Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1937, Image 1

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    u. OF o. LIBRARY
Oregon Will Meet
W ashington State in
Crucial Caine Today
Passing Show
Wnllie, Edward
11 th Hoar Spain
Toast to tlir King
Congress Awaits
Wedding May 111
As sob-sisters batted out reams
of tear-jerking- romance stories
and French peasants watched the
royal romance ecstatically, Edward,
duke of Windsor, was reunited
with Wallis Simpson yesterday af
ter over 150 days of sad separa
Official announcements as to the
wedding stated that the date would
not be made known until after the
coronation May 12. Suggested day
was May 18.
100.000 Killed
As the Spanish war went into
its eleventh month, experienced
observers believed that the elev
enth hour was also at hand, with
victory in the grasp of the side
which can most quickly recover- its
strength for a decisive blow. Over
100.000 have been killed to date,
according to newspaper observers.
The loyalist cause was weakened
yesterday by another anarchist re
volt which killed 100 in the leftists
city of Barcelona, made necessary
withdrawal of troops from the
front, and elicited pleas of co-op
eration against the common enemy.
Plenty of Liquor
London is stocking up with beer,
champagne, and liquers for the
much-publicised coronation May
12. Estimates indicate that an
extra 250,000 barrels of beer will
be guzzled by thousands of Brit
ish subjects as they drink the fa
mous toast, “God save the King.”
FDR Holds Things Up
While President Roosevelt catch
es tarpon on the Gulf of Mexico,
congress sits at home twiddling its
thumbs, awaiting word as to what
is to be done on pending legisla
The senate did not bother to
meet. In the house minor bills were
discussed. The labor committee
worked on a “little NRA” for the
textile industry.
Harvard’s Exam
File Big Asset
To Tired Frosh
Harvard maintains an “examin
ation file” for the use of all stu
In the case of examinations in
courses open to freshmen, the dean
of freshmen maintains a complete
file of former examinations for sev
eral years at a time. These have
been mounted on cardboard, and
are placed in files in the library of
the Harvard Union, which is open
tc all freshmen.
The Harvard college library also
maintains a fairly complete file of
examinations in more advance
courses, permanently bound in most
cases, and these files may be con
sulted by all students alike, but it
is occasionally difficult for the stu
dents to secure particular examina
tions at convenient times.
Another service afforded by the
university is the publishing of vari
ous course examinations, which
may be purchased by the students.
The least one can say about such
a system is that it would without
a doubt save the frosh pledges a
great deal of trouble in copying the
exams, as is the practice under the
plan in use here.
(Please turn to page two)
Put Through
By Frosh Class
Opposition Overrun In
Lack of Supporters a
Meeting ('ailed Five
Minutes Early
Last night's frosh class meeting
called to order five minutes befori
it was scheduled, adopted the clas.
constitution drawn up by the com
mittee appointed by John Dick
Due to the lack of supporters a
the early hour, Stan Norris, authoi
of an amendment to the dispute)
appointment clause, offered no op
position to its rapid adoption. Nor
ris, who heads the ATO-Beta-Ph
Dell bloc backing Bob Hochuli, of
feted a plan Thursday for a sevet
man appointment board to ham
out the class "gravy.”
President to Appoint
With a large majority of voter:
backing th,e SAE-DU-Kappa Si|
bloc present at the meeting b;
7:15, little trouble was had in put
ting through the constitutioi
which is favored by that party. Th<
disputed clause provides for ap
pointmerits to be controlled by th(
class president, as they alway;
have been in past years.
Public Training
Open for Grads
Student applications may stil
be made for next year’s training
class in public service at the Uni
versity of Cincinnati, according- tc
a letter received here by Hermar
Kehrli, director of municipal re
search, from that school.
Cincinnati, the city where the
student will work, is considerec
the best governed in the Unite(
States. The qualifications are thal
the student be a graduate of the
University and have ■ majored ir
social science. He will work foi
his MA degree or a dertificate ir
the field of public administratior
that he is interested in.
“This is a wonderful opportun
ity for any student interested in
public service and who has the
qualifications,” said Mr. Kehrl
yesterday. “It is doubly valuable
training, as the student studies
only half time and works in some
job in connection with the course
that he is taking the other half of
the year.”
