Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1937, Page Four, Image 4

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    Varoff Given
Cup, Sweater
At Assembly
Schultz Challenges Five
To Take Fourth Game
From Oregon Staters
In Tonight’s Play
Pole vaulter George Varoff, the
best in the world, who recently
returned from the east where he
set a new indoor mark of 14 feet,
47/8 inches, was presented with a
handsome silver loving cup and a
two-year letterman’s sweater by
his student admirers at yesterday’s
pep assembly.
Chancellor F. M. Hunter made
the award of the engraved trophy
in behalf of the associated stu
dents. He urged youth to follow
Varoff’s example by setting the
hurdle a bit higher in each of life’s
Varoff Speechless
Modest Varoff was almost
Speechless when he rose to thank
the audience for the letterman’s
sweater, awarded upon recom
mendation by the executive coun
cil. Gilbert Schultz made the sur
prise presentation.
The last of the term’s pep as
semblies opened with Schultz read
ing a challenge to the basketball
team to take the measure of the
Staters for the fourth time this
year Friday night.
Bill Kopczak, yell king, led the
assemblage of students in Oregon’s
» » i * ■*«
"( ellophnn#
*12® POUCH
W (* make this aina/in-’ ollrr
ol a *1.00 l\n^lish Type
Folding Poucli in Hep Cloth
with Kuhheri/.ed l iner For
only 10c ami one wrapper
lo perHtiade you (o try Cd*j;e
wortli Jr. S< ii<| the inside
white pa ratlin wrapper and
your dime together with
the eoupou (or print your
name, college and address
on the w rapper) — and we
w ill send your poueh. Only
one to a customer.
i aruo X lir«. Co., Kit'hmnmi, > u.
rucli»nl fim! lOf mix! ouc iimiilc nliitc
|>«ru(liu wrapper from m tin of Kil^rmirth
Jr., for w Ilirli ««-ml nir £1.00 \nlu< mlL
tobucro pouch iu my college color*. v t‘Uu»+
| sway yell before they stood in
ovaticln for Varoff.
Orchestra Plays
Dud Drown and his swingsters
were lihe chief attraction of Don
Casclato’s "Major Bow-wow" pro
gram. After playing several swing
tunes they featured Songster Fred
Beardsley in "Good. Night, My
Love," and "Stardust.”
After a short announcement by
Ernest SLavage, Helen Roberts and
'Gerald Smith were presented in a
|skit from “Pursuit of Happiness,"
coinical bundling hit which will be
g’ivon in Guild theater March 4,
5, and 6.
Ve rnon Officer, violinist, accom
panied by Jimmie Morrison, guitar
ist, played "Japanese Sandman"
and "I Never Knew.” Pianist
Myrot' Sautter, played "Stardust,”
“Storrt iy Weather,” "Organ Grind
ers’ Saving,” and "Hands Across
the Trt ble” to conclude the pro
Wright on Staff
For Mexico Tour
Professor Leavitt O. Wright of
tho department of Romance lan
guages has justt received word of
his appointment to be a member of
tho staff in charge of the 1937
Crowell Mexico tour. He will leave
Eugene at the end of the spring
term to join Dr. James W. Crowell
of Pomona College, Claremont,
California, and will start from
there with a party which is to
spend six weeks in Mexico City
and nearby towns.
Professor Wright is to bo in
charge of the courses of instruc
tion to be given to the members
of the party, most of whom are
expected to go by auto, via Laredo,
Texas, and over the new interna
tional highway which was com
pleted last year. Mr. Wright ex
pects to take his family with him.
I Hi3 children will be taking regular
! classwork in Spanish in order to
(take full advantage of their op
portunities to learn the language.
Those members of the party who
care to will sign up for work in
the Nntionnl University of Mexico,
land will probably be able to trans
fer their credits to the University
of Oregon, as in previous years.
The Crowell Mexico tour is con
ducted on a cost basis plus a mini
mum charge for the services of the
conductors and instruction, so that
| expenses arc reduced to a mini
, mug}.
Miss Watzek Is
Toastmi stress
Of WAA Dinner
Francos Watzek, president of
the women's athletic association,
will act as toastmistress at the an
nual WAA banquet which is sche
duled to be held next Wednesday,
March 3, in the Del Hey cafe at
(i:30. Announcement of the 1937
38 officers of the organization will
be made at that time. In addition
to this, letters for sweaters will be
The banquet is for all members
of WAA. Representatives are made
at the living organizations or with
Anne Frederiksen.
