LeRoy Mattingly, editor Walter R. Vernstrom, manager Lloyd Tupling, managing editor Wm. F. Lubersky, ass't business manager Associate editors: Clair Johnson, Virginia Endicott. Assistant managing editor Day editor: JJernadinc Bowman Beulah Chapman Night editors Bod Tongue Rebecca Overstreet Betty Van Dcllen Good News for Education “p E ARSO N N A M Ii D ON SCHOOL BOARD,” a banner strung across the top of page one. That’s the way the Register Guard handled the news Monday afternoon that Walter E. Pearson of Portland had been named to succeed 15. I-’. Irvine on the state hoard of higher education. As much as any man not directly connect ed with the University, William M. Tugman, managing editor of the Eugene Register Guard, has followed its development and tak en an active interest in its welfare. When his newspaper banners a story of a routine ap pointment by the governor, it's really news— and this story being about the University, it’s news for the University. # # * ^JOMMENT on 1 lie appointment seems to indicate that the selection of Mr. Pearson is good news. In announcing his selection, Governor Martin expressed regret that J5. F. Irvine would not, accept re-appointment and declared: “In appointing Senator Pearson I feel that i am bringing to the board a man of broad intellectual attainments who will car ry on t ho fine tradition of public service of honorable B. F. Irvine. Senator Pearson is a man of wide business experience and during the recent sessions of the legislature made an enviable record as one of the outstanding senators and as a member of the joint ways and means committee.” Governor Martin has gained for himself throughout the state a reputation for straight forwardness. Even more plainspoken than the governor, however, is the “Who’s Who in the Oregon Legislature.” The 19117 edition says: * #■ ALTElt E. PEARSON, senator four teenth district, Olackamas, Colum bia, Multnomah counties, 1935-B7, Demo crat, insurance, Portland. A position of leadership and extensive influence was achieved by Senator Pearson in the first hall ot his senatorial term. Capable, in telligent, well-balanced, conscientious, lie will unquestionably continue his fine ser vice. Has been strong defender and sup porter of Governor Martin. Voted with nine other senators of the right-wing con tingent. Legislative proceedings would be clarified, purified, and speeded if more men of his stamp were sent to the Salem ses sions. Of governorship or United States senator caliber. Born in Richmond, Virginia, Septem ber JtJ, 1b7 I. Attended Glade Springs academy; three years in Richmond col lege. now university. Trucked freight for a railroad. Worked in a wholesale gro cery, maliagcd Hour mill, and developed bis own insurance agency in Blueiield, West Virginia. To Portland 190S, and be came member of insurance limn, now Bales, Lively & Pearson. President and long director Waverly club and past di rector 1 aeific Northwest Gull association. Long on board trustees First Baptist church. Secretary-treasurer, L i n e o I n County Logging company. Director Port land Industries Financing company. Ma son. Eagle, member of the Arlington club. * s» « 1 h.\KNOX is known unions nu'ii on tin1 I aiMilty si a 11 as a **tiiie sort of f 11 n j >,'J ;i nian interested in civic problems and in higher education. Although the record of his predecessor is one of distinguished public scr ' icr to the state and its education system. .Mr. Irvine served tor .11 years on the board of logouts ol Oregon State college betore accept ing the position on the board which governs (hi1 destinies oJ the six Oregon schools of higher education. 11 in knowledge of the sys tem was, naturally, drawn from OSC to a greater extent than from Oregon. Governor Martin's selection of Mr. 1’eor son seems, all in all, to have been a wise one, sinoo Mr. Irviue would not return. It should be a good move for the entire system id' higher education. That makes it good news for the University of Oregon. A Common Net Profit 'J'MIK OBVIOUS advantages to be gained from a conference which brings business men together and in direct contact with stu dents in the school of business administration plus the success of the first meeting should bring about perpetuation of the retailers’ con clave as an annual event. Although the business conference was something new as far as this campus is con cerned. it was a success. More than 100 mer chants from outside Eugene attended and an estimated 200 were served at the final 'ban quet. The offering of sueli a conference is justi fied in the fact that it brings Oregon business men together to discuss all sorts of problems and to gain refreshing ideas and new interpre tations of the business world from men in oth er fields. It establishes contacts between prac ticing merchants and business theorists—for the most part educators and men somewhat aloof from the actual lanes of trade but pos sessing