Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1937, Page Two, Image 2

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Fred W. Colvig, editor Walter R. Vernstrom, manager
LeRoy Mattingly, managing editor
Wm. F. Lubersky, Assistant Business Manager
Associate editors: Clair Johnson, Virginia Endicott.
Pat Frizzell, sports editor.
Bernadinc Bowman, exchange
Paul Deutschmann, assistant
managing editor
Gladlys Batfleson, society
Paul Plank, radio editor.
Lloyd Tupling, news editor
Edwin Robbins, art editor.
Clare Igoe, women’s page
Jean Weber, morgue director
t hief Night Editors:
George Haley
Bill Davenport
Reporters: Parr Aplin, Louise Aiken. Jean Cramer, Beulah Chap
man, Morrison Bales, Laura Bryant. Dave Cox, Maroiyn
Dudley, Stan Hobson, Myra Hulser, Dick Litfin, Mary Her#.,
derson, Bill Pcngra, Kay Morrow, Ted Proudfoot, Catherine
Taybr. Alice Nelson Rachael Platt, Doris Lindgren, Rita
Wright, Lillian Warn, Margaret Ray, Donald Seaman, Wilfred
Sports staff : Wendell Wyatt, Elbert Hawkins, John Pink, Morrie
Henderson, Russ Iscli. Ccce Walden. Chuck Van Scoyoc
Copyeditors: Roy Vernstrom, Mary Hopkins, Bill Garrett. Relta
Lea Powell, Jane Mirick, Tom Brady, Warren Waldorf, Theo
Prescott, Lorene Marguth, Rita Wright, Jack Townsend, Wen
Brooks, Marge Finnegan, Mignon Phipps, LaVern Littleton,
June Dick. Frances McCoy, Lawrence Quinlan, Al Branson,
Helen Ferguson, Judith Wodeage, Betty Van Dcllen, Stan
Hobson, George Haley, Geanne Eschle. Irvin Mann.
Night Editor Assistant Night Editors
Morris Henderson Peggy Robbins
Every Man a Cop
JT look Wayne L. Morse of the law sehool to
show what should be done with mad drivers
who whizz through the campus to the great,
peril of student life and limb.
it was a balmy day last spring, one of
those lazy afternoon that call one outside,
when classes are oppressive as dungeons. And
Dean Morse had just come from a meeting,
one of thosj1 long-drawn affairs which must
boro people like the dean, who li|<e things
brought to the point and disposed of.
In that natural expansion of spirit that
comes when one has stepped from such a
meeting, Dean Morris filled his lungs with
the soft, spring air and started across the
street in front of .Johnson hall — when
whoooosli! Some ass at the wheel of a coupe
bored by at; a mile-a-minutc clip, coming with
in three inches of ending the career of one of
the Dniversity’s most brilliant men.
The speed with which the dean whirled,
reached into his pocket after pencil and
paper, and jotted down the license number of
the mobile madman's ear would have made
Joe Louis look like a croquet player in com
parison. He went straight to his office, called
up the police, and within 24 hours the offen
der was brought, to account. ,
There is prevalent an aversion to inform
ing tin; police of violations of the law. The
informer has often been scorned, but in late
years more than usual, because lie was an im
portant tool for the enforcements agents of
the late and little lamented Volstead aet. Bui
bootIfjff'tT.s an1 one thing and murderers are
allot tier. And there is no elass of persons more
potential with murder than reek less drivers.
# #■ «
gAKKlNt! tlie rniversity section of Thir
teenth street to traffic has been declared
impossible by the city council for a number of
suffifient reasons. Hut the council has recog
nized that somethin}; must be done to make
safe this area which is constantly t h rot i ”i 11 ”•
with student pedestrians, t'onseijuently the
only other reasonable alternative has been
adopted: placing “stop" signs at either end
of the two-block stretch, marking off pedes
trian lanes, and set tint; a reduced speed limit
for the district.
But, where the total barring of traffic
along this part of the street involved no en
forcement problem, the new device will. If
motorists are to be prevented from bowling
through the area, some police authority mimt
be set in surveillance, which is not likely to
be done.
Accordingly, if the council's solution to
the ladversity s traffic problem is to be effee
live at all, students should do what Dean
Morse did last spring. Each should regard
himself as a protector of campus safety, take
license numbers of offending motorists and
turn them in to the police.
