Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1937, Image 1

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Delayed Horsehide
Slate Opens Today
if Downpour Halts
Passing Show
Sugar Conference
Bonneville Power
Sit down Policy
Oil Organization
Trnilp Barriers
Representatives from 22 coun
tries began attempts to tear down
international trade barriers yes
terday as the world-wide sugar
conference met in London. Con
ferees held up two goals, the in
crease of sugar prices to a paying
basis, and the arriving at an agree
ment capable of permitting ad
justments due to changes in the
world market.
United States' delegate Norman
Havis, pleased by European recep
tion of the economic arbitration,
told delegates in a private session
that the United States would make
sacrifices if other nations would
comply. Proposals involve limit
ing the sugar marketed, and for
eign continuance of United States
Electricity for Northwest
The Bonneville control bill was
handed to Congress Monday, minus
the President’s proposal which
would have put the entire north- :
west power project under a single |
administrator. The revised mea- 1
sure as presented by Senator Bone
of Washington gave powers to the
army, interior; war and agricul
tural departments as well as the
federal power commission, who
will act as an advisory board to
the administrator through repre
Provisions safeguard sale of 50
per cent of power to public insti
tutions and cooperative organiza
tions until 1040. Rates are to be
based on costs figured by the pow
er commission.
Congress Will Out
Senators, stymied in their at
tempts to add an anti-sitdown
rider to the coal control bill yes
terday by a vote of 48 to 36, con
tinued their fight to pass a mea-!
sure condemning the recent labor
weapon. Senator Byrnes, main-1
taining that rejection of the rider
indicated congressional OK of sit
downs, predicted that the senate
would go against them within 48
New "declarations of policy”
were immediately proposed by
three solons after the defeat of
the amendment. Democratic sup
port indicated that the bill -would
be decided upon by Wednesday. A
similar measure which would make
sitdowns illegal if affecting inter
(Please turn to page two)
Insane, Genius
But Step Apart
Says Psych Prof
Do you become engrossed in
V writing a rhetoric theme and work
right through the dinner hour: Do
you spend long hours in the chem
istry laboratory, oblivious to the
passage of time? If you do this
sort of thing—beware. You may
be headed toward one of two
things. You may be accused of
being a genius—or, you may be
headed for a padded cell.
According to G. D. Higginson,
associate professor of psychology
at Illinois, it’s a well-know fact
that there isn’t much difference
between a genius and an insane
person. Both have' intense powers
of concentration for a certain sub
ject. But a genius can think of
other things when he tries; an in
sane person can't.
Radishes USC Greenery
Light green radishes are among
the growths in the plant world
which have contributed to the
beautification of the USC campus.
The red-headed vegetable has al
ready been appreciated by many
students and employees of the uni
Some Betty Coed, it is under
stood. who had a burning desire |
to contribute to USC, was inspired |
to scatter the seeds for this
springs radish crop when the new
lawn was started.
‘Timely’ Crack Sprung
Professor Rottschaefer, of the
University of Minnesota, pulled out
his watch instead of his class book
to select a victim for his latest
question in hjs jurisprudence class
“Well, well," he mumbled in con
fusion, . . looking for your names
on my watch.”
"Trying to find the man of the
hour, eh?” responded one alert
Miss Kletzer Wins
F ete Them e Con tes t
With Serenade Idea
Takes First for Second
Time in Three Years;
Misses Ireland, Runte
Place Second, Third
20 Themes Entered
Floats to Depict Operas for
Junior Weekend Water
“Romantic Serenade,” theme
submitted by Constance Kletzer,
junior in the art school, took first
prize of $20 in the canoe fete theme
contest and will form the basis for
decorative schemes for Junior
weekend, May 7, 8, and 0, judges
announced yesterday.
The floats gliding over the elec
trically colored waters of the mill
race will, by each representing a
different song from well-known £
operas, carry out the "Romantic <
Serenade” idea. 1
Miss Kletzer presented the win- t
ning theme of “Melody In Spring" i
used during Junior weekend in i
Runners T’p to Get Tickets 1
Winners of the second and third I
prizes, who will receive tickets to
the canoe fete, to the Junior prom,
and to the campus luncheon, were
Virginia Ireland with a Venetian
and Vivian Runte with a
theme of fairyland.
