Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 31, 1937, Image 1

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Passing Show
Failing Fascist a
Labor Peace Looms
‘President Is Right'
J a i> a n's Chicliibu
Loyalisis Advance
Belabored Spanish fascists suf
fered another defeat yesterday
when Loyalist troops took Alcar
acejos and Villaneuva del Duque,
key points in General Franco's
drive on the coal and mercury de
posits of the Pozoblanco area, gov
ernment officials announced.
Both sides gave out stories of
mutinies in their opponent's ranks.
Government sources told of whole
sale executions of fascist troops
because of anti-Italian feeling
among the Spanish insurgents.
Loyalists deserters described a
similar revolt in their own ranks
on the Asturian front, where 150
militiamen were said to have been
Conference Adjourns
The drawn out auto strike seem
ed near its end yesterday as Gov
ernor Murphy was hopeful for a
settlement when the adjourned
conference between strikers and
Chrysler officials convenes Friday.
At the same time the Illinois legis
lature pondered measures which
would make sitdowns a felony, ne
gotiations before strikes compul
sory, and negotiations with sit
downing workers a crime.
Settlement of the Chrysler
strike, which started March 8 as
a sitdown, would bring 70,000 auto
workers back to their factories.
Observers believed that this move
would speed up agreement between
employers and 10,000 Reo and
Hudson workers who have occupied
plants for the past 20 days.
More Court Comments
Declaring that the supreme
court reversal proved the "presi
dent is right," Senator Robinson,
Democratic leader of the court re
form supporters, added to the
reams of comment on the proposal
with a triple attack against Sena
tor Borah, Senator Glass, and Jus
tice McReynolds.
Calling Borah inconsistent,
branding Glass as using “vitrolic”
language, and accusing McRey
nolds as being unsportsmanlike,
Robinson urged support of Roose
velt in his efforts to deal with so
cial needs of the present through
interpretation of the constitution
(Please turn to page two)
Stealing Pants
Puts Kibosh on
Officer C. H. McGee uncovered
a lurid drama at the University of
Nebraska, recently, while on his
nightly tour of the campus. In the
vicinity of the Phi Alpha Delta
fraternity house he encountered a
stack of trousers, pajamas, and
various other garments.
Peering behind the array he be
held two rather youthful maraud
ers interrupted in the midst of a
•wholesale clothing pickup. Within
the car parked at the curb was
found an equally large number of
Charged with possession of an
undue amount of clothing, the ac
cused persons revealed the fact
that the trousers belonged to ac
tives of the chapter and were be
ing taken in an attempt at retri
butions for grievances suffered
during Hell week.
The marauders told such a con
vincing story that they were taken
to the police station for protection
after the officers returned the
clothing to the house.
Gravedigging Student
Here’s a couple of odd ways of
earning an education. David Mears
of Butler university earns as he
learns by digging graves. Two
Texas Tech brothers lasso bobcats
from horseback and sell them to
the experimental laboratories at
Grades by Scents
John Madigan, instructor at the
College of St. Thomas, recently
was displeased with the grade on
a physics test. To express his opin
ion he scented the papers, with the
aid of chemist colleagues, with
good and bad perfume.
Those of an A and B class were
sprayed with “Paris Night" and
“Eau de Cologne." C and D
papers wrinkled noses with the
medium-strength odor of rotten
eggs—hydrogen sulphide.
But the seven of the E and F
class rocked stomachs with the
staggering smell of rancid butter
—butyric acid!
Jimmy Dorsey
Dance, Concert
Set For April 10
Orchestra Leader Signs
After Negotiations;
Committee Named for
Igloo Appearance
Jimmy Dorsey and his famous
orchestra will definitely appeal- on
the Oregon campus Saturday
night, April 10, in McArthur court
to entertain University students at
an ASUO concert and at the spring
informal dance of Sigma Delta Chi.
Following a week of negotiations
by Dan E. Clark, Jr., president of
the journalistic fraternity, Maestro
Dorsey yesterday accepted a con
tract to play for the double en
Committee Named
Stan Hobson, junior in journal
ism, will head the dance commit
tee. Darell Ellis was appointed
head of the finance committee, and
Lloyd Tupling, publicity. Bill Pease
will have charge of the ceremonies
for pledging new members into
the organization. He will be assist
ed by Ken Kirtley and Leonard
Accompanied by his group of
talented entertainers, Dorsey’s ap
pearance on the campus for the
journalism dance will be his only
engagement in the state.
