PUBLISHED BY TIIE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Fred W. Colvig, editor Walter R. Vernstrom, manager LcRoy Mattingly, managing editor Wm. F. Lubersky, Assistant Business Manager Associate editors: Clair Johnson, Virginia Kndicott. UPPER NEWS STAFF Pat Frizzell, sports editor. Bernadinc Bowman, exchange editor. Paul Dcutschmann, assistant managing editor Gladys Battleson, society Paul Plank, radio editor. Lloyd Tripling, news editor. Edwin Robbins, art editor. Clare Igoc, women’s page Jean Weber, morgue director Chief Night Editors: Bill Davenport. Warren Waldorf Martha Stewart, feature editor. Reporters: Myra HuNer, Rita Wright, Irvin Mann, Bill Pcngra, Wen Brooks. Dick Litnn, Bob Ritter. Kathryn Morrow, Louise Aiken, Louise Sheppard, Mary Failing. Margaret Rankin, Alyce Rogers, Laura Bryant, Marolyri Dudley, Parr Aplin, Maxine Glad. Catherine Taylor, Kenneth Kirtley, Betty Jane Thompson, Warren Waldorf, Lew Evans, JIubard Kuokka, Peggy Robbins, Gertrude Carter, Margaret Ray, Stan Hobson, Sports staff: John Pink, Elbert Hawkins, Chuck Van Scoyoc, Bill Norcne, Larry Quinlin, Morris Henderson, Russ lscli, Dick Hutchison, Lucille Stevens. City editors: Jean Kendall, Rita Lee Powell, Katherine Morrow, Jack Townsend, Warren Waldorf, William Robinson, Gladys Battleson, Mary Kay Booth, Dave Cox, Alice Nelson, Larry Quinlin. Assistant managing editor M i hired Blackburnc 1 )ay editor: Coi i inc Antrim Right editors J,cw Evans Mill I’cngra Pacifism Plus Realism pacifists being more sensitive souls than the average student, who is lamentably thick-skinned to the ills of his country and the world, they must have left their strike meeting yesterday with their ears burning. For Raymond L. Buell, the speaker they chose to deliver the main address, turned a bucket of cold logic over the views held by the I 'diversity’s dominant group of peace lovers, who had hoped their views might be the key-note of the demonstration. Mr. Buell argued for the constructive form of pacifism which the Fmerald—pardon '• our modesty—lias endeavored to support in the past few weeks. Contradicting a sign borne by one enthusiast, which said “There is no such thing as a good war or a bad peace,’’ the internationalist declared the distinction between war and peace to be meaningless. We are living in a system, he said, in which a mere negative approach to the problem of war will be unavailing. If we are going to prevent, war, we cannot simply say “1 won’t light’’ and expect our voice to be effective. If peace is to be achieved and maintained, the world must be reorganized for social and eco nomic justice, tlu- lack of which is the under lying cause of war. Talk of peace which does n’t include this undertaking is senseless. Mr. Buell showed a view of war and peace that is sane and constructive, lie excavated the deeper causes of war and told what actu ally must be done to promote peace. And that, to us. constitutes the very opposite from the misty idealism of adherents to the Oxford pledge. Mr. Buell is possessed of idealism, too, but his is of a realistic, practical sort. # * {j^OM KTII INC! should probably be said of the way the crowd received Mr. Buell’s speech. We were standing in the back row and had a chance to look over the whole as semblage, and we must remark that there was a great variety of attention given the speaker. A substantial share of the group was really interested in what he had to say, and stood motionless, watching and listening. But, in terspersed through the crowd, was a broad scattering of gigglers and gossipers, who ap parently had come more out of curiosity than from a sincere interest in the occasion. Most remarkable of all, however, was the inatten tion on the part of those whom we have come to regard as the leading figures in the campus peace movement. They threaded constantly through the spectators with obviously more concern for the scene that might be created by the placards which they bore, or which they were trying to urge onlookers to carry, than for what the speaker was saying. Of course, what these pacifist leaders had in mind was to create a militant enthusiasm for their cause. But, in their methods, what they were really doing was to repel possible converts. For they showed no understanding of the psychology of the average student. They didn’t realize that the average person wants to be as much like everyone else as he possibly can. and consequently avoids such things as might cause him to he branded “radical ’ or unusual. * * # jpKO.M a tactical point of view, that is the greatest fault in the type of pacifism ex pressed on this campus. The ideology is too esoteric, too incomprehensible to the minds of the great number of students, who regard such stuff as they might the worship of Vishnu. In fact, the movement does smack too much of culfishness. Probably !)