Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1936, Page Two, Image 2

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Fred W. Colvig, editor Walter R. Vernstrom, manager
LeRoy Mattingly, managing editor
Desk Staff This Issue
Day editor: Elizabeth Stetson
Assistant day editor: Corricne Antrim
Night Staff This Issue
Night editors: Assistants:
Jack Townsend Marge Finnegan
Mary Kay Booth
Peggy Jane Feebler
Brains Plus Service
^A^GAiX through Dean Wayne U. Morse
*■ comes national attention to the law school
and to tin; University of Oregon. In .1932
Dean Morse completed a survey of the Am
erican grand jury system, a work that has
been recognized the most authoritative in its
field. In 1934 Dean Morse was invited to
Attorney General Cummings’ crime confer
ence. And now again the law school dean
brings honor to the University with the invi
tation he has received to assist the attorney
general in compiling and interpreting the na
tional survey of release proceedings.
But, important though his service to the
nation has been. Dean Morse lias not been
without service lo the state of Oregon. Not,
only has he brought the Oregon school of law
to a place where citizens can proudly point
to it as one of the finest in the nation, but
he has in other ways devoted himself to the
welfare of Jiis state and community. His keen
intelligence and fainnindedness, for instance,
have made him successful in mediating in
some of the most difficult labor controver
sies which Oregon lias experienced. And his
constant service to the city of Eugene needn’t
even he mentioned.
Dean Morse—no matter what they may say
of the brain trust idea—is our conception of
what a university professor should be. To
tlie highest degree lie combines a fine aca
demic mind with practical good-citizenship.
Smug as a Bug in a Rug
. selfish men so tightly bound
into labor unions that they have lost the
power of right and individual thinking
are causing much more trouble and grief
than even the righting of their small woes
can ever assuage.”
Wo gasped when we read the Oregon State
Barometer's smug comment on the coast,-wise
maritime strike, quoted above. We gasped
not because wo believe the right to he entirely
on the side of the strikers. For, until the
issues of the maritime controversy become
more eleai- than they now are, both sides may
he presumed to have something of right and
wrong in their contentions.
* * *
’yy'UAT amazed us was that, relying upon
the same channels of information that
serves us, who are still in the dark as to the
justice of the ease, the Barometer should so
oracularly pass its verdict against labor.
Mil her the Solomon that proa ides over the
editorial destinies of the OS(' paper is pres
cient in a way that we may never hope to
equal, or lie is exhibiting a prejudice that
scorns every journalistic tradition, a tradition
which in the hands of a student journalist,
incidentally, should In* tIk* purest of the purig
(Editor’s note: Not in recent years has the issue
of academic freedom been brought so clearly to the
point as it has in Yale's dismissal of Jerome Davis,
associate professor of the divinity school. Liberal
journals and prominent thinkers have raised a
cry that is heard the nation wide. This article by
Lou Wasserman, which appeared last week in the
UCLA Daily Bruin, is a very spirited presentation
of the controversy.)
T>ROFESSOR Jerome Davis has just been kicked
out of Yale Divinity School. Or, to put it less
inelegantly, Professor Davis’ contract will not be
renewed at the end of this year.
The principal reason given in a statement by
President Angell of Yale was that Jerome Davis
“did not possess those qualities of scholarship,
judgment and poise which we justly expect in
members of our professorial staff.” This will come
as a startling surprise to those who know Dr.
Davis as the president of the Eastern Sociological
Society, the author of “Contemporary Social Move
ments,” “Capitalism and Its Culture,” and a dozen
other important publications - all of them widely
commended by the nation’s scholars.
No doubt this harsh indictment will also come
as a rude shock to the Institute of Social and
Religious Research, which in 1931 found that Dr.
Davis’ course in Christianity and Social Progress
was awarded first place ranking by the students
of Yale Divinity School.
