THE Firing Line By PAT FRIZZELL “There isn't a thing to it.” With these words Prink Calli son yesterday dismissed rumors that he had been approached with coaching offers by the University of San Francisco. Prink spoke this piece before the report came over the wire that George Malley. line tutor Don. had already been awarded the head coaching job surrendered by Spud Lewis. When news of Malley's selection came buzzing into town, the Calli son-for-San Francisco movement dissolved into a great big laugh. * * * Round after round of speculation about Callison’s chances of stick ing at Oregon next year has been fired around the state in the last week or two. The Webfoots had a sorry sea son, no doubt of that. One bad year, however, doesn’t necessarily cost a coach his job. You can be reasonably certain that Prink will be back at the helm of Oregon's gridiron ship next fall. It’s prac tically a cinch that he’ll be handed another one-year contract. * * * Oregon football can't be any thing but an upgrade. Conference championships, Rose Bowl games, and a few things of that sort may be will-o’-the-wisp dreams of the wildest variety. Undoubtedly they’re a long way in the distance. But you can't resist a feeling of optimism when you look at the way the Webfoots line up for next year. Of course, allowance must be made for flunk-outs .and other in cidentals which are ever cutting holes in rosy prospects. Even with a few cuts, though, Oregon’s pros pective 1937 squad looms as a crew boasting worlds of possibili ty. Only five lettermen graduate, and coming up is that fine crop of freshmen developed by John War ren. * * * Everyone seems agreed that the backfield was the weakest part of the OregGn team which won only two of nine starts in the season just closed. AH right, let's look at next season’s backfield. Starting at quarter, we find both Den Kennedy and Arleigh Bentley eligible again. Helping those let tennen will be Dennis Donovan, the hefty blond boy from Benson Tech, and Ron Husk, the stocky Franklin high lad who works at either quarterback or guard. Then there’s Ernie Robertson, reserve this year. That’s five deep. Halfbacks will be sitting in eaoh other’s laps on the bench. Jimmy Nicholson, Dale Lasselle, and Dave Gammon will all be back, and no less than half a dozen of Warren's freshman behind - the - line main stays will then be sophomores. Little Jay Graybeal, who ought to be heavier a year from now, is just one of several ball packing aces up from the Duckling troupe. There will be Bob Smith, south paw passer from Medford, for right half, and at the same post strength will be added in the person of Bill Rach, who missed most of the past season because of injuries. Two other Smiths, Floyd of North Bend and Robert R. of Grant high in Portland, will also be in the half back swim, and don’t forget shifty Steve Anderson. Also there will be Connie Grabb and Tommy de Freitas. Bob Whitfield, reserve, is still another halfback. Fullbacks? Paul Rowe is the Webfoot Basketeers Resume Drill for Pre-Season Tilts These Four Are Through ;ifost football regulars at both Oregon and Oregon State will be back for another crack at opponents in 1037. The above quartet, two Webfoots and two Beavers, will not. Above, on the left, Is Tommy Swan son,'Oregon State halfback. Bight is Captain Del Bjork, Oregon’s all-American tackle. Betow on the left is fiid Farrar, Oregon center, and on the right is Ed Strack, Oregon State guard. answer to a coach’s prayer. He’s still a bit inexperienced in i.hc in tricacies of American football, for prior to 4his fail he had played only rugby. But watch him de velop. Jean Lacan will return, and so will tali Tom Blackman, although the latter lad may be moved to a halfback position. Frank Emmons, Beaverton ..freshman,., and. ..Cliff Strom, reserve this season, will also be out. Let's glance at the line. There’ll be five lettermen ends- John Yer by. Hank Nilsen. Bud Robertson. Lief Jacobsen, and Chuck Bracher. In Larry Lance and Vic Reginato the Webfoots will have a pair of sophomore wingmen who may beat out the vets. Bob Hinman, reserve who saw some action this fall, will be back, afid Stan Kunzman is a sophomore possibility. That means nine stand out ends. There are still others. Jerry Calhoun, reserve, and Emery Hobbs, Gale Ferris, and Howard