Anyone interested in making ap
plication for the course is advised
to see Mr. Kehrli in his office on
the third floor of S. H. Friendlj
Dean Morris Addresses
Portland Group Tuesday
Victor P. Morris, dean of busi
ness administration, addressed the
Portland branch of the League of
Nations on “American Leadership
in the Western Hemisphere: Pan
American Treaties” at the Con
gress hotel, Tuesday, May 4.
Today, he will speak at a Lion’s
club meeting at the River roac
women’s club at 6:30 p. m.
Vote Your Own Ticket
(An Editorial)
Ever since the rise of democracy major elections lnivc
lieen marked by 1 lie exhortations of someone who feels that
it “is every citizen’s duty to go to the [tolls and vote."
This year the “citizens of the Attl'O have more than
1 lie rigid to vote. l’ro[iortional representation gives weight
to every ballot and is designed to give each voter some
voice in the selection of the candidates who are ultimately
selected for office on the executive council.
There is another factor in this year's elections which
has not appeared in the past. Instead of a choice of two
candidates, both hand-picked by political factions, there
will be eight or ten names on the ballot from which a
selection '■an be made. The order in which they are listed
determines what office the voter desires they should hold.
With these two factors operating, the voter who goes
to the balloting place determined to back bis opinion as to
which man is best qualified is no longer in the position of
the pedestrian who argued with the train for the right
of-way because he arrived first. True, the political steam
rollers will undoubtedly elect one or more candidates but
there will be no “straight-’ tickets---because if one party
elects its strongest candidates, only voles from some out
side source will be able to keep its other men in the run
ning. This means the weaker candidates must represent a
broader body than any one party.
Every voter, then, whether independent or affiliated,
is assured that his ballot carries some influence.
There is not necessarily any connection between voting
and being a good citizen. Tn this election, where every
ballot counts, every voter is a bad citizen if he or she dot's
not mark his ballot with the names of the candidates which
lie honestly believes best qualified, regardless of their sex
and-affiliation, and in the order in which he or she thinks
they are qualified.
(to to the polls and vote, yes—but. vote intelligently and
Vote your first choice first.
Janet Smith Will
Talk on Careers
What Employers Expert,
Unusual Experiences to
Be Told to Coeds
Women and their careers is the
subject which Miss Janet Smith,
employment secretary, will discuss
at the third forum given by Theta
Sigma Phi, worrien’s journalism
honorary, in Alumni hall of Ger
linger between "7 and 8 o’clock to
Miss Smith said yesterday that
she will discuss the subject by
pointing out what is expected of
women who are planning careers
from the employers’ view. She will
also discuss hardships which wo
men are required to meet when
they are working in a profession.
Some unusual experiences which
Miss Smith has had to face will
also be included in tonight's talk.
Miss Smith, in her work on the
employment bureau, places stu
dents on the campus who want
work during the school year, dur
ing the summer, and also finds per
manent positions for students who
are leaving school indefinitely.
This lecture forum will be the
third and last in the series directed
by members of Theta Sigma Phi
especially for University coeds.
Tickets for tonight’s talk are sell
ing for 10 cents. Those who bought
season tickets for the lecture series
will also be admitted, Mildred
Blackburn, chairman for the affair,
said last night.
Campus politcal dance set for
today postponed for ball game.
John L. Casteel, director of the
speech division, will be one of the
speakers at the speech and drama
conference to be held at Stanford
university August 19 to 21. Pro
fessor Casteel will talk on the
theory of public discussion at this
conference which will close the
summer drama festival at Stan
JuniorProm to
Be Cavalcade
Of Gay Colors
^o|>msli(‘uir<l Hush* hy
Pollack Will Furnish
Old Garden Setting al
Dance Friday INifjhl
The usual somber magnitude of
the Igloo will be transformed into
a panorama of color as the back
ground for the sophisticated mu
sic of Ben Pollack for the Junior
Prom Friday night.
One of the features of the prom
will he the coronation march, at
wTiich time Queen Betty T, and
her court, will be conducted to
their royift box. In a formal "Old
World” garden at one end of the
floor, state notables will be enter
tained as patrons and patronesses,
Fiank Drew, Junior Prom chair
man, announced yesterday.
