foe
tour vears it lias been evident that if you
wanted a tiling done well, you should do il
yourself; if you wanted it done perfeetly, you
should turn it over to Mildred.
Millie has made mistakes in her four years
on the hinerald—lor three of them 1 have
watehed her and she never made the same
error (wire. Her work has been more than
inspiring. To anyone who wanted to learn,
she has been the ablest and most willing
teaeher, patient in explaining mistakes atul
relentless in turning them bark ueross the
eopy desk.
* * *
fl’’ anyone not on the luuerald staff or in the
sellout of journalism has read this far and
been bored, he or slm must admit that they
'"’,,re warned. The\ eannot imagine how
empty the shark is going to be next year
without Millie fussing around the desk, with
out hndieott nodding seriously over a type
writer, and without t lair explaining this or
that just isu t the thing to sa' or the wav
to say it.
1 lie I'.meraId is going to suffer through
the loss of their sendees. Were it not that
they have been such an inspiration and a sort
ot "taeult\ for younger workers, it would
be almost impossible for it to earn on.
It s going to be damn lonesome and lough
sledding around here next year without these
three people. Their personalities and sendee
will not be forgotten.
Quiz of the Week
Since exams are almost upon us, we will get you in
practice for the final ordeal by giving a quiz over events
printed in the Emerald this term.
Any cheating will be reported to the dean of men’s
office. An answer of 8 or over insures you an A in this
course even if you have cut all classes. Name of the
course, “How to Read an Emerald,’’ place class held,
breakfast table, hours credit, zero.. Will be continued
next year for those who flunked.
1. The revamping of the ASUO administration means that:
a. All the advisory councils for student activities arc to
be abolished.
b. Officers elected by the student body will have more
direct responsibility in managing student affairs.
c. No students will be allowed to vote on executive and
athletic boards.
d. President Boyer will have a special committee to advise
him of what the students want done about the Uni
2. This year UO athletics on July 1 will:
a. Have $500 in their treasury for next year.
b. Have won all the various contests that they have en
tered in basketball, swimming, track and baseball.
c. Start a reorganization movement for next year's pro
d. Complete all schedules and arrangements for confer
ence games next year.
3. Ralph Schomp resigned as educational activities director because:
a. Ho was ellected head of the Oregon Trail pageant.
b. He is going to the University of Wisconsin to take up
a job as registrar.
c. He wants to enter private business.
d. He wants to take a year's graduate work.
•1. Interfraternity council, to ‘‘dean up” men's rushing next year, has
decreed that:
a. There is to be no more “dirty” rushing.
b. That any house using girls to help them rush would
be severely penalized.
c. That signed pledges from ushees will be illegal.
d. That all men intending to pledge must purchase their
official date cards by Monday of rush week.
5. The University symphony orchestra by the end of this term will
have broadcast:
a. Three times over NBC.
b. Two times over NBC.
c. Onve over NBC and once ever the Columbia network.
d. Once over a special hookup from the music building to
Portland’s KGW.
6. Which of the following big orchestras has not played at Oregon
this year:
a. Benny Pollack.
b. Duke Ellington.
c. Benny Goodman.
d. Jimmy Dorsey.
7. Emerald reports found that the hardest person to interview this
year was:
a. Fraulien Gretc Sumpf of Germany, who visited the
b. Dr. Brooks Emeny, who talked on raw materials and
c. Magi, the SAE monkey.
d. Griff Williams, who played out at the Park.
8. Despite recent cries as to how visitors were treated who came to
the campus, a review of conferences held here seems that a lot
came anyway. Which group didn't hold a conference here ?
a. WAA.
b. Merchant Retailers’ association.
c. High school bands.
d. High school girls’ Tri-Y.
9. The big plan established by the University to help students to “get
adjusted" to college next year is:
a. Upper class advisors for all underclass students.
b. Stricter regulations for the girls, no food after 10:30,
chaperones, etc.
c. Conferences with advisors in spring term to outline
d. Mental hygiene courses.
10. A money-making scheme used at the University of Oklahoma is:
a. Fining students for infractions of university rules.
b. Fining students for all classes cut.
c. Slot machines run by the university.
d. Fining them $3 for each hour of flunk.
ASUO (Concert
(Continued from page one)
land; and November 13, California
at Portland. In addition two frosh
games, with the Washington Babes
October 30, and with the Hooks,
November'12, will be included on
the list of fall sports activities.