Students would not hesitate to call the
police of a maniacal man were seen going
through the campus menacing a suh-machine
gun. A wild automohilist is just as dangerous.
' -!-!__1 ' - __ — _ ■■■■■. —»
Campus Comment
(The views aired in this column are not necessarily
expressive of Emerald policy. Communications should be
kept within a limit of 250 words. Courteous restraint should
be observed in reference to personalities. No unsigned letters
will be accepted.)
To the Editor: In behalf of the senior class we
would like to thank members of the Academic
Council for considering our petition to eliminate
the double examination system for spring term.
We hope that if the whole recommendation
does not suit the faculty, they will at least accept
parts of it or a revised plan. Perhaps they will
approve of an optional one-hour examination
scheme similar to the one used at Oregon State
At any rate, may we suggest that a list of all
graduating seniors be sent to faculty members as
soon as possible so that such students may be
given considerate attention this term.
To the Editor: The whispering informer to
whom you made editorial reference yesterday un
der the caption "Order of the Broom" evidently
came away from nis eavesdroppings with infor
mation sadly askew. You say he whispered that
Skull and Dagger will pick fifteen freshmen this
year solely on the basis of "janitor" work, hour
for hour. No, whisperer, that system has never
been and shall not be, this year, the basis for
selection of members of Skull and Dagger.
The rumor should be spiked here and now be
fore it further misleads. Therefore, thanks, kind
editor, for br inging it into the open and enabling
us "Glorified Janitors" to sweep it into the ashcan
with our symbolic brooms. Also, the misinformed
informer who told you that this year Skull and
Dagger is going to cast off all its honor, all its
traditions, all its political symbolism, should be
swept into the ashcan along with his whisperings.
This year more than ever before Skull and
Dgger is endeavoring to shake off such ignoble
references as "Order of the Broom" which have
been attached disparagingly to the organization.
You are correct when you say that a change to
the hour-for-hour manual labor merit system would
knock Skull and Dagger into a fatal tailspin. No
one realizes that more than the members.
Obviously, the purpose of Skull and Dagger,
what it stands for, needs to be defined. Some
where back in the dim beginnings an idea was
evolved to create an honorary sophomore society
whose membership is determined by service to the
University. Such service would be political lead
ership or actual manual labor any activity which
promotes the interests of the student body. Con
siderable work is involved in presenting campus
dances, concerts, and games, and getting this
work done is the main purpose of Skull and Dag
ger. But members are not chosen merely'because
they can handle a broom by the hour without wilt
ting. Manual labor is used only as a material guage
in measuring the amount of interest a freshman
has in University activities, and his selection to
Skull and Dagger is based on a compromise in
manual labor, political activity, and general pro
minence on the campus.
This year 80 freshmen have signified their in
terest in Skull and Dagger by putting in from two
to 80 hours apiece decorating, ushering, cleaning
up. Some of these men, regardless of hours to
their credit, will never be chosen. Others who have
never turned out for a work party may get the
You say that the honor and symbolism of poli
tics must not be openly besmirched. Contrarily, it
has been our constant concern that politics rotten
politics should not besmirch the honor and sym
bolism of Skull and Dagger. In fact, if fifteen men
were chosen solely by the questionable yardstick
of campus politics, and fifteen on their ability tq
wield brooms, chances are the better men would
be the broom-pushers.
Yours respectfully,
St vie Show
(Continued from pane one)
vice-president, will preside over the i
mass meeting, introducing Miss
Axelson and Marcia Stcinhauser.
recently selected Miss Oregon to
head the personality section of the
.1937 Oregana. Hoil cull will be
taken by houses.
LaVernc Axelson, whose dis
tinctive fashion presentations are
well-known on the coast, will toll
the young Oregonian fashion story
dedicated to "Miss Oregon.' as well
us introduce specially selected ap i
parel tor housemothet and faculty
inembei s.
Sixty-five feature costumes will'
be modeled by seven mannequins j
Eloise Noruuest, fashion copy-writ
er from Meier \ Frank's advert i.
ing department will dso accom
pany the group to gel the campus*
tempo tor the store's college ad
this fall.
Spring trend Komuntir,
Young and romaatii is this
epiing's costume trend, w ith much
color accent to be displayed
throughout the showing. Toni hat.
foundations, topper coats, play j
clothes, such as slacks and culol
tes, cottons, and evening wearables,
a few of wiiich will follow the new
Southern Belle styles taken from
“Gone with the W ind" will be m- i
eluded in the lasmon picture.
