Athletic Conference To End With Session Today: Program Full NUMBER 88 Tho Passing Show President Reverses Coni Miners Rack Sitdoivn Legislation Court In(fairy J.ags By PAUL DEUTSCHMANN Prices Too High Note President Roosevelt called an about face in administration price policies yesterday when he hit mounting prices of durable goods, especially steel and copper. Spend ing of public works money will be made in channel dredging, earth dams and other similar measures in the future, a direct reversal from the former policy of buying steel to “prime the pump" of in dustries producing this and other durable goods. Government expenditures for steel were only a fraction of those made last year, as VVPA officials initiated the new policy. 460,000 Work Again Winning demands of wage in creases, 460,000 coal mine workers went back to work yesterday after a one-day strike. Agreement was reached between the United Mine Workers of America and mine op erators after six weeks of confer ring in an attempt to renew the contract satisfactorily. Daily pay for the miners will be $6, a fiO-cent raise for day-rate workers. Union officials maintain ed that their thousands of follow ers had not struck, but had re fused to work without a contract. Lewis Elected FDR? In an attempt to add a rider to the Guffey-Vinson coal bill declar ing that sitdown strikes are con trary to public policy, the senate chambers echoed yesterday with the shouts of determined solons. One militant legislator charged Lewis with “shouting that he had elected Mr. Roosevelt president of the United States,” and blamed the CIO leader for the epidemic of sitdowns. Debate Tires Senators Interest of Washington senators in the investigation of the presi dent's court reform waned yester day as attendance at the commit (Please turn to payc font) $1,000 Damage Result of Fracas At New Mexico By BERNADINE BOWMAN A general free-for-all on the University of New Mexico campus between engineering students and arts and science students came to a halt last Wednesday at the re quest of Professor Farris, dean of engineering. But the fracas was not stopped until more than $1,000 in damage had been done. Broken windows, cracked plaster, torn roofs aqjd wet walls were the outcome of the annual fight between the two groups. According to professors who have been on the campus for a number of years, this year’s fight was the most severe one that has occuired since 1925. Shoes Off Again The University of Minnesota's ‘‘barefoot girl,,” Ingrid Larson, had to take off her shoes again. Having to forego a life-long habit of "barefooting it,” acquired while living in Hawaii, she wore shoes until recently when an ulceti, caused by leather-rubbing, devel oped on her foot. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk Cheating on final examinations is punished by disqualifying the students from taking final exam inations at Punjab university, In dia. In 1936 there were 150 stu dents disqualified. They not only used crib notes and other forms of cheating but sent substitutes to class to take their examinations for them. How Do You Chew? There are five types of gum chewers, according to Dr. Alfred M. Nielson, professor of economic geography at New York univer-1 sity. “First, the type which chews with a gently oscillating motion, like a contented cow. Next, the type which chews to the rhythm of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Thirdly, the kind known as the' ‘railroad chewer.’ They produce noises like the ‘clockety-click’ of a train. “Then come two types of syn chronizers. First, those who syn chronize their mouths with their pencils, and secondly, those who time the movements of their jaws with the speed of the lecturer.” Women’sMeet To End With Session Today Awarding of Trophies Discussed Yesterday; Speakers Urge More Sport Programs Delegates to the Athletic Feder ation of College Women confer ence concluded in their discussions yesterday that presentation of trophies should be discouraged in activities of mixed recreational groups. Two groups were formed to hold the discussions one of all universi ties with the enrollment of 1000 women or under, and those of over 1000. In the separate group dis cussions, the smalled difficulties were ironed out and a summary was given at the afternoon meet ing. Miss Seen Reports Miss Eva Seen, director of wo men’s physical education at Ore gon State, who has been especial ly interested in promoting mixed recreational programs in her school, sent out questionnaires to all schools of the United States. In surveying the -returns, she found that the majority of schools favor ed this plan, but hesitated when contacts became too personal. So cial dancing was discouraged in many institutions and even swim ming in several, because of this point. Women of the conference sum marized this group discussion, bringing out that swimming and badminton seem to attract the best crowds and should be pro moted further. Problem Considered The second problem of the morn ing was the question of how to make freshmen women on any campus realize the benefits and enjoyment of participation in (Please turn to page two) Pin-Ball Machines Satisfy Student Gambling Urges, Say Campus Merchants Operators Unworried