Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1937, Image 1

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    .. iM'.l ,.r
" PJ. I »W'_3JL*' 1H. L' »*SgL
Dushy Duke Siena
i To P/o.v /or Hall ami
Concert February 1 >
Passing Show
Mass Air Flight
1 ft8!y Treaty Cited
Cairo Evacuation
Former Employes
Non si to II on ol til ii
Twelve giant navy air cruisers
with a combined crew of 80 men
took off from San Diego and
droned into the west yesterday on
their way to Honolulu and a new
record—the greatest massed non
stop overwater air flight in the
world’s history.
An hour and thirty-eight min
utes elapsed from the time the
first ship left the water until the
squadron, in flight formation two
miles above the earth, took out
over the ocean. The voyage was
to have ended in Honolulu early
this morning.
Demand ‘Pow-wow*
Citing the treaty of 1885 signed
with Gov. Isaac I. Stevens as basis
for their demands, Indians from
two Oregon tribes were journeying
to Salem yesterday where they
hope to “pow-wow” with the gov
ernor and secretary of state con
cerning hunting rights.
“Fed up’’ with "dodging the
law,” the Indians will ask for of
ficial recognition of the 1885
treaty, which would permit hunt
ing the year arofcnd.
Awaiting the Inevitable
With a 62-foot crest on the Ohio
river predicted for Sunday or
Monday, male residents of Cairo,
Illinois, busied themselves yester
day with moving women and chil
dren to higher ground, then set-J
tied down behind their 60-foot
levee topped with a three-foot
bulkhead to await what may come.
Levees and flood reservoirs
along the Mississippi from Cairo
to Arkansas will prove their worth
in the near future when an expect- j
ea crest or reet wm either make
or break them. The total known
dead from the flood stood at 335
last night.
Find Us a Murder!
The wonders of Tacoma’s mod
ern lumber mills and door factories
can't be compared with the lure of
its “kidnap homes’’ in the minds of
111 Ohio retail lumbermen who
visited the city yesterday.
When a reception committee told
with great civic pride their plans
for the day—seeing the world's
greatest door factory and giant
lumber mills—the visitors balked.
(Please turn to page jour)
California Youth
Act Would Help
Needy Students
The California Youth act. to pro
vide educational, vocational, and
employment opportunities to high
school and college students under
25 years of age, was introduced
into the lower house of the Califor.
nia legislature this week. The pas
sage of the bill would mean tripled
government aid to needy students
and fairer distribution of funds.
The bill, as introduced, would set
a minimum wage of S20 a month,
to be distributed on the basis of
need and not of scholastic or ath
letic ability.
Many students, who are not eli
gible for NYA, would be placed on
educational projects. To finance
the necessary projects, a graduated
tax on incomes and inheritances
over $5,000 would be required. The
projects thus established would not
be temporary, but permanent
sources of employment in both
manual and intellectual fields.
The California Youth Act is in
tended to tide over local unem
ployed youth until national action
can be taken.
The latest alphabetical organiza
tion on the Stanford campus is the
CSFTPOSDBIT. or the Collegiate
Society for the Prevention of
Showing Double Bills in Theaters,
Especially Near College Campuses.
The membership is not only gain
ing fast at Stanford but has been
taken up by Vassar.
The president, in a recent letter
to the Stanford Daily, said: “Dou
ble bills ^iave many shortcomings
for entertainment-seeking Ameri
ca. and especially for college stu
dents who use shows as a recrea
tional factor to provide amuse
ment and get one’s mind off stud
ies. The Stanford man frequently
takes a date to help him in this
matter: but alas, the double bills
are so long, he gets out of the show
so late that he must hurry his girl
back to make her 12 o'clock, leav
ing no time at all to go up by the
golf course or explore the wonders
of the cactus garden.”
Students Hear
Beck Describe
Road to Top
Financial Officer Says
Essentials of Success
Arc Honesty, Hard
Work and Integrity
“You can sum up success with
the perpetual practice of these
three words —work, honesty, and
integrity," emphasized Cameron
Beck, personnel director of the
New York stock exchange, as he
spoke to a student body assembly
in Gerlinger, Thursday morning.
“Keep an eye on the man who
ranks behind you, look at the one
just ahead of you, and take occa
sional glances at the one in the
mirror if you wish to go upward in
the business world,” Mr. Cameron
advised. "And if you can't grow,
Stresses Use of Intelligence
Using as his topic, “Leadership
for Tomorrow,” the financial of
ficial stressed building of intelli
gence and character, and the ap
plication of each to the common
tasks of life.
