Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1937, Page 7, Image 7

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    Soph Board
I Elections Tied;
Run-off Monday
In the elections held at the Y
bungalow Friday afternoon for of
ficers on the sophomore commis
sion, every position was tied except
that of vice-president. Elections
will be Monday afternoon at the
same place from 3 to 5 for these
tied returns, Bettylou Swart an
nounced Friday evening.
Tied for president are: Barbara
Espy and Aida Macchi, for sec
retary are: Lucille Stevens and
Patsy Taylor, for treasurer are:
Anna Marie Huffaker and Mar
jorie Montgomery, and vice-presi
dent is Peggy Robbins.
Since only a few votes were cast
in relation to the number of fresh
men who have Y cards, it is hoped
that more will take advantage of
this second voting and will turn
out, it was stated today.
Band Director Will
Return to Eugene
J. H. Stehn, director of the Uni
versity band last year, is returning
to the University this fall to re
sume his work.
Mr. Stehn, on a leave of absence
this year, has been attending
Columbia university in New York
-ity while working for his master’s
:legree in music. This summer the
director will attend the Eastman
school of music in Rochester, New
He will return to Eugene in
Spanish Honorary
^Presents Books
1 Sheldon W. Parks was announced
■winner of the Sigma Delta Pi
award given to the advanced stu
t of Spanish making greatest
progress during the school year,
recording to Stanley Robe, presi
3ent. The award, started this year,
|s being presented by the Spanish
honorary, and will be a copy of a
Spanish masterpiece, and the medal
|>f the American Association of
Teachers of Spanish.
phaw’s ‘Pygmalion’ Is
(Continued from page one)
a few others.
I Horace Robinson designed
Sets; they were up to par, which
leans excellent. The bright spots
^utshone the dull, and all in all, it’s
show to be enjoyed.
studies Honored
IS Elizabeth S. Lay, University of
Washington, has been awarded a !
Carnegie endowment for Interna- I
tftonnl Peace scholarship which will
(permit her to study international
■w at The Hague, Holland. She
% one of four American students
fo be so honored.
Ship Endangered as S. F. Waterfront Fire Rages
San Francisco firemen fought by land and water against a blaze
that attacked an Embarcardero pier, and forced the cutting adrift
of the freighter Delarof, which was moored to1 the pier. The vessel
was towed to safety. Photo shows the smoke-shrouded Delarof with
a ftreboat pouring stearms of water on the flames attacking the
for NOW and the
Copies are Still Available
In the Educational Activities Office and the Co-Op