Winter Term Registration Drops to 2718 Sophomores Hold Lead Freshman Follow Up; School of Business Ad Has First Place Registration for winter term exceeds the same term for last year by 11.1 per cent, with 2718 registered this year and 2446 last winter term. New students this term total 174. A decrease in the total this term from fall term of 186 was an nounced by Clifford L. Constance, assistant registrar. BA Leads School Sophomores led the winter term registration with 960. Freshmen number 841. Seniors number 409 and there are 281 juniors. Gradu ate students made the largest gain over last year’s enrollment, with 121 to 33. School of business administra tion leads the schools with 688. Social science is second with 368. Arts and letters total 310. There are 249 journalism majors and 232 allied arts and architecture majors. George Hopkins Will Make Tour Oregon Music* Professor to Accompany Opera Star On Coast George Hopkins, professor of piano, will be accompanist for Goeta Ljunberg, Swedish prima donna soprano of the Metropolitan Opera company on a tour of the west from Mexico to Victoria, B. C. He will also be assistant artist. The tour begins Jan January 12. The tour begins January 12. proximately three weeks duration, will cover Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, and on north to Victoria, B. C. During her tour, Miss Ljunberg will appear in Portland with the Portland Symphony orchestra. Mr. Hopkins left Saturday for Silver City, New Mexico, where the musicians have their first engagement January 12. Miss Ljunberg appeared as guest artist with the San Carlo Opera company at the Paramount theatre in Portland last year in Wagner’s “Lohengrin,” singing in German. Mr. Hopkins, professor of piano here since 1919, has given concerts in twenty-five or more cities of California, Oregon, and Washing ton. He has had several composi tions published by Schirmir and John Church company. Winter Period Whirls With YWCA Activities Major points of interest in the YWCA winter term whirl are n Valentine dance, business girls’ conferences, a brownie sale and a marionette show. To the Valentine's dance co-eds may take the man o’ their choice and pay homage to the King of Hearts who will be selected by campus co-eds. Marionbeth Wolfenden is chairman of the Valentine's dance and will announce her committee this weekend. The business girls conference will take place Saturday and Sun day, February 27 and 28, with delegates from the Portland, Ore gon State and Reed college YWCAs as well as from the Port land blanch of Albany college. Grace Martin who has charge of the conference is being assisted by Gertrude Bellies, Beverely Steele, Vivian Runte and Mrs. Ella T. Edmunson of the • Business and Professional Women's club. During winter term the frosh commission, headed by Bettylou Swart, will have charge of the brownie sale and will cooperate with the YMCA in putting on a marionette show. The proceeds of this show will go into a fund to help send students to Seabeck, YWCA and YMCA winter camp. Yellow and green yarn mascot dogs will be made by members of the sophomore commission to sell at the ORC - Oregon basketball game on Saturday, February 6. In ndriitinn to this the sophomore commission which Dorothy Magpu son heads will have charge of the making and buying of song books for the YMCA and the YWCA. Defending Plii {Continued from t'nne Hirer) Yeomen 18, l*i Haps 10 Starting clowly but finishing strong, the Yeomen tronced PI Kappa Alpha, 18 to 10, in a slow, uninterestering game. Marv Janak, Phi Isap, opened the game with a bit of color and sideline humor when he shot at the Yoemen’s basket on the first play. He missed. At the end of the first quarter, the Pi Kaps were leading, 2 to 1, but Will Gieseke and Len Hufford began hitting the bucket to put the Yoemen in the lead 9 to 2 at the end of the half. The second half was a ding dong battle up and down the floor with the Yeomen always ahead. Hufforti led the winners with 6 points, while each man on the Pi Kappa Alpha team scored 2 points to share scoring honors. Morns Ward stood out on defense for the Pi Kaps. Summary: Yeomen A (18) (10) Pi Kappa Alpha A King, 4 . F. 2. Finke Hufford, 6 F. 2, Olsen Gieseke, 2 C. 2, Janak Fisher, 4 . G . 