Over twenty themes were sub- 1
mitted in the canoe fete contest 1
judged by Hazel P. Schwering, 3
dean of women, Lance W. Hart, *
assistant professor of art, Hal 1
Young, professor of voice, Ralph 1
S. Schomp, educational activities (
director, Sam Fort, general week- 3
end chairman. Jack Enders, assist
ant chairman, and Bill Dalton, -
canoe fete chairman. i
Many valuable ideas for improv- *
ing the continuity and construction 1
for the fete were submitted in the 1
various themes which made it ex- 1
tremely difficult to pick a winner,
according to Sam Fort, when com- i
menting upon the judging. 1
The plans and drawings for “Ro- 5
mantic Serenade” will be on dis- 1
play in the Co-op window early this 1
week. Drawing for pairing of c
houses will be held Thursday.
Idea Woman
Constance Kletzer, junior in the
rt school, won the canoe fete
heme contest and a $20 prize with
ier idea for the colorful Junior
weekend event. “Romantic Sere
lade,” with a campus background,
ias judged “best idea.”
Sllis Is Granted
French Fellowship
Lowree B. Ellis, instructor in ro
mance languages, has been granted
, field seiWice fellowship for a
ear’s study in France, according
o word received here yesterday,
le is one of the three young men
hosen in the United States to re
eive this honor for the coming
He will sail for Europe before
uly 1 and will spend 12 months
a various French universities, con
inuing his special field of French
terature in the eighteenth century,
le will be accompanied by Mrs.
Mr. Ellis received his A.B. de
cree from Washington State col
ege in 1932 and his master’s de
;ree from Oregon in 1934. He Is
iow. working for his doctorate in
omance languages here, having
ompleted all requirements except.
(Please turn to pac/e two')
7 Campus Organizations
Have Adopted Nation-wide
Student Strike Program
Seven University organizations, the ASU, the Student Christian
Council, the YMCA, the YWCA, the Wesley Foundation, and the West
minster association, have adopted the program which is the basis for
the nationwide student strike against war April 22.
The local strike committee, although approving the demands of
national sponsors, has laid on the table a motion to make Oregon’s
demonstration a strike. The committee, headed by Charles Paddock,
met a committee of faculty members Monday afternoon, reaching no
Iinai decision. ine lavuiuy win
mittee objected to the use of the
term “strike.” Another meeting
will be held at 4 o’clock Thursday
afternoon at the YMCA, at which
definite plans will be made.
Miss Morse Chairman
Margilee Morse is chairman of
the sub-committee in charge of
contacting campus organizations.
The prospect of the strike will be
presented to the student body
council, inter-fraternity council,
inter-dormitory council, inter-co
operative council, Pan-Hellenic
association, and several other cam
pus groups.
Charles Paddock said both local
high schools are considering join
ing the demonstration and that the
student council at Eugene high
school has already endorsed a
Oppose War Budget
The program approved by the
committee this past week includes
a demand for demilitarization of
the campuses, passage of the Nye
Kvale bill making military train
ing optional, and more realistic
educational treatment of the eco
nomic social causes of war.
It opposes the government's bil
lion-dollar war budget, iirges in
stead passage of the American'
Youth act, and asks the govern- |
ment to define what it means by i
“adequate national defense.”
It recognizes the Oxford Pledge
(Please turn to page tivo)
Informal Dessert Bids
Issued by BA Honorary
Invitations to an informal des
sert to be held from 7 to 8 o'clock
tonight in alumni room of Ger
linger hall have been sent to about
sixty women in the business ad
ministration school by Pi Chi
rheta, women’s business honorary,
according to Vivian Runte, presi
Committees for the dessert are
Cherie Brown, invitations; Mar
garet Rollins, refreshments; Mar
garet Real, serving; and Violet
Runte, clean-up.
Orphaned Classes] Drift
Without Laws, Constitution;
Present Status Is Doubtful
Discarded Regulations Are Si ill in Use;
4Lack of Time,’ Seniors Plead and
Table Legislation Problem
Oregon's cjass governments, left without any legal constitutions
when the ASTTO adopted new by-laws last term, still stand without
any documents to regulate their actions and have made no moves to
adopt any set of rules or regulations, a survey disclosed yesterday.
The four classes have been conducting class activities according to
the old ASUO by-laws which were thrown into the discard by the
adoption of the new laws, although no decision has been handed down
by any campus judicial body on ,
the legality ot the action.