• * *
WT is unnecessary to remain naive about this mat
* ter any longer. The clear facts in the case show
that Professor Davis has been dismissed for rea
sons other than his fitness for the job. What those
reasons are, the authorities are unwilling to admit.
Fortunately, then, the investigation of the facts
has been assumed by a distinguished jury of
Professor Davis’ peers: Drs. Beard of Columbia,
Warne of Illinois, Ross of Wisconsin, and Douglas
of Chicago. The findings of their investigation
constitute a model case history of the denial of
free speech and critical expression in our uni
For Professor Davis is really being dismissed
because he violated the sacred taboos of Capital
ism. The record of his heresies, as gleaned from
the correspondence of President Angell to whom
“Jerome Davis was becoming an increasing nui
sance,” include the following: he denounced the
profit system, assisted in the formation of work
ers' educational classes in New Haven, favored the
trade unions, attacked Samuel Insull, encouraged
action to abolish war, advocated the recognition of
Russia, and invited Senator Nye to speak at Yale.
None of these actions is illegal; yet the plain
fact of the case is that Professor Davis was dis
missed because he dared to exercice his rights as
a citizen.
rpHE least we can do in this matter of academic
■“ freedom is to be honest about it. So long as
schools are supported by private endowments or
governed by wealthy regents, it is foolish to expect
real freedom of speech. For if there are evils in
society and in the industrial system that raised
these men to power, they will not gladly welcome
those who denounce them. "Where your treasure
is, there is your heart also.”
The men in power will, of course, rarely resort
to dismissal; but for every instructor who has
been dismissed from his position, there are a hun
dred who are intimidated into submission, safely
"brought to their senses” in time.
The pressure is too great to withstand. Profes
sors are people, and must live. And so their free
speech has largely become no more than the right
to agree with those who decide what may be said.
KAC11ERS arc universally more radical than
they seem to be. It would be an injustice to
them not to admit that. The trouble is, if a pro
fessor decides ot stick his head out of the ivory
tower, he is liable to get it lopped off. And so,
most of them arc forced to become academic rumi
nants, endlessly regurgitating the cud of con
Some day they may realize that genuine social
value lies not in conformity with what is, but what
ought to be.
Men and
By H. K.
What do you know about the
inter-Ann ilean peace conference at
Buenos Aires?
That President Roosevelt is at
That 'it \mein.in republics are
lie represented.
And, if you are an average man
or woman, that is uhout the extent
of your knowledge on this import
ant event.
The conference record of the
past few years has not been a
dazzling one. Often have well-mean
ing diplomats and experts gather
ed around smooth - top tables to
find solutions for all the world's
problems, with no results other
than a temporary prosperity fur
local hotels.
Mussolini had much supporting
sentiment for his proposed mora
torium on conferences.
Now comes it yet another one.
It may give K1)K a major claim
to history book fame.
It may send him back with
heavy heart and u loss of prestige.
It’s a gamble.
The Big Three
Three topics head the agenda for
the conference.
1. The Monroe doctrine will be
offered to the other 20 republics.
Heretofore we have monopolized
this bit of policy.
2. The American neutrality act
will bo also placed up for sale to
20 buyers. No arms to any bellig
erent, no American money for
loans, no protection for American
traders to belligerents.
3. A tariff reduction policy will
be considered, aiming to make
South and North America an eco
nomic unit, except for Canada.
What chances of success ?
Well, Bill Borah doesn't think
much of it, but maybe you can't
see that as sufficient reason for
its failure.
The extension of the Monroe doc
trine was proposed by lira/il three
years ago at the Montevideo I’an
Amcriean conference. Cordell Hull
thought tilt) time uus not ripe. He
believes if to be ripe mm.
While most of the Batin Ameri
can states send delegates to the
League of Nations the policy of
neutrality will mean some incon
sistency in the event of war. How
ever, Pan-American neutrality may
be practicable.