!l per cent of the students on this campus are opposed to war, and, theoretically they should be con vertible to pacifism. But they won't be en listed to a kind of pacifism that calls for such “screwy” things as waving placards, “strik ing.’’ adhering to the Oxford pledge, and “fasting for Spain.” If an effective move ment against war is ever to be organized, if those who are sincerely desirous of peace are ever to be actively and unitedly engaged to action, then pacifism must be divested of all the sentimental and emotional trimmings from which the hard-thinking, ordinary per son rebels. Campus Comment (The views aired in this column are not necessarily expressive of Emerald policy. Communications should be kept within a limit of 250 words. Courteous restraint should be observed in reference to personalities. No unsigned letters will be accepted.) “GO TO IT, FROSH!” To the Editor: I heartily agree with my friend “J. L." in the fact that something ought to be done about the "O" on Skinner's Butte. But as nothing has been done yet, it will be up to the freshmen to preserve the old tradition of painting the “O” dur ing Junior weekend. Last year only one freshman took the slippery trip down the letter’s smooth surface. What a. thrill this lad got when he left the smooth con crete and landed on some jagged rocks! J. L. was right when he said “lots of our freshmen would get a thrill from sliding on some fresh, yellow paint." This year, however, with a little previous ar rangement, the freshmen may once more slide one by one down the “O" in a foam of yellow paint. My advice to the freshman class is that they either file down the rough, abrupt ending of the slide, or that they eliminate a few of the jars by piling up some old mattresses, blankets, or other spoils from the spring house-cleaning. Go to it, frosh! BOB BAILEY Passing Show (Continued from payc one) surgent troop train in eastern Spain. Love Child (md Cable Trial of Mrs. Violet Norton, who accuses Clark Gable of being the father of her daughter, continued yesterday, with Mrs. Norton re affirming her charge that Gable is the man. Noting that “love chil dren are like the father" she point ed out many similarities between Cubic and Gvendoline, including the way they milk cows. Balanced Budget—\<>.f A radical return to pre-depres sion government financial policies was suggested yesterday by Sena tor Byrnes who proposed a 10 per cent cut of 1938 appropriations, reduction of the budget $400,000, 000 and balance for the first time since Hoover's administration. Byrnes also would slash the $1, 500,000,000 relief bill down a cool half billion, making a total cut of $900,000,000. Opinion on white house sentiment differed. Agri culture leaders decried economy which would curtail farm relief. Co-op ScIhmIiiIcs (Continued from pjge one) Bean John F. Bovard of the phys ical education school, and Dean James H. Gilbert of the college of j social science, and tire manager of Uie store is Marion McClain. Mr. McClain will submit a finan cial report of the store, and an swer questions members of the store might ask. The co-operative store was orig inally purely co-operative, in that every student paid dues to belong to it, and got a refund on all pur chases. Because many students 'liglil/rtil nuvtnp' i »* r.