Time’s A-wasting
The senior class has discarded
its plan adopted last winter term
to draw up a constitution. "Be
cause of lack of time,” members
of the class have decided to shift
the constitutional problem on to
the coming group of seniors.
Walter Esichebeck, tmcmber of
the senior class committee appoint
ed to draft a constitution for the
class, stated “The senior class has
decided to table drawing up a con
stitution because of the lack of
time. The laws would not be part
of the student body regulations and
so they would have to be changed
by the class next year anyway.”
Old Laws Used
The junior class is using a copy
of the by-laws provided by the old
ASUO class regulations. These
regulations have since been thrown
out by action of the ASUO execu
tive committee. The class turned
to the old rules when it was found
(Please turn to pai/e two)
As You Like It’ Is
Theme for Contest
Essays to Be Criticisms;
Benefit Show Proceeds
Go to Browsing Room
In connection with the showing
of Shakespeare’s comedy, “As You
Like It,” Wednesday, April 7, at
the Rex theater, the University
library committee announced yes
terday an essay contest for criti
cisms of the picture.
The comedy of early English life
is being shown in Eugene as one of
a series of benefit performances
to raise money to help furnish the
browsing room of the new library.
The contest, to be sponsored and
judged by the English department,
will limit the essay to a 1000 word
criticism either of a favorable or
unfavorable note. The library com
mittee will announce the value of
the prize tomorrow, according to
Rudolf H. Ernst, professor of Eng
lish and director of the benefit per
Five showings will be given the
British-made film at the down
town showhouse, at 1:00, 3:00,
5:00, 7:00, and 9:00 p.m. Tickets
may be purchased at the Co-op,
ibrary, educational activities build
ing, or at Washburne's. Box-office
sales will not be given to the li
brary fund.
The film was made in England
with an all-British cast, and is be
ing released by 20th-Century-Fox
company. Elizabeth Bergner, Lawr
rence Olivier, Sophie Stewart and
Henry Ainsley play the leading
toles and are supported by a large
Shakespearean cast.
The browsing room of the librai v
is to be made the most comfortable
room in the new building. It will
be equipped and furnished for stud
ents to relax and read for pleasure.
Over $4000 of the $9000 quota has
been raised for the room.
Faculty Speakers
Listed in Bulletin
fWaileinic R a n k. Speech
Title Given to Aid Clioiee
Of Graduation Topic
A recent bulletin issued by the
Oregon state system of higher edu
cation lists faculty members from
he University of Oregon, Oregon
State college, and the three state
lormal schools, as available com
mencement speakers for this
The pamphlet gives names of
faculty members who will speak,
heir academic rank, and titles of
their speeches.
High schools are expected to de
fray any expenses incident to the
ippearance of speakers, the bul
etin states. Requests for members
ihould be sent by the high school
:o W. G. Beattie of the general ex
cension division.
Faculty available from the Uni
versity are: Eric W. Allen, dean
>f the school of journalism; Jesse
H. Bond, professor of business ad
ministration; Weijdell S. Brooks,
professor of education; John L.
Casteel, director of speech divi
don; R. C. Clark, head of the de
rmrtment of history; N. H. Com
sh, professor of business adminis
iration; W. A, Dahlberg, assist
int professor of speech; Calvin S.
Hall, assistant professor of psy
chology; Donald E. Hargis, in
structor of speech; R. W. Leigh
con, professor of education; A. R.
(Please turn to pane two)
Poetry - Readers
In Jewett Contest
To Vie Today at 4
Ten students will participate in
the W. F. Jewett poetry reading
contest to be held this afternoon
it 4 p. m. in the third floor lounge
if Gerlinger hall.
Each entrant ha’s selected and
memorized three passages of
poety from an approved collection
livided into general groups of son
lets, lyric and blank verse. Prizes
if $20, $15, and $10 will be award
id to the winners of the contest,
vhich will be judged by Mrs. Eric
iV. Allen, Mrs. Edna Landros, Mrs.
Dtillie Seybolt, Paul E. Kiepe, and
3. E. Hargis.
Contestants include Richard
Hagopian, Gwendolyn Caverhill,
Pearl King, Adrian Martin, Laura
3ryant, Bill Lubersky, Milton Pil
ette, Edith Ekstrom, Vivian Runte
ind Louise Sandstrom.
Professor W. F. G. Thacher's
class in advertising production has
entered a contest, sponsored by
Botsford, Constantine and Gardner.
