PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Fred W. Colvig, editor Waiter R. Vernstrom, manager LeRoy Mattingly, managing editor Wm. F. Lubersky, Assistant Business Manager Associate editors: Clair Johnson, Virginia Endicott. UPPER NEWS STAFF yat rrizzcli, sports editor. Bernadine Bowman, exchange editor. Paul Drutschtnann, assistant managing editor Cladlys llattlC3on, society editor. Paul Plank, radio editor. j,ioyn j upnng, news eaitor Edwin Robbins, art editor. Clare Igoe, women’s page editor. Jean Weber, morgue director Chief Night Editors: (ieorge ilalcy Hill Davenport Reporters: Parr Aplin, Louise Aiker, Jean Cramer, Bctilub Chap man. Morrison Males, Laura Bryant, Dave Cox, Marolyn Dudley’, Stan Hobson. Myra Hulster, Dick Lftfin, Mary Hen derson, Bill Pengra, Kay Morrow, Ted Proudfoot, Catherine Taylcr, Alice Nelson, Kaahael Platt, Doris Lindgren, Rita Wright. Lillian Warn, Margaret Ray, Donald Seaman, Wilfred Roadmen. Sports staHF: Wendell Wyatt, Libert Hawkins. John Pink, Morrte Henderson, Russ Iscli, Cece Walden, Chuck Van Scoyoc. - Copyeditors: Roy Yernstrom, Mary Hopkins, Bill Gdftctt, Rcl.ta Lea Powell, Jane Mtrick. Tom Brady, Warren Waldorf, Thro Prescott, Lorcnc Margutn, Pita Wright, Jack Townsend, Wen Brooks, Marge Finnegan, toignon Phipps, LaVern Littleton, Tune Dick, Frances McCoy, Lawrence Quinlan, Al Branson, Helen Ferguson, Judith Wodeage, Betty Van Pcllcn, Stan Hobson, George Haley, Ceanne Escklc. Irvin Mann. Night Editors Elbert Hawkins E wondered Jiow Oregon's trained social scientists felt about sit-down strikes, so we sent a reporter out to poll them. Our reporter was a freshman girl, but shrewd and pertinacious. Her instruction were either to interview the men or persuade then to pencil out fifty words or so summing up their eon elusions and to assemble her story from this material. Well, to be brief, she hardly got to first base. She hasn’t yet seen all the men we asked her to interview, but sin: has made enough of the round to know that it will he in vain. They won’t talk for publication; that, most of them declared very flatly. But why? Two reasons offer themselves; they have no thoughts on the matter worth publication, or they are afraid to say in print frankly what they think. We’ve too much faith in the intellect of the men questioned to credit the first. Then, if the second be true—that they are afraid— we also have too much respect for the men to blame them. But Not for Print * •JMIF'] sit-down strike is a hot issue, and any man who commentk on it is on the spot. If he favors it, he is subject to attack for having an un-Amerieau view of tlie “sacred rights of property.-’ If he condemns it, he is open to tin' damnation of labor partisans, who maintain with Dorothy Thompson that work ingmen have a property right in their jobs. „ Those professors, qualified by training and intellect to take a position of leadership in Iho determination of such great social issues as the sit-down strike, are constrained to silence, hut by what or by whom? liy their own vague fears? liy direct administrative inhibitions? A little, perhaps. Hut these are shackles of a secondary sort. The great fetter on academic freedom the liberty of a pro fessor to pursue knowledge as far as he can or will and to impart his conclusions, however heterodox, to others—is damped on by the people of the state, or by tbe most powerful pressure groups among the people. Aeademei freedom is as nebulous and uu and undependable as those oilier freedoms of our democracy, of speech and of the press. Freedom of teachers, like freedom of others, hinges on what they say or advocate. They are free to say two plus two equals four. Ilut further Ilian that well, it all depends. JT seems to lie I lie l ate of |>tll)lic inst itut ions like the l ' diversity of Oregon to lie eon staidly under populur pressure, l’arents .semi their progeny lieri' “to he educated,” by whit*11 is not meiint the courageous and open minded pursuit of knowledge. No siree, not tluit. Wliut they want is four yours of pro tectum from unorthodox opinion for their young. “Mother, may I go out to swim? ‘ Why, yes, my darling daughter, Hang your clothes on a hickory limit But don’t go near the ■water?’’ Well, ■we haven’t been diving into a dry pool exactly. Any alert person is hound to pick tip u few ideas his ancestors never had. But what about our professors? If we know any thing about the drive for knowledge and the desire to he .secure m their pursuit of it that must affect the better uiz of the iWeek By MARGARET RAY It was decided to test the housemothers of several living organizations on the quiz of the week this time. Four were given the questions, and out of these, three scored 4 points, and one scored 9 points, out of a possible 10. 