Hill, The Mull
If any one man eau make the
peace conference a success, that
man is President Roosevelt. His
“Good Neighbor' policy has stimu
lated better relations between the
Americas. It was needed.
For, as recently as 19'.’T feeling
ran high through South America
against the United States. Manuel
Ugarte, in a widely-read diary of
travels through Central and South
American countries, gave a dis
heartening picture of Latin Ameri
ca’s feeling toward us. He advo
cated a repudiation of the Monroe
The Santiago. Chile. Pan-Ameii
can conference in li»23 was a dog
fight. Twenty republics feared eco
nomic absorption by one great
That fear has been allayed by
! I 'DK.
the “Inter-American conference
for the maintenance of peace" is
modest enough in its objectives to
be worth watching closely, for it
has a chance of success. No at
tempt will lie made to include the
world and company in a peace plan.
The opportunity will be to set
up a model league in the western
hemisphere. For its own sake, and
as an example to the embattled na
tions on the other side of the
world, a 1’an-American union of 21
nations would be a tremendous
achievement in the building of a
stable peace.
Best regards then, to the Buenos
•Vires Kobtrians.
You’ve got \ ourselves a job.
Mifvs \ otlor MurrU'tl
lit 1 v ilijiht Ort'inonv
Miss Gladys Voder, daughter of i
Mrs. Lila Voder of Eugene, became
the bride of Sterling K. Patterson
of Marshfield, at a ceremony held
at 0:30 o'clock Saturday at the Vo
der home. Dean Victor P. Morris
officiated. Members of the family
and a few intimate friends attend
Miss Yoder, who attended the
University, is secretary to M. H.
Douglass, librarian. Mr. Patter
son also attended the University
where he was affiliated with Beta
Theta Pi
Tune ’er
As a concession to Zollie Vol
chok, earnest plugger of a certain
popular cigaret, we mention the
weed’s show. You’ll find it on
KGW at 8:30 tonight. Piece de
resistance is all about a Limey of
ficer sticking a rod in the ribs of
his crew to save a submarine dur
ing the wall. All right, friend,
how’s for a free carton or so?
(We couldn’t smoke ’em but we
got friends who ain't epicures . . )
And here's a toast—and not
burned at that—for a couple of
smart lads — Amos ’n Andy.
Their show was as dead as the
Oregon campus the last few days
with only a minority listening.
Then, recently, they cut the us
ual business of having no one
but themselves for the roles and
I brought in a few feminine
J voices. Now they’re going far
ther and are going to present a
minstrel show with famous guest
stars. . . . Comes Friday night
at the. usual 8 o’clock and Frank
Parker, one of the best tenors
that ever cracked a tube, will be
first guest. If the idea clicks—
and it should—A ’n’A will have
this type of show every Friday
Phil Harris, Pacific coast big
shot who slipped while back east,
has been signed for another 13
weeks on the Jack Benny show . . .
and you can't tell top-gagger Ben
ny's voice from that of accordian
squeezer Harris . . . Fred Astaire’s
sister, Lady Cavendish, phoned him
the other night from jolly old
England, being worried about his
supposed sickness ... all of which
reminds us that we're sick of pub
licity about the tapster . . . sure,
he’s good, but why throw tons of
hocey at us every mail about him ?
Vic Young, band leader on
Shell Chateau since the show’s
inception, has a vest-coat which
has zippers everywhere possible.
. . . only two like it in the world:
Paul Whitrman’s and King Ed
ward’s . . . Wally probably has
that now, along with the gentle
monarch’s scalp.
People we hate: Staggerers in
from Thanksgiving vacation who
tell us what a whoopin’ good time
they had . . . may their stomachs
ache and their GPAs vanish . . .
Passing Show
(Continued from page one)
Castor Oil Justice
Castor oil or jail—which ? In
troduced into his court only yes
terday by Justice Frank Yuse as
optional punishment for inebriates,
the “penitent's purge" had been a
constant favorite with “topers” un
til Dr. Ralph Hendricks, public af
fairs commissioner, stepped in
with objections.