-*« changed, and all students became members without paying dues. Profits from the business were supposed to be used to lower prices of student supplies and books. This plan is followed today. The constitution of the store prescribes that two candidates must be nominated for each board position to be filled, and anyone registered in the University is eli gible to nominate candidates. Negative Far if ism (Continued from pope one) policy of the United States, Eng land, and other nations, as well as the nazi - fascist powers for the present situation, and prophesied that the threatened war could yet be staved off. Great Britain, in his opinion, had stabilized the European situation by rearming, thereby forcing the totalitarian powers to listen to her once more. Mr. Buell deplored this rearming when its cost might have been devoted to the betterment of the suffering lower strata of hu manity, but conceded that it had worked, while negative pacifism would have been futile. Mar Aversion Possible It was the speaker's belief that war could be averted barring acci dents. Germany, he explained, was not ready at present for hostilities; she wa; short of officers and eco nomically below par. In the mean time, he declared, the democratic powers had their opportunity to enter into negotiations with the have-not powers Germain. Italy and Japan to give them their eco nomic necessaries. This, in Mr. Buell's opinion, would mean the dawn of a new day in world relations. Interest in the speaker s remarks was noted in the faculty group at the Ol'tsVif tv- .if I... ' odd students present. Noted on the fringe were Dr. Janies H. Gilbert, professor of economics, who listen ed intently to economic views somewhat resembling his own: Dr. Victor I'. Morris, dean of business, who discusses similar issues in his course on war and peace; Dr. R. C. Clark and Dr. Dan E. Clark of the history department. The organizations w h i c h are members of the student peace committee are American Student Union, Baptist Young People’s Un ion. Student Christian council, University high school, Wesley club, Westminster association, VMCA, and Young People’s Social ist league. (\\ omen (Continued fnwi page one) had others on her list who were to receive offers, but it seems that some finally became suspicious and due to fear of being found out, she ceased activities, which will pro bably shatter the victims' tender est dreams of success. Referee Safe Anyway W. T. Osborne, Acadia university in Canada, has originated a new system of basketball refereeing that calls for the referee to watch the game from a balcony, stop plays, and give instructions to floor assistants through a public addres ; system. I mlcrupound> limit An underground laboratory has been built at the University of Utah. A mine 300 feet long and 6 and one-half feet wide has been built with the aid of NYA. Prac tical demonstrations of various phases of mining are carried on with the facilities provided. I'nnito Xiimiul l«'rn*.h I. —v I IH) 4 Hop’s SKIPS 6- JUMPS By ORVAL HOPKINS AT the University of California the other day less than 3000 students participated in student body elections. Unless my arithme tic fails me that's approximately twenty per cent of the enrollment of 15,000 there. AH of which proves concdusively the vital importance of campus politics and its place in the educational system. Next fall the young man on the Cal campus will be able to strut around and get his name in the papers no end. He may even get a chance to go to a convention of similar stooges and there prove what a thoroughly bad speaker he is. Along toward the end of next fall when the alums begin to ride Stub Allison ragged he will be able to come out in print and say the ASUC is behind ol’ Stub to the man. And nobody will care. Here on the Oregon campus the proposal for representative elec tions of student body officers, or something, is looked upon as a right noble advance. It supposedly would cooperate with some by-law or other to eliminate the gravy train. (I might disagree here to remark that if that’s gravy it seems a mite cold and thick and greasy.) Practically taking the guts right out of the student of fices, if such indeed there have been. # * * I) EAIl me, children, the offices are empty enough now with out taking away this last rosy vestige of importance, sad and ragged tho it may he. Picture the poor lad who is elected to the student hody presidency via this method. Ho will be an out cast among his brethren. No power to appoint people to other puppet places will he hold. No right to expect a hit of comfy hack-scratching on occasion— and what itches there are. And, yea lawd, what beefs and squab bles on the ex council. Just visualize, my friends, the situation. That guy's the student , hod_v president, somebody will he ; heard to say. I can’t remember ! his name now, hut I’d know it iif you told me. He used to go around with a hi fellas for every body but he doesn't mean much around here any more. They say It’s sort of got him, too. You