Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 20, 1937, Page Two, Image 2

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Fred W. Colvig. edftor Walter R. Vernstrom, manager
LeRoy Mattingly, managing editor
Wm. F. Lubcrsky, Assistant Business Manager
Editorial Board: Clair Johnson, Howard Kessler. George Bikman,
Edwin Robbins, Darrel Ellis, Orval Hopkins. Virginia Endicott
rax j-ii£4.cn, apui is cuuui.
Paul Deutschmann, news
Bernadine Bowman, exchange
Gladlys Battleson, society
Faul Plank, radio editor.
aging editor.
Edwin Robbins, art editor.
Clare Igoe, women’s page
Leonard Greenup, chief night
Jean Weber, morgue director
Reporters: t'arr Aplin, J>ouise Aiken, .lean framer, ueuian v,nap
man, Morrison Hales, Laura Bryant, Lave Cox, Maroryn
Dudley, Stan Hobson. Myra Ilulser, Dick Litfin, Mary Hen
derson, IJill Pengra, Kay Morrow, Ted Proudfoot, Catherine
Taylor, Alice Nelson, Rachael Platt, Doris Lindgren, Rita
Wright, Lillian Warn, Margaret Ray, Donald Seaman, Wilfred
Sports staff: Wendell Wyatt, Elbert Hawkins, John Pink, Morrie
Henderson, Russ Iseli, Cece Walden, Chuck Van Scoyoc.
Copyeditors: Roy Vcrnstrom, Mary Hopkins, Hill Garrett, Relta
Lea Powell, Jane Mirick, Tom Brady, Warren Waldorf, Theo
Prescott, Lorcne Margutn, Rita Wright, Jack Townsend, Wen
Brooks Marge Finnegan, Mignon Phipps, LaVern Littleton,
June Dick, Frances McCoy, Lawrence Quinlan, A1 Branson,
Helen Ferguson, Judith Wodeage, Betty Van Dcllen, Stan
Hobson, George Haley, Gcanne Eschlc, Irvin Mann.
Day editor- Assistant day editors:
Irmajcan Randolph Lew Evans
Jean Guivoson
Night Editors: Assistants:
Frank Nickerson
Bob Knox Phyllis Munro
"Out in the Cold Again”
JN THE BY-LAWS of the ASIIO constitution
adopted Thursday there are only two
things that would, mark them as a departure
from past regulations for the conduct of stu
dent government: the definition of the presi
dent’s power to make certain appointments
and the omission of any mention of class gov
The first of these changes is only a super
ficial one, putting in writing a power that
has traditionally been exercised by ASIJO
presidents, hut the wisdom of which has been
repeatedly challenged. In fact, during tin1
elections of last spring one of the candidates
proposed that the appointive power be taken
' from the hands of the president and invested
in the executive council, thus creating an ex
ecutive body of considerable prestige and,
even more important, one of broader respon
sibility to the whole rank and file, of the
student body. This is a proposition well
worthy of consideration.
The other change — the omission of the
usual regulations covering the direction of
class affairs—does, however, present a real
change from past constitutional by-laws. For,
since 1925, the whole structure of class gov
ernment has been an appendage of the ASUO.
# * •
rp,IIE HISTORY of this connection between
the associated students and the classes
goes back to the years of 19215 and l',)2-l, when
certain problems peculiar to class government
made the step seem advisable. These problems
arose primarily from the lack of continuity
in the administration of class organizations
due to the annual change of membership. For
one thing, there was alway doubt as to how
to dispose of the residue in the class treasuries
at the end of the year. For another thing,
there was the yearly puzzle of how to bring
class organizations into existence when the
whole membership of the preceding year
theoretically had advanced a step upwards in
their university career and could no longer
be termed freshmen, sophomores, or juniors,
as the ease should be. lienee, the best possible
solution seemed to be the linking of the trans
ient elass organizations to the comparatively
stable ASUO.
For these reasons, since 1925 the classes
have 'always deposited their funds with those
of the ASUO, which were placed in the hands
of the University cashier, as they are today.
Also continuity of elass government was
established with a provision that elass elec
tions should be conducted by the vice-presi
dent of the associated students, thus giving
them the necessary annual send-off. And
the plan rolled smoothlyalong without a hitch
until 1935, when the establishment of optional
student body membership upset many an ac
tivities apple-cart.
