Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1937, Image 1

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    Work on Old Library
Remodeling Is Begun,
WPA Grant Secured
Passing Show
Martin vs. Pierce
Divine Fimls Peace
‘War’ on Horizon
What a ‘Bees-ness'
In This Corner
Dissention in the ranks of Ore
gon officials over power policies
in connection with Bonneville dam
administrative legislation caused
an indefinite recess last night dur
ing house hearings.
After adjournment Governor
Martin, Representative Pierce and
Portland's Mayor Carson, met in
a heated debate during which
Martin charged Pierce with sup
porting power and money inter
ests. Martin, claiming, "I repre
sent the people," and Carson sided
Back in ‘Heaven*
Harlemite followers of Father
Divine rejoiced yesterday at the
return of their "God" — released
from the clutches of the law by
worldly powers—$500 of it. The
rotund, self-appointed deity, cap
tured in a Connecticut basement
retreat by negro police following (
a stabbing affray in his New York
"Heaven” last Tuesday, brought i
cries of "Peace — it’s wonderful” i
when freed.
Mob violence was feared when
the evangelist emerged from crim
went directly to “Heaven” for a
celebration feast.
Army Trek Ends
Having just completed the long
est peace-time motor movement in
western army records, 7500 troops
of the third division, U. S. Army,
set up camp last night at Fort
Lewis, Washington, prepared to
spend a month in complicated
The war-games will feature new,
fast army tanks, air forces, and
troop training on a large scale ;
never before tried in this area.
500,000 truck miles were marred
by only one accident, that when
Sergeant William Nettles, 39th
(Please turn to f>ape two)
Courting Nooks
Get Picturesque
Sororities at the University of
Washington, as on most campuses,
have a variety of names for
“courting corners.’’
The Alpha Gamma Delta ushers
her boy friend in to the “Mush
room” for a tete-a-tete. The
Gamma Phi’s call theirs the "Den
of Iniquity” or the “Hitching Par
lor.” At the Chi O house, heart
interests relax in the “Check
Room.” The Alpha Phis call their
the “Date Room.” And the girls
at the dormitory alternate between
"Date Coops” and “Bull Stockade.” i
The DG’s say that the architect
for their new house made a tragic
mistake when he forgot to put
doors on their “hot-box.” Not only
that, but he almost ruined their
connubial chances by arranging a
permanent, non-switchable |'ght.
Students Get Break
The boy can take the girl he
meets through the University of
California date bureau to see “Boy
Meets Girl,” at the El Capitan
theater at reduced rates.
The managers of the theater are
sponsoring a UCLA Date Bureau
night and are acting through the
escort organization to reduce
ticket rates for student play-goers.
He's Pretty, Too!
What would happen if a brawny
football hero was elected beauty
queen ?
This was the predicament in
which Mitzi Greene, scenario frat
ernity man and football hero at
Miami (Ohio) university found
himself recently.
When someone entered him in
the contest for campus queen, he
won it, and to make matters
worse, his picture will appear in
the university yearbook as there
is no rule which says that the
queen must be a female!
Registration Mystery
This true story comes from the
University of Kansas. It’s about a
fellow who met an attractive girl
during the gruelling days of his
first registration and enrollment,
got rather well acquainted consid
ering the circumstances, and for
four long years he has seen that
girl at enrollment time and never
again until the next semester ar
He’s beginning to think she just
comes down for enrollment to sort
of commemorate their first meet
ing and then goes back home.
Face-Lifting Begins
On Old Libe in Time
To Get WPA Money
Law Tomes Assyred New Quarters as
Workmen Descend to Basement and
Book Moving Continues
Noise of hammer and saw rose from the basement of the old
library yesterday to sound the beginning of a WPA project to
remodel the historic structure for housing the Oregon law school.
Work was started to meet a time qualification of a WPA grant.
Part of the basement floor has been torn away, so that con
crete piers can be laid today. On these piers, steel work will be
erected to reinforce the remodeling work. Work is being super
vised by Dr. Will V. Norris, professor of physics.