valuable knowledge as to the func tions of economics. # * Hf T^ALUABLE (is is that linking of theory and practice, there are more practical and equally important benefits to he derived from such conferences. They mean a closer lie be tween the University and outside professional groups and especially a more ideal connec tion between the school of business adminis tration and men working in tin: fields it is 1 raining students to enter. This benefits both the school and the busi ness man in several ways. Students have a chance to make contacts which may help them in securing positions after graduation. Busi ness men have an opportunity to survey the “crop” of BA students and to select from the group men they may some day have occasion to need. Students, through attendance at the con ference, gain an idea of the problems faced in the real business world. It should, because of this fact, be of considerable help to them in mapping their course of study. # « <* JJECATJSE of the “bargaining power” and the attraction to outside speakers which the conference can present, it will, as its in fluence and reputation grows, draw more and more recognized business authorities from outside Oregon. Here again the interchange of ideas is valuable. The business administration school is the largest on the Oregon campus but it is not the first, school to adopt, the conference idea. The annual Oregon State Editorial association meet held in the school of journalism is an event of long standing. Its results have been more than encouraging, both to the school and to newspaper editors and publishers..Its meet ings are for a large extent informal and often speeches give rise* to spirited debate. Such conferences as these become useless when they deteriorate into mere yearly “back-slapping” and “good-fellowiug” get togethers. The merchants’ conference, like the editorial association's meets, avoided this. Its session brought forth definite opinions, some of which were challenged hotly. Such discussions made the “business man's bull ies!" worthwhile, it should be made an an nual feature. First Impressions UK MINOKKI) !'<•»• 1 i 11 of awe a ml appre hension which wc felt while walking (across I he grass) past the corner of the .Mur ray Warner museum was drowned within us as pride and appreciation of the beauty of (lie new library welled up within us. Stirred emotions and strong impressions lead to soul-pervading resolves. We resolved to list' our authority at the Kmerald to bring a needed reform- this building couldn't be called a “libe"- such a term was •rood enough when applied to a dump of stone and masonry like the old libe but this definitely must be known, and known only, as the ('Di versity of Oregon library. There may have been some small mercen ary considerations behind those emotions. Af ter all. ii cost a half million dollars. j KlSl '.UKbY we w andered up over the tor race, our res pee t and appreciation in creasing at every step. We strained our neck' scanning the front of the building with an appraising eye. The appraising eye did not find it wanting. inside, we felt as if we had moved into a dream tor this was the sort of building we had dreamed of for years for Oregon. Reverently wc wandered up to the circu lation desk, taking our time, for this was the experience of a lifetime. We knew who we wanted, found the right desk, caught the eye of an attendant. We cleared our throat. Then the great blow fell. It wasn t that the librarian had halitosis, tor she did not. Neither was her smile unat tractive. Hut we were stricken, ,iust as much as if the great building had suddenly crumbled. ^^TO. 1 Hk\ didn t have tlie Ithii Oregon Bluebook. 1 he didn t have the lthiti Oregon Bluebook. I he latest Oregon Bluebook tin new libe could boast was that for H'kO-oO. We were already carrying that under our arm. *' turned and slunk out. The door seem ed a little too ornate. Maybe the interior was a bit overdone. Outside the sunshine wasn't quite the same. Me struck out vapullv across the lawn, turning only once to note that the brick was a kind of funny color after all. Oregon library.'- it was just a libe —not perfect after all. Drawing a Bead on the Trophy Two years ago the Oregon rifle team knocked off the National ItOTC championship. This year they repeated the act, turning in an average score ot 191 out of 200. Left f0 right the members are: Stanley Warren, William Geisekc, Delbert Bjork, Donald Boyd, Jack Lew and Sergeant Harvey Blythe, team coach. People Are Silly, Says Visiting Caricaturist Long face.