The ' Passing Show Court Fight Set Railroaders Demand Youth Movement ‘Madrid Marne9 By PAUL DEUTSCHMANN Ready to Fire First “set-to" over the contro versial court reform proposal of President Roosevelt was set for March 9 when supporters of the move yesterday succeeded in get ting the Senate judiciary commit tee to arrange a hearing for that date. The committee also approved a proposal supplementary to the President's plan. The bill allowed supreme court justices to retire on full pay when they reached the age of 70. Ask More Money Eight hundred thousand workers on American railroads yesterday mapped out a demand for a wage increase through their representa tives in 16 “non-operating" rail way brotherhoods. Chairman E. M. Harrison de clared that the 1.000 delegates at the meeting would not have much trouble getting together, and that a plan for higher wages for rail road workers was assured. Youth Act ‘Acts'1 Urging the Washington state legislature to adopt a bill which would give them a $1,600,000 edu cational - vocational program, youthful lobbyists for the Wash ington youth act swept into the state capitol and did considerable damage to the furnishings, the building superintendent maintain ed yesterday. They “broke an expensive glass light reflector, removed bronze trimmings from wall lights, un-! screwed bronze tie-backs from the 1 expensive drapes, and pilfered [ stops from sinks in washrooms,” : he said. Four hundred young people at-! tended to muster support for the j plan. Regain Lost Ground Spanish loyalist forces yester-! day recaptured Madrid's main-line road after shoving fascists back following a bitter battle on the Jarama river sector, the “Marne of Madrid.” The offensive loosened the strangle-hold held by Francisco (Please turn to pane four) UCLA Coeds Go Man-Hunting in Better Clothes By BERNADINE BOWMAN Man-hunting UCLA coeds are said to be the best dressed girls in the world in an article entitled “Sheepskin Deep" in the Saturday Evening Post. “UCLA coeds are famous for elaborate clothes. . . . the real rea son is that coeds tremendously out number men at UCLA, and be sides, have to fight off competi tion from all the pretty girls in Los Angeles, where there are prob ably more pretty girls than any where else in the world,” says Elizabeth Eldridge, a national sor ority official, in her Saturday Eve ning Post publication. Women students and the dean of women said that the whole thing was a “false accusation,” and cold figures proved that women out number men by less than a hund red. “Taste” was the word used to explain their distinction. Canine Stanford Students Stanford is not going to the dogs, but dogs are going to Stan fard. A number of canine students, not wishing to cur-tail their edu cation, have been attending classes ' on the quad regularly. The Stanford Daily suggests that university officials have long overlooked a lucrative source of income in not charging the usual $115 for each of the horde of dogs that descend on classes. So it seems Oregon is not the only school having a great deal more trouble putting out the dogs than putting on the dog. Looking Them Over Beverly Wright, a graduate of Martinez, California, high school, and a would-be coed, believes in "looking them over” before she chooses the ideal university to at tend. She is making a tour of inspec tion of leading universities and colleges in all states, and if the funds she has set aside for her purpose held out, she wants to visit many more. Miss Wright, who intends to take journalism, ex pects to be, after concluding her tour, an authority on “Where to go to school and why.” Last Pep Rally Of Season Set Thursday at 11 All University Students Will Be Admitted; D. Caseiato, Bud Brown’s Band on Program Oregon's pep assembly for 4:he final home game of the basketball Thursday at 11 a. m. in Gerlinger, Gilbert Schultz, student body president, said yesterday. All Uni versity students will be admitted. Main purpose of the assembly will be to impress upon the stu dents the importance of backing the team in winning a fourth straight game over Oregon State. Such a series of victories would be the first in the history of com petition between Oregon and Ore gon State. Student Aid Asked By inspiring the team at the as sembly Thursday and the game I Friday night to beat Oregon State, stay in the conference lead and go to Seattle to cinch the champion ship by beating the Washington Huskies March 5 and 6, students can be of great aid to the Web foots, Schultz said. Don Caseiato will again be pres ent with his band of amateurs to entertain the students. The two major attractions of the “Major’s” program to date are a skit from Pursuit of Happiness,” the next play to be presented to University students by the Guild Theater players March 4, 5, and 6; and Bud Brown’s orchestra. Mikulak to Talk Before PE Club on Wednesday Election of officers and adoption of a constitution will be taken up at a meeting of the Physical Edu cation club Wednesday evening at 7:15 in the lecture room of the : men’s gym. Temporary chairman, : Bill Johnson, asks that all physical education majors and minors at- ’ tend the meeting. It will be open 1 to anyone who wishes to come. ; The highlight of the meeting 1 will be "Iron Mike” Mikulak’s talk 1 on physical education and its help < in athletics. 