Over T a n £ 1 e d Legislation on Devices: Nickels Continue to Pour In Pin-ball machines, tantalizing cash-grabbers of the corner drug store, grocery, and restaurant, correct an evil while constituting one, a survey of campus merchant opinion shows. Students satisfy their gambling instinct on the machines, make poker playing and gambling dives less apparent, they said. On the other hand, the player cannot win in the long run; and there are many stu dents who play the machines instead of spending the money for clothes, books, and other “unnecessary" things. Contrary to common belief, the machines are not owned by large syndicates, but rather by local op erators. Twenty-five or thirty peo ple are employed directly in the business, and many small restaur ants and business places have been able to stay open by patronage of the machines. Operators TTnworried Among the garbled opinions coming from lawyers on the valid ity of the bill passed in the last legislature, one fact stands out— that operators do not seem wor ried. The opinion seems to be that the bill will be referred to the peo ple, and while the machines may be outlawed in a couple of years, the nickels will pour in until then. Legalized, government-controlled gambling is favored generally. It was pointed out that Eugene has had the most vice during the straight - laced p e ri o ds — when punch-boards, card games, even Sunday shows—were banned. Morality Issue “Students should have their mor ality by the time they come to col lege,” one merchant said. “If they haven't, they will gamble, and it won’t be eliminated; it never has.” Meanwhile, from the midst of a three-deep crowd, the click of nick els and the rattle of the balls as they wind their way through the series of holes, continues to offer fascination. Colonel Leader Sees Epoch Of Civil Wars for Europe, Communism Rising in U S By BILL PENGRA There will be many civil wars in Europe in the near future, caused by natural conflicts between various radical parties, but there is no danger of an immediate international war, according to Colonel John Leader, jovial English visitor who has been active in physical education work on the campus for the last three months. Colonel Leader, instructor in squash and badminton classes, is leav ing Saturday for Vancouver, British Columbia. On completion of busi ness in the northern city, he will go to New York to spend several days with friends before embark ing for his home in England. “There is no danger of Europe having any war between nations for many years to come, but a great deal more blood-letting such as is going on in Spain will take place. In France this summer for instance, there will probably be an uprising of the decent finer classes against the aggressive commun ists who are repeating there the outrages that they have done in Spain. Spanish People Lazy In Spain the people are the lazi est in the world, and they did nothing to turn back the commun istic invasion. They established a man as dictator who wras known to be in the pay of the third in ternational, communistic organiz ation.” Colonel Leader scoffed at pres ent fears that England and Italy will fight. Every educated English man is sympathetic with the situa tion in Italy, and, he added, “an alliance of all the English-speak ing countries could police the world successfully, and end all strife.” Agitators Said Active “The first part of this continent to be struck by communism will be the western part of America, and Australia,” said this widely traveled teacher of history and re creational games, "and right now these territories are well' covered by trained agitators acting under orders of the third international. Australia has hunted many of them out such as Harry Bridges, longshoremen's union leader on the the coast here. These trained and very active agitators are largely responsible for the sit-down strikes this year.” (Please turn to page two) Hulten Talks Sunday Prof. Charles M. Hulten, of the journalism school, will speak on “Propaganda and Our Civil Liber ties’’ at Wesley club Sunday eve ning. This is the first of two meet ings on "Propaganda and Free Speech. Leonard Greenup will lead the second meeting. Etiquette Expert Will Visit Campus Elizabeth Osborne to Talk At Women’s Open Mass Meeting Monday Elizabeth MacDonald Osborne, of New York City, consultant on etiquette for women, will arrive on the campus tomorrow and re main here until late Wednesday, announced Dean Hazel P. Schwer ing yesterday. Mrs. Osborne will preside at a women’s open mass meeting sche duled for 8 o'clock Monday evening in the alumni room of Gerlinger. Here she will lecture on poise and culture and answer any questions women may have to ask. All day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the consultant will be in Dean Schwering’s office for per sonal conferences. One half hour is spent with a group of ten wo men. Mrs. Osborne will come to the University from Missoula, whero she has been for the past week. During the last few years, she has talked to women on nearly one hundred campuses, including Wheaton, Wellesley, Radcliff, Mount Holyoke, and Northwest ern. Most of her experiences have been in New York City but Mrs. | Osborne attended school