Music School Will Be Heard May 23 NBC Propram Will Feature Symphony Orchestra, Yotinp, Gleemen As a striking conclusion to the school year in the music school, the third NBC broadcast from the school of music will he given in the auditorium Sunday from 1:30 to 2 p. m. The broadcast under the spon sorship of the Oregon State High way commission, will be received, by NBC stations in the west. Frank Branch Riley, Portland lecturer, will be master of cere monies on the program. Governor Charles H. Martin will also speak. As in the other two broadcasts sent from the music school this year, the University symphony or chestra will be featured on the pro gram with Bach's “Air for G String,” they will also play selec tions of Brahms and Wagner. Hal Young, professor of voice, who has also appeared on previous music school broadcasts, will sing Liszt's “Liebstraum.” John Stark Kvans, directing the Kugene Glee men, will be present. The Glee men will sing a Handel selection, and “Hallelujah" from Beethoven’s “Mount of Olives.” The same afternoon as the broadcast, at 3 p. m., the Univer sity symphony orchestra, directed by Rex Underwood, will give their spring commencement concert in the music auditorium. In addition to numbers by the orchestra, solos will be given. Dorothy Louise Johnson, violin ist, will play. Other soloists are Mary Lois Ditto, pianist, and Betty Brogan, soprano, who are present ed by the Oregon Music Teachers’ association as winners in their an nual contest. Sins law Camps (Continued from page one) quarters for the project until the i main building is erected by the federal government. , Actual work on the project was begun last summer under the di rection of J. Warren Thayer. Stu- ; dents and faculty members spent their weekends clearing the under- | growth, felling trees and building i the road and one large hall of the j main lodge. The work was done in ■ the morning under Mr. Thayer's < direction and the afternoons and i evenings were spent in recreation i with Mr. Irwin D. Custer in charge. Rifle Team (Continued from page one) to the champion rifle team of the ninth corps area. A personal letter from Jess Kru ger, representative of Mr. Hearst, addressed to President C. Valen tine Boyer, was read by Cadet Major Robert Chilton. DvatbEyp l)iiiay Clara Jrrstadm, deputy U. S. marshall at Seattle, one of the few women empowered to make ar rests, scored 85 out of a possible 100 in a federal peace officers pis tol meet recently. She used a heavy service pistol. Council Makes Summer Plans Following discussion by the in terfraternity council concerning a summer program of “greater Ore gon" committee work at their last, meeting, Don Johnson, council president, said the plan used in past years by which each frater nity donated ten dollars for this work would probably be utilized again. The council committee on great er Oregon work will hold a meet ing some time next week to decide whether to adopt the plan or to adopt some other suggested plan. The program will consist of or ganizing alumni and student lead ers in the various cities in the state. Once organized, these groups would cooperate with the alumni office by sponsoring meetings and banquets entertaining prospective Oregon students. The work will be under the direc tion of Alumni Secretary Elmer C. Fansett. You can always do better at f^ube n vtcin FURNITURE COMPANY The Perfect Gift for girl graduates of All Sizes Belle-Sharmeer Stockings IN INDIVIDUAL LEG SIZES! Any girl . . . especially a girl grad uate . . . adores line silk stockings. And fine silk stockings in her own leg size . . . ah, there’s a gilt in a million! So why not decide, right now. to give the girl graduates on your list Kelle-Shurmter Stoek ings. They actually come in leg sizes as well as foot styes' Accurately and individually sized in both width and length for small, middling, tall and plump. You can't miss perfec tion it you select Bel!e-Shurmeer. And they're here exclusively. $1.00 to $1.35 the pair Her Foot Size Has a Number . . Her Leg Size Has a Name BREV __for smalls DUCHESS . ... for tails MODITE . . . for mediums CLASSIC . . . for plumps BEARD’S Phone 1996 957 Willamette DISTINCTIVE APPAREL Senior Lawyers Will Be Honored Graduating seniors in law will be honored at the annual law school senior banquet on Thursday, May 27, at the Anchorage. Mr. R. P. Skulason, Portland attorney, will be the principal speaker. Kid new Milligan, president of the law school student body, will preside at the banquet, which will be at 6:30. During the course of the evening, Prof. Charles G. Howard of the law school faculty will announce the names of five students appointed to the editorial board of the Oregon Law Review for the coming year. Professor Howard, editor in chief of the review, will also make the awards of "Certificate of Merit,” given annually to the seniors who have done outstanding work on the Law Review while in school. Senior students who have been elected to the Order of the Coif will also be announced and initiat ed at the banquet. The initiation ceremonies will be under the su pervision of Professor Howard and Professor Brown, president anti secretary respectively of the Oregon chapter of the Older of the Coif. Ercel King, justice of Phi Al pha DelLa, will announce the win ner of the $.ri0 prize given by the legal fraternity to the first year law student with the highest grade point average for the year. Acting Orlando .1. Hollis will award the Bancroft-Whitney prize, book award given by that company to the graduating senior with the highest grade point average. Dean Hollis will also address the grad uating seniors on