“Employers find that the hardest
job is not to get men with this in
telligence and character, but to
find men who not only have it but
use it continually to help them
selves. Workers are divided into
three classes, the increasing num
(Please turn to page four)
Treat fim Royalty
Girls, He May Be
King of the Hop
Is your best boy friend tear-,
ing around the campus with a
funny look in his eyes ? Does he
glance in every mirror and speak
to all the girls he meets ? Has
he started wearing a clean shirt
every day? Don't be alarmed.
He’s probably getting in trim
for the King of Hearts contest,
directed by the YWCA.
Come valentine’s weekend, the
most popular man on the cam
pus, according to Oregon coeds,
will'be crowned King of Hearts
and will rule over the Heart Hop,
a girl-dates-boy affair. Two
“knaves” will complete the royal
A committee, headed by Mar
ionbeth Wolfenden, has under
taken the task of selecting the
eight most prominent men on the
campus. From this list, which
will be announced soon, women
students will elect one man for
“King.” Voting will take place
a few days before the dance.
Sea Scene Used
In Tonight’s Ball
C!o'l nine Prizes and Special
Numbers Offered Witli
Beaux Arts Dance
With a great deal of pomp anc
ceremony, Davy Jones' locker wil
be thrown open for inspection a;
masked dancers prepare to glidf
through sea weed tonight at th<
Beaux-Arts ball.
Stuart Mockford, general chair
man, said, "The decorations have
been done c'omple'tely by the arl
students and promise to be more
elaborate and unusual than those
of the past two years. Four-hun
dred feet of paper that is 10 feet
wide is completely covered with
mermaids, fish, and other denizens
of the deep. The ceiling is, to be a
mass of sea weed and spotlights
will reflect the glory of the sea
Glen Gibson’s orchestra will
play, assisted by Smoky Whitfield
who will sing the lullabies. Jack
Casey, in charge of features, has
secured the Tri Delt trio and Don
Palmblad to sing "Asleep in the
Deep.” A prize dance will also be
one of the main events of the even
There will be a contest for the
best costumed man, woman, and
couple. In addition to this a spe
cial prize will be offered for some
lucky member of the faculty.
Dancers will remain masked until
after the costume prizes are
awarded. Pictures will be taken of
the crowd and individual couples,
the committee have announced,
and will be on sale for 15 cents.
Heads of Houses
Probe Curricula
Number of Oregon Coeds
On Probation Is Larger
Than Last Year
Illness, disinterest, or too many
social activities have increased the
number of University coeds on pro
bation from about 45, last year, to
75, Alice B. Macduff, assistant
dean of women, said Thursday at
the heads of houses meeting in
In cooperation with the dean of
women’s office, the heads of houses
are attempting to work out a
means for raising the coed aca
demic standard of the University.
A curricula committee is already
investigating cultural and voca
tional courses in order to find what
the Oregon women want as well as
“what is good for them.”
Investigation has disclosed the
(Please turn to page three)
Spencer-Hollis ‘Feudin'
To Be Aired at Dance
Thi king will abdicate!
Professor Carlton E. Spencer will not dance in the law school
faculty prize dance!
When asked for a statement concerning his plans, Professor Spen
cer replied, after deep thought, “No, I will not dance the prize dance
I am retiring this term to give the younger men a chance, and they
certainly need it. They have a hard enough time as it is, so I will not
Eugene Gleemen
Program Given
At Salem School
The Eugene Gleemen, headed by
John Stark Evans, professor of
music, sang at the Leslie junior
high school auditorium in Salem
Wednesday night. The concert
under the sponsorship of the Ro
tary club, was given for the bene
fit of the Boy Scouts of Marion
Mrs. Doris Helen Cglkins, harp
ist for the gleemen. played a harp
solo and a harp obligato for a
chorus number. Mark Daniels,
baritone, sang a group of three so.
los and some numbers with the
On the program was the “Ghost
Dance," a native American Indian
song, arranged with an echo quar
tet. The “Hallelujah'1 from Bee
thoven’s “Mount of Olives" was
another of the selections.
The Gleemen will sing in McAr
thur court February 18, and in
Portland February 26.
defend my title won at the last
law school dance.”
