Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1937, Page Four, Image 4

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    Annual Mortar Board Ball to Be Outstanding Eeent of Mag
Girls Escort
Men; Formal
To Be At Igloc
May 22 is the date set for Mor
tar Board ball, the dance to whicl
women invite men, call for therr
send gardenias, and buy refresh
ments. In other words the usua
tradition of boy dates girl is re
McArthur court lias been selec
ted as the place for the dance thi
year. Gus Meyers’ orchestra wil
play for the affair. Tickets will gi
on sale in each women's living or
ganizations shortly, it was an
nounced yesterday.
Committees lasted
On the committee are initiate<
members of Mortar- Board consis
ing of Virginia Endicott, president
Margilee Morse, Elaine Cornish
Helen Bartrum, and Mildred Black
hurne. Junior women who wen
chosen for Mortar Board at th<
campus luncheon during Junioi
weekend are Clare Igoe, Gladyt
Battleson, Betty Brown, Virgini;
McCorkle, Harriet Thomsen, Gret
chen Smith, Brandon Young, Gaylt
Buchanan, Vivian Emery, anc
Elizabeth Turner. Miss Janei
Smith, employment secretary, was
pledged as an honorary member
Programs for the dance have
been chose and will be in black anc
silver with a cap symbolizing Mor
tar Board on the cover.
Coronation Is
Theme of Dinner
By Alpjha Xi Delta
Portraits sketched on place
cards of well-known and glorified
persons of the United States from
little Shirley Temple to the WPA
workman, formed an interesting
part of the coronation dinner given
last evening by members of Alpha
Xi Delta. Mrs. Agnus Beckett, Al
pha Xi Delta housemother, planned
the dinner at which the faculty
were special guests.
The table was set with red, white
and blue decorations. A golden
crown surrounded with spring
flowers formed the centerpiece.
The unique place cards made by
Sheilah Beckett caused consider
able comment.
Between courses of the meal
Miss Jessie Long sang "Land of
Hope and Glory." As a toast the
guests, rose and sang, “God Save
the King," followed by one verse
of “America.”
Send the Emerald to your friends
Subscriptions only $3.00 per year.
Eugene's Own Store
McMorran & Washburne
Phone 2700
Don’t go around
with an empty pocket
Your upper pocket never looks
as smart empty as it does with a
neatly folded handkerchief tucked
in it.
We suggest our Arrows, because
they're masculine in pattern . . .
and the designs are carefully
worked out so that they look best
where they show most — at the
A ▲
Arrow Handkerchiefs,
Washburne’s on the Campus
is the
Loi>eiij Hair GirFs
Chief Becirnjj Aid;
Vi itli Proper Care
We aren’t all, unfortunately,
blessed with perfect features, with
large, datk-lashed eyes and Cupid’s
1 bow lipWe haven't all perfect
’{figures convex and concave sur
faces arc too often in distressing
1 reverse to what the Creator in
tended them to be.
Tint one thing every coed should
• have is a head of shiny, well-cared
! | for hail , done in an attractive
1 coiffurk. If the curl in it isn’t
' natural and Cod-given, kind pro
■ vidence in the form of a perman
' ent-wav'ng machine can remedy |
that little difficulty quickly and
I comparatively inexpensively.
I Care Important
First rule for hair loveliness, is,
of course, cleanliness. No coiffure
can be attractive that is not based
on sweet-smelling, shiny-clean
hair, immaculately combed and
brushed. Next most important is
the choice of a becoming style,
i whether it is to be brushed into a
. sleek cap fit ling the head, or
combed cut into fluffy curls.
Dry, wispy hair that always
looks as if it had been out in a
strong wind storm, and stubbornly
refuses to curl enchantingly must
be dealt with with a firm hand.
Hot oil shampoos lavished upon
such hair, and frequent brushing
to give shine are excellent. If you
haven't funds for an oil shampoo at
a beauty shop, try one at home
with hot olive oil, rubbing it well
into the sealp, and clear out to
the dry ends.