Doctor Hendricks asserted “the
city health department would be
no party to such sentences.” Spo
kane's police surgeon, C. W. Coun
tryman, had recommended a pint
of oil as the proper corrective
treatment, but admitted he would
rather go to jail.
Munitions Dealer
German buying and selling of
arms and munitions in open viola
tion of the Versailles treaty was
charged by League of Nations of
ficials yesterday.
l'he league s report showed Ger
many's arms imports to be valued
at 215,000 reichsmarks t $80,0001
and exports at 10,340.000 reichs
marks ($4,136,000). Germany's
best customer, the report said, was
Great Britain, whose purchases
amounted to 1,089,000 reichmarks
/thick Mail, FI kite Rot
A pink-eyed albino rat named
Mickey and a 23-year-old negro,
Donald Warfield, both of Seattle,
received a ten-day jail sentence
Warfield, who told the judge he
was taking the rat out for an air
ing and just happened to frighten
a theater cashier when he poked
the little animal through the box
office wicket for her to see, was
jailed on a disorderly conduct
VS omen's Debate Squad
Prepare for Spring Tour
The women's debate squad is
preparing preliminary speeches on
the subject of juvenile delinquency
from the social aspect, for a
planned spring tour.
The women's squad meets every
Monday afternoon at 4 in S. H
Friendly hall. Members are: Earl
een Groblebe. Beulah Chapman,
Virginia Kempston, Louise Land
-trom, Levelle Waistrom, Jean L.ar-j
son, Wilhelmina Gerot, and Lor-'
raine Larsen. Paul K. Kiepe, in-:
truetor in speech and drama, is >
coach. t
Library Moving Begins
With Card Catalogs
First signs of library moving ap
peared Monday when work began
in transferring card catalogs to ’
the new library. Six cases have \
been taken over to be refinished i
and then placed in the library with j
the new cases.
Until permanent moving is com-'
pleted the card's which are taken
i out of their cases will be kept in *
the office. These cards include the ]
shelf lists, office index cards, Ore- j
gonian index cards and three cases
of dictionary files.
Because of the moving, the cloak
room will be closed to the stu
Speech section of the radio class
meets Tuesday afternoon at 3:15
in 218 S. H. Friendly hall.
Phi Beta members and pledges
will meet in the women’s lounge of
Gerlinger hall at 7 p.m., Tuesday
evening, guests at 8 p.m.
Heads of houses meeting this af
ternoon at 4 :30 in the AWS rooms
in Gerlinger.
Wedded Students
(Continued from page one)
now we're plenty busy organizing'
the local TCLACA. Reinhart Knud
sen and his wife, Kathlyn, and my
wife, Edith Mary, and I, are work
ing out the plans."
“With the cooperation of the
more than 100 students who are
eligible for membership in the club,
and their husbands and wives, who
need not be students, we intend to
build up what we hope will be one
of the most vigorous and worth
while groups on the campus. We’ll
make it so much fun that we’ll
have all the students marrying just
to join it,” he concluded.
Meeting Wednesday
An organization meeting will be
held in Gerlinger alumni hall Wed
nesday evening at 7:30 o’clock and
all married students are asked to ;
attend. All married students and
their mates, whether the mate is
a student or not, are eligible for
Following are some statements
by faculty members who are unani
mous in admitting the great po
tentialities of the Two Can Live
As Cheaply Association:
W. F. G. Thacher, professor of j
advertising: "Definitely I approve
of student marriages. In fact, one
of my hobbies has been the encour
aging- of matches among students.