-;, short fat faces, big noses, bushy hair; that is how you i see yourself after L. C. Ward, eminent carcaturist, has transferred his impression of you onto paper. Mr. Ward is now making his second visit to the University of Oregon, where he is making caricatures of students and other notable subjects. He made his first visit to the campus five years ago when he was just starting upon nis present career. ‘Frankly I think people are silly, and I'm no exception," Mr. Ward said when commenting upon his chosen profession. He believes that ‘ a good car icaturist must have, first of all, a good imagination, a cynical humor, a good background of art training, and the ability to laugh at ' people and at himself as well. Mr. Ward is from Detroit, Michi- ^ gan, but spends most of his time , travelling around the United j States, visiting various college j campuses, clubs, and doing free j lance work for magazines and | newspapers. He says that this type of life is to him the most interest- , ing and enjoyable he has ever ex- \ perienced. \ Group reactions, to Mr. Ward, 1 are by far the most interesting; t they offer so much more than any 1 individual reaction. He has drawn t so many faces that he says he can \ tell character and personality pret- 1 ty close by one’s face. A caricatur- t st, Mr. Ward said, has a tendency ,o overlook and disregard pre enses; fronts are easily seen hrough; and most of all, he ioesn’t like people to make them elves something they are not. Mr. Ward so far has visited only hree fraternity houses on the Ore gon campus, but these houses have ound a great source of enjoyment n his work and many students lave finally had a chance to see hemselves as others see them. Although Mr. Ward feels that ,irls get just as big a kick out of he exaggerated drawings as the mys, he always visits the sorority ouses last. As a reason for this, he artist explained that girls go or anything that is being done his season and they need the ad vertising that is gotten from their raternity friends to put them in he mood for a sitting. Tube Race Comments by Frosh Get Sophs Sore Sophomore men, and prexy Harry Weston, are up in arms about the comments published in the Frosh edition of the Emerald concerning the annual tug-of-war to be held Saturday morning and the innertube race, Friday afternoon at 1:30. Saying the frosh men took unfair advantage of their authority in editing the Emerald last Saturday, sophomore men said last night they are preparing to give the frosh a "good drubbing," for uncompli mcntary remarks about Uie sopn s "quaking comment" and tlieir un concern and indifference in the matter. John Dick, frosli class president, has accepted the sophomore chal lenge for an inner.tube race, a new feature introduced this year in the water carnival to he held Saturday afternoon. The race will begin at 1:30 with opheunore and froSli representa tives lined up against each other in an exciting' and different contest, said Cy Wentworth, chairman of the water carnival. Immediately following the inner tube classic will be the comic bur lesque canoe fete, with 10 floats entered by living organizations not in the canoe fete proper. A cup will be awarded to ihe living or- | Harvard’s Exam (Continued from page one) Coed lab I'ilots Pity the poor peueatrian when women cab drivers actually become a reality. Already coeds at the Uni ver.-ity of Michigan are attempting to crash the taxi driving profes sion. Time was when girls remain ed at home, then they moved into the back seat and now they arc getting behind the wheel. Recently "Peg,” only woman cab-driver in Ann Arbor, Michigan, was ap proached by sorority girls from the university who wanted to know how good were chances of their ob taining jobs driving taxis during the summer vacation. Students Shed Shoes Taint no sm to take your dices off and dance around in your bare foot at the Oklahoma junior col lege. One day every spring is set aside for students and faculty to j shed their slices, it takes them tiiar Oklahomians to think up the really quaint cu tom- all right. ganization building the most orig inal ancl comical float. “Mike and Ike,” featured diving experts in the form of Ralph Cath ey and Bert Meyers will entertain spectators of the carnival with a comical diving exhibition. Plans are tentative for a performance of Amphibians, girls swimming hon orary. Hop’s SKIPS <&• JUMPS By ORVAL HOPKINS ' I ■'HERE'S quite and adventure to be had on a quick browse through the local second-hand book shop. A bright sign invites one and all to “Make Yourself at Home— Browse Around.” Books are stack ed all over the place under such guide-posts as Fiction, Mystery, Miscellaneous, Rare Fiction, Hu mor, Western, and, strange as it seems, Literature. The rare old volumes of your childhood are all there. "Black Beauty,” old and musty "Oliver Twist,” Helen Hunt Jackson’s "Ro•• mona,” Cooper's “Pathfinder” and “Deerslayer,” “Freckles," Kipling’s works, Dickens’ complete, Richard Harding Davis, “Peg o’ My Heart,” and Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “Tar zan”—they're all roaming around in those dark, dim, dusty shadows. Thrillers galore are to be f0und. Titles which remind one of the “only a bird in a gilded cage” era I such as “The Lap of Luxury” and “Only a Shop