Housemothers have been issued
personal invitations nnd will oc
cupy a reserved section with WAA
guests, townspeople, and faculty
Tea to l$e Nerved
Following the show, tea will be
served on the sunporc.h. Miss Flo
rence Ahlen and Mrs. Lucy Per
kins w ill pour. Kwamas will serve
and act as hostesses, while Anne
Krnesi. Margaret Fanning, Jape
Maine. Mary Jane Wormser. and
Margaret Williams have been ap
pointed special ushers for the
Co-chairmen tor the AWS tea
and fashion show are Pearl Jean
Wilson and Lillian Warn Assisting
them are: Isabel Miller, invitations;
Molly White ushers; Leah Puppo
Nettie Kosen. and Rebecca Over
street. decorations and clean-up;
Harold Weston, lights; Myra Hu1
ser, publicity; Edith Sicfert, Card- -
per, Sam Mikkelson. and Mr. L>. L
Swcrl i Vskt‘d
(C I'litiniied from /'iiyc cue)
ime way to treat a cold, one think
but climbs out of the clothes
wishing in a modest aside that one
had put on clean underwear.
He stick - a gadget on one's back
no doc yet ever faced a patient.
"Breath deeply, let it all out and
cough," he says, all the time with
the thing stuck in his ears. Refus
ing to quibble over the matter of
being unable to cough with all the
air out of one’s lungs, one feebly
obliges. This keeps up until one’s
head is playing “The Bells of St.
Mary’s" and one begins to think
perhaps the gentleman is having
fun with one.
Finally the ordeal is over. One |
does not have pneumonia, all one
has is a spring cold, opines the I
learned citizen in the starched |
night shirt He therefore thrusts
into one's hands a paper upon!
which arc scribbled mystic sym
bols. This is taken to the nurse j
and she translates the scratches j
into: t Bottle of cough medicine:!
Bottle of nose drops with eye
dropper: ;>. Tablets for gargling.
One leaves. Medical science has
done its best for on< But one still
has the cold. And one will have it.
For weeks. i
11 I'ntniui'd h\'in pa<jc ear')
men's music honorary, under the
immediate supervision of Freed
Bales, the contest is designed to!
stimulate group singing and to 1
revive seldom-sung Oregon songs. !
(entrants, under rules of the,
contest, may noi receive profes
sional coaching aid or accompani- [
meat Choruses mat sing with ac
U O Mobilizes
(Continued front page one)
who have taken the leadership in
this necessary purge of our aca
demic life.”
Johnson Contributes
Orville Johnson, director of the
ROTC association, who announced
several years ago that important
industrialists were interested in the
league's work, today made public
a $10,000 contribution from Ber
nard Baruch. "There is no contra
diction between patriotism and pri
vate profit,” Johnson said. Com
menting on scattered protests
against the League’s work. Com
mander Robinson replied, "Free
dom of speech is a familiar radical
shibboleth; no one has interfered
with my freedom at any time.”
A special faculty committee
started work in the new library
yesterday checking over volumes
which might be subversive. "All
Quiet on The Western Front,”
“Paths of Glory,” and "Three Sol
diers,” all results of the pacifist
fad a few years ago, were banned.
Books dealing with socialism, com
munism and pacifism, of course
were condemned en masse. Further
removals will be made today.
Drafting Tomorrow
A war department communica
tion said that University of Ore
gon students need not report at
the local recruiting office, since
under the terms of the Industrial
Mobilization Plan it has been de
cided to send drafting officers to
every class tomorrow, signing up
students directly.
Since the draft applies to all
males over 18 years of age, and no
exceptions will be made, students
will be required to attend all class
es tomorrow, and are requested to
refrain from giving excuses or at
tempting to evade signing up im
mediately. Absolutely no exemp
tions will be given.
DeBou Recalls 1918
xDr. E. B. DeBou, formerly a pro
minent member of the National
Council for Prevention of War,
likened Oregon’s defense plans to
those of 1918. “The ROTC corps
is much better organized for de
fense of the city than were our
troops then,” he said. “Its vitality
and spirit is comparable to that of
the corps which during the last
war served sentry duty day and
night on strategic points near Eu
gene, with an ever-alert eye for
possible invasions by the' huns.”
