VOLUME XXXVIII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1937 NUMBER 59 _ Thp_ _ Passing Show Northwest Storm Floods Subside Eugene OARP Plan Supreme Court By DARREL ELLIS Plenty of Weather The Pacific Northwest was floun dering helplessly in the chill grip of winter yesterday as ice and deep snows cut off communication lines, impaired highway and railroad traffic , and caused untold proper ty damage. Trains held up because of the snow were running hours off schedule, newspaper press wires ^ were down — literally isolating some communities from the out side world—and highways made impassable. Snow in Portland piled up so deep Sunday that some street car and bus lines were temporar ily discontinued. aters Appeased Hope for the future came to the “flood front” yesterday with dec larations by army engineers that the worst was over. Residents of Cairo, Illinois, located at the con fluence of the Ohio and Mississip pi, still barricaded behind a 63 foot. levee, welcomed reports from Portsmouth, Ohio, where the river levels dropped 15 feet. Angry torrents of muddy water ( tore through levees in Arkansas, inundating many acres of rich farm land and the town of Mill wood, but no greater damage than has already been done is expected in that territory, army engineers said. Good Advertising Eugene hit upon the greatest "nationwide" advertising stunt in its history when it adopted the Townsend pension testing plan for trial in this city beginning Friday, Townsend leader Charles L. Paine declared yesterday. Universal News cameramen will be on hand Thursday night to take shots of the opening ceremonies when pension-testing oldsters, Mrs. Lizzie Hill and Henry Folz each are presented with $200, and on Friday morning to record the first few' “spend-spree” purchases (Please turn to page two) 1 Hayseed Is Sire Of Oregon State College Beaver By BERNADINE BOWMAN The Hayseed was the first col lege annual published in the state of Oregon some 39 years aeo when Oregon State college was OAC. In 1894 seven members of the junior class put out the yearbook, which was about the size of Oregon State’s “fusser’s guide” of today. The grandfather of the Beaver contained three pages of advertis ing. Three pictures and a few com ic sketches were in the art section. Several pages of satire and liter ary compositions made up the rest of the book. The paper-bound books sold for 50 cents and cloth bound ones for SI. When the Hay seed staff could find no buyers for the annual, they had to make up the deficit from their own pockets. Venus Sports Tidy Toga The life-size figure of Venus which has gazed down on and been gazed at by the finance committee of the University of Manitoba, has undergone a transformation. No longer will she inspire the toiling committee with her armless and robless naivete. Not that Venus has departed! But the president and vice-presi dent of the women’s association, while visiting the office recently, * were taken back by the bewitching figure—and that which motivates ^ the League - for - the - protection - of - students' - morals welled up within them. The result was, that they invest ed in a couple cubits of cheese cloth and now Venus sports a tidy toga! Mills Has Anniversary Mills college will inaugurate a five-month program next month oi events in celebration of the 85th anniversary of the college’s found ing. The college will entertain edu cation leaders and artists during the anniversary period, which wiL end in June at the commencement exercises. Each school of the col lege is responsible for one month with the school of languages open ing the activity. The history of Mills college is similar to that of California, sines it dates back to the gold rush. Mill! college was originally founded ir 1852 in Benecia. The present site was occupied in 1871. OSC Pledges Inter-School Dance Support _ $5 Is Offered liy OSC Paper for Best Danee Name; Late Hours to Be Asked for Women Editor Hal Higgs and Night Ed itor Bob Halley of the Barometer, Oregon State student daily pledged individual support and the support of the paper toward the Oregon - Oregon State informal dance to be held in Gerlinger fol lowing the basketball game here, February 28. This announcement was made Monday by Peery Buren, co-chair man with Margaret Bell, for the dance, following a visit to the Cor vallis campus Saturday. Name Contest Planned “Higgs suggested the Barometer have a contest for a name for the j dance,” Buren stated. At a meet ing of the dance committee Mon day afternoon it was decided to ask the Barometer to begin their con test, offering $5 for the best entry. According to Higgs, the Barom eter will also ask for permission ! from the dean of women at Ore ■ gon State for late hours for that ; evening, since the dance will last until midnight. Ticket Campaign Probable "It is also probable that the Ba rometer will have a ticket selling campaign for the dance,” said Bu 1 ren, “as Mr. Higgs and I discussed it at our conference." I Plans for selling advertising