Coiffures Varied
For hair that becomes dry with
curling, a coiffure brushed simply
baok from the facp, .and curled only
on the ends is most practicable.
Oily, stringy hair that stays
fluffy only a day or so after it is ,
washed presents another problem. |
Frequent washing, at least once a
week, or even oftener, is the best
solution of the problem. The use
of an astrigent shampoo or tonic is
beneficial. Oily hair, with its an
noying tendency to separate into
stadards and hang dismally, is bet
ter with a permanent wave often
the (flightly drying effect of a per
manent is very good for it.
Hair styles this spring tend to- 1
wards simplicity and naturalness. )
Set-looking waves are of course ,
out, and even the tightly-rolled ^
curls of last winter are giving way
to a smooth, sculptured effect. The
hair, brushed away from the fore
head and breaking into curls ’
around the ears and the back of I
the head is a good style note.
Style Must Suit Type
A round, ingenue face is most '
charming surrounded by a soft coif- t
fure, running towards curls. For 1
the girl with the long face, and ir- s
regular features, a more sculp
tured hairdress is better, with ac- '
j cent on the beauty of the hair it- '
self rather than on the way it is
done. 11
The moral effect of trying some- ■ s
thing now with your hair is not to i
be underestimated. Perhaps if you l
try a new curl or a new part you
’ll find your face isn't nearly as )
uninteresting as you’d thought. In v
fact, it might be a very fascinating j
face an entirely new-looking you. ,
You can always do better at
fyirfwn \£jaLn
| Coeds
j Attention
ils your complexion all that
you desire?
If not, we have good news
ifor you.
Ask about a wonderful new
skin treatment at the
We now sell the best in cos
j | metics.
h Preparations
Phone 1S80 for a consultation
ISWlMllit: ■
('oarsp Knit Pull-Ovrr
This model from Vienna is one of the latest in sweater fashions,
i is a coarse knit with a- shirred collar, rolled cuffs and cable stitched
ile.evcs and front. The sweater is set off by a contrasting knitted
(lack licit. The color of the sweater is tail.
People We’ue Seen
The Bcmj Who Hod JRlbijjtlaim
Admittedly, he was the best dancer on the campus. Everybody knew
dm. Hq crashed into college society down at the public rat race the
ery first week he hit town. He sauntered in casually, stepping across
he floor in time with the hotcha rhythm of the band that dished out
orn to the local boys and their gals.
He took a look around the room, picked out the lucky girl who was
■oing to get to dance with him, and made his debut right then and
here, with a "Come in baby, let s
wine: it.”
From that (lav forth his success
/as assured. Everybody knew
im. Mavbe thev din't remember
is face right off. but if they ever
aw him dance they never forgot,
'here was something about the
/av that boy danced that stuck
,'ith one.
Tie used to love the rally dances
he campus held in the fall. They
lilted him a little better than the
lore sedate affairs like the Senior
"Give me a rat race every time,”
e used to tell the boys. And he
■ould carry out his point by swing
ig it hot when the orchestra hit
p a tune that sent his w'eaker
rothers panting to their seats. He
ad a regular technique that used
o wow the girls. First, he made a
oint of going chiefly to the no
ate dances tlie campus sponsored,
artlv because iie had such a wide
uriety of partners to choose from
aero when lit1 stagged it, but rnost
v because he found the girls he
sked for dates were becoming in
leasinglv busy as his fame grew.
"Sorry," they would say when
s' called up to ask them to go to a
ance with him. "I've had a date tc
lie dance for weeks." It baffled
im He couldn't understand why
ny girl wouldn't be glad to break
date with some ordinary stooge
a go out with him. lie couldn't
nderstand why girls were so
fraid of hurting other peoples'
eelings. He couldn’t understand
ither why girls let themselves get
ated up so far ahead. They must
liss lots of wonderful opportuni
sms that way.
So because girls were so silly
bout getting themselves all tied
up ahead, he took to going to the
public dances and to the no-date
affairs. There he could have as
many partners as he needed, and
if one didn’t suit him he could al
ways get another. He found that
the girls liked it that way, too.