According to Schomp, two pre
season basketball games will be
added next school year, when
opponents for the second - place
Webfoot quintet are scheduled.
Winter term sports will include
eight basketball games and four
frosh hoop contests. Track and
other spring sports will be put on
the spring term card when they
are definitely scheduled.
Between November 11 and Feb
ruary 13 no ASUO regular concerts
will be given, Schomp said, to leave
room for bonus attractions, prob
ably concerts by several big-time
bands. Schomp's plans will bring
them to the campus in conjunction
with dances of the season.
When and Where
Should You Use
I'or all outdoor activ
ities whore reflected place
is aimoviiip. I'\ir motorists,
fishermen, and the beach.
Dr. Ella C. Meade
Phono o40 OPTOMETRIST 14 West Sth
Senior Information
A vailable on May 26
At LO Alumni Office
Tickets and information con
cerning commencement events
must be obtained by seniors
starting Wednesday, May 26.
The alumni office (southeast
corner of Friendly hall) has
been made official commence
ment headquarters. Special in
structions for all seniors and
candidates for degrees are to be
obtained there.
Alpha Delta Sigma, national ad
vertising honorary, yesterday elect
ed Zollie Volchok for president.
Noel Benson was chosen vice
president and Dale Mallicoat, sec
retary-treasurer. Retiring officers
are Bili Jones, president, and Wal
ter Vernstrom, secretary-treasurer.
Summer School
(Continued from page one)
na, Austria, who has taught sev
eral successive years in Oregon
summer sessions; Dr. Herbert S.
Conrad, of the education faculty at
the University of California; Dr. C.
G. Vannest, principal of the Har
ris Teachers' college, St. Louis;
Dr. Charles N. Reynolds, profes
sor of sociology at Stanford, an
Oregon alumnus who has taught
in several previous Oregon sum
mer sessions; Dr. S. Kerby-Miller,
another Oregon alumnus, with his
advanced degree from Oxford; Dr.
J. Duncan Spaeth, president of the
University of Kansas City, former
professor of English at Princeton
and a veteran Oregon summer ses
sion instructor; Dr. Melvin T.
Solve, Oregon graduate now pro
fessor of English at the Univer
sity of Arizona; Prof. Harry Rog
ers Pratt, of the department of
music and dramatic art at the
University of Virginia; Dr. Joseph
von Bradish, professor of German
at the College of the City of New
York; Dr. G. H. Harris, professor
of botany at the University of
British Columbia; Dr. Harold No
ble, professor of history, now at
Berkeley; Dr. Oscar O. Winther,
instructor in history, Indiana uni
versity; Dr. Henry F. Price, pro
fessor of mathematics at Pacific
university; Prof. Janet Wood of
the physical education staff of
Arizona State Teachers’ college;
Prof. Francis G. Wilson, professor
of political science, University of
Washington; Dr. Francis Robin
son, professor of psychology, Stout
institute; Elmo Scott Watson, lec
turer in journalism, Northwestern
The special summer school for
writers, which had an auspicious
start last summer in Portland,
will be continued this summer in
connection with the Portland ses
sion. Other Portland special fea
tures will be the county superin
tendents' summer school, held for
the third successive year at Port
land; and the Pacific Northwest
Institute of International Rela
tions, held under the joint auspic
es of Portland session and Reed
Eugene specialties will be the
special courses for teachers of art,
given under the special grant of
the Carnegie corporation at Ore
gon and Harvard, and the courses
in remedial teaching, offered in
the school of education.
Post session, with courses in
economics, education, English, his
tory, law, physics, psychology, and
sociology, will open at Eugene
August 2.
Correspondence courses will be
offered all summer in a wide range
of courses.
Individual Study
(Continued from page one)
and park himself informally on an
easy chair, select his book, and
enjoy it in front of a blaze from
one of the fire places. This is not
only an innovation for Oregon, but
a novelty in library construction.
Quiet and soft lights are two
features that appeal to any stu
dent after three or four hours
studying before that hour exam.
The lights are so placed that no
corners get lost in the dark, yet
In Appreciation of |
This Year’s |
Business ... 1
• JOOil Infix' tor tllf MlMUUei' =
. . . We hope to set* you b
next vear. B
-o- |
It you want to dispose I
of yom* old suit . . . we pat
B cash.