one year in New England, has lived one year on the Pacific coast and one year in Europe. New Appointments for Advertising Staff Made The Emerald’s new national ad vertising manager is Eleanor An derson, it was announced yester day by Walt Vernstrom, business manager. Miss Anderson will take the position recently held by Patsy Neal. Keith Osborne was appointed Saturday advertising manager and Louis Lubliner Tuesday manager. The appointments were for the rest of the term. Dorsey Dance Ticket Sale Starts Today 600 Couples Is Limit Sri At Informal Featuring; Kraft Hall Orchestra At Igloo April 10 Limiting tickets to 600, the sale for Jimmy Dorsey’s appearance at the Sigma Delta Chi spring infor mal in McArthur court Saturday, April 10, got under way yesterday. Twenty tickets have been dis tributed to representatives in each men's living organization on the campus. Tickets were also put on sale at ASUO headquarters, the Co-op and College Side. The Saturday night performance of the orchestra in the Igloo will be the only one in the state. Dor sey and his group of entertainers will play a group of special num bers at an ASUO concert from 7:30 to 8:30. The entire balcony of Mc Arthur court will be opened. Bal cony tickets for both concert and dance will cost 50 cents a person.' Ten to be Pledged At a Sigma Delta Chi meeting yesterday ceremonies were planned for pledging ten men to the na tional journalistic fraternity. A contract signing the orchestra was mailed yesterday. The local chapter of the frater nity plans to invite the Oregon State chapter as a guest to the dance. Summer Session To Be June 21-30 Preliminary catalogues for the summer sessions of Oregon's insti tutions of higher learning have gone to the press and will be ready for distribution in two weeks. The six-weeks’ session will run from June 21 to July 30; the post ses sion from August 2 to August 27. Special University courses offer ed are the invitational art appre ciation class which is made pos sible by Carnegie funds; a series of courses dealing with a clinic for typical children during the longer session, and a curriculum labora tory offered for the first time be cause of the interest shown in the revision of high school curri culum. A course in library methods which consists of five different phases and a new course in clini cal psychology are to be given in addition to the general courses in architecture, business administra tion, arts and letters, social sci ence, law, and science. According to Dan E. Clark, head of the extension division, there will be a large number of visiting instructors from other institutions. The courses offered in the Portland branch of the extension service will cover the same scope of mat erial with the exception of law. I Cast in Character Holes Milton IMllette and Robert Henderson who will have important chnr aeter roles in “Kthan t'rome," dramatization of Kdith Wharton’s best seller, which will play a limited engagement at the University theatre April !) and 10 under the direction of Horace W. Hohinson: New Stage Element Aids Crew in ‘Ethan Frame’ Clover stage machinery will contribute to the artistic success of “Ethan Frome," dramatic adaptation of Edith Wharton's powerful novel to be presented at the University theater Friday and Saturday, April 9 and 10. Horace W. Robinson, director of the play, is also the stage technician. To adapt the limited space to the intricate and varied settings of the play Mr. Robinson has constructed a wagon stage element which, mounted on ruDDer urea rotters, will serve as both exterior and in terior background for the living room, dining room, and kitchen of the Frome cabin; and the outer portion of the community church. As the scene changes from the Frome cabin interior to the .church exterior, the wagon stage is re versed and shifted from one por tion of the stage to the other. Lighting effects complete the il lusion. The movable element is noiseless and can be handled with great speed, according to Mr. Robinson. The hill down which Ethan and Mattie take the tragic bob-sled ride is indicated against an ingeni ously painted backdrop. Various lighting combinations transform this backdrop into many scene pat terns. In the interior scenes, the wagon stage conceals this portion of the set. The cast of the play is now com plete. New additions are: Janet Felt, who will play Ruth Varnum: Ernest Savage, who will play George; Lester Miller, who will re present Hermon Gow; and Ken neth Kirtley, who will play a young engineer. Howard Kessler Gets Job on S. F. Chronicle Howard Kessler, who left the University of Oregon at the end of winter term, has been added to the staff of the San Francisco Chronicle. Kessler was a journal ism major. Monument to Work of Safeguarding Oregon Heath Modern, furnished with up-to-date equipment, in addition to its striking appearance is the new University of Oregon hospital. Guard ian of Oregon health though it is, the beauty of the structure makes it one of the outstanding buildings on the campus. The structure was completed during the summer months and was constructed at a cost of more than $130,000. Spring term is the third quarter that it has been in use. Frosh Glee to Use Plantation Theme McArthur