Meanwhile the library moving'
continues with a crew of ten men
working an eight-hour stertch this
week under the direction of Willis
Warren, reserve librarian. To date
the miscellaneous material from
the order department, the duplicate
sets, unbound magazines, the U
of O collection, the Oregon col
lection, all theses, the rare book
collection, and the oversized books
have been moved.
Two Crews to Be Used
Beginning Monday two crews
will be put on, one working from
3 to 11:30 p. m. and the other from
11:30 to 8 a. m. with with Beverly
Coverhill assisting Warren in the
supervising. This moving is not be
ing conducted on the plan of mov
ing most-used books last but rather
starting from the top floor of
stacks and working down. The
material in the basement, however,
is nearly all out. Warren stated
that next week’s work will go
much faster as it consists of
"straight stuff" and makes for
easy handling.
Art and music books will be
moved first Monday. Then the rest
of the periodicals and the remain
der of the botany shelves will take
the journey. Some psychology,
journalism, and all the religious
books will go over with the second
group, which also includes those
on agriculture, physical education,
mathematics, science, philosophy,
and ethics. The social science books
will go over later in the week, fol
lowed by literature, with history
books the last to go, due to their
position on the lower floors of the
Messenger service will be given
every day until next Thursday
when “around-the-clock” moving
begins. All such service will be dis
continued until Monday when the
new library will officially open for
business. The house librarian
heads will celebrate this opening
with a campus dance on the ter
race in front of the building that
Education Heads
General College Proposal
Topic to Be Discussed;
Hunter to Preside
The executive council and the
interinstitutional deans and direc
tors of the Oregon state system of
higher education will meet in the
faculty room at Friendly hall to
day at 3 o'clock to discuss the gen
eral college proposal for all state
institutions of higher education.
The general college proposal
would give the student a general
course, with no specialization, for
the first two years and then allow
him to start majoring in the field
he chooses.
The executive council of the state
system consists of the presidents
of the University, the state college,
and the three normal schools. The
interinstitutional deans and direc
tors group is made up of the
deans, and department heads, and
executive secretaries of all the in
E. B. Lemon, Oregon state reg
istrar, and Dean O. F. Stafford
of Oregon will give reports. The
meeting has been called by Chan
cellor Hunter, who will preside.
The members will have dinner at
the men's dormitory after the
Onthank, Kehrli to Go
To Portland Meeting
Heman Kehrli, director of the
bureau of municipal research, and
Karl Onthank, dean of personnel,
have been asked to take part in
the round table conference on
“Merit System in the Welfare
Work” at the Oregon council of
social work. This will be held in
Portland next Friday, April 30.
Election System Practical
For Student Body Voting9
Kehrli Says in Interview
Herman Kehrli, director of the bureau of municipal research, ex
pressed his approval yesterday of the new system of preferrential bal
loting which will be inaugurated on the campus May 6.
“The system of proportional representation is practical for student
body elections. It has been adopted in several European countries and
it is used by New York city under the new charter drawn up last fall,’’
Godfrey Invites
Students to See
Enlarge the photo section of
your memory books by buying a
few of the several hundred pic
tures of campus scenes for sale
at George Godfrey’s office, 114
Friendly. These pictures, many
of which were used last year by
the Oregana, are being quited by
the news bureau office at ten
and fifteen cents.
Recent and old shots of the
campus, millrace, student com
mittees honoraries outstanding
students are included in this
group of pictures.
An invitation has been extend
ed by Mr. Godfrey to all stu
dents interested to stop in at his
office. No sales pressure will be
applied, Mr. Godfrey promises,
just super-salesmanship.
tne Bureau director commented.
Cincinnati Uses System
Mr. Kehrli pointed out that in
Cincinnati, where the proportional
method is used, the mayor is se
lected by the council itself. The
advantages of a similar procedure
being used here, by having the
executive council select the presi
dent after they have been elected,
were suggested by the director,
who believes such a system would
be a worthy addition to the reforms
already affected.
Sees Advances
Reiterating the approval voiced
by proponents of the plan, Mr.
Kehrli believes that the new meth
od will aid in eliminating two pol
itical groups, give opportunity for
expression to new campus groups,
and would prove to be a progres
sive step in general.