From my own experience I can say j
that student marriages have a fine i
chance of success, and I believe
the married students should be or
C. G. Osborn, assistant profes
sor of history: “I see no reason
why student marriages should not
be successful if the couple is suited
to each other. X believe that a co
operative organization of married
students can be quite valuable and
I am interested in your plans.” Os
born was married while a fresh- !
man at Stanford. When asked
whether his marriage was a suc
cess, Osborn stated,'with a twinkle
in his eye, “You’ll have to ask my '
wife. Anyway I’ve kept my weight
and never regretted marrying in
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel administration: "I approve
of student marriages where the
students concerned are sufficiently
mature to solve the problems of
marriage. There have been many
cases in my experience where a
student has been worth very little
in school until after marriage,
when he develops under the re
sponsibility. makes a wiser selec
tion of activities, and improves his
scholastic standing.”
K. H. Moore, professor of soci
ology: “If the students have reach
ed a degree of emotional maturity,
and the economic problems are
solved for the period of their con
tinued education, I am in favor of 1
student marriages.
“Couples who attend university
have this advantage, that they are
engaged in a common enterprise
which ensures a greater commun
ity of interest in the first years of
married life than is many times,
the case with non-student mar
L. Kenneth Shumaker, supervisor J
jf the English bureau: “Surely.
I'm in favor of your organization
»nd student marriages. I think
you will have a lot of fun and will
accomplish a good deal that will
be of practical value. Marriage
aas a beneficial effect on the stu
lent’s grades."
Get a shake at TVYI.OK'V ad
HEILIG: “Two in a Crowd.”
MCDONALD: “Cain and Mabel”
and “Oar Relation*).”
STATE: “Nobody’s Fool” and
“Timber War.”
REX: “The Big Broadcast of
1937*’ and “13 Maiden Lane.”
MAYFLOWER: “Singing Kid.”
"Two in a Crowd” starring Joel
McCrea and Joan Bennett brings
fun and laughter to the screen of
the Heiiig today. The picture is an
interesting comedy-romance, re
volving around the adventures
made possible by the finding of a
$1000 bill. Horse races, gangsters,
policemen, and many wild compli
cations combine to make this one
of the better pictures showing in
Eugene this season.
"Cain and Mabel” is the feature
attraction at the McDonald. A
story of a waitress made into a
musical show star and that of a
mechanic becoming a champion
prize fighter. Marion Davies and
Clark Gable, who appear to some
to be slipping, carry the lead roles.
“Our Relations,” the accompany
ing attraction finds Laurel and
Hardy again. Rather an idiotic and
non-sensical pair and if brains
were dynamite, we don’t think they
could even blow their noses.
* * *
Edward Everett Horton and
Glenda Farrell carry away the
spotlight in “Nobody’s Fool” at the
State. Horton fools a gang of
crooked real estate operators.
“Timber War” is also on the same
* * *
They are still talking about the
“Big Broadcast of 1937” at the
Rex even though it seems to be
rather a plotless affair. Bob Burns
and Martha Ray having been draw
ing comment, and with such a
number of stars of radio and
screen to pick from, everybody
should be well pleased with it.
Jack Benny, Benny Fields,
Gracie Allen and George Burns,
and Benny Goodman’s swing band
appear in the film. Better than
average for jewel mysteries is “15
Maiden Lane,” the story centered
around the world’s richest jewel
market. Claire Trevor and Cesar
Romero are featured.
Big-mouthed Joe E. Brown and
pretty June Travis at the May
flower in “Earthworm Tractors.”
Joe is a high-powered tractor sales
man with the usual ups and downs
and June is the love interest and is
the daughter of Guy Kibbee, one of
Joe's hardest prospects.
Attorney General
(Continued from page one)
characteristics of persons convicted
of crime.
Dean to Continue Work
Whether or not Dean Morse will
accept the position depends upon
whether he can make satisfactory
arrangements of law school affairs
during his absence. He states that,
if he goes, he will continue to take
care of such administrative mat
ters as will affect the policies of
the law school after his return,
such as the budget, curriculum, and
faculty personnel.