1 DUCKS CAN MAKE IT 4 > Oregon has never w'on four bas- < ketball games in one year from OSC. This year the Webfoots have already three wins. College Should Be Linked Closer to Business Life9 Says Anthropology Head Dr. Cressman Attributes Cheating to Conflict in Values; Professors Must Treat Students as Adults (Editor's note: In the following article Dr. Cressman takes up the problem of cheating, with which the Emerald has been concerned the past week or so, and delineates changes in educational methods and attitudes that might correct it. In subsequent articles this week, the Emerald will publish views of Oregon professors on what might consti tute The Ideal University.) Ey DR. L. S. CRESSMAN The persistence of widespread cheating in the University and its sister institutions, raises the question in my mind not of a breakdown of values of the individual students but of elements in the social en vironment which stimidate mass reaction. me situation as 1 see it is one ;hat is a peculiar characteristic to ;he academic world starting in the »rade and continuing through the iniversity or college. The average student looks upon university life is an interlude and not as a part )f the continuous business of liv ng. The whole set-up there, with reference to grades and relative ichievement and the related ac idemic bookkeeping is something vhich he leaves behind his forever it commencement. The very name ‘commencement” indicates the col ege’s separation from life. Mass iishonesty indicates there is some :ormal characteristic or factor in :he situation which produce a con flict in values and leads to the ype of behavior we all deplore. Suggests Four Remedies What might be some of the de vices by which we could reduce studying to a process of education ind growing into the activities of ife? I shall only emphasize three or ‘our desirable means that seem to ne might improve the situation, rhey are not conditions that can ie brought in overnight, nor can hey all be established in one in stitution without reference to our leighbors. The first of these is the rather 'ague ideal of trying to reduce the ack of continuity between our four rears at college and life outside he college. This can only be done >y reorganization in many ways >f our curriculum system. Antioch :ollege is one example of this, vhile Bennington is pioneering dong the same lines for a differ ■nt class of students. Learning a Joint Enterprise The second is a closer sense of (Please turn to page four) Professional Education Broader, Says Bossing “Professional schools actually present a broader cultural back ground than traditional liberal arts schools,” declares Dr. Nelson L. Bossing of the school of education, “that is, if cultural background is interpreted to mean breadth of acquaintance with the many fields of human knowledge represented by the divisions in the University.” In arts and letters there is only a small percentage of the students who are acquainted through their curriculum with the fields of human Informal Dinner Climaxes Student Christian Meeting An informal dinner was given Saturday evening at Westminster house for members of the faculty religious and spirltue.l activities committee and for the Student Christian council. The dinner cli maxed Saturday's student Christ ian conferences. After the dinner, the group met to criticize the conference and sug gest plans for future action. Significant to faculty and stu dents on the campus is the fact that the majority of students at the conference favored he reestab lishment of the chair of religion on the campus. Those who participated in the discussion group on personal Christian living requested that some provision be made by the Student Christian council for con tinuations of the day’s discussion. The council members are attempt ing to work out a plan for further discussions. YMCA MEMBERS YMCA members will go to the polls today to elect their 1937-'38 officers. Voting will take place in the “Y” Hut between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. knowledge represented in the pro fessional schools and particularly are they unacquainted with the broad field of science, says Dr. Bossing. A survey made from the regis trar’s report of 1934 based upon the academic records of all stu dents graduated from the Univer sity of Oregon with baccalaureate degrees in June, 1933, whose uni versity work was entirely within this institution, shows the profes sional students have a much broad er cultural background in studies. Of the 51 students represented in this survey in English, only 3 per cent of them had work in the science field, and only 16 per cent in the fields represented by the various schools in the university. In contrast to this figure, 43 per cent of the medical students had work in the field of science, with 19 per cent earning credits also in the arts and letters school. Since specialization, continued Bossing, seems to tend to decrease general cultural training, a degree in general cultural education with no major required would be more beneficial than a BA or MS. Pointing out that this type of degree would doubtless involve a general college movement, Dr. Bossing explained that it could not be successful under present condi tions, although he regarded the graduate degree under these condi tions a great advancement. Oregon Repeals On NBC Hookup Garretson and University Symphony Heard Over Red Network