Then, he let slip the reason for
his refusal. “And besides) X won’t
compete against this foreign
stuff.” Meaning undoubtedly, that
he knows he would not have a
chance against the new European
steps, promised by acting Dean
Orlando Hollis. Professor Hollis,
when asked for a statement, re
plied that he was thinking of
abandoning his plans to dance.
When told that he was to uphold
the younger faculty members, re
marked, “Well, if there are any
prizes to be won, I'll win them, if
the judging does not involve poli
tics but on merit alone.’’
Asked about his opponent’s
chances, he declared, "no, Profes
sor Spencer will not have a
Although these remarks follow
ed a law school faculty meeting
where it is believed some sinister
plot was hatched, law students
are looking forward to a contest
with both men participating to the
bitter end.
Meanwhile, plans for the term
formal, to be held Saturday at the
(Please turn to page four)
Campus Dance
| To Help Turf
Field Project
Monry-Raisiii" Program
Shoved Into Hands of
Individual Houses;
Danee February 26
i Unconcerned by the interfrater
nity council action tossing the turf
i field movement back into the laps
j of individual' houses, instigators
yesterday made plans for an all
campus dance in Gerlinger hall
February 26 under the direction of
Pete Buren and Margaret Bell, co
■ Interfraternity council members
moved to let the Hayward turfing
program remain under the spon
sorship of individual living organ
izations on the campus, definitely
ending direct interfraternity inter
est in the plan.
Other Plans Made
The Friday night dance in Feb
ruary is one of several proposals in
a program to raise funds for the
turfing project.
Houses, local business men, and
alumni will be asked to contribute.
The all-campus dance will be the
only means the committee will use
in asking direct assistance from
students, Bill Van Dusen, turfing
committee co-chairman, declared
Committees for the dance will
be announced tomorrow by Buren
and Miss Bell.
Sickma Flu Puts
Safety Pitis on
New Members
Sickma Flu social activities
scheduled for this weekend will
■ consist principally of rushing, 1
Clifford Thomas, president of
I he new organization announced
A “Bathrobe Ball'’ will be a
feature of Friday evening, and
Saturday night's highlight will
be the Slipper Shuffle. The Bath
robe Ball, according to Wayne
Harbert, will be strictly formal.
Streamers of bandages will
drape the cement walls of the;
ballroom to lend a festive at
mosphere. Refreshments of
cough syrup highballs will be
served, with aspirin W'afers at
Music will come over indirect
wire from Jeff Beach via KORE.
Wheezes, coughs, and groans of
dancing patients will add to the
musical effects. Girls will be of
ficially pledged Friday night.
Louise Plummer and Jerry
Chessman are the first to wear
the official Sickma Flu safety
Definite arrangements for the
Slipper Shuffle will be announced
later. It will probably be infor
mal, bathrobes being cast aside
to lend an informal atmosphere.
“We have the best set-up of
any frat on the campus,” Herb
Elirsam, rushing chairman said
last night. “We have no mort
gage, as our basement abode was
financed by a WPA project.
Five charming nurses serve all
meals in bed, and there are no
house duties. All one need to do
become initiated is to run a 102
degree temperature," he added.
Colonel Leader Believes
Games9 Sports Take Lead
Over Latin in Importance
‘Training How to Learn’ Is Purpose
Of College, Visitor Avers; English.
American Play Differs Widely
That the physical education and hygiene which one learns at
school is “far and away the most important thing you get in college,”
is the contention of Col. John Leader, loyal friend of Oregon, who is
visiting the campus at present.
“Why whoever heard of any of this Latin and Greek and all that
doing anyone any good?” asked Colonel Leader. “It’s the games and
U of W Professor
Ousted by Regents
Activity in Seattle Politics
And Labor Sympathies
Cause Dismissal •
Charged with political activity
because he is a candidate for the
city council of Seattle, Hugh De
Lacey, youthful professor of the
University of Washington, was de
nied a leave of absence and ousted
Thursday by the board of regents.
A supporter of organized labor,
DeLacey, who filed for the council
position “to fulfill a civic duty . . .
and increase my own scope as a
teacher in the first-hand know
ledge of civic affairs,” was inform
ed by the board that precedent de
manded his expulsion. In three
former cases, the board said, facul
ty members who ran for remun
{Please turn to page four)
sports you get while your’e here
that count. After all. you’re not
learning here- you're simply learn
ing how to learn."
“You know,” said the Colonel.
"I walk down the street here in
Eugene or in Portland and see
some of the young boys who were
here when I was, twenty years ago.