Among the guests expected to
attend are: Miss Warrine Fast
burn, instructor in physical educa
tion and adviser of the group;
Mrs. Hazel F. Schwerlng, dean of
women; Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, as
sistant dean of women; and all
women's physical education staff
17 Coeds Cel Did
(Continued from fntfie one)
On Tuesday morning an all
campus ballot will be cast to nar
row the number of candidates
down to the five receiving the most
votes. Everyone on the campus is
entitled to vote whether he is a
student body member or not. The
exact time and place of the elec- j
tion will be announced later.
From the five chosen on Tues
day. the Orcgana jury, composed
of a representative from each frat
ernity, will cast their votes for the
final choice.
Letters, Slogans
May Win Prizes
Alumni Mafjazitir Content
Annoiinrd by Johnson
For All Aspirants
Two new contests are announced
in the current issue of Old Oregon
magazine, which came off the
press last week.
In the one contest, Editor Clair!
Johnson is awarding a $1 prize
monthly for the best contribution
to his letters column of "Quacks.”
He says the writers may condemn,
commend, or just comment, but
they must make their remarks'
sparkling and interesting.
The prize in the other contest
is a $5 membership in the alumni
association, and it will be awarded
to the person turning in the best
slogan of eight words or less which
can be used to express the new
spirit and revival of interest char
acterizing the alumni association
since Mr. Fansett assumed office.
Rules in the latter contest men
tion that entries need not be writ
ten on the back cover of Old Ore
gon nor a reasonable facsimile. Al
so decisions of the judges will not
be final because if anyone wants
to argue they should come into
the office and the staff will at
tempt to convince them of the nec
essity of paying their alumni dues.
Full particulars of both contests
may be obtained at the alumni of
fice in Friendly hall.
Firing Line
(Continued from pape three)
Reports say that In* probably won’t
bt* in there against the Trojans.
Well, Oregon State’s Mr. Klmer
Kolberg had poison oak last Sat
urday, and he played anyway, half
the game. Of course, he wasn’t
any particular asset to the Beav
ers. But let’s not shed tears yet
for poor Stanford.
The four defeat tradition in the
northern division may easily slip
by the boards this year, but more
than five defeats and a first place
team — never! Thus Washington
State's crestfallen Cougars must
beat Idaho Saturday at Moscow or
it'll be all up with their chance to
tie for first.
Idaho, with little Steve Belko in
the saddle, might upset the third- j
place Cougars. Forrest Twogood’s 1
gang put up two tremendous bat- J
ties against Washington and the |
Vandals are again about due.
Nothing pleases them more than
a win over their arch rivals of nine
miles away.
National Program
(Continued from (tape one)
States have been received, compli
menting it on its professional tech
nique and fine playing.
The program, which will be sent
over ttie red network of the Na
tional Broadcasting company, will
be heard over stations KPO in
San Francisco; KFI, Los Angeles;
KOMO, Seattle; KHQ, Spokane;
KGW, Portland; KFBK, Sacra
mento; and KDVL, Salt Lake City.
This program will be sponsored
by the Northwest and California'
Music Education’s conference.
Phi Belts Take
(Continued from (ape three)
w’d Club in straight games, 15-4,
Ill's Trounce Zetas
The Delta Upsilon A team hand
'd Zeta hall another set-back in
ttraight games. The scores were I
15-6, 15-9.
The Sigma Alpha Epsilon B!
eague team gained a berth in the
'layoff when they defeated the
Sigma Nus, 10-15, 15-7, and 15-11.
'nly five Sigma Nu players show
\i up for the game.
Arleigh Bentley was outstanding
or the winners, and Ed Healy
jlayed a good game for Sigma Nu.
The Pi Kap B team entered the j
'layoff series by defeating Delts,
o-l0, lo-13. In the second clash,
he Pi Kaps rallied to knot the [
'core at 10-all and then sped on to |
via the series.
1 he Best in
kiid .r
Uiiiuersitu Florists
Phone Go4 r>9S 1C. 13t !i
Varsity Sketches
(Continued from, paeje three)
track and field squad. During my
freshman year the Colonel took
me under his wing and showed me
the finer points of discus throwing,
and I was the frosh plate thrower.