ROTC sentries began their duties
last night since it was thought by
Col. Meager, the commander, that
enemy troops may have been
smuggled into the country before
the declaration of war, and arc
hiding near Eugene ready to march
in and take possession at any time, j
Monger {Enthusiastic
Col. Meager, who worked with
Dr. DeBou in training the Oreg - 1
defenses during the last war, w- ;
enthusiastic, but warned that no
half-heartedness can be condoned.
"Sloppy sentimentality has no
place in war,” he declared. “We
must defend our women.”
Only one disquieting note has en
tered mobilization plans. The '
LAPR has heard rumors of a stu
j dent strike against the war and
has encountered such considerable
sympathy for it that it has been
impossible to apprehend most of
the offenders.
Although tlie communist-inspir
ed strike was participated in by
more than 11,000,000 misled stud
ents last year, little apprehension
is felt. Only a concerted strike
throughout the nation which might
spread to the labor unions is fear
ed. This unlikely event might ser
iously impair fighting plans, but
the upsurge of patriotic sentiment
is expected to hold any possible
strike in hand.
(Note: Of course you have
guessed by now that today is April
1. But don't be fooled. When mo
bilization day comes this will be
exactly the kind of stories that the
Kmerald will be forced to carry.
This is a mild sample of what you
will be reading and doing.)
I*K to Moot
(Ciwtiiun J from pane one)
cation at the University of Wash
Saturday morning from t>:30 till
It’, a symposium meeting in the
new building will be led by Dean
Bovard. Dr. Ralph Leighton, pro- 1
fessor of education on this campus
will report on the recent trip of,
Dean J R. Jewell to the National
Education association meeting in
New Orleans.
The closing session will be a
luncheon meeting at the Osburn,
hotel, at 12:30, presided over by
Miss Larson Dr. Frederick M.
Hitter, chancellor of the state sys-:
tern of higher education, and Dr
Jay B. Nash, professor of educa
tion aiuf director of physical educa
tion at New York university, will
eompaniinent if desired. The
.lionises will be made up of all .
members of the competing groups..
not of a selected few.
Arthur McNett, Everett Stro
bele, Sheldon Parks, Mary Wern
ham, James Vaelntine, Muriel Hor
ner, Viola Olinger, Aileen Dement,
Martha Hennegan, Eill Thompson,
William Torrence, E. W. Williams,
Clayton Atwood, Paul Rowe,
Frank Bennett, Harry Tarbell,
Clayton Helgren, Jack Casey,
Frank Lukouski, George Knight,
and Harry Fall are in the infirm
House librarians will meet at
3:30 p.m. today in the AWS rooms
in Gerlinger hall. All librarians
njust be present.
The A. W. carnival directorate
will meet Friday at 5 o'clock at
the Delta Gamma house.
Heads of tbc directorate for Jun
ior weekend will meet at 11:55 Fri
day in front of Friendly to have
press pictures taken. This is im
Junior weekend directorate meet
ing today at 4 o'clock at College
Alpha Delta Sigma, national ad
vertising honorary fraternity has
postponed its meeting, which was
scheduled for yesterday, until the
first of next week. The exact day
and place will be announced later.
A very important executive coun
cil meeting tomorrow at 4 :00 p.rn.
in the educational activity building.
Everyone be there.
Phi Chi Theta meeting has been
postponed until Friday at 3 o’clock
at the College Side. Important dis
cussion of spring term plans.
Everyone is urged to be present.
There will be no Amphibian
meeting this evening.
Alpha Kappa Psi will hold an
important meeting of pledges and
members at 107 Commerce tonight
at 7.
Sigma Delta Chi will meet this
afternoon at four o’clock in 104
Journalism. Members are urged to
be present as there will be a dis
cussion of the dance with Jimmy
Dorsey on April 10 and new
pledges for Spring term.
Petitions for editor and business
manager of the Oregon Daily Em
erald and the Oregana must be in
Ralph Schomp’s office by noon
Saturday it was announced yester
Passing Show
(Continued jrom page one)
test against the new constitution
which grants semi-autonomous
powers to 11 provinces. British
officials nervously watched Ghan
di, whose control of India’s mil
lions, made it possible for him to
support or destroy the new consti
tution. English authorities prepar
ed to enforce a strict ban against
Faculty Considers
(Continued jrom page one)
arr.ination might serve to raise
his grade would be permitted to
take the regular examination with
the undergraduates in the exam
period following commencement.