2, Ward | Elder, 2 .G. 2, Sheppard Carlson. S In the closest game of the after Tuxedo Time Ahead UNIVERSITY TAILORS for New and Uncalled-for Tuxedos Also Rout Service 1128 E. Alder noon, Gamma Hall eased out Sig ma Nu, 10 to 14 with Bc£> Patter son leading the way, scoring 7 points. Sigma Nu led at the helf, 11 to 2, but was unable to maintain the advantage with Pete Thorne and Patterson leading the comeback. Byrle Cass led Sigma Nu with 0 points. The game was loosely played throughout. Summary: Gamma Hall A (16) (14) Sigma Nu A Thorne, 4 .F . 5, Healey Patterson, 7 . F 4, Enders Emmons, 3 .C. Stevens Herzog.G. 6, Cass Helgren, 2 .G. Battleson S.. Hockett S. Guiss Abba Dabba 52, Canard 8 The Abba Dabba's completely squelched Canard Hall 52 to 8 with four men Jacobs, Tingle, Ralph, and Weber—-all equalling or sur passing the total score of the Can ard players. Ralph was high man with 14 points. Abba Dabba A (52) (8) Canard Hall A Jacobs. 8 .F. Alpaugh Hayashi, 0 .F. 2, Tichy Tingle, 8 C. 2, Goding Ralph, 15.G .2, Peterson Marsee, 5 . G. 2, Berger Jacobs, 1 . S Brubaker Weber, 10 .S . Rasmussen Harrison Winston and Kenny Weber led the Delta Tau Delta hoopers to an easy 24-to-14 win over Zeta hall. Willie Torrance topped Zeta with 7 points. Summary: Delts A (24) (14) Zeta Hall A Scruggs, 4 F 1. Holzgang Webber, 8 . F 4, Jonsrud Winston, 6 C. 2. Turner Muser, 4 .G. 7, Torrance Butler .G. Golden Mulligan, 2 .S. Frizzell S Truby FORMAL PROGRAMS we make them of • Celluloid • Leather • Metal • Cloth • Papers Ask us for a new atul unusual design VALLEY PRINTING CO. STATIONERS Phone 470 76 W. Broadway I Fraternity Sweethearts From ten girls in the moving picture, “College Holiday,” these two charmers shown above, brunette Marsha Hunt and blonde Harriete ffuddon were chosen by 76 chapters of Fi Kappa Alpha fraternity as the “dream girls” of the fraternity. Pi Kaps Choose Dream] Girl From Motion Picture Girls, if you feel that some one is giving you the once over, and you suddenly turn to find a man staring at you with a critical eye, it is not because your nose is dirty or that your eyes are blood shot, but because he is comparing you with the newly-selected Pi Kappa Alpha dream girl, Miss Marsha Hunt. In a national poll to pick the ideal college girl in the cast of the motion picture, “College Holiday,” Miss Hunt was selected by the 76 chapters of Pi Kappa Alpha fra ternity as most nearly approximat ing the college man’s ideal. Miss Hunt, a brunette, won by the narrow margin of one vote over Miss Harriet Haddon, a blond. She plays the feminine lead in the picture. Miss Haddon, a dancer in the cast, has been signed to a long term contract as a result of the vote. She was favored by 24 chap ters as against the 25 who picked Miss Hunt. The remaining chap ters scattered their votes between eight other girls in the cast. The test was arranged by Harlan Thompson, supervisor and pro ducer at Paramount, who is a member of the fraternity. A feature of the voting was that both girls found supporters in ev ery section of the country. Neither north, south, middle west nor far west showed a decided preference. Commenting on their selection, a Virginia chapter said, “We picked Marsha Hunt because she's our j idea of a typical college girl. She is a brunette, she seems to have personality, friendliness, charm, and poise; she's attractive and natural. She seems to have every thing that all girls should have— but don't.'' The Oregon chapter does not disagree entirely with the Virginia chapter, but according to the vote cast here, Miss Eleanor Whitney, a dark-eyed beauty, should have won. The local boys who voted for Miss Hunt are bragging a great deal. Sigma Delta Chi Engages Speaker Sheldon F. Saekett, publisher of the new Eugene News has been en gaged as the main speaker on the Sigma Delta Chis’ dinner program, planned for Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock in the College Side. Mr. Sackett, also publisher of the Coos Bay Times at Marshfield and holder of part Interest in the