He warned, however, that it will
be necessary that all students un
derstand the proportional represen
tation system of balloting clearly
before it can be successful oper
Retail Confab
Starts May 3
Croup’s First Meeting
To Diseuss all Angles
Of Retailing; Speeches
By Experts Slale<l
Dr. N. H. Cornish, professor of
business administration today, re
leased the complete program for
the educational conference of the
Oregon Retail Distributor's asso-.
ciation, which is scheduled for
May 3.
The retail institute is the first to
be held by the newly organized as
sociation. Membership in this,
group is open to all Oregon retail
ers, retail advertising men, andi
staff members of the University.'
Invitations to attend the confer
ence are going to retailers through- •
out the state.
Harold Wendel, president of the
organization, will open the first
session and talk on “The Purposes
of the Oregon Retail Distributor’s
Others to Talk
Frank Nau of Portland, former
president of the Portland Retail
Drug association, will talk on “How
Oregon’s First Fair Trade Act
Works.” Edward F. Bailey, lawyer
and state counsel, of Portland, will
address the conference on “What!
Oregon’s 1937 Anti-Price Discrimi
nation Act Is.”
Tne afternoon session will be de
voted to discussion of retail re
search and taxation. G. R. Walker,
secretary of the Portland control
lers group, will act as chairman.
Claude Hall of Toledo; Dr. N. H.
Cornish, professor of business ad
ministration in the University;
Eric M. Stanford, president of the
Portland controllers group, and- T.
W. Hickman of Eugene, will speak
on retail reseach. Dr. James
Gilbert, dean of the college of so- :
cial science, will speak on retail
Elusive Monkey
Slaps Reporter
But Won’t Talk
An interviewee who is too elu
sive to get any real information
from, and yet who is so pre
sumptuous as to slap the re
porter in the face -one who
won’t talk at all, and who is
still friendly enough to chew his
interviewer’s fingers—this is a
real problem!
This lively, elusive, yet friend
ly problem is Magi. Magi be
longs to a species with a long
latin name, but is known to the
layman as a monkey.
Magi is owned by Chandler
Stevens, the magician who enter
tained the assembled students in
Gerlinger hall winter term. Mr.
Stevens solved the problem of
interviewing the impossible by
telling the interesting life of his
newest acquisition.
He formerly belonged to an
other magician, Virgil the Great,
for whom Stevens used to work.
He rode to Eugene from his
home in Olympia, Washington,
by airplane.
Magi is 2 years old. He is now
residing in the basement of the
SAE house at night, and suns
himself on the lawn or at the
tennis court by day. His owner
' reports that he eats any food
that we would consider edible,
and W'hen he gets hungry, par
takes of grass or anything
As soon a,s Magi is well train
ed, he will be employed as a
specialist in a disappearing mon
key act that is now being pre
pared by his magician-owner.
Pi Lambda Theta, national wom
en's education honorary, will give
a dinner at the Osburn hotel May
1 at 6:30 in honor of Miss Shannon
Pettinger, national member - at
large. The tea and reception for
that day has been postponed.
Bob Patterson, Vera Pound, Vir
ginia Houston, Max Carter, Robert
Goodwin, Robert Herzog, Roy
Vemstrom, Wallace Newhouse,
Chris Madera, John Miller, Maude
Edmonds, Kenneth McCubbins, and
Barbara Jones are in the infirmary
, today.
Oregon, OSC Fire Opening
Guns of '37 Diamond Wars;
Lewis Handcuffs State, 7 to 1
Ducks Win at Corvallis
Behind 4-Hit Pitching;
Wchfoots Blast 13 Hits
Off Kalihak, Takaini
Nine Men Get Blows
Lewis Leads Bal Attack
With 3 for 4; Record
Crowd Sees Opener
Behind four-hit pitching- by Cap
tain Johnny Lewis, righthander,
Oregon’s baseball team jumped off
to a flying start in this year’s nor
thern division gonfalon chase by
grabbing a 7 to 1 triumph over
Oregon State on the Beaver dia
mond yesterday.
Corvallis fans made good their
threat to worry Oregon’s atten
dance record by turning out en
masse and completely filled the
baseball stands. Chancellor Hunt
er was on hand to toss out the
first ball.