* * #
UNTIL 1935, there was little cause for
Complaint that the classes should be
bound to the ASUO, for class members all had
student body cards; but after compulsory
membership in the associated students was
abolished, persons who didn’t have student
body cards felt it unfair that they should be
debarred from participation in elass activ
ities. And this feeling was proper, too, be
cause the only justification for the class
ASUO liason was its convenience—not suffi
cient grounds for the exclusion of non-stu
dent body members from entering into the
activities of the classes.
That is the reason neither the present
constitution nor it by-laws contains any men
tion of class government. The classes have
come of age; they’re weaned, and apparently
it’s up to them to shift for themselves.
But their siuation is not at all desperate.
There are plenty of ways by which they may
accomplish continuity of organization without
reliance upon the ASUO. They can deposit
their funds with the University cashier, just
as they do at present. And they can easily
establish independent constitutions providing
for the election of officers and for the per
petuation of their associations.
A logical first step in I he re-arrangement
of their affairs would he for officers of all the
class organizations to put their heads together
in common council. They share the problem
jointly; they may as well come to a joint
Question of KORE’s “What Lane County
Thinks’’ program: “Who lias earned the
greatest place in history — Thomas Paine
Robert Ingorsoll, or Herbert Hoover?”
Answer, bv a visitor from our Elmira way:
“Why-ana. Robert Ingersoll, of course. If it
wasn't for him, how would a poor man know
what time it was?”
—- 1 ■ - ' -■.. ■ .. ' ■■ ' ——
Campus Comment
(The views aired in this column arc not necessarily
expressive of Emerald policy. Communications should be
kept within a limit of 250 words. Courteous restraint should
be observed in reference to personalities. No unsigned letters
will be accepted.)
To the Editor: May t ask if those who have
indicated their refusal to take part in any war in
which the government of the United States may
become involved will be willing to take up arms
against the capitalistic regime when the workers
of the world unite for the proletarian revolution.
...■ 11 — _- i... —
Students in the infirmary today
are: Alyee Rogers, Bernard Klick,
Harry Huycke, Lois Onthank,
Dorothy Reburn, Winogene I’al
mer, Betty Brady, Ray Jeffcott.
William George, Joe Goding, Kath
erine Bossinger, Jeanne Fleming,
Barbara Espy, Douglas David,
Beverly Caverhill, and Margaret
Lawyer. Ruth Stanley is being
treated in the Sacred Heart hos
Final installments on out-of
state tuition and fees must be in
by Thursday, February 25, at the
registrar's office.
A pair of horn rimmed glasses
in a black case with the name of
Zell brothers inscribed was found
at Condon reserve library, and
may be claimed by calling at the
Philomelete group advisors will
meet at Dean Schwering's office
today at 4 o'clock to make final
plans for tiie Sunday party.
The Physical Education club’s
snow outing scheduled for next
Sunday has been definitely post
Title-Driving Duck
(Continued from page one)
that faced Oregon here several
weeks ago.
Art Merryman and Hub Tuttle,
veteran forwards, arc fair certain
ties to open the fray due to their
flashy work in recent games. Sen
ior Earl Conkling is exported to
get the noil over sophomore Bob
Rissir.an at center.
Huge Elmer Kolberg, Beaver
fullback, and Mai Harris are the
starting guards. Sir Howard Wat
son Lyman, letterman, is a capable
alternate at guard, as is Nello
Vanelli ambidexterious hoopman at
Hobson Drills Squad
Far from satisfied wth the show
ing of his Webfoots against Idaho,
Coach Hobson raced them through
strenuous workouts this week,
tapering things off with a brief
warm-up yesterday on shooting.
Both teams have been using
zone and man-for-man defense in
recent drills and tonight are apt
to spring either. In the two pre
vious clashes, Oregon used a man
for-man and Oregon State utilized
the zone.
Results of Idaho's games in Eu
gene and Corvallis indicate that
anything might happen. Last Sat
urday, Oregon looked like a
championship team, running wild
over the Vandals, but Friday had
the appearance of a second rate
ball team.
DSC' - Idaho Split
It was the same thing in Cor
vallis Monday and Tuesday nights
The Orangemen drubbed Idaho, 42
to 17, Monday with a dazzling class
of basketball, but Tuesday failed,
to hold tHeir form and dropped a ,
30-to-l>2 tiff.