know—can’t sleep, losing weight, drinks a whole lot more than he used to. I don’t know. Ah don't, my children, don't sell the old pork barrel down the river, don’t sell out the gravy train. Give the thing away! Kllis Kimball's (Continued from page one) serve patrons and patronesses cof fee during the intermission. Tickets for the affair are one dollar a couple and are on sale at all men’s living organizations. They can be obtained at the door tonight. Members of the dance director ate who complete their work on the affair today are Dick Litfin, chairman; Gilbert Schnitzer, as sistant chairman; Harold DeCicco, programs; Cathryn Collins, pat rons; Myra Hulscr, publicity; Harry Milne, finance; Don Kirk patrick. orchestra; George Heilig. clean-up. Send the Emerald to your friends. Subscriptions only $3.00 per year. I’iteh your tent at Taylor’s Nation Within a Nation—for the Indians Plans to formulate a state within the nation to act as the government of 50,000 Navajo Indians of Arizona were begun at a recent convention at Window Hock Reservation, part of which is shown above. The Redmen plan their own constitution, president, unicameral legislature and other government depart ments. ♦ THE ♦ I 4th Estate i Latest cooperative venture on the campus is the one entered into by the ATOs. Cliff Troland, one of the bros, has planted his Greek jewelry on PiPhi Evelyn “Rosy” Rosander . . . but rumor comes again and again that should Hotel man Troland find the chase too swift, at least four of his brethern are ready, willing, and able to take up where Pin Planter Troland leaves off . . . Dale Lasalle, Beta footballer, also uses the phone for his wooing of the gal ... on the average four nights a week . . . Rhoda Armstrong please copy. Scooping the Mud-Guard, 4th Estate editors wish to announce the nuptials of Dei Robinson, DU, and Violet Nelson, of the Sigma Kappa cottage. They told it to a minister about three months ago in Vancouver, have kept it a secret with difficulty. Now, liiushingly admitting their marriage after being caught in the big town with only one suit case, they have hoisted the mud hook and are heading for Twin Falls and home. Latest to prove truth of old theory of out of sight out of mind is Virginia Hill, Alpha Chi sister, who has a Phi Delt pin plastered on her ... of late she has been ignoring it beautifully for Ralph Finseth, Sigma Chi . . . her Barn man in Portland is rapidly ridding his teeth of their enamel, it is re ported. One - track - minded Alpha Phis are being scolded recently for the perennial hoisting of Betty Lou Drake, a statuesque blond, as the one person capable of representing their tong on the political and so cial battlefield . . . Campus Con nisseurs lean a bit toward petite Cecile Flynn otherwise described as "darling”—as a new candidate. Kindly tip of the day goes to Muriel N i c li o I a s, brainy ex Reeder . . . well-established ru mor has it that Helen Wills Moody once had to go three sets to beat Athlete Nicholas in ten Tonite, the Frosh Coming-out party j Eugene Hotel A miiHiimit!i!iiii!itiHimtititiininiiiiiiiiti>unmmtuiiim;inmittu:uHiiitiiuiiiiiiiftm . is Eugene’s F inest F or.. . ACCOMMODATIONS!! SERVICE!! FOOD!! RATES!! In fact for all around atmosphere Make your reservations early for this coming combined Junior Weekend and Mother's Day nis . . . which is very fine. Bob Vaughn, DU, is the choice of Pi Phi Jane Mabie for any mid dle-aisleing she may want to do in the near future . . . puns are out of our line, but rumor says its only Maybe, Myers, Link Selected Pi Mu Upsilon Officers Willard Lee Myers was elected director and Gordon W. Link, sec retary of Pi Mu Epsilon, national don W. Link mZjS-wbe mathematical honorary at a meet ing in Deady hall Wednesday night. Out-going Director Kather ine Stevens presided. Names of new members elected to the honorary at the meeting will be announced at a later date. The group voted for the admittance of a chapter at Columbia university New York, to the organization Two papers, “The Nine Point Circle" and “Physical Properties of Stars” are presented by Whit ney Scobert and Gordon Link. YW Freshmen Entertain Over 50 Girls at Dessert The YWCA freshman committee entertained more than fifty girls at a dessert at the Y bungalow last night. Betty Lou Swart, president of the commission, expressed a desire that freshman girls would become better acquainted