New Zealand Debaters Will Arrive at Noon To Give Talk on Social Legislation in Villarcl Hall This Evening at Student Assembly Members of the goodwill debate and lecture team from the Univer sity of Otago, New Zealand, will address a student assembly at 7:30 tonight in Villard hall. The two students, C. E. Pledger and J. H. Kemnitz, will give first-hand in formation on their country and the social legislation that has been passed there. The men will arrive from Cor vallis this noon and will be met by Kessler Cannon, president of the Order of the Mace, University speech honorary, and other stu dents active in varsity forensics. The debaters will be interviewed on tneir impressions of the United States at 3:45 over KORE, Eugene. James Black, a member of D. E. Hargis’ radio announcing class, will be in charge of the broadcast. Guests at Banquet The New Zealanders will be guests of honor at an informal banquet given by Order of the Mace, at the Anchorage at six o’clock. Dean James H. Gilbert, of the school of social science, will preside at the meeting and at the assembly which is to follow. David Wilson, who was a member of the University of Oregon Pacific Basin Good-Will team which visited New Zealand in 1931, will also be pres ent for the ban and assembly. Wil son is now secretary of the Jap anese consulate in Portland. The team will also address an assembly at the Eugene high school on Thursday morning and speak before members of Victor P. Morris’ class in economic prob lems of the Pacific. Passing Show (Continual from t>nri*-tH, 19S\ R. J. tUyouiii lofeACC* C*u»$*ujr, Wm,i.^i1.m H. C.