Eagle, sophomores, will be around. (Please turn to page four) If you are driving home for Christmas Let us V these important points on your car— If it misses on the pickup: Ignition cables Battery Distributor Valve clearance Spark plugs For safety: Brakes Windshield wiper Defroster GEORGE A. HALTON CO. 12 East 11th Phone 1619 Del Bjork Gains Further Honors On "All” Squads Del Bjork, captain and stand out of Oregon's varsity football team, continues to draw honors. Bjork was named an alternate tackle on the New York Sun’s annual all-American selection. Only one alternate is chosen for each position, so Bjork's rat ing was equivalent to seeond (Please turn to payc four) . Trojans Renew War With Irish This Weekend UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles, Nov. 30.—One of the biggest intersec tional series in college football, the Southern California - Notre Dame gridiron rivalry, will go into its eleventh year Saturday here in the Coliseum. In the ten meetings of Trojans and Irish, the score stands 6 to i for the boys of South Eend. The (Please turn to page four) For Those TERM PAPERS A neat, typewritten piece of work often makes the difference between an trA” and a ''B”. Why lower your grade with sloppy work. Buy or Rent A Royal Portable from the University "CO-OP” Frosh Hoopers Hold Season’s First Workout ^ arren Drives Players Through Workout; No Game Scheduled Till First of Year Coach John Warren's Duckling basketeero started the long grind in earnest last night as they went through numerous calisthenics on the maple boards of McArthur court. Skipper Warren drove his crew of 50 prospects through a stiff workout of almost two hours, and the yearlings will continue the work tonight in the Igloo starting at 7:30. The frosh will alternate with Coach Hobson’s varsity this year between afternoons and eve nings for practices. Emphasize Condition No games are listed for the frosh hoopers until after Christ mas vacation, which will give Coach Warren several weeks in which to round his squad into shape. Practices at present will be confined to building the squad's stamina. During last night’s session they spent some time on the duck walk, and then went through jumping exercises. The Ducklings looked like an army of Mexican jumping beans going through their routine. Drill on Fundamentals Passing and dribbling occupied a portion of the drill, the players gradually getting back their feel of the casaba. This year's hoop slate has not been definitely arranged, although the team will play its annual four game series against Oregon State’s rook team, as usual. The schedule will contain approximately 15 games, five less than played by the '36 Ducklings. From Far and Near Included in last night’s session were candidates from every section of Oregon, as Well as several from out of the state. Washington, Cali fornia, Kansas, and Rhode Island are represented on the frosh squad. Grant high of Portland tops the list of prep schools, having eight out of the 12 former Rose City players in togs. Three Eugene boys are listed on the roster. No man cooks at TAYLOR’S, ad. Send the Emerald to your friends. For 1937 Bob Hinmnn was a reserve end on Oregon’s football squad this fall. Next season the sophomore ter minal guardian is likely to blos som Into a regular. . . Oregon Runners Finish Third Cranford Lylte Loads Ducks At Hill; Vi asliington’s Distance Men Win The University of Oregon cross country runners finished third in the collegiate division of the Hill Military meet held in Portland last Wednesday. Crawford Lyle was the first Oregon runner to cross the finish line of the gruelling race. The University of Washington distance men captured first place. Idaho finished second and Pacific university fourth. Bill O’Neill of Idaho was the first man to cross the finish line. He established a new record of 22 minutes and 54.2 seconds. The old record was 23 minutes and 0.9 seconds. Emerald All-Star Selections Due By Noon Today It’s your last chance, you Mon day morning pickers and choos ers. Today at noon is the deadline for all-coast football selections which will make up the Emer ald’s all-coast squad for 1936. A composite of all-coast elev ens received from readers will make up the Emerald team, to Hobson’s Hoopmen Battle For Positions In Starting Lineup t Corvallis