Direct from Hollywood
Dorsey comes direct from Sebas
tian’s Cotton club. During his en
gagement in Los Angeles he sup
plied the music for the latest Fred
Astaire and Ginger Rogers vehicle
“Shall We Dance,” coming to the
Heilig theater soon.
Dorsey will play at Stanford uni
(Please turn to page two)
Dr. Ralph Casey
Wins Fellowship
Ex -Oregon Journalism
Professor Now Dean al
Dr. Ralph D. Casey, head of the
department of journalism of the
University of Minnesota, and for
mer head of the department of ]
journalism of the University of
Oregon, has been awarded a 1937 !
Guggenheim fellowship in political,
party propaganda campaigns.
The University of Oregon may j
claim the honor of having Dr.
Casey on its staff, in the past, as
may the University of Montana,
Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Dr. Casey, who received early
newspaper training on Seattle and
New York newspapers, taught here
from 1922 until 1927 and again
from 1929 until 1930. During his
absence of two years, he obtained
his doctor’s degree from the Uni
versity of Wisconsin.
Dr. Casey is editor of the Journ
alism Quarterly and honorary
president of Sigma Delta Chi, na
tional journalistic fraternity. He
is a former president of the Am
erican Association of Schools and
Departments of Journalism and a
co-author with the late Glenn C.
Quitte, of Principals of Publicity.
Graduate to Be Guest
Conductor in Concert
A program of the University con
cert band, to be held Sunday after
noon at 3 o’clock in the school of
music auditorium, will be directed
by Vernon Wiscarson, guest con
ductor from Lebanon.
Mr. Wiscarson, leader of the Leb
anon schools music system, was
graduated from the University of
; Oregon, and has attended the East
' man School of Music in the east.
The concert is open to the public.
Beavers, Antelopes
To Be Shown in Movies
Moving pictures and a lecture
on Oregon beaver and antelope,
will be given by Frank B. Wire,
supervisor of the state fish and
game commission, in the first of
this term’s museum lecture series
at 8 o'clock tonight in 101 Condon.
The pictures will show some of
the life and habits of these ani
mals, which are now under pro
jection in Oregon. The lecture is
open to the public.
\ I */y Occupancy of New
s Abe Seen in WPA Grant
For Remodling Old One
Executive Board Musi Approve Plan for
Immediate Moving of Books if Plan
Goes Through
With the awarding of a WPA project to the University this week
to remodel the old library into a law school came the possibility of im
mediate occupation of the new library. Whether moving will start
in the next three weeks will be decided at a meeting of the library
committee this afternoon.
Before the actual moving it will be necessary to have the approval
of the executive board, which is expected to act on the library com
minee s/reuoiiimemmLiuii 1111* with.
WPA Grant Endangered
The WPA giant covers the labor
of remodeling. Dr. Will V. Norris,
chairman of the University build
ings and grounds committee, fears
if the advantage is not taken, in
June the WPA labor rolls will be
cut and the University will lose its
According to Wiilis Warren the
moving process would take three
weeks of concentrated work dur
ing which time there would be con
siderable inconvenience to the stu
Over one-fifth of the books, ap
proximately 60,000 volumes, were
moved to their places on the new
libe stacks before spring vacation.
With a crew of 20 men working
part time it took four days. How
ever, if the decision is made to
move, a large force will be put to
work and it was thought that the
actual moving could be done in a
little over two weeks, leaving part
of their third week to allow the
library force to become adjusted
to their new quarters- and move
office and desk supplies. If the
moving plan is approved April 2.1
has been sgt as the opening day
for the new library.
Alpha Gams Lead
In Spring Pledging
Twenty-two women were pledged
to sororities at the close of the
spring rushing, announced Hazel
P. Schwering, dean of women, yes
terday. Following are the houses
and the names of those pledged:
Alpha Chi Omega, Phyllis V.