To Mentor Hobson, the second!
game was a blessing. It meant |
that they could be beaten on the
Corvallis floor. Three previous
home games hud all been Stater
Forensic (>roii|>
(t en/min'd fivm fugf pin*)
speech division will direct this
"Modern Day tSovernment" and
"The Constitution and the Supreme !
Court” will be the topics discussed
by the students. Members of the
audience may participate by ask
ing questions or expressing their
views on the subject. Fascism,
communism, and socialism will be
explained and proposed changes in
the supreme court will also be dis
These trips, which take the place
of competitive University debate,
are sponsored by the educational
activities board of the ASUO and
are made each year to further in
terests in forensics.
Other speaking tours, which will
include trips to Klamath Falls,
Marshfield, Coquille, Myrtle Point,
and Bandon, are being planned by
VV. A. Dahlberg, forensics coach.
(iavlt* Buchanan
(Continued from page one)
Close Competition
Close competition was seen in
the AVVS office of treasurer with
Felker Morris running against
Kathryn Coleman. This competi
tion was also evidenced in the case
Of the three freshmen. Aida Mac
chi, Aurelia Wolcott, and Joliene
Woodruff, all candidates for AWS
Three hundred fifty votes were
cast in the AWS ballot box and 169
for YWCA elections
Returns of the WAA elections j
will not be announced until the an
nual banquet which will take place
in two weeks.
MINS HOli.YH Cifc, is JOB
Henrietta Horak. senior ot last
year, has secured a position in the !
office of Douglas G. MePhee, busi- ,
ness analyst in San Francisco.
Mis> Horak was a major in jour
Send the Rmerald to your friends.
Subscriptions only Sd.OO pci \c u
Scaffold Crash Kills 10, Ruins Bridge Safety Record
Right above is all that is left of half the safety net which enabled
the Golden Gate bridge to set a record for safety in bridge construction
until falling scaffolding took ten men to their death. The diagram
superimposed on the picture of the span, left, shows the 230-foot drop
which the scaffolding and workers made before hitting the water on
the bay and the extent of the damage to the structure.
uiz of the Week
Only one faculty member made the same high score that
two students got last week! Faculty scores were eight
seven, and six compared to the eight, eight, and seven made
by three students last week. Professors taking the test were
W. F. G. Thacher, journalism, who scored high with eight,
Nelson Bossing, education, who made seven and Jack Hig
gins, English graduate assistant, wHo only answered six
questions correctly.
Take your pencil or borrow your room-mate’s pen, or
your girl’s lipstick and mark away. The correct answers
will be found elsewhere in the paper.
1. Oregon's Youth Act which wants support and $250,000, but
mainly the dollars, from the Oregon legislature will give the boys and
girls from Oregon:
a. An annual trip to Washington, D. C., to see the senate in action.
b. More scholarships to the institutions of higher education.
c. An extension of the NYA work into high schools.
d. Chances for employment if they are between the ages of 16 to 25.
2. If someone said to you, "Have you heard about the new Lemon
Orange Squeeze?” you could correctly reply:
a. "Yes, I have tasted the Side's latest coke.”
b. "No, I don't like ice cream sodas, particularly lemon ones.”
c. "Do you mean Smokey Whitfield's new song?”
d. "Yes, I have a date for the UO-OSC dance, next Friday.”
3. The Anchorage, long time favorite of spring lovers, now under
new management has added to its dinners, the promise of:
a. One free hour of canoeing with dinners ordered.
b. Second helpings to the hungry ones.
c. An after-dinner dance hour
d. Free swimming and use of equipment.
4. Chancellor Hunter's six point plan suggests:
a. That the UO offer six different kinds of degrees.
b. Six ways to solve the financial problem facing Oregon's system
of higher education.
c. Six ways for enterprising students to work their way through
d. Six ways to dress a duck.
0. Dr Y. T. Wu, China's humblest Christian and incidentally editor
in-chief of the Chinese Association Press, who was a guest on the
campus this week thinks that the American press handles Chinese
a. Very well, due to usual American sympathy with the under-dog.
b. Only fairly well because American political stories crowd it off
the front page.
c. Badly because they don't understand the situation.
d. VVell because of the skill of correspondents in China.