to j finance the programs for the dance, decorations with the two schools’ colors and miner details of the affair were begun at the meeting Monday, Buren said. i_ New Library Due To Open April 1 Expect $65,000 Heating Addition to Be Complete By May 1 Oregon's new library now under construction, will not be complet ed before April 1, Charles D. Byrne, secretary to the state board of higher education, said yester day. “The fact of the matter is that there is a great demand for mill work, and the contractor is unable to obtain mill-work from any of the mills,’’ Mr. Byrne said. Contrary to the general opinion, the University is saving money in not having the library in use. Cost of maintenance would exceed I the present cost of finishing the j building. ! In regard to the $65,000 boiler now being installed as an addition to the present heating system, Mr. Byrne said completion should | come about May 1. “It will be pos : sible to install an alternate of the contract, namely pressure guages,” he said. Provision in the contract ! called for the installation of an al ternate in the contract if the cost of installation of the boiler did not reach the $65,000 mark. The cut-over from the old boiler to the new will come soon after the cold spell is over, Mr. Byrne said. Congested Roads Delay Portland Commuters Congested highways have pre vented the return from Portland of Dr. Elizabeth Montgomery, as sistant professor of education. Dr. Montgomery, who left last Friday to teach her weekly extension class in Portland, attempted to return Saturday on a bus which has failed to get through the snowbound highway. Dr. Nelson L. Bossing, professor of education has been unable to at tend his extension classes in Port land because of the weather con ditions. Dahlberg, Hargis Are 111, Confined to Homes W. A. Dahlberg, assistant pro fessor of speech, and D. E. Hargis, i instructor in speech, are confined *to their homes because of illness. Sickma. Flu Holds House Meeting To Elect First Proxy Rapid progress has been made by the newly organized Sickma Flu organization on the Oregon campus. During its short life of two weeks, 73 men have become members. In order to insure the clerical work to fill all requirepients, the nurses on duty have organized themselves into the 'Inter-Fluen za" council. The work of the council also include regulation enforcement, Miss Bradley be coming mute in an effort to quiet Sickma Flu patients. Monday the weekly house meeting was held at which time Miss Betty Dyment was unani mously elected house president. The discussion of a house motto came up, and the result was the selection of “Sally.” Speech Tryouts To Be Wednesday Entries for Jewett Public Discussion Contest Will Be Selected — Preliminary try-outs for the W. F. Jewett public discussion contest will be held Wednesday at 3 o’clock in room 13 S. H. Friendly hall, at which time students who are to participate in the final contest will be chosen. All entrants must submit an out line or synopsis of their speech to John L. Casteel, director of the speech department, before 5 o’clock this afternoon. Each contestant will give an eight - minute extemporaneous speech on some specific phase of the general subject, "Problems of Peace and War.” He will then be questioned for four minutes by the judges on his phase of the subject and his answers will be limited to one minute each. The following University stu dents have signed up for the con test : Willard Marsh, Howard Kess ler, Ken Shipley, Dean Ellis, Rob ert Dent, Charles Paddock, T. D. Reid, John Luvass and Reinhard Knudsen. Judges who will select the win ners of the $25, $15, and $5 prizes are Charles Hulten, assistant pro fessor of journalism; D. D. Gage, associate professor of business ad ministration, and William Hall, reearch assistant. Game, Weather Cause of Recital Postponement Robert Garretson, student pian ist, announced that his solo recital which was to be given Tuesday, February 2, in the school of music auditorium will be postponed until a later date. The Oregon-Washing ton basketball game, and the bad weather account for the change in plans. Mr. Garretson, however, will give his recital at a date in the near fu ture. He is a junior, and a student of George Hopkins, professor of piano. February 8, he plans to play a concert with Richard Hagopian in Klamath Falls, and February 12 will give a solo recital at the Wo men’s club building in Portland. Mr. Garretson has studied the piano for 14 years, and has given several solo recitals before. While in Portland, he played with the Portland junior symphony orches tra, and the Portland symphony training orchestra. Company E Wins Honor In ROTC Drill Practice Company E, 2 o’clock ROTC class, was designated as honor company last week with a score of 99.20 per cent in the Wednesday drill, it was announced yesterday by Sergeant Harvey Blythe. Commander of Company E is Fre'd Smith. Other officers are: First Sergeant Jason Bailey, and platoon leaders, Lewis Larson, Sam