Students are to submit plans for
iromotion of sales for "Snowflake"
crackers. The first prize is $15, the
second, $10, and the third, $5.
Music Honorary
Concert Tonight
! Former Oregon Slmlent Is
Cues! Artist at Affair
j In Eugene Hotel
I A special feature of the annual
j Mu Phi Epsilon formal concert to
night will be the songs of Mrs.
Josephine Albert Spaulding, mezzo
soprano, who will be guest artist
for tht" nutslcale. The concert is
being given at the Eugene hotel
and begins at 8:30.
Mrs. Spaulding, a former stu
dent of the University of Oregon,
represented the northwest in the
National Clubs’ contest in 1933.
placing third. Last year she was
| the second winner in the district
| competition. She appears regularly
over programs of KGW and HEX.
and lias been studying the past
several seasons with Paul Petrie
of the Oregon State college music
Her songs will be the famous
Wolf “Verborgenheit." ''1 Am Thy
Harp" by Huntington-Woodman,
and "The Time for Making Songs
Has Come,” by Rogers.
The program is being given for
the benefit of the Mu Phi Epsilon
scholarships awarded yearly to
outstanding women music students
at the University.
Tickets for the concert are being
sold by members of the society and
patronesses of the group.
UO Law Review
Receives Praise
An article in a recent issue of
i the Virginia Law Review ex
| presses approval for the number
of ways in which the Oregon Law
Review, University law school pub
lication, presents legal material to
the public.
The article, entitled “The Need
for ‘State’ Review,” cites the Ore
gon publication as officially re
presenting the Oregon Bar asso
ciation, for presenting summaries
(Please turn to page tivo)
Removal of Books
From Old Library
Awaits Boyer’s OK
Building Must Be Evacuated by April 23,
Board Report Deelares Yesterday;
Student Help May Be Sought
Oregon’s library board, confronted by the complexities aris
ing from the possible withdrawal of a WPA grant for remodel
ling the old library, lack of state appropriations to match the
federal grant, and added costs in evacuation of the building,
yesterday submitted a proposal for an early move into the new
library, to take ulace in a three day period.
The resolution will be submitted to Dr. Will V. Norris, di
rector of grounds and buildings, and President C. Valentine
Work Outstanding
mmmmm .. -«• i
For 21 years athletic director at
1’omona college, California, Eugene
Nixon has been voted the 1937
honor award of the American phys
ical culture association for out
standing work in health and phys
ical education.
Eastern Oregon Trapper
Was 'Model’ for Oregon’s
Pioneer, Unveiled in 1919
.(Editor’s note: This article is I he first of a series which will tell
the story behind interesting “landmarks” on the Oregon campus and
which will appear in the Emerald from time to time.)
Under the shaded of tall trees on the University of Oregon campus
stands the Pioneer a bronze statue of heroic size dedicated by Joseph
N. Teal and sculptured by A. Phimister Proctor, a constant reminder
to the students of the vision and courage that made possible the explor
ation and growth of the Oregon
Nearly 1200 persons, including
members of the University and
numerous surviving pioneers whc
had crossed the plains with their
ox teams to bring civilization tc
j the Willamette valley, came to the
unveiling. P. L. Campbell, then
president of the University, pre
I sided over the ceremony of May
22, 1919.
Flag from ITSS Oregon
The statue was unveiled by
T. G. Hendricks, for 25 years a
regent of the University and n
pioneer of 1848, and his grand
daughter, Miss Martha Goodrich
whose father, Hay Goodrich, grad
uated from the University in 1904
The statue had been veiled by the
American flag that had flown over
the battleship Oregon on its trip
around Cape Horn to take part in
the battle against the Spanish fleel
off the southern coast of Cuba.
"I propose to erect a memorial
which it seems to me should stanr
(Plen.te turn to pane two 1
Spring Has Sprung-a ‘Leak’, Says O.J.P.
“This is a nice country you have
here, but it’s a mite dry,” O. Jupi
ter . Pluvius, well-known liquid
manufacturer and visitor on the
Oregon campus for the past sev
eral weeks, observed today. Catch
ing Mr. Pluvius, or Jupe as he pre
fers to be called, was a problem.
With spring rapidly approaching
he is busy supplying a balmy at
mosphere to the Oregon country.