Bales, Mary Jean Bonness, Betty
Ann Read, and Margaret Van
Alpha Delta Pi, Betty Brady,
Frances Fields, Maxine Johnson,
and Phyllis Suit.
Alpha Gamma Delta, Marjorie
Bayless, Betty Durkee, Florence
Haydon, Mary Elizabeth Sherlock,
and Barbara McBreen.
Chi Omega, Lois Hogan and Bev
erly Simpson.
Delta Delta Delta, Peggy Lee
Kappa Alpha Theta, Phyllis
Gardner and Patsy Warren.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kathryn
Gamma Phi Beta, Martha E.
Davis and Gayle Meyer.
Zq,ta Tau Alpha, Lucille Bach
Campus Builders
Join Labor Union
Administration Approve?
Action of Employee!*
Hunter Says
Building service employees com
pleted plans for organizing a local
union affiliated with the American
Federation of Labor last Tuesday
at a meeting in the Labor Temple.
The union will consist of all build
ing employees ranging from Al
bany to San Francisco. Several of
these groups were represented at
the meeting and the request for a
charter has been sent to the A. F.
of L.
This union will include all the
campus building employees. The
school administration has voiced
approval of this plan and willing
ness to deal with the laborers
through this medium.
Chancellor Frederick M. Hunter
stated concerning the union that
"(1) The board of education is
perfectly willing to recognize the
labor union just as it recognizes
the right to belong to any other
legitimate organization (2) the
board expects to pay union scale
of wages just as soon as the funds
are available (3) whenever a staff
member or employee is discharged
he has the right of a fair hearing
and an appeal to superior offi
Washke to Leave
Apr. 15 for APEA
Meet in New York
Paul R. Washke, director of the
men’s gym, is leaving April 15, for
New York, to attend the national
convention of the American Phys
ical Education association which
is to be held April 20 to 25.
Mr. Washke is the representa
tive of the Oregon State Physical
Education and a member of the
National Legislative council. Act
ing in his capacity as president of
the A.P.E.A. (National Intramural
directors section, he will preside
at all of their meetings. Mr.
Washke has the national program
for intramural sports completed
and will present it at the conven
Dick Litfin Gets
Ellis Kimball’s
Band for Dance
Skull and Dagger, Sopli
Honorary, to Tap New
i Members at dee, in
I Igloo April 23
Fdlis Kimball and his orchestra,
recently featured at Topsy's Roost
in San Francisco, has been signed
to play for the Frosh Glee, an
nounced Dick Litfin, chairman,
yesterday. The affair, the third ot
the four class dances, will be held
in the Igloo on the evening of
April 23. Dancing will bo from
8:30 to 12:15 o'clock, according tc
Kimball’s contract.
Committee heads, appointed by
John Dick, frosh class president,
have been at work on plans during
the past week. Several plans for a
theme for the event have been sub
mitted but none have been ap
proved by a majority of the com
mittees. Since the Skull and Dag
ger, sophomore men’s service hon
orary, tap their new members on
this evening, a theme in conjunc
tion with this procedure may be
used. Present Skull and Dagger
members will be called on to aid
with decorations and other phases
of the dance, Litfin said.
Committee Announced
Working with Litfin are Gilbert
Schnitzer, assistant chairman;
Dcm Kirkpatrick, orchestra; Har
old DcCicco, programs; Dean Ly
tell, decorations; Cathryn Collins,
patrons; Harry Milne, finance:
Myra Hulser, publicity; George
Heilig, clean-up.
Tickets at one dollar a couple
will be sold in the form of dance
(Please turn to page two)
| -
Senior Speakers
Will Vie for $150
(trillions limilnl lo 1.100
Words on Any Subject;
\Iay 0, Deadline
Seniors who intend to take part
in the annual Failing-Beekman
Oratorical contest should sign up
as soon as possible at the speech
division, according to an announce
ment made Tuesday afternoon by
John L. Casteel, head of the speech
The final contest will be held
Friday evening. May 28, in the
music auditorium at which time
the prizes of $150, and $100 will
be awarded. Last year's prize win
ners were Stanley Bromberg and
Margaret Petsch.