The rival clubs move to Eugene
today where University of Oregon
fans are planning one of the big
gest celebrations in history.
(Phase turn to paqe tU’O)
Japanese Grad
World Diplomat
Kaname Wakasugi, 1910,
Peace League Delegate
Royalty’s Guide
Yosuke Matsuoka is not the only
Oregon law school graduate who
carries the fame of the University
afar. For Kaname Wakasugi has
recently been appointed Japanese
Consul General in New York.
Wakasugi received the degree of
LLB in 1910 from the University
of Oregon law school which was
then located in Portland and i
post-graduate degree from the
New York University in 1914. He
was a Japanese consul in Los
Angeles in 1924 and went to Lon
don as first secretary of the Jap
anese Embassy in 1929-30 during
the naval disarmament conference.
From London he went to San
Francisco as consul general in
1930. After serving four years in
San Francisco, Mr. Wakasugi went
to China and later to Manchukuo
as counselor of the Japanese Em
One of his first acts at his new
post was to act as a guide and host
to Prince and Princess Chichibu.
His picture accompanied by a brief
biographical sketch appeared in
April 5 issue of the New York
Matusoka, ’00, who visited the
University in April, 1933, was
Japanese spokesman at the League
of Nations and head of the dele
gation which walked out. He has
been hailed as Japan’s outstanding
diplomat, statesmen and industrial
ists and by the press as “Oregon’s
No. 1 alumnus,” “little giant of the
Japanese delegation to the League
of Nations,” and "Oregon's most
famous graduate.”
Hopkins’ Student
Recital Is May 11;
Jazz on Program
“Rhapsody in Blue" by George
Gershwin will be presented on the
campus for the first time by Rob
ert Garretson, junior in music,
May 11, in a piano concerto pro
gram presented by students of
George Hopkins, professor of
The rhapsody combines a classic
form with the “voice of the peo
ple,” and introduced a new musical
type in the jazz concerto.
The concerto program will in
clude numbers by Lural Burggraf,
Jacqueline Wong, and David
Smith, 12-year-old pianist. Mr.
Hopkins will accompany the stu
dents on a second piano. The con
certo program will be held in the
music auditorium.
Throw It and Duck
The proverbial batter’s challenge to opposing moundsmen seems
to be personified in the manner In which President C. V. Boyer swings
his bats and takes a toe-hold. The president will be on the mound,
however, when the ceremonial opening of the 1987 northwest conference
season is brought to a close this afternoon. He will toss the first hall
over the plate to batsman-Chancellor Frederick >1. Hunter and OSC’s
President Peavy will be l>ehind the mask.
Visiting Fraulein Lauds
Spirit of Oregon Campus
Fraulein Grete Sumpf of Germany, who has been making an exten
sive visit in the United States and for the past few days has been the
guest of the campus YWCA, said she was particularly impressed with
the spirit of spontaneity, enthusiasm and independence found in the
students on this campus.
She feels that the young people are taking the responsibility of their
own future, that the United States, and the happiness of the entire
world in their own hands. She hopes that they are going to create
Drama Students
Help Inaugurate
New KORE Station
The University drama depart
ment will share in the celebration
for the opening of KORE's new
radio station with a half hour pro
gram Tuesday at 4:15 p.m.
A one-act play "The Eligible Mr.
Bangs,” will be presented by the
Guild hall players under the direc
tion of Ottilie Turnbull Seybolt.
The play features Gerry Smith,
Helen Roberts, Adelyn Shields, and
Milton Pillette.
The play by Robert Housum, re
vised for radio by Milton Pilette,
is a hilarious comedy. In addition
to the play, members of the speak
ing class will present “Jazz Fan
tasia," by Carl Sandburg. Those
who will read the poem are Harlan
Duncan, Don Childers, and Milton
Dr. DeBarr to Speak
To Fraternity Council
The inter-fraternity council will
meet for dinner at 6 o’clock April j
27 at the Phi Delt house, and will
discuss rushing rules. Dr. De Barr
of Eugene, who has been affiliated
with* the Phi Delta Theta frater
nity for 67 years, will be the prin
cipal speaker at the meeting.
a new world, free from the eco
nomic and political conflicts of to
day. This sense of hope and ambi
tion found in the students is ex
pressed in their walk, speech and
dress and she felt that such a gath
ering as the war protest was the
best example.