(i. Oregon’s knighthood has gone to seed, bewails a disillusioned
freshman woman student in a letter to the editor but the editor answer
ed by saying:
a. Women were still softies, they wanted to be equal but still ex
pected considerations, which maybe they had a right to.
b. The Oregon men were rude, ill mannered brutes and something
should be done about it.
c. That women had no business trying to make a place for them
selves in a man's world. They get what they deserve.
d. That women were able to take care of themselves.
7. At last the library will open its portals, with gala ceremonies,
bands, and an expectant and anxious student body on:
a. Beginning of spring term in March.
b. One of those "rare days in June."
e. Next fall, to use a rushing point for Oregon.
d. Date to be announced later.
8. Contestants for the W. F. Jewett poetry contest must recite !
three passages from:
a. A wide selecion of poems.
b. One of Browning's poems.
c. Milton or Keat's work.
d. Poems taught in literature survey course.
S' According to study made in Maude Kerns' design class. Oriental!
artists seek in their work to expre.-.s:
a. Excellent reproduction of landscape scenes.
b. Realistic coloring of natural scenes.
c Relation of object painted to the infinite, or "rhythmic vitality."
d. Landscape designs painted by structural forms.
10. Three Oregon educators make big trip. Deans Jewell and On
thunk. and City School Superintendent Gould go to New Orleans, said
the headlines. They went for a:
n Phi Delta Kappa meeting.
b A national NY A conference.
e. \ national conference of the Progressive Education Association.1
d. Convention of the National Education Association.
Tune ’er
Today’s Best Bets
6:30 p. m.—KEX—Jack Meakin.
7:30 p. m.—KGW—Irvin Cobb.
8:00 p. m.—KGW—Gilmore Circus.
8:00 p. m. — KOIN—Junior Sym
8:30 p. m.—KOIN—Johnnie Pres
And we’re off again for a few
choice words of a rambling diala
tor. To begin wth we find that the
Portland junior symphony orches
tra will be presented over the CBS
nets this evening at 8:00 on KOIN.
Johnnie Presents goes into its
second stanza featuring Russ Mor
gan and his music. Charles Martin
will again present a ten-minute
thriller during the broadcast over
the long awaited program is back
on the air. . . . The Gilmore Circus.
. . . One of the very first network
programs returned to the airlanes
after a two year’s absence. Variety
acts, changing with each show,
will be the feature of the new edi
tion of this fine old program. The
entire half hour will be of the
comedy and music type.—KGW—
Jack Benny will leave off the
feud for a few minutes tomorrow
night to give his wife and stooge,
Mary Livingston, also known as
Mrs. Benny, a farewell party.
Mary is going: on a two weeks
vacation, leaving Jack to carry on
alone. It's Jack's idea though.—
Jacques Renard, Bobby Breen,
Deanna Durbin, Jimmie Walling
ton (our choice of No 1 announcer)
and an unnamed stooge will gang
up on Eddie Cantor tomorrow nite
to see what makes the Major tick.
Joe Penner will do a little ro
mancing and send his girl a be
lated Valentine on his half hour
spot tomorrow afternoon. Jimmie
Griers' ork will provide the music.
Whether Jack Benny decides to
"Bee” or not to “Bee,” seems to
make little difference to the fans. '
His NBC sponsors disclosed that j
they are fully 14 months behind in
tilling requests for tickets to
Jack’s programs frem the Holly
wood studios. ..Only 332 persons
can be satisfied at a crack, and
those writing in for tickets now
will be lucky to get them sometime
in 1038.
The requests for the paste
boards are coming from every
?tate in the union, and from even
Australia and France, although
the broadcast doesn't reach Eur
ope except by shortwave to Eng
A farm couple from Saskatche
wan, Canada, were lucky enough
to gain admission to one of Ben
ny’s short wave broadcasts to Eng- j
land. After the broadcast they j
asked Jack, Mary, Kenny Baker,
and Den Wilson for autographs.
At the
Glenn Griffith, of the YMCA, ■
will speak al the Sunday evening
meeting of the Wesley club con-1
cerning the world student Christ
ianity movement. The meeting
opens at 6:15.
Bob Thomas, of the Corvallis
Wesley club, will speak to the
group on the work of the Wesley
foundation in Japan. He has re
cently returned from Japan after 1
studying the work carried on
there. Members of the Corvallis
organization will attend the meet- j
ing. Frank Tubban is in charge
of the social hour which will follow i
the discussion hour.