They seemed to enjoy dancing with
other men, he guessed, because they
wanted to get to know more people.
He gloried in his dancing. He
knew he was plenty good. He’d
clutch his partner tightly around
the waist, hunch forward and ex
tend one hand grasping hers out
into the atmosphere, and away
they’d go with a dip here, a series
of loop the loops, and end up with
an intricate back bend. The on
lookers always felt disappointed
when he was done. Somehow you
expected the dance to end with
something dramatic, like a double
And then one day word got
about that Kenny Hoodma n's
swing band was coming to play
for Chi Chi Upsilon, the profes
sional hemstitching honorary’s for
mal, and he knew he’d have to get
a date for it. It was the oppor
tunity he had waited for for years.
Kenny Hoodman, the man who
played the way he danced.
He started out a week ahead of
time. He called up every girl he
know but as usual they all had
dates. It annoyed him because
they hadn’t been foresighted
enough to know he'd call them up.
At last in desperation he gave tip
and let bis roommate get a blind
date for him. He couldn’t help but
feel sorry for all those poor girls
who were losing out tonight.
The date was a lovely sylph-like
little thing. He was amazed at his
good luck and he had delighted
We specialize in Permanent
A Shampoo and
Finger Wave for only . . .
Other llairdresses at Toe and $1.00
Open Friday evenings by
Balcony Tiffany Davis Drug Store
Campus Is Dance»Conscioiis
With Ten Interesting Events
With spring in the air, and the sun shining again, prospects look
favorable for the many spring formal and informal dances scheduled for
the coming weekend. Several of the 10 organizations having dances
are planning to use back yards in decoration schemes.
A variety of ideas and themes are being used, and orchestras include
those from Portland, Corvallis and Eugene.
Kappa Alpha Theta, Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Gamma, and Zeta hall
entertain Friday night; Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Sigma Nu. Ch
Omega, Kappa Sigma, Alpha Tai
Omega, Alpha Chi Omega, anc
Canard co-op dances come on Sat'
urday night.
"Paris Street Cafe” is the title
of the Alpha Tail Omega spring
informal. An awning with the sign
“Cafe a la ATO” will be put lip
before ‘he entrance. White-jacket
ed waiters will serve punch on the
side lawn where tables and chair;
will be placed. The inside of the
j house W'U be decorated with col
ored streamers coming down cone
like from the ceiling. Johnnj
i Bush and his orchestra will play
Numerous private dinner parties
will precede the dancing.
‘‘Japanese Garden’’
Chi Omega and Gamma Phi
Beta are both featuring "Japanese
Garden" ideas for their spring
formals, with brightly colored lan
terns and cherry blossoms. Japan
ese paintings will decorate the
walls of the Chi O house and punch
1 will be served at tables in their
garden in the back yard. Jimmy
visions of himself and this charm
ing nymph floating about the floor,
doing his entire repertoire of tricky
steps, her feet following his like
twin magnates. Again he felt sor
ry for the girls who had been dated
up. How envious they’d be.
The music began. Ah, she would
be like putty in his hands, she
would move at his command.
He clutched her tightly around
the.waist, and started out, and then
he realized that something was
wrong. A moment later h'e was
| stumbling along blindly after her,
his feet doing strange things as
they followed her. He hung on
tightly and did the best he could.
Once he tried to right things, and
he grabbed her more firmly around
the waist, and sought vainly to
steer her along the intricate lines
he usually followed, but to no avail.
At last, a shrinking, hulking mess
of crushed humanity, he gave up
all hope and settled down to con
centrating on keeping his feet just
one jump ahead of his partner’s as
she plowed ruthlessly around the
floor. He knew right then and
there that he was licked. Licked
by the girl who always liked to
Johnston’s orchestra from OSC
will furnish music for their dance.