1. Two University of Oregon professors who have recently tendered their resignations are: (a) Robert C. Hall and Arthur Marder; (b) Calvin Hall and Dr. John Bovard; (e) Wayne Morse and Dr. John Bovard. 2. Oregon's baseball hopes were given a decided boost last Friday by the tiansfer of a Duck veteran of last year from Southern Oregon Normal to the University and his appearance at the initial practice session, the player was: (a) Cliff McLean; (b) John Thomas; (c) Gale Smith; (d) Bob Hardy. 3. Theta Sigma Phi, journalism honorary for women, at a meeting this past week, announced that it would sponsor a new entertainment feature this term: (a) A lecture series by prominent members of the faculty; (b) A matrix table banquet for outstanding students, faculty mem bers, and townspeople; (c) An all-campus dance with a journalism motif; (d) Jimmy Dorsey and a Journalism Jam. 4. The possibility of loss of a WPA grant to help remodel the old libe has caused library authorities to announce that: (ai Books will be moved immediately to new headquarters, but will not be available to students for at east three weeks; lb) Students will be asked to volunteer their help in assisting with the moving of the books to the new library; (c) A decision as to whether or not to move the books will be reached at a meeting of the library board. Monday; (d) The new libe costs to much to run. D. Senior class meetings have been held this past week to consider: (a) Possible senior class gifts; (b) Exemption from spring term final exams; (cl Speakers and other program features for graduation exeroiscs; (d) Doing away with caps and gowns. l>. The convention which is bzing held on the campus this week end is: I a l The associated women students; (bi The Women's Athletic association; (cl The Athletic Federation of College Women; (ill League of Oregon Cities meet. 7 The supreme court judge who provided a surprising right-about face opinion on the minimum wage law for women was: (ai Justice Roberts; (b) Chief Justice Hughes; (c) Justice McReynolds; (d) Justice Brandies. 8. In an Emerald editorial this past week, students were advised to follow Dean Wayne Morse's example and la) Report reckless diivers on Thirteenth street to the police; (b> Lend their support to the library's suggestion for using student help in moving books; (c> Attend the debate between Orlando Hollis, acting dean of the law school and S. Stephenson Smith, professor of English; idi Get jobs in Washington D.C. !•. A contest sponsored by the Texas Christian university is being held on Southwest campuses to: ini Gain new ideas for constructive “hell" weeks; (b) Find the ugliest man on the campuses; (cl Determine the most popular "American girl'' coed; (di Get ideas for a deferred pledging system. 10 The orchestra which has been signed to play glee is: (a) Jimmy Dorsey's; (bi Kenny Allen's. (c) Ellis Kimball's; (d) Dick Litfin's, (c> Gus Meyers'. for the frosh » * t Colonel Leader tt on tinned from /'i7<7t' one) A very good comparison was drawn between games as played m England and the United States By the English soldier, who also lolus the rank of senior colonel n the Oregon Reserve officers. The English system of no coaches and no specialization in games causes more of a rivalry, but not for the solo purpose of winning. This system of playing to enjoy sports, rather than win. makes it a usual thing for a man of 60 to be active in five games. To Leave Oregon “1 always seem to have to leave Eugene at the prettiest season of Women’s Meet (Continued, from page one) WAA. Play days, fall picnics, teas and informal sport parties were 1 mentioned as the best of ways to bring new women into contact with active, enthusiastic WAA leaders. The strawberry festival held yearly at the University of Oregon was mentioned. Dr. H. H.. House, professor of physical education at Washington State college addressed the dele gates at the open mass meeting Friday afternoon on “A Man Looks at Women's Athletics.” Dr. House voiced strong approval for the work carried on by WAA and of fered several pointers that might help in the further development of the groups. Future of WAA Discussed Miss Velda Ouncliff, director of the women's physical education at San Francisco college, who spoke on the “Future of WAA,” revealed possibilities for the organization and compared the present groups with those of many years ago, showing the progress already made. Canoeing was enjoyed on the millrace later in the day, despite the poor weather. At the formal banquet last night held in the Eu gene hotel, Miss Florence Alden, physical education head at the. University of Oregon, presided as: toastmistress. J Dean of Women Hazel P. Sch wering addressed the group on "Function of WAA from a Stand point of a Dean.” Dean Schwer 1 ing told of the benefit the organi zation was to any campus, how they helped in the orientation of freshmen, and offered to a coed a four