They were students then and
young. But now they're developing
double chins, tummies, they walk
with slouched shoulders.
Exercise Necessary
“I ask them what in the world
they've been doing with them
selves, and why they don’t keep
themselves up physically. They all
say they haven’t the time. They
must take time!”
The method followed in sports
and games in the United States
and England is entirely different,
according to Colonel Leader. In
England, he explained, a man is
chosen captain of a team simply
because of his coaching ability.
“It isn’t a matter of popularity,”
he went on. “it's just that, we don't
appreciate professional coaches.
(Please turn tn page four)
Scene From the Ballet
From one of the numbers in the extensive repertoire of Colonel
W. deBasii’s Monte Carlo Ballet Itusse, the above scene is taken. The J
ballet will present three numbers here February 4, as a feature of
the associated students’ concert program.
Women’s Co-op
Tops List in
Term Grades
Sigma Hall Runs ('lose
Second; AIM nivorsitv
Average Drops .005
From Spring Term
The Women’s Cooperative house
topped fail term grade honors
leading Sigma hall only by .0-4
point. Kiglit men's houses made
grades above the all-university av
erage while IS women's houses
stayed above the demarkation line.
All-university average dropped
005 of a point from last spring
term, announced Clifford Con
stance, assistant registrar, Thurs
Following are the individual
houses and their ranking and
grade point averages:
Women's Cooperative 2.7028
Sigma Hall .2.6006
Alpha Gamma Delta 2.6282
Campbell Cooperative .2.6104
Alpha Hall . 2.5255
Pi Beta Phi .2.5175
Sigma Alpha Mu .2.5061
Sigma Kappa .2.5035
Pi Kappa Alpha .2.5020
WOMEN 2.4725
Canard .2.4305
Kappa Kappa Gamma 2.4271
Delta Gamma .2.4238
Chi Omega .2.4027
(rirci.tr turn to pone four)
$200, Free Jaunt
Await Essayist
Contest Is Backed by New
York Philhellenic Group;
Literary World Judges
A- first prize of $200 and a two
weeks’ visit to New York City
which includes free entertainment
in the metropolis is the reward of
fered some enterprising college
student who turns in the best es
say to the Panhellenic house asso
ciation of New York.
Alt^ollege students are eligible
to send in essays, but these must
be written on one of three sub
jects. Subjects chosen this year
are “Does New York Represent the
American Scene?”, “Is New York
a Vital Part of My Culture?”, and
"Is New York a Place to Launch
a Career?”
Essays will be judged on the
basis of literary value, 50 per cent;
Originality, 25 per cent; composi
tion, 25 per cent.
To make the award a literary
achievement the association has
announced that judges will be
Fannie Hurst, Mary Colum, asso
ciate editor of “Forum,” Lyman
Beecher Stowe, noted lecturer;
Kenyon Nicholson, playwright;
Helen Worden, nationally syndi
cated columnist; Hans V. Kalten
born, well-known radio columnist
and Lila Bell Acheson, editor of
“The Reader’s Digest.”
Second and third prizes will be
cash awards of $25 and $15, re
spectively, and an all-expense stay
(Please turn to pat/e lour)
‘Success’ Tips
Given Students
By Cameron Beck
Before journeying to Portland
Thursday afternoon Cameron Beck,
personnel manager of the New
York stock exchange, talked in
formally to Prof, A, L. Lomax's
marketing class and to business
administration students.
In his talk, which supplemented
the address given in the morning
student body assembly, Mr. Beck
gave students additional axioms to
file in their mental notebooks.
Tips for success which Mr. Beck
illustrated with anecdotes, but of
which he did not claim original
authorship, were:
“What you are going to be, you
are now becoming.” “You get out
of anything just what you put into
it.” “A thing is never good enough
until it cannot be done better.”
“Promotion is nothing that will
ever be given to you in life; you
will have to work for it.”
Duke Ellington Will
Play for Student’s
Concert, Senior Ball
Orchestra Is Offered as ASUO Ticket
Holders* Bonus; Dance Will Follow in
McArthur Court at 9:30
Ladies and gentlemen, the Duke steps out.
Ellington, duke of swingdom in this country and in England,
has been secured by the ASUO as its bonus attraction for a
concert on February 15 in McArthur court, and will play at
the Senior ball the same night. The dance was formerly sched
uled for March 6.