The feeling she found here, she
thinks, is closely allied with the
country itself, which she said im
pressed her as being new.
The only factor which is univer
sal in the United Slates, but more
prominent in the east than in any
western college, is that the stu
dents are almost slaves to the dic
tates of the fashion and cosmetic
leaders, she felt. In that the uni
formity of make-up on women was
a slight detraction from the de
velopment of the individuals, she
felt that Oregon showed a little of
this, but that German universities
showed much less.
(Please turn to f'atie two")
Yeomen to Nominate
Officers Next Monday
The Yeomen will meet in Ger
linger hall Monday at 7:30 to nom
inate officers for next year. The
present group of officers include
Irwin Elder, president; Howard
Lee, vice - president; Harold
Strawn, treasurer; and Don Fry,
A dance is scheduled with the
Orides after the meeting.
Celebration to Preeede
Conference Inaugural
Here Today; Game
Set for 2 o’Clock
Parade Starts at 1
Boyer lo Heave First Ball,
Hunter Is Lead-Off Man,
Peavy Behind the Bat
Northern division baseball in
Eugene will be inaugurated amid
a gigantic celebration of close to
3,000 fans ori Howe field today
when Oregon and Oregon State,
ancient rivals of civil war history,
cross bats. Game time is\ 2 o'clock.
It will feature all of the marks
of a true gala opening including
a huge parade which starts down
town at 1 o’clock, pitching of the
first ball, and a long string of
prizes for firsts by Oregon players.
All students having cars are re
quested to enter the parade at Six
th and Willamette streets with the
Oregon band, lettermen, members
of the rival teams, students, and a
host of other fans, Tony Amato, in
charge of the rally, stated yester
Boyer First Pitcher
President C. V. Boyer has pro
mised to pitch the first ball to Ore
gon State's George W. Peavy. He
will attempt to strike out Chan
cellor Hunter.
Tony Amato, president of Order
of the .O' in charge of ceremonies,
this week accepted a challenge to
beat Oregon State fans in attend
ance for their opener at Corvallis
yesterday. Present indications
show that massed humanity at
Howe field today may break all
Here is a list of prizes for IS
different firsts in today’s game.
Clip it out and watch the boys
collect their shirts, hats, etc.
Awards for Firsts
First hit A tie from Paul D.
Green and three golf balls from
Babb’s Hardware.
Fft-st run scored A hat from
First error — A haircut by
Charles Elliott.
First walk—Two free dinners
from the College Side Inn.
First two-base hit Six passes
to the McDonald theater.
First three-hase hit A cowhide
billfold from the Co-op store.
First home run A Manhattan
Sports Shirt from Joe Richards.
First assist—Two pair of silk
sox from Montgomery Ward.
First put-out—A razor from
Claypool and Van Atta.
Strike-out Wins Tie
First strike-out— A tie from
Dudley Field Shop, and an 8 by 10
enlargement of favorite picture
from Carl Baker's Film store.
First stolen base—A “Swank”
(Please turn to l>atje tzen)
Skull and Dagger
Selects 15 Frosh
Second Year Honorary
Selects New Members
At Frosli Glee Dance
Fifteen members of the fresh
men class who have distinguished
themselves on the University
campus during the past year were
tapped by active members of Skull
and Dagger, sophomore men's ser
vice honorary, during intermission
at the Frosh Glee dance held in
McArthur court last evening.
Those tapped were Lloyd Hoff
man, John Dick, Bob Dent, Bud
Aronson, Verdi Sederstrom, Phil
Lowry, Clayton Ellis, Russ Iseli,
Bill Rice, Glen Eaton, Dick Sears,
Dick Hutchinson, Charles Skinner,
Gilbert Schnitzer, Gordon Benson.
Kimball Play#
Playing from an orchestra stand,
resembling the old-time stands of
the south, Ellis Kimball and his
orchestra from San Francisco fur
nished music.