Decorations Described
Plans are now the "Dean of
Sophisticated Swing” and his or
chestra to be seated on a terraced
platform flanked by pillars. The
walls are to be covered with bright
draperies dotted with stars and
moons, that with the corner sere
nade panels, will carry out the
“Serenade in the Night” theme.
Ben Pollack, recently of the Tro
cadero, is on a tour of the North
west, and will make his only Ore
gon appearance as he brings his
musical theme, “Song of the
Islands,” to University students.
William Leman White, M. D. '90,
sends in these notes in answer to
a questionnaire from the alumni
office. His occupation he gives as
“retired physician" and his business
"trying to do nothing.” Dr. White
began his medical practice in Illi
nois in 1882.
Sample Preferential Ballot
Editor’s note: Ballots at the ASUO election Thursday will look like
this. Voters are urged to examine the explanation of the voting
system at the bottom of the ballot.
QJ John Doe P] Josephine Biotv
□ Henry Roe □ Jane Doe
□ Jack Blank f] Melissa Doalces
□ Fred Doe □ Dorothy Blank
f~l Isador Blank [p] Jacqueline Roe
Instructions to voters
(Mark your choices with numbers only. (Do not use X marks.)
But tin1 figure one (1) in the square opposite the name of
your first choice.
Put the figure1 two (2) opposite the1 name of your second
choice, the figure three (3) opposite, the name of your third
choice', the figure four (4) opposite the name of your fourth
choice, and so on until the whole number of names have been
marked in the order of your preference.
You may express as many choices as you. please.
Do not put the same number opposite more than one name.
If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it
and obtain another.
You cannot injure the chances of those you prefer by mark
ing lower choices for other candidates. The more choices you
express, the surer you are to make your ballot count for one of
them, but do not feel obliged to express more choices than you
reallv have.
Parties Organized on Same
Lines as Last Year’s Blocs;
Benson, Hall Head Factions
Doan of Swing
Ben Poll.irk, straight from Sail
Francisco's Trocadero, will play in
McArthur court Friday night for
the junior prom. Benny lias achiev
ed distinction for his manipulation
of drum sticks.
'Women D—d
Comedy's Hero
"I find that the moment I let
a woman make friends with me,
she becomes Jealous, exacting',
suspicious and a damned nuis
ance.” so speaks Jerry Smith as
Pygmabon Higgins in the Uni
versity theater production of
Shaw’s Pygmalion which plays
May 14 and 15.
Playing the part of the phone
tic expert who can pronounce
130 vowels, Smith voices this
pessimistic observation to the
unwary male in general.
That this crusty bachelor is
not as inaccessible as he would
I make people believe is shown up
by Helen Roberts as Eliza Doo
little the flower girl. While on a
bet Mr. Higgins is changing
Eliza to a duchess by remaking
her speech, the street waif
teaches Higgins a thing or two
about an art much older than
Eliza's father who character
izes himself as "one of the un
deserving poor,” is one of the
prize toles of the production.
Adrian Martin plays the part of
this poor dustman who is kicked
upstairs into the grasp of "mid
dle class morality” by falling
heir to some money. Crushed by
this misfortune the poor old fel
low marries Eliza's step-mother.
Smith Takes Geology
Students on Field Trip
With Dr. Warren D. Smith in
charge, part of the second year
geology students recently took a
field trip to Douglas county.
J. R. Horton of Roseburg, who
has a hobby of collecting fossils,
minerals, and semi-precious stones,
went with the group.
Coeds Will Paddle Own Polilieal Canoe,
Attempt to Eleet Candidates; Lineup
Result of Session of Hot Swapping
It's been a long time getting here.
Ghosts of former campus political bosses stalked last night as
dim vestiges of a much-heralded coalition party dropped from
view and two definite blocs, formed along time-honored house
lineups, stepped in to take control of ASUO election campaigns.
Climax to the rapidly shifting political picture will come at elec
tions tomorrow.