McGaughey, and Julius Scraggs. Other scores were: Company D, 98.77: Company B, 98.59; Company C, 98.54; and Company A, 97.89. Court Wedding Substituted in | Ballet Program Program Changes Made For Dancing Troupe Aopearance in Igloo Thursday Night A change in the program to be given here Thursday night at Mc Arthur court by the Monte Carlo Ballet Russe was made yesterday. Announcement of the substitu tion of the popular "Aurora's Wed ding" for “The Fantastic Toy Shop.” was made by Ralph Schomp, University activities manager, fol lowing a long - distance telephone conversation with S. Hurok. Ballet Russe director, in San Francisco. "Aurora's Wedding"played to 28 consecutive" sold out" houses in New York last fall and is the hit of the present San Francisco engage ment. The "Wedding." one of three to be presented to Eugene, is based on Tschaikovsky’s “The. Sleeping Princess,” and was created by Mi chel Fokine, choreographer of the St. Petersburg Imperial Ballet. More Than 55 Dancers The entire Ballet Russe company, numbering more than 55 dancers, take part in. the newly added bal let, which is a pageant of court life presenting a series of dances by courtiers, ladies-in-waiting, and followers of the court. Another of the three ballets. "The Beautiful Danube,” a ro mantic episode in old Vienna, will be set to the "Blue Danube Waltz,” played by a symphony orchestra of 30 pieces. Throe Ballots Offered “Les Sylphides,” third of the three ballets, is claimed to be the finest specimen of present day classic ballet. It will be danced to Chopin’s music, as an expression of mood, color, and rhythm. The ballet begins at 8:15. Stu dent cards must be changed at the business office in McArthur court by Wednesday noon and no later, Schomp said yesterday. General admission is 75 cents; reserved tickets are $1, $1.25, and $1.50. Kidnapping Bill ToBeKOACTopic The Oregon kidnaping bill will be the subject of the weekly stu dent forum to be broadcast at 8:45 tonight over K O A C, Corvallis. Laura Bryant, sophomore in jour nalism, and David Hoss will take part in the program. European governments, includ ing those of Finland, Sweden, Den mark, and Norway will be the, sub ject of future broadcasts to be pre sented by "members of the radio classes. Next week’s program will be presented under the direction of John L. Casteel, professor of speech. Girls’ First Rifle Match Is Friday 1» to Be on Team The girls’ rifle team will fire ifcp first postal matches Friday, Lu cille Bachman, manager, said Mon day. Evening practice; will be contin ued according to schedule, with the exception of Thursday's prac tice which has been changed to Friday from 7 to 10 p. m., because of the Ballet Russe. Record firing will take place from 1 to 5 p. m., Friday, Matches are to be played off with Rhode Island State college, Gettysburg college, Cornell university, Carne gie Institute of Technology, and Syracuse university. Among those who will probably have places on the 10-girl team are Blanche Moore, Marjorie Bates, Margaret Burnett, Fredrica Mer rill, Leota McCracken, Ruth Ket chum, Louise Watson, and Con stance Kletzer. The squad has baen considerably weakened because of the sickness of Louise Woodruff. Betty Baker, ; and Opal Stillwell, crack shots of ' the women’s squad, who will proba bly be unable to participate in the shoot. Oregon Tips Huskies, 48-37, Moves Into Conference Lead; Teams Clash Again Tonight In the Driver"s Sent Head bobbing, little Bobby A net, sophomore guard, pushed the Oregon offensive lip and down McArthur court last night to victory over the Huskies. Working with John Lewis and Wally Johansen, Anet formed an important cog in the almost unstoppable, almost wild, Duck scoring drives. Slender Threat Ytuny jonansen, i«u - hanming expert, will be a scoring thorn in the side of the Northwest confer ence for two-aml-and- more sea sons. Johansen is playing his first season of varsity bull anil carried more than his share of the burden last night. Kessler Cannon Named Chairman F o r S pe a k e r s Appointment of Kessler Cannon as new chairman of the speaker’s committee was announced yester day by Gib Schultz, student body president. Gladys Battleson will head the women’s division. Cannon plans to begin a cam paign for the Ballet Russe com ing here February 4. A tour of the living organizations will start the campaign this noon. Committee appointments by Can non will be made later in the week. It will be the duty of the commit tee to make announcements on be half of the ASUO at the living or ganizations when the occasion arises. County Isolated By Snow Storms Boots, Galoshes Become Popular With Students; Basements Flooded The snow storm which hit the state Sunday morning virtually cut Lane county off from the rest of the state yesterday, blocking high ways, disconnecting telegraph and telephone lines, and leaving only radio communication with the out side world. A total of 2.39 inches of precipi tation fell in 48 hours, the heaviest since January 11, 