behalf of the fac ulty. Kidney Milligan will speak to the seniors from the student body an! a senior will make a re sponse. Send the Emerald to your friends. Subscriptions only $3.00 per year. They'll Do or Diaper in Proud lather's ('.ontest Every man claimed a victory so it ended amicably as far as these Hollywood film workers were con cerned. The babies refused to be quoted. The derby started when the three men, left alone with the babies, got to boasting, and ended when their wivei returned. They are, left to right, Norman Foster* director, Alan Dineliart, and John Carradine, actors. H. Johnson to Discuss ‘Relief’ at Westminster Harry Johnson, chairman of the public affairs committee of the local United Workers’ league, will speak on "Our Relief Set-Up” at Westminster house today at 3 o’clock in a public meeting under the sponsorship of the University YMCA, the Wesley club, and the Westminster association. Mr. Johnson will outline the his tory of the Lane county relief as sociation, a public organization to whose closed meetings he has been refused admittance as a represen tative of the unemployed. The purposes of the United Workers’ league, an unemployed workers' organization, will be ex plained also. Chatter (Continued )rom pnrje three) inches in the northern conference meet at Seattle Friday to tie the record set by Bobby Robinson in 1931 . . . Russ Cutler, instructor in the physical education department, will referee the prep meet in Bill Hayward’s absence . . . All fans must stay in the grandstand this year . . . Oregon's wins over Idaho Wednesday and Thursday were by score of 13 to 4 and 10 to 7 . . . Washington State is expected to insist upon Oregon and Washing ton making up the postponed pair Beta Alpha Psi Elects Officers, Talk Plans Beta Alpha Psi, national ac counting honorary, elected three new officers to head the organiza , lion for next year, and discussed ■ future plans at a meeting held yes I terday. Kenneth B, Gillanders was elect j ed president, Jack Medlar, vice president, and Kenneth Cole, sec retary-treasurer. of games' which were rained out here over a week ago . . . John Thomas, Duck catcher, left his teammates up north after the Washington games to return to the campus for a few exams. Alumni Luncheon Plans Completed Final arrangements for the pro gram of the annual alumni lunch | eon Saturday, May 29, at John Straub Memorial building, to be presided over by Arthur M. Geary, vice-president, have been complet ed, said Elmer Fansett, alumni secretary, yesterday afternoon. Geary will preside over the reun ions of the classes of 1887, 1897, 1907, 1912, 1917, 1927, and 1937, in the absence of Ben Chandler, president of the alumni associa tion, who was called to the East on business. The program will include speech es by Frederick At. Hunter, chan cellor of the state board of higher education, and John N. McGregor, graduate of 1923, who will speak about the Oregon alumni in New York City, of which group he is president The following representatives j will speak for the class they grad : uated with: Judge E. O. Potter, “University of Oregon, 1887 Edi tion": Judge Fred Fisk, 1897 grad uate, “Then and Now”; Francis V. Galloway, 1907, “Thirty Years Ago and Now”; Chester A. Moores, 1912, “Has It Really Been One Quarter of a Century?”; Nicholas Jaureguy, 1917, “One Score Years”; Robert C. Thurston, 1927, “Re turn to Reappraise"; and the win ner of ‘he Failing-Beekman ora torical contest, the night before, | will probably be asked to speak i on “First Impressions as an Alum nus.” Music for the senior-alumni luncheon will be played by the Phi | Beta trio, composed of Barbara Powers, violin, Roberta Moffitt, ’cello, and Theresa Kelly, piano. | All those receiving degrees and present in cap and gown w'ill be admitted free. Seniors are urged to secure tickets for guests early at the alumni office in Friendly hall. Campus Guests Wait Five Hours For Reception Campus visitors have been slighted again! They came to the campus at noon yesterday and for five long hours they clung sheepishly though tenaciously to a snowball bush between the journalism shack and the art building for someone to take some notice of them. But, lo and behold, at 5 o’clock their long and persistent wait ing was rewarded. It wasn’t the president of the University who greeted them, nor yet a student reception committee. He had no spats, but he wore gloves and a veil. He shook them down, oh. so-o-o gently, onto a large can vas, and housed them properly in a new, white house built espe cially for them. Then he drove off with them, house anti all, in his car. The unheralded visitors were a swarm of Italian honey bees and their sole greeter was Herbert Smeed of 380 West 10th street whose hobby is raising honey bees. "There was about a bucket ful of them,” Mr. Smeed said. Handbook Editors Make Error in Pi Kap Picture Due to an error in the editing of the Fraternity-Sorority handbook last week, the picture of Campbell Co-op was printed for that of Pi Kappa Alpha, which occupied the house last year. Victor Rosenfeld, editor of the Interfraternity publication, said the error was made at the press because the name of the Pi Kaps was on the back of the cut, which had been used a year ago in the Oregana. Aroma is half the pleasure of smoking i Chesterfield’s aroma is DIFFERENT ...more like it better. That’s because ot the way we blend and balance Chesterfield’s mild ripe home-grown tobaccos and aromatic Turkish tobaccos . . . and because the Chesterfield paper is PURE and burns without taste or odor. Copyright 195'. Liocgn & Myirs Tobacco Co. / Chesterfields will give you MORE PLEASURE