years’ program of physical activity, intramural sports and outside recreation. Colonel Leader Speaks Colonel John Leader, well-known on the campus as a traveller of wide distinction, talked shortly on the “English Idea of Sport." Rules of all games, the way in which English games are handled, and the participation of English in sports for the sheer enjoyment of playing' were spoken of by Colonel Leader. The three day conference will be brought to a close to<,lay. An open mass meeting in the hotel dining room will be lead by Dr. J. B. Nash, professor of education at New York university at 9 o’clock. Dr. Nash will speak on “Philosophy for WAA." The closed mass meeting will be held following this. Hostesses for the next conference will be decided upon, a business report of all com mittees will be given, and sum marieers of the discussions will read their reports. A noon day luncheon will end the conclave. the year.'' he concluded, “it was so when I left in 1919 after serv ing two years on the history faculty and in the physical educa tion department. But my boys want me at home, so I'll have to leave this ideal University and town." Colonel Leader was very em phatic. in his praise of the physical education school built up here by Dean Eovard. and hopes to return some day and sec it further dev eloped. Pitch your tent at Taylor’s Subscriptions only $“>.00 per year. E Shorthand - Typewriting j Complete Business Course ^ J University Business College J .► Edward L. Ryan, B.S., L.L.B., < It Manager ^ I.O.O.F. ’Building, Eugene J u.*., . J At the CHURCHES Baptist Rev. Mr. McAnnich will lead the 9:45 Bible class Sunday morning on the subject, “God the Creator.” “The Christian Solution of the War Problem’’ will be discussed Sunday evening by the young peo ple’s group which meets at the church at 6:30. Glenn Griffith will lead the discussion. Christian Grace Adamson will discuss “Christians at Worship’’ Sunday evening at 6:15. Special music will feature the evening. Westminster Branch of Presbyterian Sunday morning Mr. Jim Bryant will lead the meeting with the dis cussion centering around the topic, “Hope or Despair.” Faith Eskeld son will lead the worship service, which will open the meeting at 9:45. Dr. Warren D. Smith will speak Sunday evening at 6:30 on the subject, "The Religion of a Geolo gist.” Tea, will be served at 6 o’clock, which will precede the worship service lead by Howard Cole. Noon luncheon will be served Tuesday noon for 20 cents a plate to any students on the campus desiring to come. Names must be registered by Monday evening. The 39-40 club is sponsoring a concert Thursday evening by Miss Norma Lyons, music student and graduate, who will give a program of her own compositions. All stu dents are invited. Following the concert will be the study group on “Studies in the Life of Jesus,” lead by Rev. Wil liston Wirt, representing Mr. Nor man K. Tully, who will lead the group the remainder of the term. Methodist Young people will meet Sunday <$ re gtmlif C-meral^/ The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the Unireraity of l Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year exvept Sundays, Mon days, holidays, examination periods, th« fifth day of December to January 4, except January 4 to 12, annd March 6 to March 22, March 22 to March 80. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscrip tion rate, $3.00 a year. Saturday advertising manager: Les For den morning at 9:45. Sunday evening Mr. Charles M. Hulten, professor of journalism, will lead a discus sion on “Propaganda and Our Civil Liberties.” The group meets at 6:15 with Orval Etter in charge of the worship service. Refresh ments and a social hour will fol low. The Willamette Songmcn, Wil lamette University choir, will sing Sunday evening at 5:15. Friday evening the Fireside fel lowship group meets at 8:30 at the home of Hayes Beall. giiiitiitifiifitiniiiiiiiiiiintiiniiiiiiiuniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHMmiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiitiiiiimiiii.'i^ H. Tuttle, Dealer Phone 2719 | Certified Texaco Service BILL HUGHES l Specialized Washing, Waxing, y r Polishing I Special discount offer: One $5.00 y ■ f wax and four $1.00 washes and % | one $1.00 Marfak lubrication, g | total $10.00, all for . $5.00 g We call for and deliver I 11th and High Sts. Eugene | UNFINISHED FURNITURE Suitable for STUDENT ROOMS also Draperies and Upholstery APPLEGATE’S 1 It ii and Willamette We Carry I.E.S. Lamps “Better light means better sight” SIGWART ELECTRIC CO. Phone 718 956 Willamette Why YOU NEED an I.E.S. Lamp ORDINARY LAMPS m Too Low Wastes Light Reflects Light Glaring Soft Light This diagram graphically portrays the advantages of the I.E.S. better sight lamp. It will protect your eyes, save you from fatigue, and insure better results from your work.