Feb. 27 Robert Garretson, junior piano student in the school of music, will appear over the National Broad casting company’s red network Saturday, February 27, playing the Rondo from Mozart’s D Minor piano concerta, with the Univer sity spmphony orchestra. The pro gram will go on the air at 5 p.m. Mr. Garretson, a student of George Hopkins, has been heard on the campus several times. He has also appeared as guest soloist with the Portland Junior symphony or chestra. The program, under the direc tion of Rex Underwood, will open with the overture to the opera “Mignon” by Ambroise Thomas. The 65-piece symphony orchestra will play three popular Russian songs by Liadow: “The Comic Song,” the “Berceuse,” and “Ron do.” These songs are taken from eight popular Russian numbers written by Liadow. The string orchestra will be heard in Grieg’s “Heart Wounds.” The movement from Mozart’s con certo with Mr. Garretson at the piano will be followed by three dances from Borodin’s “Prince Igor” — the dance of the slave maidens, the dance of the wild men, and the dance of the archers. The program will be sent to Portland on private wire. From there it will be released over the NBC hookup. This will be the sec ond time this year the National Boadcasting company has featured the symphony orchestra. The pre vious concert was given January 27. Pinedo to Take Final For Masters Degree Oscar Pinedo, Peruvian student in architecture, will take his final exam for his Master of Architec ture degree Wednesday. The title of his thesis is “Project for a City in the Amazon Valley." Mr. Pinedo, who is a graduate of the University of Lima, has re cently accepted a position with the Peruvian consulate at Philadel phia. PRESIDENT BOYER BACK C. Valentine Boyer, president of the University, returned to his of fice today after attending to Uni versity business in Portland since Thursday. Oregana Photos to Be Taken for Honoraries Tuesday Afternoon The following schedule for Oregana photos of honoraries and organizations to be taken today was announced yesterday ! by Don Casciato, Oregana edi tor. To be taken on steps of Com merce: 12:30 p.m., Alpha Kappa Psi; 12:40 p.m., Beta Gamma Sigma; 12:50 p.m., Phi Chi Theta. To be taken on front steps of Johnson: 3 p.m., AWS council; 5:15 p.m., YWCA officers, and frosh and soph YWCA commis ; sions; 3:30 p.m., Asklepiads; 3:45 p.m., Friars; 4 p.m., Ath i letic managers. iNew Women’s Rushing Plan Is Considered _ 1 | Points to Bo Ironed Out | At Discussion Today; Would Brin" Coeds Back Week Early | House presidents, rushing chair imen and alumnae advisors, who | are on the campus, will meet to | day at 4 o’clock in the women’s I lounge of Gerlinger with Dean Hazel P. Schwering to discuss fur ther the new pan-hellenic action which was brought before the council at their first meeting last Friday. The plan suggests that all sor ority women come back to the campus a week earlier in the be ginning of fall term and that rushees be pledged previous to freshmen week. Dean Schwering Approves “I heartily endorse this new plan,” stated Dean Schwering yes- [ terday. “But there are still some points to be ironed out.” “Many of the women who have jobs in the summer object to leav ing them early. This is one of the chief handicaps which face the I council as the plan now stands,” continued Dean Schwering. 1 “We will endeavor in our meet ing tomorrow to iron out some of these difficulties and gather stronger opinions on the. practic ability of the plan," she concluded. MORRIS TO CORVALLIS Victor P. Morris, acting dean of the school of business administra tion, will discuss recent changes in business standards at a banquet of Phi Chi Theta, women’s busi ness and commercial honorary, in Corvallis Tuesday evening. What toDo With $200 Asks Class Gift Committee VVliat can one do with $200? This time it's not the Townsend party which is worrying, but the senior gift committee. When the finances of the sen ior ball are settled, there may be even more money to spend, but at present there is a serious dearth of ideas. “Any suggestions will be wel come and will receive our full est attention,” said Avery Combs, chairman of the commt tee. Besides Combs, the members are Frances Watzek, Theda Spicer, and Jack McGirr. Dean James H. Gilbert, faculty ad visor of the class, is working with this group. “We hope to give something of a permanent character and of general usefulness to the Uni versity," explained Combs. Violinist, Harpist In Recital Tonight Misses Johnson, Y onus' Featured in Program at Music School Miss Dorothy Louise Johnson, violin soloist of the recent national radio broadcast of the University symphony orchestra, and Miss Brandon Young, outstanding harp ist in the University school of mu sic, will give a joint recital tonight at 8 o'clock in the music auditor ium. Miss Young will open the dual recital with a harp solo of Thomas' “Autumn” and will follow with (Please /urn la pane four) Survey Reveals 451 -429 Majority Favors Optional Military; 28 Are Pacifists A questionnaire recently submitted by an insurance company, and distributed by the school of business administration, for a national survey of the sentiments of college students regarding war and peace, reveals a winning vote of 451 to 429 in favor of optional military training. The vote of the girls was split almost in Half, 146 to 147, in favor ot k