Salem Oregon Statesman, has announced that he will use as his subject lib eral editorial policy, and will also touch upon the newspaper guild and the making over of today’s newspapers. An interpretation of the News editorial policy will be given by Mr. Sackett. Twenty-five members of Sigma Delta Chi, faculty members of the journalism school, and invited guests are expected to attend. Jim Morrison is general chair man. The effect of the maritime strike is being felt on the Oregon cam pus, according to Miss Janet Smith, employment secretary. Jobs which had been promised last term have not materialized and as a result at least 25 students are without work. Any person who has an odd job to offer is urged to call Miss Smith. Oregon Press Group Slated For Sessions School of Journalism Plans Reception for State Newspaper Men Jan. 21, 22, 23 The Oregon school of journalism will be hosts to newsmen of the state during the Oregon Press con ference which will be held on the University campus January 21, 22, and 23. Newspaper men from all parts of Oregon and the west coast states will gather for a general get-together to discuss journalis tic trends and policies, and to hear prominent members of the profes sion express opinions and expe riences in that field. Lars E. Bladine, publisher of the McMinnville Telephone Register and president of the conference during the past year will preside at the various meetings scheduled for the three-day conference. Thursday night has been set aside for a publishers’ round table meet at the Eugene hotel. Friday and Saturday will be taken up with sessions in the Journalism building. A lunch and program has been scheduled for Friday noon, and a banquet in the evening is expected to attract about 125 newspaper folk. The principal speaker for the evening will be Paul C. Smith, executive editor of the San Fran cisco Chronicle. His subject will be “Newspapering on the Fringes of Hell.” Paul C. Smith Speaker Smith is one of the nation’s lead ing journalists, recently distin guishing himself through his edi torial activities during the lettuce strike at Salinas, California. His liberal and courageous attitude at tracted the attention of the New York Nation, which has for the past nine years offered a roster of Americans who “deserve the ap plause of their countrymen." Of these men the Nation says, “In a world in which courage has been at a premium they have been courageous; they have been intelli gent when intelligence was sorely needed; in public affairs, journal ism or the arts they have made a contribution, by a particular act or general behavior, which is worthy of honorable notice.” This year's list, released recent ly, contains the name of Paul C. Smith, described as "the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle who went to Salinas, California, to see for himself in the best editorial tradition what was actually hap pening to the lettuce strikers and wrote a series of plain speaking and vigorous articles entitled “It Did Happen Here.” 'CiutfjiL'i Omjti St#it MERCHANDISE OF MERIT ONLY -PHONE 2700 For Cold, Windy Weather SWEATERS ! 0 $2.95 to $6.95 You women on the campus will appreciate a sweater or two in your wardrobe on these cold, blustery days! The ever-popular sweater and skirt ensemble calls for several changes in gay, bright, warm, practical as well as becoming sweaters. Pull-on and coat sweaters— Genuine hand-knit sweaters Zippered fastenings, button fastenings. Red. blue, wine, brown, green, tail, blaek, rust, navy, grey SECOND FLOOR Aromatic tobaccos from the districts of Xanthi, Cavalla, Smyrna and Sam soun in Turkey and Greece, the to baccos of richest aroma ... blended with Mild ripe home - grown tobaccos — Bright tobacco from the Carolinas, Georgia and Virginia; Burley tobacco from Kentucky and Tennessee; and tobacco from southern Maryland ... and rolled in Champagne Cigarette paper of the finest quality. This paper, specially made for Chesterfield cigarettes, is pure and burns without taste or odor. Copyright 1937, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. For the good things smoking can give you.. d c TrimrcY\ Cr\ ^ ^ ^