“The Plaid Ball’’ is the Delta
Gamma's title for their spring in
formal. Criss-crossed crepe paper
in pastel shades will adorn the
walls of the house. Refreshments
will be served at tables in the back
yard. Dick Cheney’s orchestra
from Corvallis will play for the
Kappa. Alpha Theta’s “ping pal
ace" will be transformed into a
Mexican hacienda and a fountain
will bubble in the side yard, which
will be enclosed. Murals depicting
Mexican life will decorate the walls
inside the house. The Willamette
Park orchestra will play for the
dance, which is semi-formal.
Dan Flood Plays
The spring flower garden will
be the motif for the Alpha Chi
Omega formal. Dan Flood and his
orchestra from Portland have been
engaged to play.
“Lilac Time’’ will be carried out
by Canard co-op in their semi
formal. An elaborate garden will
be constructed in their back yard,
centering about a pool and minia
ture water fall which will be illu
minated by flood lights.
A yacht club idea is the theme
for the Sigma Nu house dance.
Signal flags will decorate the walls
and flood lights will illuminate the
milrace. Qus Meyers and his camp
us orchestra will play.
Zeta hall is giving a radio dance
this weekend. «A flower garden
idea will be carried out.
Hawaiian Note
The walk up to the Kappa Kap
pa Gamma door will be converted
into a gangplank for their spring
formal. When guests enter, they
will find themselves in “Blue Haw
aii.” Blue flood lights will shine
on dark blue silhouettes placed
around the walls, and punch will
be served from a thatched hut.
Members of Bud Brown's orchestra
will wear leis.
Kappa Sigma will use to advant
age any Ideas they had in building
their float of "The Drinking
Scene,” for they are carrying out
a German garden motif.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
Subscriptions only $3.00 per year.
:u .niiii!i!!ii',:!mimmiuimiimiiiiimiiiiiiii::miiiimiii!iuiiiiiiii!iiiiii!iiii!muui!iituiiumi<L
You can get tho best in spring
corsages here. Get your orders
in earlv.
Honor Shop
)2S E. Thirteenth
Phone o01S
Diamonds. “Watches, Rings.
Jewelrv. Novelties, etc.
620 Willamette
For Quick Change
This is one of those presto
cliango models whieh has been
having sueeess this season by vir
tue of its diverse personality. The
bolero and skirt are both remov
able, showing a garland printed
frock underneath.
Eigjlit Desserts Qai
Week’s Social List
Eight exchange desserts are on
the socia' calendar for this week.
Tuesday night Alpha Omicron Pi
entertained Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Alpha Phi was hostess to Beta
Theta Pi, and Sigma Nu had Chi
Omega members as their guests.
Delta Gamma had Sigma Nu as
their guest last night; Pi Beta Phi
had Chi Psi; and Sigma Alpha Ep
silon entertained Delta Delta
Desserts scheduled for Thursday
night are Phi Delt host to Gamma
Phi Beta and Alpha Delta Pi host
ess to Zeta hall.
Subscriptions only $3.00 per year.
Mrs. Talbert
Will Be Feted
Members of Kappa Kappa Gam
ma sorority will honor their house
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Talbert, at
a formal tea from three until five
o’clock this afternoon.
Nearly 400 guests have been in
vited to this affair which will take
the form of a reception. Included
in the receiving line will be Betty
Jane Casey, Mrs. Hazel P. Schwer
ing, Mrs. Talbert, and Mrs. A. C.
Presiding at the urns will be
Mrs. M. P. Barbour, Mrs. A. L.
Wall, Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, and
Mrs. Elizabeth Ramsby.
Geologists to Go on
Second Trip Friday
On Friday the second geology
trip to Coos Bay will be led by Dr.
Cressman and Dr. Warren D.
Smith. It will return Saturday
| Gantner
| Swim Suits . . .
| Smartest under the sun, with •
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Floating Bra
§ The water-loving- lady wears
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II Honey-comb zephyr wool.
| The
Broadway (
30 E. Broadway
t LOWER and as cool as a garden
$10.95 and $14.95
Charge accounts
Next Door to McDonald Theater