Sitting on a rock near the spot
where Alder brook flows into 13th
Creek Jupe offered several sugges
tions for improving life on the
I Oregon campus.
“First,” he said, “the students
| here have the wrong slant on
spring sports. Why play baseball,
golf, tennis and the rest of those
stuffy sports? The logical games
for this campus are duck hunting,
log-rolling, surf-boarding and other
aquaeous contests.”
Looking over the vast stretches
of water—the result of a persist
ent sales campaign on the part of
Mr. Pluvius—he went on, “An
other valuable addition to college
life around here would be "beer
ing." This consists of rounding up
a, party of several male students
and a keg of beer. After the beer
las been consumed, the members
jf the party roll the keg into the
vater, and all jump in after it. The
first man to stand on top of the
«eg and make a Tarzan call wins,
rhe feature of this little game is
:hat after several parties enough
<egs can be saved to build a boat
louse on."
Jupe was high in praise of the
seat duck boats that students have
oeen using since his visit this
spring. He condemned the use of
outboard motor boats on the
ground that it wasn’t in keeping
with the cultural background that
should be supplied by every uni
“The advent of motorized and
mechanized methods into our mod
ern educational systems has beer
making a nation of technocrats out
of our young," he thundered as he
spied a trim little outboard run
about supttering up to the landing
in front of the library.
In his travels this season Jupt
has visited nearly every state in
the union. He was bitter over the
(Please turn to pa/je two)
Boyer for final approval.
Members of the library board
expressed the need for evacuation
of the old building by April 23, at
which time remodeling work is
scheduled to start on the old libr
ary building, changing it into a
law school.
Resolution Adopted
The resolution adopted by the
hoard stated “In view of the fact
that it is important that the old
library he remodeled for law
school purposes, it is I he opinion
of the library committee that an
early move be made, with the
understanding that the principal
moving be concentrated in a
three day period.”
The final decision on the pro
posed move and suggested plans
for removing books rest with
Dr. Boyer, the committee disclosed.
At the meeting yesterday the
committee discussed the feasibility
of obtaining cooperation from the
students for the moving task, and
talked over possible dates for the
removal project. No definite action
could be taken until the evacua
tion resolution is passed by Dr.
The committee did not discuss
the possibility of calling a holiday
for moving the books.
Telegraphed Douglas
A telegraph message outlining
the proposed moving was sent to
M. H. Douglass, head librarian,
now visiting in New York. Before
Mr. Douglass left on his vacation
trip understanding was reached
that book moving would not be un
dertaken until he returned. Mem
bers of the committee suggested
that Mr. Douglas may cut his trip
short in order to direct the re
moval of books and their installa
tion in the new library building.
Jittery Green Menace
Haunts Oregon Campus
The green menace . . . and I don't mean another Webfoot team.
Nosirree, this one has pink trimmings and it jitters. For the past
two weeks it has ben endangering the lives of comely coeds and manly
males, both on and off the campus. The menace travels under the
terrifying title of “Willy-Nilly." My very blood runs cold, while the
menace merely runs out of gas.
i This latest addition to the retinue of gas gobblers was purchased by
Misses Betty Howell and Ingrid
Liljequist for twenty-five smack
ers. Today the same vehicle is on
the market for fifty, according to
the Kappa girls. Why the rise in
price ? Ah, one new coat of jade
green paint, a stunning coedikish
coverlet on the front seat, red
spokes, a new patch on a tire that
went flat, and . . . well, after all,
look at all the time the girls spent
on the thing! That’s worth some
thing. Definitely. “And it is such
a darling," adds Miss Liljequist. i
Immediately upon purchasing the
roadster the girls took the too
down, completely off, in fact. And ;
the ancient top went to pieces.
Now, because of the lovely spring
weather, riders are forced to carry
an umbrella whenever they drive.
Every time it rains the floor be
comes a small lake and the seat a
veritable sponge, according to the
girls. It’s quite an experience . . .
sitting down.
To date the owners have made
one trip to Corvallis. And they got
back OK. Five service stations are
visited on the way over, however.
The crate has also been in the vi
cinity of Three-Trees. Yes, dozed
through one long cold Saturday
night, abandoned out in the open.
i. (Please turn to page two)
• • Nettleton
• • Freeman
• • Health Spot
• • Copeland & Ryder
Eric Merrell
The University Men’s Store
Where Value Meets
You at t he Door