C o 11 r t Named Spot for Season’s Last Freshman Affair An atmosphere of the old South will prevade McArthur court April 23, when magnolias, cotton fields and little brown log cabins trans form the airy basketball pavilion into a southern plantation for the Frosh Glee, last social function of the class of 1940 this year. The plantation theme was chosen at the last meeting of the decora tions committee, Dick Lltfin, gen eral chairman, announced yester day. Combination ticket-progrems will be gold and white, Litfin added. Possibility of a Mississippi show boat setting for Ellis Kimball's or chestra was also considered by the committee. Sam Fort, decorator of many campus dances, will di rect construction of the plantation motif. Winter Term Sees 37 Flunk; Six Are Again in Standing According to statistics compiled in the registrar's office, 37 stu dents were disqualified at the end of the winter term; this is 1.4 per cent of the total enrollment. Six of the 37 are now reinstated. Men showed a higher rating than women with 25 flunking out in comparison to 12 women. In dependents ranked 19 in number while fraternities and sororities totaled 18. The law school listed more dis qualifications than any other de partment with eight and was closely followed by business ad ministration with seven, science with six, social science and jour nalism with five, and arts and let-1 ters with three. Graduates Miss Kitts, Mr. Conway on Campus! Miss Nina Kitts, graduate from the school of education in 1931 and now teaching at Klamath Falls, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Kitts, in Eugene. Miss Kitts is enrolled in one of Dr. R. R. Martin’s Klamath Falls exten sion classes. Grant Conway, graduate of 1936, who now lives at Salem, is also visiting the campus. RIDLEY PASSES EXAM Glen Ridley passed his oral ex amination for the degree of master of arts in business administration on Wednesday, March 31. Problems Face Library Board In Book Moving Federal G r a n l. Added Expenses Complicate Libe Opening Mixup; Meeting Monday No appropriation has boon of ficially made by the state board of higher education to match a VVPA grant for work to be done in remodeling the old library, President C. V', Boyer declared lust night. If such an appropriation were made, it might be necessary to move tlie books out of the build ing at once so work could be done, the president declared. Be cause of the shortage of VVPA labor in the summer caused by seasonal jobs, some difficulty might he found in getting gov ernment labor during the sum mer months. Although the hoard is meeting Monday to make a recommenda tion to Dr. Boyer on the moving of the hooks earlier than was originally planned, he stated that any proposal to declare a holiday and move the books with student labor “was news to him.” BOARD MEETS MONDAY Faced by the quandary of en dangering a WPA grant for re modelling the old library, or in curring the added expense involved in immediate occupation of tjie new library, the University library board will meet Monday afternoon to recommend to Dr. C. Valentine Boyer, a plan for transference of books. Two possible moves are open to the board. A quick move, which would be more expensive but would prevent possible withdrawal of the WPA grant for remodelling the old library into a law school; or a move later with crews working a few hours a day using University trucking facilities, according to re serve librarian Willis Warren. Holiday Suggested If the crews were working full time, cost of hiring trucks at $2.50 an hour "would be incurred. To avoid hiring outside trucks it was suggested that a holiday be de clared so that students could co operate in the moving project. Granting of the holiday for book moving would rest with Dr. Boyer, members of t he committee de clared. Mr. Warren did not indicate which moving plan he preferred. Boyer Decision Final President Boyer presented the moving problem to the library board for consideration Wednes day, but no decision was reached. A meeting was called for Thursday to give the matter further consid eration; the meeting was postponed until Monday because many of the board members were unable to at tend. The board will submit their pro posals to Dr. Boyer, who will make the final decision. Universal News Will Photograph Fly-Casting Gass The University of Oregon's sport, a class in the art of fly casting, will be seen in thousands of motion picture theaters in the future, it was announced here to day. The class, recently organized by Marvin K. Hedges, world champ ion fly-caster, and Colonel Bill Hayward, track coach of the Uni versity, will be photographed in action some time next week by cameramen of the Universal News reel. The pictures will probably be taken in the Washburne pool, on Kairmount, with Colonel Hayward in the role of instructor. A class of at least thirty, half of whom the movie men hope will be wo men, will be included in the scene. The picture will be much longer and more elaborate than the usual news reel “shot” of a few seconds, P. E. Emery, photographer, has announced. Arrangements for the picture were completed this week by George H. Godfrey, of the Univer sity news bureau, who worked out letails with Mr. Emery.