I didn’t develop sufficiently last
year to compete, so I didn’t. But
I think that I should be able to
get the discus out to around the
140 foot mark this year, and am
going to compete for the Colonel.
Q: The paper here says that you
were the King of Hearts this year.
Is that correct ?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Are you still the reigning
royalty ?
A: No sir. You see judge, this
King of Hearts deal is a mythical
title. Why I was chosen as the
tops, I don't know. But I got
through it all right and really en
joyed#my brief reign. It din t hurt
me and I am a better man for all
of that. I did take an awful rib
bing from the boys who perform
with me for the Mens Agitat Mo
lem, though.
Q: What do you think of this
year's Oregon team ?
A: It is one of the finest ever
to represent this school and I am
proud to be a member of it.
Q: There has been a rumor cir
culating that some gentlemen,
whose manorial estates are close
by, are going to drop over and
administer a little wax to your
figures tonight. Is that true ?'
A: No (emphatically) sir.
Q: Well, Dave Silver are-.
A: Pardon me, Judge, but I hear
fellows running around the Igloo
floor and I have to hurry along
and tune up the left.
Judge of Beautiful Women and
Good Hossflesh: Recess children,
I’m going to watch the boys prac
tice. In hoc bono, AD Lib, finis.
(Note Bene: The preceding
brief scene, taken from real life
was presented to make the plain
tiff more at home, for he, Dave
Silver, is a junior in law, and ex
pects to enter the law school next
year and graduate some three
years hence. The use of latin and
various legal phrases was also part
ef the atmosphere.)
Jameson Recovering
From Appendectomy
Samuel H. Jameson, social sci
ence professor, is recovering fol
lowing an appendicitis operation
performed Wednesday at Sacred
Heart rospital. His condition last
night, according to a hospital re
port, was “very good.’’
Grades, Formal
(Continued from forte one)
And these examinations too often
take the form of verbal gymnas
tics which may or may not bear
some relation to a knowledge of
the subject in hand.
A few weeks ago we were offer
ed a rather melancholy diversion
at assembly when we listened to
a self-styled educator give his
views on what might (by sympa
thetic interpretation) be termed
humanizing education, i. e. making
education homocentric or man
centered (egocentric?). The speak
er’s self revealing statement that
such matters as the behavior of
the sun’s light, the chemical na
ture of substances, the develop
ment of the embryo, the circula
tion of the blood, meant nothing
to him, was apalling to those who
regard the great aim of education
to be the finding of one’s place in
this complex universe.
Education Akin to Living
An educational scheme which
seeks to cut off the human being
from a knowledge of his kinship
with other living things, and of his
debt to the inanimate world, is
serving retrogression. The substi-1
tution of training in verbalism for
vital contacts with actual things is i
simply reviving the worst features
of medieval scholasticism. Histori
cally, it should be noted, the times
of completely homocentric educa- i
tion were coincident with the i
greatest inhumanity to individuals -
on the part of society.
To sum up, if we would make (
our University an institution of \
learning, in a very real sense, each i
individual must set himself the 1
aim of knowing something 1
thoroughly, not because it may
help him earn a dollar or wangle
a social or political advance, but 1
because it is a glorious thing to !
know the best the race has pro
duced through the centuries, and
to know’, as far as we can, howf I
the various forces of nature, of
which we are a part, behave. Such
an aim is an all-consuming one. 1
and leaves “activities” where they
belong, as merely recreations.
Grades become no longer interest
ing because each student would
be aware of his own power and
shortcomings, and if he were real
ly anxious to know (though God
knows why he should be) how far
his accomplishments met with the
approval of his teachers, he could
wait with tranquil soul for the
final comprehensive examination
precedent to the granting of his
Oalu£5 to
Values in eyewear arise
from the fitting of glasses by
skilled and experienced op
tometrists. This is the ser
vice that we offer you.
I Dr. Ella C. Meade
! Phone 330 OPTOMETRIST 14 West 8th
what They’re sayin’
_ % . t -I ;• ? :■ * ' *»
• JNino Martini Concert.