1936, when Wiere was 2.84 inches, local weather ob servers said. Douglass Off for South American Vacation Cruise Around South America in Cl days is the trip planned by Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Douglass for Mr. Doug lass’ three months leave of ab sence. They left for New Yorl: Saturday, January 30, and will set sail from there on their cruise February 4. The party will sail on the S. S. Rotterdam* a Holland - American liner. Their first stop will be in the West Indies, then on to the Panama canal. On their way down the west coast they will stop and make land tours in Chile, and Fern. After going through the Straits of Magellan they will trav el up the east coast stopping dif jferent days in Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela, including such 1 towns as Rio de Janiero, Buenos Aires and Montevideo. After the cruise they will visit relatives in the south before re turing to Eugene May 1. While Mr. Douglass is gone a library committee will be-in charge, head ,ed by Willis Warren, reserve li brarian. Douglass’ leave of absence has been delayed two years as it was scheduled before the grant for the new library came through. While plans for moving into the new libe are not definite at the present Ducks Win From Washington Rivals for First Time Under Igloo Roof; Oregon Has Half Game Lead NORTHERN DIVISION STANDINGS W OREGON 6 Washington State 5 Washington 4 Oregon State 2 Idaho . 0 By PAT FRIZZELL (Emerald Sports Editor) The Ducks did it! Oregon’s grim, fighting, desperate Webfoot basketeers out drove Washington’s famed Huskies at their own game in a thriller of thrillers at the Igloo last night and zoomed into first place in the northern division on the wings of a 48-to-37 tri umph. It was drive, drive, and drive some more as Johnny Lewis, Bobby Anet, and Wally Johansen poured it to the faltering Huskies in an unrelenting stream that brought Oregon its first Igloo win over Washington in history. * L Pet. 2 .750 2 .714 3 .571 5 .285 5 .000 Keystone \\ T John Lewis made 18 points last night hut more important still was “Noggy’s” work with Boh Anet and Wally Johansen. Lewis took Ills place with the two Astoria sophomores and gave Oregon, for at least one evening, one of the hurdeset running forward lines in the conference. Apple Campaign By Kwamas Will Start Wednesday "An apple a day keeps the doc tor away,” will be the motto of the Kwamas, sophomore wo wen’s honorary, Wednesday, when they will sponsor a sale of carameled apples. » "Buy a caramel apple and stay out of the infirmary” is to be the sales talk of the girls, who are to sell the apples from four booths located on the campus. They will be in front of the edu cation building, the old library, between commerce and Oregon, and in front of the College Side. The apples will be sold for a nickel apiece and will be cov ered with caramel candy. They will be mounted on sticks to make easier eating, according to Harriet Sarazin, who is general chairman of the sale. Other com mittees are Felker Morris, booths; Dorothy Magnuson, sell ing; June Brown, Peaerl Jean Wilson, and Elisabeth Stetson, publicity; Miriam Fouch, apples; and Virginia Regan, finance. Freshman girls will be asked to help sell. Dorothy Magnuson is in eharge of girls selling. The Webfoota led almost all the way, as 3,200 spectators cheered. They caught up with an early Hus ky advantage, tied it at 6-all, and then pulled away. At the half it was 22 to 16. Washington Tallies Early in the second period, Hec Edmundson's clever crew, with Chuck Wagner and Jack Gannon leading the way, sliced the margin to one slim point, 22 to 21, and the Ducks were in perilous straights. But the fiery big three of the evening Lewis, Anet, and Johansen—aided by Slim Winter mute and Dave Silver, fought back with the fury of cornered bobcats and boomed into an insurmountable lead with a rally that couldn’t be denied. Oregon’s zone defense kept the Huskies outside most of the game. Lewis turned In a performance that topped anything the ever fighting senior has done in his three seasons here. He did every thing. He stole dribbles from the Huskies, he broke rip passes, he passed to team mates for scores, and he poured in five field goals and eight free throws for a total of 18 tallies in his own scoring col umn. Anet, Johansen Drive Anet and Johansen were driving dynamos in green. They hawked the ball as never before. They snatched it from Husky hands time and again. They drove, drove, drove, until the poor visitors were back on their heels. Anet turned in five assists and Johansen ran up eight points. They teamed togeth er for more than one bucket. Time and again they nabbed the coveted sphere and broke madly down the floor with the Husky pack at their heels, and their fast breaks were (Please him to page jour) THIS WEATHER IS REALLY BAD if You Can t Keep Warm and Dry We have what it takes to 1 keep you that way. See I our complete line of rain coats and alligators. i i Eric Merrell University Mail's Shop