Any student within nine hours
of graduation at the end of spring
term so that he may complete all
requirements during a six weeks
summer session is eligible to enter
the contest, which has been made
possible by the income from gifts
given to the University by Henry
Failing of Portland and C. C. Beck
man of Jacksonville.
Contestants must register for
competition before Saturday, May
8, and in case more than six stu
dents plant to take part, a prelim
inary contest will be held May 25.
Orations, which are limited to 1500
words, may be on any subject but
must be original in composition
and not include more than 10 per
cent quoted material.
Rhinehart Knudsen, senior in
journalism, is now working on a
survey of color advertising in Pa
cific coast newspapers. He will
present the results of the survey
to a meeting of the Oregon News
paper Publishers association of ad
vertising manager in Poretland.
New rMarching Oregon%
Proposed Duck Theme Song,
Groomed for Introduction
A peppy marching: song that will cheer on Oregon's fighting athletes
and. recall memories and traditions of the past is being introduced
around the campus before being presented at a large student assembly
in the near future.
The song, "Marching Oregon," was written by Hal Young and George
Hopkins, members of the music school faculty, and has met with great
approval at the two performances given it, at the last student assembly
ana at tne aiu nouse, ouuuay.
Its composers hope to make it as
much a tradition of the University
as "Mighty Oregon” now is.
Hopkins, Young Writers
Hal Young conceived the idea
of writing this new song when the
Chicago publishers bought the
copyright on “Mighty Oregon,” and
restricted the use of it to non
profit performances. He talked tc
various faculty members and stu
dents and then with the aid oi
George Hopkins, professor of piano
wrote the entire song. The result
ing tune is the choice of the eleven
I different tunes which were com
i (Please turn to page tivo)
JJO Coeds Talk Co-ops to Commuity Groups
These members of the University forum will visit a number of communities throughout the state in tin
next few weeks to discuss cooperative movements. The members, left to right, are Betty Brown, Port
land; Lorraine Larson, Bend; Frances Mays, Prineville; Jeanette Hofner, Portland, and Pearl Paddock
Senior Final Exam
Question Up Today
Class Votes To Present
Resolution to Committee
On Scholarship
The senior class, last night, un
animously passed a motion to pre
sent a resolution at the scholar
ship committee meeting today at
4 o’clock, asking that final exam
inations for seniors be abolished
to do away with exam week con
The meeting, in Commerce hall,
presided over by Margilee Morse,
class president, was taken over
mainly with appointment of repre
sentatives of the class to talk with
faculty members about the possi
bility of doing away with the regu
lar two hour exams. The resolu
tion will be presented Thursday to
the faculty committee if it re
ceives the recommendation of the
scholarship committee this after
The resolution, drawn up by
Elaine Cornish, Dorothy Dill and
Dan E. Clark, Jr., called attention
of the faculty to the confusion that
(Please turn to piu/e tn'o)
Law School Sponsors
Scries of Police Classes
The first of a series of ten police
school classes, sponsored by the
Oregon Law school, the Bureau of
Municipal Research and the
League of Oregon Cities, was held
yesterday, with Sergeant Dana
Jewell of the Portland detective
force the principal speaker.
The classes, held each Monday
at 2:30, are one of eleven similai
schools being held in towns
throughout the state.
At the next class, Dean Eric W
' Allen of the school of journalism
. will compare the American police
forces with those of Europe.
Sam Fort Appointed
To Junior Weekend
Top Post by Benson
Medical Schools
Take Students
Sixteen Oregonians Are
Accepted by Six Noted
Colleges in U. S.
Sixteen University of Oregon
stiulents and former students, have
been recently accepted for entrance
into six medical schools of the Uni
ted States, including the University
of Oregon medical school, Harvard
university, Tufts medical college in
Boston, Boston university, Creigh
ton university at Omaha. Nebras
ka, and the University of Southern
The eleven students accepted by
the University of Oregon medical
school are Henry Ash, Andrew
Bogdanovich, Robert Cathey, Rob
ert J. Gould, John Richard Hill,
Leonard Lindgren, David Morris,
Keith McMilan, .Jack V. Newman,
and James G. Perkins.
Robert Cathey is a graduate i
last year, and David Morris is now
attending school in Germany.