• ASUO Voting' Privileges
• Participation in Student
• 6 Tennis Matches
• Richard Haliburton
• 8 Baseball Games
• Track Meet
• 3 Golf Matches
• Emerald Subscription
Robert I-udington, Robert Bur
ey, Marian Brookings, Alyce Rog-«
:rs, Bernard Klika, Lois Onthank,
Dorothy Reburn, Joe Goding, Bar
>ara Espy, June Martin, David
-ox Vernon Johnson, William Dal
on, Ted Thompson, Barbara Stev
ens, Beverly Brown, Betty Bean,
-ee Allen, and Scott Corbett are in
he infirmary today.
WAA conference directorate will
iave their pictures taken at Ralph
Ichomp’s office at 12:30.
Social swim will be held in Ger
inger pool tonight at 7:30.
University class of the Baptist
-hurch will have an evening of re
:reation and fellowship, Friday at
1:30. Students are invited to join
n an evening of entertainment.
Young people of the First Bap
list church are holding a party
it the church Friday night at X
Orides will hold a special meet
ing in the AWS room of Gerlinger
sail Monday at 7:30. It is very
important that all members be
Gosh S
Typing done
Good and Cheap
“Young Oregonian”
Call me at Alpha Hall
any occasion, your
portrait expresses more per
sonal thoughtfulness than
any gift you can make. You
owe yourself and your
friends a photograph in the
modern mode.
Make an appointment today.
Keimell-Ellis Studios
Now with this vague hint of spring in the air,
life has taken on a new meaning, especially to the
coeds on the campus. They have a new incentive
for buying their clothes. Even the showers that are
slated lor the spring have been such an incentive.
KAY BOGDANOVIC, Hendrick Hall, decided
that with the approaching showers, that she should
be thoroughly prepared at her very best. A search
of Eugene shops, for new spring raincoats, ended
when she saw WASHBURNE’S exclusive rubberized
shantung coats. These coats are the very latest of
their kind. Kay’s is robin-egg blue and is made
into a strictly sport outfit, of the three-quarter
swagger length type.
In contrast to Kay, MARY JANE MAHONEY
GAMMA, have decided that spring means cool
clothes, sweaters and skirts. Mary Jane and Bar
bara went to the DUDLEY FIELD SHOP and found
two new sweaters that filled the bill. Mary Jane's
is a turquoise blue one with short sleeves, while
Barbara's is a white sweater with yarn embroidery
dots of different colors that form the idea of a yoke.
JO ALUTT, sophomore on the campus, chose a
bolero for her pre-spring outfit. At WASH
BURNE’S, she found a dark blue dress that suited
her to a “T”. The dress has the proverbial swing
skirt, but the top is a print of yellow, light blue,
dark blue, and white. It is topped with a gathered
yokes, under a matching dark blue peter pan collar.
The bolero jacket is, also, blue, very plain, but with
a buttonhole piping or the print as an outline.
BETTY CRAWFORD, Kappa Alpha Theta, in
preparing for the remainder of the season’s campus
dances, decided on a black taffeta formal at GOR
DON’S. Her dress has a square neck, medium low,
outlined with white lace. The sleeves of the same
lace are attached to the dress lw a thin band of
black across the shoulder. One of the main features
of the dress is the new wide band of lace, around
the skirt just below the knee. A nosegay of bright
flowers, which is worn in the center of the neckline,
allows for the small bit of color.
choice a formal that she got at R. C. HADLEY’S.
The dress is a royal blue of satin back crepe. The
skirt flares just above the knees. The outstanding
bits of the dress are the 12 cords that attach the
full pointed collar to the waist of the dress in the
back, and six rhinestone clips on the bodice.
The latest pin planting on the campus, of course,
is always news. JACK WAGSTAFF and PI PHI
MARGARET PAULSON. Now that Jack Wagstaff
is out of circulation, nomination for the campus
No. 1 secret sorrow goes to Jean Callahan. Along
with pin planting the eternal triangle DORIS REED,
that jinks fraternity pin (belonging to Bob Eppler)
has bounced back from the tri-Delt house, where
HELEN JONES wore it for the customary two
weeks. HAL DUDEN doesn't let being a pledge
stop him—he planted his high school fraternity pin
Apparently MARY RICHARDSON had rough
sledding out at the "park” the other night, she took
quite a neat spill.