with each other through the desserts. She also hop ed the girls would "drop in at the Y” for tea, work, or study during their spare time. “The Lighthouse Keeper” or "One Dark and Stormy Nnight,” a skit, was presented by Catherine Miller, Mary Wright, Mary Failing, and Marjorie Montgomery. Marjorie Montgomery was chair man for the dessert. Westminster Forum Group Meets Sunday The Sunday evening Westminst er forum group will meet behind Skinner’s Butte at six o'clock Sun day evening for a covered-dish din ner and business meeting. Plans will be made at that time for the annual McKenzie confer ence held by the group at Cedar wood Tavern at McKenzie Bridge The purpose of the two-day con ference is to install the new offi cers, summarize the year’s work, and plan for the coming year. Frances Mays, presirerit, expect ed a large delegation to be present at the business meeting, as confer ence committees will be appointed at that time. Officers for next year will be announced. Swing with Kimball Tonight Ifs a Swell Idea Share the joys of your col lege clays with the folks at home. 1 hey will enjoy reading your paper and they will feel closer to you by being able to do so. They are interested in the activities and the life sur rounding your school just as every loyal Oregon stu dent. Subscribe now to the Em erald for them >«ttoOg]gmcaMb (S reigonl^^tcralLi The Oregon Dailjj Emerald, official student publication o'f the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mon days, holidays, examination periods, tha fifth day of December to January 4, except January 4 to 12, annd March 6 to March 22, March 22 to March 30. Entered as second-class matter at tha postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscrip tion rate, $3.00 a year. Circulation Manager.Caroline Hand Asst. Jean Farrens Frances Olson.Executive Secretary Copy Service Department Manager ...Venita Broui National Advertising Assistant: Eleanor Anderson. Collection Manager.Reed Swenson Thursday advertising manager: Venita Brous; Assistants: Clifton Wilson. Mary Hopkins, Alice Chandler, Jack Leighton. Pi Kappa Alpha Gives Semi-Formal Saturday Pi Kappa Alpha, social fratern ity, will hold its annual spring dance tomorrow night at the Eu gene hotel. Wilson B. Heller, dis trict president of the organization, from Los Angeles will also attend the dance. Palms and spotlights will be used for decorations, and Jimmy Morrison’s orchestra will play. Patrons and patronesses for the affair will be E. E. Marsh, S. E. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Miku lak, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lind strom. Yturri Found (Continued from page one) canine, after running into it, while he detained it at his home. "Treat ed it just like one of the family,” Yturri said. Attorneys Ed McKeon and Hon Rew pleaded for the plaintiff. Ches ter Anderson and Bill Martin put up a desperate, but futile fight for the defendant. Process-Aging Prevents Tongue Bite Edgeworth Guarantees that Process Aging Prevents Tongue Bite TONGUE BITE is the bane of pipe smokers. We guarantee that Edgeworth will not bite the tongue. The use of the finest Burley to baccos will not prevent tongue bite. It’s the processing that does it. As every tobacco expert knows, pipe tobacco can be rushed through the plant and save big sums of money. It is pipe tobacco, but it is not Edgeworth. Our method is Process-Aging—a process as vital as the aging of old wines. There are twelve required steps, each under laboratory control. It takes 4 to 7 times as long as might seem necessary. But in no other way can we guarantee that Edgeworth will not bite the tongue. We ask you to try it under our money-back guarantee. If Edge worth bites your tongue, return it and get your money back. You can’t lose. NOTE: There are three kinds of Edgeworth for you to choose from: 1—Edgeworth Rcady-Rubbcd—a cool, long-burning tobacco pre ferred by seasoned smokers. 2—Edgeworth Plug Slice—for the smoker who likes to crumble the tobacco in his hands until it’s just right for him. 3—Edgeworth Jr.—the samo to bacco also Process-Aged, but cut fur a milder, more free-burning smoke. ricasc accept SOe Gold Plated Collar-rin ',r only 10e when you buy Edgeworth. Merely send inside white wrapper from any tin of Edgeworth with your name and address and lOe to Larus & Bro. Co., Dept. 400, Richmond, Va. EDGEWORTH EDGEWORTH M