Independents, Led by W. Palniberg. ill Be in Opposition In Season’s Opener Making up for time lost by the Thanksgiving holidays, Oregon’s varsity basketball squad was drill ed long and hard last night by Coach "Hobby” Hobson in prepara tion for its opening pre-season clash Friday night with Wagner's Independents of Corvallis. The game will bo played on McArthur court. Tlie Independents are not the us ual “breather" type of ball club (played in opening games, but a smooth, powerful aggregation, led by Wally Palmberg, ex-Oregon State all-coast forward, who set a new northern division scoring rec ord last year. Palmberg is con sidered to be one of the cleverest ball handlers ever seen in the Northwest. Bergstrom, Folen on Team As team mates, Palmberg will have practically all of the gradu ating members of last year’s Beav er squad. Bob Bergstrom, Cliff Folen, and Wilbur Kidder, all mem bers of the Orange varsity of last year, play for Wagner’s. Complet ing the lineup are Mush Torson, coach of Corvallis high team, Ali and Fred Sandoz, numeral winners on the Rook team of 1936, and El mo Crockett, Who gained all-state honors while playing at Corvallis high. Lewis, Silver Lead In this week’s scrimmages Hob son is trying to pick his opening lineup for Friday’s game. As yet none of the starting positions have been definitely clinched, so a wide I open battle is expected for the f be published later in the week. All you have to do to boost your favorites is write or type your list and mail or bring it to the Emerald sports department. All Pacific coast players, conference or non-conference, are eligible. Subscriptions only $3.00 per year. Philip Morris Contest GROUP PRIZE WINNERS Congratulations to KAPPA ALPHA THETA — SIGMA CHI and ZETA HALL Congratulations to KEN WALKER winner of PHILIP MORRIS CIGARETTES and to Wilbert Moore — Alton Elwcod — Vic Rosenfeld winners of PHILIP MORRIS CIGARETTES Philip Morris & Co. Ltd., Inc., wishes to thank all entrants in their Scorecasting Contest for their valued patronage and participation. P.S. CALL FOR PHILIP MORRIS—America’s finest 15c cigarette. honor of starting in the first game of the season. The combination that has been looking smoothest in practice so far, is composed of Johnny Lewis, and Dave Silver, forwards; Laddie Gale, center, and Ken Purdy and Bill Courtney, guards. Lewis, Silver, Purdy, and Courtney all have had previous varsity experience. Gale, a sophomore, will not be eligible until winter term. Either Ray Jewell or Urgel (Slim) Win termute will draw Hobson’s start ing call at center this weekend. Bob Anet, scrappy sophomore guard from Astoria who was in jured last week in scrimmage, is not yet in condition to practice. Whether or not he will be ready for Friday’s clash is still a ques tion. Leading sophomores in addition to Anet are Wally Johansen, Ford Mullen, Gale Smith, and George Jackson. Wayne Scott, a reserve last year, is a strong candidate for guard. Bob Becker, transfer from Pasadena junior college, is another leading possibility, as is Bill Har combe, letterman in 1935. fWBUmm OPEN THAT OTHER PACKAGE, DAD SAY, THIS TASTES GREAT! RIGHT! THATS WHAT WE SMOKE BACK. AT COLLEGE H YOU YOUNGSTERS pi $ SORE KNOW I 1 M TOBACCO I 1 YOU 6ETI EDGEWORTH JR. MAKES ANY PIPE TASTE (jOOO*-CLEAR DOWN TO THE HEEL!* BECAUSE ITS EXTRA MILD FREE BURNING worth Ready-Rubbed or Hug Slice* If he smokes both a pipe and ciga rette*, get him thia Xmaa pound of Edgeworth Junior— Laminated "Cel lophane'* Xmaa package. Vacuum fresh tins f * m 0 u *1 *■ » m m * WHILE THEY LAST! $1.00 POUCH FOR l(b * t ' * oml a white paraffin wrapper from a tin of Edge worth Jr. IN YOUR COLLEGE COLORS Wc olTcr you thia $1.00 English Type Folding l*oucli in KepCloth with ltubheri*cd Liner for only 10^ and one wrapper to persuade you to try Edgeworth Jr. Buy a tilt today. Send the inside wrap per and your dime together with this coupon, or print your name, college and address on the wrap per— we will send your pouch im meuiuteiy. Only one , to u cus \ turner. ~\ SPECIAL ^ OFFER Vljru§ & Bro. Co., Richmond, Va. 'Enclosed find 10c and ouc inside white paraffin wrapper from a tin of Edgeworth Jr., for which send me *1.00 value silk tobacco pouch. (Please print) Name .- --■ ...—■ Address ■ ■■■ .. Clij ■ - .. Stale ■ ■ —— COLLEGE Ojffor good for only 30 day*