During the period of Lent, ser-1
vices will be held at the Central j
Lutheran church at 7:30 Sunday!
evenings. "The Lenten Story" will
be the topic of a series of sermons
by Rev. P. J. Luvaas. Everybody
is welcome.
College morning class of Baptist
young people meets at 9:45. The
student forum meets at 6:30. Cor
dial invitation extended.
"Psychology of the College Stu
dent” is the subject to be discussed
at the Congregational young peo
ple’s meeting which opens at 7
o’clock Sunday evening. Alberta
Roberts is in charge of the meet
Newton Brunton will lead the
college endeavor group at the
Christian church Sunday evening
at 6:15.
Westminster House
Sunday: At 9:45 Stanley Robe,
assisted by Bailey Barnett, will
present a discussion on "The
_■ Delivery Phone 2972 ■
Corner Broadway and High Streets
Minister: A. J. Harms. M.A., Th.D.
(Sunday Morning, 11 o’clock)
“There's a gate that stands ajar
And through its portals gleaming.
I see a light that shines afar
Upon my pathway streaming.
O depths of mercy, can it be
That gate was left ajar for me.”
(Sunday Evening, 7:30 o’clock)
By courtesy of the F. L. Beard Department Store.
957 Willamette St.
(f* re eurn^r Cmerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official
student publication of the University of
Oregon, Eugene, published daily during
the college year exvept Sundays, Mon
days, holidays, examination periods, the
fifth day of December to January 4,
except January 4 to 12, annd March 6
to March 22, March 22 to March 80.
Entered as second-class matter at the
postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscrip
tion rate, $3.00 a year.
Circulation Manager.Caroline Hand
Asst. Jean Farrens
Frances Olson.Executive Secretary
Copy Service Department
Manager .Venita Brous
National Advertising
Manager .Patsy Neal
....Assistant: Eleanor Anderson.
Collection Manager.Reed Swenson
Thursday advertising manager: Venita
Brous; Assistants: Clifton Wilson,
Mary Hopkins, Alice Chandler, Jack
Stranger Within Thy Gates.” Tea
will be served Sunday evening at
6 o’clock, followed by a student
forum with Harold Draper leading
on the subject, “Will Science Dis
place God ?” Helen Bryant will
lead the worship service. Special
music is being arranged by Vir
ginia Ireland and Kathlyn Knud
Monday: Student Christian
council meets at 4.
Tuesday: Noon luncheon will be
served to students for 20 cents.
Reservations for the luncheon must
be in by Monday night at West
minster house.
Wednesday: Current problems
forum meets to discuss, "The
Friday: The house will be open
for a student forum with Harrison
Brown, world economist and trav
eler who spent some time in the
League of Nations at Geneva.
Town and campus people are in
vited to participate. Games and
dancing will follow.
(Continued from page one)
to adopt the proposed scheme until
after the regional Pan-Hellenic
convention in Portland, March 6,
at the Multnomah hotel. The plan
will be discussed there with mem
bers from other councils. Several
delegates from the council and
members of the advisory council,
will represent the University at
the convention.
Miss McNiece said of the plan,
“it is certainly of great benefit to
incoming students in eliminating
the usual confusion of rush week
and will giye them ample time to
do the two main things in enter
ing college, pledging and register
ing.” She announced that Presi
dent Boyer heartily favors the
plan and is working on it with
Alumni advisors of the different
chapters will meet with the coun
cil for further discussion, Tuesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Room for the gang, TAYLOR’S, ad
Bring your questions on
religion to the
at the
11th Ave. at Ferry St.
Monday, Feb. 22
Sunday, Feb. 28
Weeknights at 7:45
(Except Saturday)
Sunday, Feb. 28
11 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.
Dr. Horace Westwood
of Berkeley, Cal.,
will endeavor to' answer
them and will give seven
addresses as follows:
Evenings at 7:45
Mon., Feb. 22—“Our Dis
illusioned Age Seeks to Find
Its Soul.”
Tues., Feb. 23—“What it
Means to be a Liberal in Re
Wed., Feb. 24—“Must we
Give up our Faith in God?”
Thurs., Feb. 25—“Spiritual
Foundations of Industrial j
Fri., Feb. 26 — “Science,
Immortality and Psychic Re
Sunday, Feb. 28
11 a.m.
“Our Subconscious Mind and
the Superconscious Life”
(A sermon on pschology
and life)
*7:30 p.m.
"The Larger Liberalism and
the Coming Faith”