Final blow to the coalition set-up was struck last night at a
Matrix Banquet
Invitations Cut
Famous Author to Speak
At Theta Sigma Phi's
Annual Dinner
Invitations were sent out yes
terday to prominent women in
journalism and the arts on the
University campus, and through
out the state of Oregon, who will
be guests of Theta Sigma Phi. wo
men's journalism honorary, at their
annual Matrix Table banquet to
be held at the Osburn hotel Thurs
day, May 13, at G:30 o’clock.
A special feature of the banquet
will be pledging to Theta Sigma
Phi, and the introduction of the
outstanding women in journalism
in the freshman and sophomore
classes, and from the high schools.
Myra Hulser and Rita Wright
were named outstanding freshman
women, and Bernadine Bowman
was chosen outstanding sopho
more. Jean Crites was selected
I from University high school. The
name of the girl chosen from Eu
gene high will be announced later.
Ernest Haycox, well-known au
thor, who has written for Collier’s
and the Saturday Evening Post,
will be speaker for the banquet.
Virginia Endicott, president of
Theta Sigma Phi, is general chair
Twenty members of Pi Alpha
Delta, legal fraternity, were guests
at the home of Doctor Charles G.
Howard, Sunday evening. Prof, and
Mrs. Claude H. Brown were also
Final Installment on
Fees Due May 10; No
Extension to Re Given
Final installments on regis
tration fees, non-resident fees,
j and student body fees are due
May 10, i* was announeed at the
University business office yes
terday. There will be absolute
j ly no extension of time, and 25
cents per day will be added to
over-due fees for one week, at
which time the non-paying stu
dents will he suspended.
Candidates For ASUO Executive Committee Make Statements
Gladys Battleson
For the first time in campus his
tory women are running for exe
cutive positions on their own merit.
Always before we have been
placed on the ballot as vote-getters
behind a man running for student
body president. Women can now
vote first place to persons of their
own group, and they will be placed
as high as the whole campus deems
All I can promise is that if elect
ed to the executive committee, I
will try to fairly represent the Uni
versity and to carry out the duties
of the office.
Noel Benson
It is difficult for a candidate to
state his views concerning the
four ASUO offices for which all of
us are running under the prefer
ential voting system now in ef
fect. This system was passed by
the executive council without be
ing referred or explained to the
student body until after its accep
i tance ,and I will venture to say
I that with the exception of a few
I who are interested, the majority
! of the student body is still unin
formed as to how the system
| works.
i Preferential voting was consid
ered by the student council and
the sponsors of the system as a
means of eliminating party strife
and insuring the election of the
student’s choice. It has definitely
failed to eliminate party organ
ization and bai ter for votes, and it
is rather ironical that the two old
political blocs, to one of which the
sponsors of the system belong,
have again been organized.
As I see it, it is a complicated
system which has accomplished
nothing toward a more “idealistic"
form of student government, but
has merely helped to befuddle
those students who are smart
enough n<-t to take an active part
Barney Hall
It is difficult for a candidate for
the executive committee of the
associated students to formulate
any policies concerning a specific
office. As a member, however, I
would use my vote to further the
common iterest of the University.
Our executive committee has this
year taken progressive steps in
student affairs. The prime interest
of this election is not politics, but
the outcome of these experiments
in modern government.
The only one who has anything
to fear from these changes is the
| old time politician.
Clare Igoe
With the new proportional repre
sentation set-up offering a real
opportunity for all-campus repre
' sentation on the executive commit
tee, I believe a more democratic,
efficient student body government
I is inevitable.
The plan envisions a student
government led by the most cap
able msn for each office, chosen
: not because of affiliation, but be
cause of ability.
I believe the proportional repre
sentation program to be the ideal
set-up for selection of student body
officers, and if I were elected to a
position on the executive commit
tee, I should attempt to uphold the
fair, democratic principles of stu
dent government that are its aims.
Bill Pease
My original purpose in entering
the race for the executive commit
tee was to insure the success of the
new “no-gravy” plans which the
executive committee of which I was
a member had worked sa hard to
I felt that any ticket or coalition
which went in unopposed to control
the executive council would be a
vicious thing and would defeat en
tirely the spirit of the plans which
Fred Colvig and myself had backed
and put into effect with the help of
the rest of the executive commit
I feel that the purpose for which
I entered the election has been ac
complished and that further parti
cipation oy my part will only cloud
the issue and the race for the real
choice of the campus. I, therefore,
am withdrawing from the election
in favor of Barney Hall whom I
consider well-fitted to serve on the
executive committee.