Girl.” Classics: Tol stoy’s "Resurrection,” Balzac, Jules Verne’s “Mysterious Island,” Vic tor Hugo's "A History of Crime.” There are love-sick numbers such as “What Would You Do, Love?” “The Woman Thou Gavest Me,” "The Trifler,” and mysterious titles like “The Woman in Question.” If your taste runs to thrills there is “The Life,and Daring Deeds of Buffalo Bill” by one William Cady; also Emerson Hough's “54-40 or Fight.” Then there's “Caged,” or Alf Spriggs, “Cracksman” — what adventurous soul wouldn’t tingle to a title like that? Bret Harte and Mark Twain are there in profusion. Galsworthy is well represented. You might take a chance on some thing like "Women Arc Devils” or “Naked on Roller Skates” or “Pigs in Clover.” /AN another shelf there is W'il liam Gillette’s “Secret Ser vice.” Another contains paper back novels boasting such titles Invite Mother for HEK weekend. Right in ('.enter of Strike V near riot was threatened yesterday in front of the Paramount (it:rials, shown nbo\e. when a picket attempted to photograph a resent - ful ffiim star, who knocked the eatuera to the ground. Angry groups surrcuatltti l-jth meu, L«ut polka: tjukklj tlisanuoil them. as “Fetters That Scar,” “The Food of Love,” “Frozen Hearts,” “Temptations of a Great City,” and “Temptations of the Stage.” Then if you want to be of a pratieal turn of mind you can al ways peruse such little numbers as “Basketball for Women,” “The Science of S e I I i n g,” “Farm Knowledge," Oratory Through the Ages.” Opportunity for am bitious young magicians is pre sented in a volume of “Thurs ton's Card Tricks.” There are books on bridge, coins, birds, for tune telling, astrology, and just in cuse somebody's going to be interested there’s a little gem en titled “Marriage Laws of Soviet Russia.” The place is a paradise. I defy anybody to go down there and not find what he’s after, be it anatomy, architecture, or a study of Bulgarian boll weevils. Ap parently since time immemorial, booksellers and writers have been firm believers in the old adage that there’s one born ev ery minute. Give it a whirl, child ren, it's worth the price of ad mission. Campus Calendar Helen Ingle, William Jackson, Lloyd Helikson, Mary Marr, Eliza beth Dement, Carl Prodinger, Ver non Johnson, Fred Holfert, Robert Herzog, John Miller, Ruth Reaser, Pearl Lengele, John Belding, Len ard Robertson, Jean Lougheed, R. H. Speetzer, and John Morton are in the infirmary. Junior prom directorate meet to day at 4 o’clock at the College Side. Order of Mace will meet in room 13 Friendly, 7:30 Wednesday even ing. Theta Sigma Phi members meet at the journalism shack at 11:55 today. Important business for Matrix Table. Master Dance will hold a special meeting from 4:45 to 5:30 this afternoon. The regular meeting will be held at 7:30. All members are requested to attend both. Wesley club nominating meeting at 7 and cabinet meeting at 8 to night. Order of O will meet at the Phi Kappa Psi house at noon. Freshman class elections 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday. Place to be announced later. Candidates are: Get a shake at TAYLOR’S.—adv. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mon days, holidays, examination periods, tha fifth day of December to January 4, except January 4 to 12, annd March 5 to March 22, March 22 to March 80. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscrip tion rate, $3.00 a year. Circulation Manager.Caroline Hand Asst. Jean Farrens Frances Olson...Executive Secretary Copy Service Department Manager ...Venita Broui National Advertising Assistant: Eleanor Anderson. Collection Manager.Reed Swenson Wednesday adevrtising manager: Hal Haner: Assistants: Bob Smith, Bruce Curry Bob Hochuli, Dick Litfin, for presi | dent; Patsy Warren, Ann Frecl erickson, for vice-president; Mary Jane Wormser, Aida Macchi, for secretary, Dick Hutchison, Fred ! Beardsley, for treasurer. Jewett Intersectional Contest to Be May 12,13 The W. F. Jewett intersectional contest will be held May 12 and 13, according to John L. Casteel, director of the speech division. Representatives of each extem poraneous speaking class who arc outstanding in speech work will take part in the contest. The par ticipants will speak for five min utes on any subject which they choose and prizes of $15 and $10 will be awarded in both the men’s and women's divisions. Don’t be afraid to tell your Mother. UNFINISHED FURNITURE * * # STUDENT ROOMS also Draperies and Upholstery APPLEGATE’S lltli and Willamette I liayo never been disap pointed with the service at— BYROM & KNEELAND THE MAN’S SHOP Tent h, just off Willmt. It’s a Swell Idea Share the joys of your col lege days with the folks at home. They will enjoy reading your paper and they will feel closer to you by being able to do so. They are interested in the activities and the life sur rounding your school just as every loyal Oregon stu dent. Subscribe now to the Em erald for them