Students will be given free exchange tickets upon presenta
tion of either fall term or winter term ASUO cards. These
tickets may be obtained at McArthur court, announced Ralph
Scliomp, education activities director who was instrumental
Robert Garretson
Plays Piano Recital
Portland, Klamath Falls to
Hoar Concerts by U. of
O. Musician
A solo recital by Robert C.ar
retson, pianist at the University,
will be given February 2, at 8 p.m.,
from the music auditorium.
Mr. Garretson, student of George
Hopkins, professor of piano, will
follow his Eugene recital with a
concert in Klamath Falls, Febru
ary 8, with Richard Hagopian.
February 12 he will give another
solo recital in Portland at the Wo
men’s Club building.
A junior at the University, and
student of piano for 14 years, Mr.
Garretson has had a great deal of
recital experience. While, living in
Portland, where he was graduated
from Grant high school, he was a
member of the Portland junior
symphony orchestra and of the
Portland symphony training or
chestra. He was graduated from
the Ellison-White conservatory of
music and while there studied un
der Mrs. Frances Burke.
Mr. Garretson’s Eugene program
Organ Prelude, G minor.Bach
Pastorale and Capriccio....Scarlatti
Sonata, Opus 81 a. Beethoven
Novelette, F major.Schumann
Nocturne, C sharp minor Chopin
Magic Fire Music (Die
Walkure) .Wagner-Brassin
(Please turn to page four)
in signing: Ellington, now appear
ing at the Paramount theater in
Los Angeles.
Not since the appearance of
Paul Pendarvis last May have stu
dents had the opportunity to dance
to a “big time” band on this cam
pus. Ellington, who is the com
poser of such favorites as "Stormy
| Weather,” Mood Indigo,” "In a
Sentimental Mood,” “Sophisticated
Lady,” and “Solitude,” has been
acclaimed by critics as “having
something more than modern jazz”
in his interpretations of primitive
negro rhythms.
Features Own Numbers
It is these modern classics that
Duke Ellington, will feature in his
regular concert arrangement for
the ASUO appearance, which is an
alternative for Robert Ripley who
was scheduled to appear last term.
This concert Tvill start at 7:30, the
dance following at 9:30.
Schomp stated that holders of
season tickets for the greater ar
tist series will not be admitted on
these tickets. Sale of reserved
seats will begin after the appear
ance of the Ballet Russe on Febru
ary 4.
Henry Minger, chairman for the
dance, said last night that details
of the dance would be announced
Dr. L. F. Beck, assistant profes
sor of the psychology department,
I returned from Portland today fol
I lowing a visit to Dr. Henry Dix
| on’s psychiatric clinic which is
connected with the Portland Medi
cal school. Dr. Beck also attended
his weekly class at the Portland
extension division of the Univer
j sity where he teaches abnormal
Humph! Abe and George
Weren’t So Darn Smart
If your mother wanted you to grow up to be like Abraham Lincoln,
don’t feel too bad, she could have picked a harder task.
Abraham Lincoln and George Washington only had IQ ratings
of 125, according to a compilation read by Dr. L. F. Beck, psychology
professor, to his class in adolescent psychology yesterday. Look where
you would have been if mother had picked someone like John Stuart
Mill and Francis Galton, who held the top of the list with intelligence
quotients of 195 and 200.
Little Johnny Mill learned Greek
at 3, read Plato at 7, spoke Latin
at 8, studied solid geometry and
conic sections at 9, discussed high
er mathematics, astronomy and
philosophy with ease at 10, entered
medical school at 13, and became
the champion of democracy at 15.
The best Americans on record
are Noah Webster with 160 (prob
ably gained extra points on vocab.
ulary), Benjamin Franklin, and i
Thomas Jefferson, both with 145.
Perhaps the hard life demands
it, but the writers as a class rep
resented the highest intellects on
the list, including Voltaire at 170,
Goethe at 190, Macauley at 180,
anad Schiller at 155.
The top of any profession re
quires great ability. Leonardo Da
Vinci, the artist; .Charles Darwin,
scientist; Napoleon Bonaparte, sol
dier; and Ludwig van Beethoven,
musician, all had I.Q.'s of 135.
Average people can still make'
greRt names for themselves. La- j
Fontaine, Cervantes, Francis j
Drake, Copernicus, and Faraday all
had estimated ratings around 105.
The average rating of the rank and
file of American people is between
95 and 110.
To try on our new
Smartly styled
The University Men’s Store