David Silver
I am deeply grateful to the Em
erald for the opportunity to say a
few words to the students.
In order to dispel any malicious
rumors that I am well aware are
circulating around the campus, I
wish to assure you that my en
trance into this race was not done
with the cryptic purpose of split
ting any earlier candidate’s votes.
I pride myself on being above the
reach of maneuvering politicians,
and as such I do not relish the ac
cusation of being a stooge. I en
tered because my intimates and
others as well thought I stood a
chance and on that basis I will
stick and see the issue through.
The purpose of the executive
council is to insert into its policy
the desiics, ideas, and opinions of
the student body at laige and if
you see fit to place me in this coun
cil, I pledge myself to the task of
being your voice. To lay down
specific campaign objectives would
be prescuinptuous and inappropri
ate under the new political setup.
Elizabeth Turner
Political “gravy” is not a good
way to fill campus appointments.
I believe, that those who have
worked and have honestly shown
what they can do in behalf of
campus activities and policies,
should have the chance to carry on
the work that they have proven
they can do efficiently and well.
This does not show partisanship or
favoritism, but is appointing the
people who will best benefit the
student body as a whole.
Class politics should be separated
from ASUO politics. Each class has
its own problems and should be al
lowed to solve them without out
side interference. Each class, how
ever, should try to conserve its
policies in conjunction with the
fundamental principles of the Uni
Any member elected to the Exe
cutive Board should pledge his or
her interest to the betterment of
student government and to the ad
vancement of the University of
Oregon Student Body.
Frances Schaii|>|>
With the preferential syste of
voting being used on the campus
for the first time, the girls find
themselves in a position to play an
important role in local politics.
Despite the belief held by some
dubious individuals that a concen
trated attempt to put a girl in as
student body president is being
made, the girls are merely attempt
ing to secure two of these four
elective offices.
Let’s give the new system a trial.
meeting in the Kappa Sig house,
where 14 men’s organizations met
to definitely throw their backing
behind Barney Hall for ASTTO
Tlie meeting was marked by two
significant moves: Bill Dalton, who
Monday night announced his with
drawal from the race, was one of
the leaders in the shift to Hall;
and Bill Pease, another candidate,
foll0wed suit with an announce
ment of withdrawal in favor of
Formation of the old SAE-DTT
Kappa Sig bloc came as a complete
surprise to campus politicians. The
break-down of the coalition and
the assumption of old party lines
marked the emergence nf the mud
dled political set-up into two defi
nite camps; one backing Noel Ben
son and the other backing Barney
Hall for ASUO president.
Benson Supporters Work
In the mean time Benson sup
porters worked tirelessly and un
daunted, moving forward to cement
the backing of houses that remain
ed in the bl0c. Among the support
claimed by Benson leaders were the
Betas, Phi Delts, ATOs, Chi Psis,
Phi Psis, Sigma Chis, and other
scattered votes.
Unanimous Support
With unanimous vote, represent
atives of living organizations at
l the Kappa Sig house session, tossed
their support behind Barney Hall.
They did not come out in favor 0f
any other candidates for ASUO of
yesterday afternoon, it was de
cided to emphasize the importance
At a meeting of coed politicians
of voting first choice for women if
they expected t() place women on
the executive committee. Women
had formerly placed their second
choice votes behind Benson but yes
terday decided to withdraw any
show of support for men candi
According to leaders in the wo
men’s group, their prime purpose
in former vote-trailing was t() in
sure the election of a woman to an
ASUO post, but yesterday they de
cided to pull out of the vote-trad
ing mart because it bore the stigma
of political skull-duggery.
Hall supporters claimed the
backing of Delts, Theta Chis, SAM.
SAE, SPE, Kappa Sig, Sigma Nu,
Phi Sig, DU, Campbell, Co-op, Can
ard Co-()p, dormitories, and Yeo
First — Because Palm
B e a c h affords you the
smartest, most easily kept
summer suit.
Secoipl — Because our
stock is new and fresh and
873 Willamette