Dr. Boyer last night declared
that the proposal would call for a
laying-aside of the University rul
ing calling for a two-hour examin
ation in every course possible, and
that it would have effects more
wide-reaching than the senior
petitioners have anticipated.
Harold Onstad, recently of the
University of Oregon school of
architecture, who is now studying
architecture in Mexico, has been
granted a special scholarship of
$100 by the Ion Lewis fund to
help him prepare an exhibition of
his paintings of Mexican architec
Parsons Gives Up
Child Welfare Post
Sociology Prof Desires
More Time for Writing,
Research Work
Reappointment as a member of
the child welfare commission of
Oregon was refused by Dr. P. A.
Parsons, head of the department
of sociology, it has been announ
ced by President C. Valentine
Boyer. Dr. Parsons has served as
a member of the commission since
its organization in 1920.
A desire to retire from part of
his public activities to give more
time to writing and research was
given by Dr. Parsons as his reason
for not accepting reappointment.
He is a member of the state plan
ning board and has been active in
many other fields of public work.
Dr. Parsons is the author of
many articles and monographs,
and is now writing a book on so
ciology. He is the editor of the
Commonwealth Review, a Univer
sity publication.
“It is with deep regret that I
accede to Dr. Parsons' wish that
he be not reappointed,” President
Boyer commented. “His work with
this commission has won him the
highest commendation of people
engaged in this work and has re
flected credit upon the University.
He is experienced and able, and
his foresight has been of great
value to the people.”
President Boyer, who under the
law governing the commission, has
power to appoint one of its mem
bers, has not announced a succes
sor to Dr. Parsons, whose term
was officially closed January 1.
Dr. Parsons will go to Portland
soon to assist Mr. Herman Kehrli,
director of the bureau of municipal
research in a study of probation
ary effects on 1000 juvenile
parolees from the Portland court
of domestic relations. This work
is part of a newly approved WPA
Finballs pay at Taylor’s
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official
student publication of the University of
Oregon. Eugene, published daily during
the college year exvept Sundays, Mon
days, holidays, examination periods, th«
fifth day of December to January 4,
except January 4 to 12, annd March 6
to March 22, March 22 to March 30.
Entered as aecond-class matter at tha
postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscrip
tion rate, $8.00 a year.
Tuesday advertising manager: Walter
.Naylor; Assistants: Ruth Kctchum,
Jean Farrans
Dr. Trueblood
(Continued from page one)
sophy at Guilford college in North
Carolina, and from 1933 to 1936
as associate professor of philo
sophy at Haverford college. He is
editor of The Friend, published in
Philadelphia, and has been a fre
quent contributor to Christian
Century and Christiandom.
The speaker will be introduced
by Dr. Nelson *L. Bossing, profes
sor of education. Gilbert Schultz,
president of the student body, will
present the victorious Oregon
swimming team which recently
wen the northwest title.
• Recognition Buttons
• Fraternity Pins
• Dance Bids
Complete line of compacts,
bracelets and all forms of
Campus Representative
Zell Bros.
Beta Theta Pi
Ph. 1024
H. Tuttle, Dealer Phone 2719
Certified Texaco Service
Specialized Washing, Waxing,
Special discount offer: One $5.00
wax and four $1.00 washes and
one $1.00 Marfak lubrication,
total $10.00, all for . $5.00
We call for and deliver
11th and High Sts. Eugene
Margaret Sullavan
says Luckies are the answer for
her throat
*'I am not sure which, is more critical
—a Broadway audience or the movie
microphones. At any rate, whether in
Hollyivood or New York, an actress
has to be certain that her performances
are always up to the peak. And that
means being careful of the voice and
throat. That's why, though I enjoy
smoking thoroughly, I try to use
judgment in the cigarette I choose.
When I first began smoking, Luckies
were my choice, because I found this
light smoke advisable for my throat.
And that's as true today as ever.
Luckies are still my standby."
-An independent survey was made recently
among professional men and women—lawyers,
doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Of those who said
they smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated they
personally prefer a light smoke.
Miss Sullavan verifies the wisdom of this pref
erence, and so do other leading artists of the
radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices are
their fortunes. That’s why so many of them
smoke Luckies. You, too, can have the throat pro
tection of Luckies—a light smoke, free of certain
harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process
"It’s Toasted”. Luckies are gentle on the throat.
A Light Smoke
"It’s Toasted”-Your Throat Protection
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