Hail the Queen; Oregon, OSC to Meet on Track and Diamond Queen Betty I, who will reign over the Junior Weekend celebration next month, is shown enthroned here, surrounded by the princesses of her court. From left to right, the campus beauties are: Peggy Ver million, extreme left, Rhoda Armstrong, Queen Betty Pownall, Frances Schaupp, and Betty Jane Casey. fl W"W" Famous Boyer to Peavey to Chance play will be re-enacted in the Ducks home game opener this afternoon on Howe field. The part of Chance will he portrayed by Chance(llor) Frederick M. Hunter, above. Dr. Boyer says i* is impos sible to pitch a “strike” hall past the Chancellor, because his waist line extends over the plate. Oregon Ducks will go against the Beavers on the cinders as well as on the diamond this afternoon. A dual track meet, previously scheduled for Friday at Corvallis, will start at 2 o’clock this afternon. Shotput Artist BUI Foskett, 205 Oregon sophomore, Is expected to give a good showing today. ..... . t ... Howard (Hobby) Hobson, Duck baseball coach, has high hopes of taking a second straight victory from the Oregon State Beavers on Howe field today. Hobson’s boys netted a 7 to 1 win over the Staters yesterday. Bill Sayles, Oregon's Olympic games pitcher, will take the mound in the opening scuffle. Principal of her hit'll school said no when Elizabeth (Babe) Losockl, above, wanted to play ball with the boys on the varsity team. Her fa ther thought the game was good for Babe. He took the matter up with the school board. Itubye Zloncheck, willow of the lute Washington congressman, has retreated to a I-os Angelos hide away where she Is now writing a book- Mrs. Zloncheck, who ran a mail-cap race with her former hus band, before his death, said she has several offers from Hollywood film companies to appear in pic tures. Noel Benson, junior class president, and his aids put their heads together over plans for Junior Week end and Mother’s day. Left to right, the committee heads are: Sien Wentworth, water carnival; Zollie Volehok, advertising; Gladys Battleson, publicity; Bill Dalton, canoe fete; Sam Fort, general chairman; Don Johnson, finances; Elizabeth Turner, campus luncheon; Frank Drew, campus day; Jeanette Chatman, queen's reign. ■ ' ' Mrs. Violet Norton Wells was convicted by a federal court jury in Los Angeles last night on the charge of misuse of the mails. As a defense, she claimed that Clark Gable was-the father of her ille gitimate daughter. Maximum sen tence would carry five years in prison and $1000 in fines. Clark Gable, exonerated in court yesterday of the charge that he was the father of the illegitimate child of Mrs. Violet Wells Norton, cockney .Londoner, gave feminine attaches in the Los Angeles Federal court building a big thrill during the dramatic trial. Gable took time off from movie work to testify against Mrs. Norton, accused of mis using the mails. < .... All the way from Lima, lVru, came Oscar Plnedo to do graduate work at the University. Last term he completed Ills requirements for the degree of muster of arts hi architecture. .V present he is connected with the Peruvian Consulate in Portland, but will shortly he transferred to Philadelphia. He is shown in the above photo with a group of students in Sigma hall, where he resided while on the campus. Left to right: \V. M. Sanford, Walter Kngele, both of Portland: Mr. Pinedo; John C. Bryant, South Freeport, Maine; und Kichard Anthony, Portland. The girl in the ease is British born Gwendoline Norton, 18 years old. Mrs. Norton insisted Gable was the father of the girl. The youngster did not appear in court yesterday when the verdict was Issued against her mother. To Clark Gable’s rescue came Fran Doerfer, Portland girl, ready to testify that at the time Mrs. Norton said Gable was seducing her in a London suburb, Gable was a lumber worker In Oregon. Co-ed members of the l Diversity forum have visited several com munities of the state this year discussing; cooperative movements. Members shown in the photo above are, left to right: Betty Brown, Lorraine Larson, Frances Mays, Jeannette Hofncr, and Pearl Paddock. t. ran. l !. Members of the University forum, a forensics group that has won national recognition, have spent the year speaking in various parts of the state. Those shown in the above photo are, left to right: Pan Plank; W. A. Dahlberg, coach; Barney Hall, Zane Kcinlcr. i d Bobbins. George Haley, Avery Combs, Howard Kessler, Boy Vernstrom, Alva Blackerby, W illiam Luberski, Kessler Cunuon, Walter Kschebeek! Freed Bales, Hubert Bent, Hubert Young, John Luvuus, and Freeman Patton. A new peace plan designed to avert further rioting in the Stockton cannery strike was announced yesterday at a conference of luhor and cannery officials w ith peace officers. V conference lead by Cali fornia Governor Prank F. Merriam, center, to mediate disagreements over wages and hours ended in a complete failure, earlier in the week. Captain Walter Lansing and Lieutenant Clyde A. Warren of the Oregon state poliee are teachers in the police school which the League of Oregon Cities, in cooperation with the University bureau of muni cipal research, is conducting in U cities of the state.