Walter Zan wski
118d Alder
the center of the room is not a
glare of lights coming from all an
Sounds Absorbed by Walls
The walls and ceilings as well '
as the floor are noiseless. No more
will steel-plated shoes echo and
ring in the ears of conscientious
studiers, sounding like circus day
on Broadway. No more will heels
clatter as a group of coeds come
in to catch up on their studying,
and drive the students into their
seats with low moans and more
audible growls.
Now the footsteps die instantly.
Although a person screams or
yells still no echo The sound
merely reaches the walls and is
Indifference to
(Continued from page one)
tions regularly from year to year,
he says that an increase of the
Oregon State enrollment to 4500
would mean that only about 1500
students would be coming to Ore
gon unless the University gets
busy and advertises the school.
“We’ve got to sell the school!”
he declared again. “I can't do it.
Oh, yes, I’m enthusiastic all right.
But if we want a bigger and great
er institution it is entirely up to
the students themselves to get en
thusiastic and sell the University
to themselves, and then go out and
sell it to their friends.”
“And we've got to have that wel
coming committee,” he said. “We
don't have any sort of arrangement
to entertain our noted visitors.”
Rebuilt ASUO
(Continued from page one),
man; Dr. John F. Bovard, Dean
Virgil D. Earl, Dean James H. Gil
bert, Dean H. C. Howe, Lynn S.
McCready, Basil T. Williams, and
Paul D. Hunt, and J. O. Lindstrom,
secretary-treasurer. Members who
are continuing on the educational
activities board, are: Dr. Ear! M.
Pallett, chairman; Dean Karl W.
Onthank, Dr. Dan E. Clark, Mr. L.
Kenneth Shumaker, Mr. Orlando
Hollis, and J. O. Lindstrom, secre
Send the Emerald to your friends.
of this term
| Meet your folks with a §
neat appearance
Just below Co-op
i na
We'll be here next year to
serve you. When in Portland
this summer, Tommy May's
Denver and Lombard shop
will serve you those same de
licious Siberrian products.
For mil romance, go
canoeing of evenings now.
The moon is bright and t lie
race is eliarming.
(®r c 3 on i|if Cm c raid)
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official
student publication of the University of
Oregon, Eugene, published daily during
the college year except Sundays, Mon
days, holidays, examination periods, th#
fifth day of December to January 4,
except January 4 to 12, annd March 6
to March 22, March 22 to March 30.
Entered as second-class matter at the
postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscrip
tion rate, $3.00 a year.
Circulation Manager.Caroline Hand
Asst. Jean Farrens
Frances Olson.Executive Secretary
Copy Service Department
Manager .Venita Broui
National Advertising
Assistant: Eleanor Anderson.
Collection Manager.Reed Swenson
Saturday advertising manager: Les For
You can always do better at
All sorts of foods
for picnic lunches
Come in and see us before
your pack up that lunch
Hot buttered Popcorn at
all times
Opposite Sigma Nil
Relax before exams and
for Fun
20c per hour
3 hours 50c
Bike Shop
Campus location
13th & Alder
Summer Session, June 28 to Aug. 6
☆ Mental Stimulation! Vacation
Adventure! Graduates ... under
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instructors who come here from all
parts of the world ... to offer courses
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tional relations. Study. Relax.
Think new thoughts ... in this en
chanted land. Costs are reasonable.
Tuition averages only about $20 for
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ings from Pacific ports. Fares are low.
Complete details and costs from ...
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Honolulu, T. 11.
TRY THE TRAIN! It's the saf
est, easiest, most comfortable way
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lowance of 150 pounds of baggage
carried free, the economy of our
5c and 10c Tray Food Service, low
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that rail fares are easy on your
purse. Here are examples of our
one way fares good in coaches, also j
in tourist sleeping cars, plus berth,
from here to:
Portland .$2.49
Klamath Falls ... 4.56
San Francisco . 12.00
Los Angeles 19.00
✓ Ask about our Special Bargain
Student Roundtrips which are on
sale at Eugene June 3, 4, 0 and 6.
Extended limits give you until next
fall for the return trip.
A Southern Pacific ticket to or
from the East thru California gives
< ou I't'wuuim.i i > vt iwire ns mucn anu an opportunity to
double the variety and interest of your trip at no additional
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Southern Pacific
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