The others are as follows:
Harvard university, Max G. Car
ter; Tufts medical college, Harold
Sexton; Boston university, Barton
Briggs; Creighton university, Ed
win H. Brady, and the University
of Southyn California, Robert D.
Mention in Last
Issue of Sunset
The TCLACA, campus mar
ried students’ organization, re
ceived prominent editorial men
tion in the current issue of the
Sunset magazine, which this
month features activities of
"Its purpose is to lock the win
dow so that love can’t fly out—
to keep bills, with their tendency
toward unpayability, from turn
ing love’s young dream into a
nightmare; to overcome the re
stricted life forcecf by young in
comes on young married couples,
and to educate the young rratri
monials in the serious business
of being married," the editorial
Also in this issue of the maga
zine is a photograph of Mies
Mozelle Hair, staff member of
the extension division here,
taken in her garden with some
of her prize delphiniums. Miss
Hair is president of the Eugene
Garden club, which was award
ed third place in a Sunset mag
azine competition.
Biological Forum
Closes Series of
Marriage Talks
The series of lecture-forums on
marriage came to a close last night
in the separate meetings for men
and women on the biological prob
lems of the subject. Dr. Jessie L.
Brodie and Dr. Goodrich C. Schauf
fler, practicing physicians from
Portland, delivered the lectures to
the students.
This was the seventh year for
such a series of talks given on
marriage problems. The social,
psychological, and biological prob
lems were included in the forum.
In charge of the meetings this
year were Dean Karl W. Onthank.
of the personnel department, and
Jayne Bowerman, student chair
man. Assisting them were Bud
Burnett, Jean Gulovson, Charles
Miller, Isabelle Miller, and Mildred
Lenore Aileen Wood, daughter
of Professor L. A. Wood, of the
economics department, recently re
ceived her B. A. degree from the
University of Chicago.
Miss Wood, a political science
major, went to Oregon two years,
and is a member of the Alpha
Gamma Delta sorority.
Bill Dalton Canon Fete’s
Head; Enders Assists
Fort; Frank Drew Is
Prom Chairman
Fete Theme Sought
Gala Celebration Plans
Start Rollin'; for May
7-9 Events
Sam Fort was named general
chairman of Junior weekend, Ore
gon's three day festival of page
antry and entertainment, by Noel
Benson, junior class president,
yesterday afternoon. Bill Dalton
will head the annual canoe fete.
Jack Enders was named as as
sistant chairman, by Benson. Jun
ior prom head will be Frank Drew;
Elizabeth Turner, campus lunch;
Si Wentworth, water carnival;
Jeanette Charman, Queen's reign;
Jerry Smith, campus day; Zollie
Volchok and Gladys Battleson, ad
vertising and publicity; Don John
son, finance; and Gayle Buchanan,
Canoe fete directorates, as an
nounced by Dalton, include Bill
Hazeltine as assistant chairman;
Doug Milne, floats; Genevieve Mc
Niece, secretary; Harvey Johnson,
construction; Lesley Forden, traf
fic and transportation; Wayne
Harbert, programs; and Frances
Schaupp, music.
Contestants for the $20 prize be
ing offered for the best theme for
the Canoe fete must have their
theme in at Ralph Schomp's office
before Friday at 4 p. m. A second
and third prize is also being of
Morse Speaks on
Crime Problem
Wayne L. Morse, dean of the
Oregon law school, has made sev
eral speeches recently In the east
In connection with his work with
the department of justice. On
March 18 he spoke on the “Import
ance of Education in Lowering
Crime Costs,” at the Norfolk, Vir
ginia, crime conference.
He urged more money be spent
in education for crime prevention
mther than in crime correction,
and stated that the present high
expenditures for penal and correct
ive institutions should be used more
Dean Morse, who is administra
tive director of the attorney gen
eral’s survey of release procedure,
has been appointed to the commit
tee on cooperation with the bench
and bar of the association of Am
erican law schools. The appoint
ment was made this month.
On March 10 Morse represented
the department of justice at the
conference on social and crime
work at Concord, New Hampshire,
where he spoke on "The Function
of the State Probation System for
Adult offenders."
A splendid assortment
of smart and distinctive
873 Willamette