Dean Morse wishes it understood
that his absence, if he accepts the
position, will be temporary only.
If the work can be so arranged, he
would expect to return by the be
ginning of the spring term, but, if
this is not possible, he will be back
by the beginning of the second
term of summer school.
Morse to Collect Books
While in ’Washington, Dean
Morse will endeavor to secure for
collection of all available govern
the law school library a complete
ment documents dealing with legal
matters. Many members of the
Oregon State bar have urged that
an attempt be made to make the
law* school a depository for gov
ernmental documents. Dean Morse
stated that he would do all possible
to make this an accomplished fact.
If he accepts the position, on the
way to Washington Dean Morse
will deliver a paper before the Chi
cago convention of the Association
of American Law Schools.
Dean Morse proposes to leave
his family in Eugene during his
proposed absence as he does not
consider it advisable to move them
to Washington for such a short
Louis Artau, of the University
music faculty, has loaned two or
iginal manuscripts of illuminated
vellum from the Monastery of
Monteserrat dated 1550 to the
school of music. They may be
seen in the Carnegie room in the
music school.
3 Courses Added
To WPA Program
Three new correspondence cours
es have been added to the WPA
program of adult education.
Developing a creative personal
ity is a course designed for young
persons who wish to study the fun
damental factors in personality de
velopment. Arthur Yeomans, grad
uate of the University of Washing
ton, is the author and instructor.
Another course, taught by Miss
Joselyn Foulkes, graduate of St.
Helen’s hall in Portland, is essen
tials of music for listeners. It is
planned to acquaint the student
with fundamentals of music in or
der that he may listen to it with
more discrimination and enjoy
Fundamentals of amateur play
production is offered as an aid to
directors in small communities who
have not had extensive training
or who do not have an abundance
of equipment. The course was writ
ten by Miss Verna Volleau, gradu
ate of the University of Washing
ton, and Miss Madeline Goodall,
an Oregon graduate.
A course now under preparation
is about Oregon trees and shrubs
in winter, which will be a series of
descriptions and drawings of na
tive trees. In order that the sub
ject material may be comprehen
sive in scope, widely scattered ob
servers have been asked to assist
in a preliminary survey of the
trees and shrubs in their own lo
calities. A course of 16 lessons
will be based on the results of
these investigations.
Geology Head Speaks
Of Ore as Cause of War
Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of
the geology and geography depart
ments gave a talk in the war and
peace forum at the Congregational
church Sunday night on ‘‘The Role
of Minerals in Collective Action.”
He said that until the mineral
situation of the world is re-ar
ranged, it will be impossible to
have peace.
Eugene Mothers Plan
Dinner for Wednesday
The annual covered-dish lunch
eon of the Eugene branch of the
Oregon Mother’s club will be in
Gerlinger at 1, December 2.
Mrs. Charles Adams, general
chairman of the social committee
is in charge of the affair with the
sophomore mothers as assistant
hostesses. At the coffee tables,
Mrs. Dan Clark and Mrs. Warren
D. Smith will pour.
In charge of the decorations are
Mrs. N. B. Zane and Mrs. Noland.
The Christmas motif will be car
ried out. An informal program is
planned by Mrs. L. O. Wright and
Mrs. Herman DeVries.
Speakers Named for
Hi-Y Reunion Dec. 10
William S. Chambers, secretary
of the Northwestern area of the
YMCA and H. C. Richter, Metro
politan boys’ work secretary of
Portland YMCA will be guest
speakers at the Hi-Y reunion to be
held Thursday, December 10, from
5:30 to 7:30. They will speak on
continuing high school YMCA rela
E. W. Harding and W. F. Rouse,
Portland YMCA secretaries, and
W. P. Walter of the Eugene YMCA
will also be guests at the dinner.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official
student publication of the University of
Oregon, Eugene, published daily during
the college year exvept Sundays, Mon
days, holidays, examination periods, the
fifth day of December to January 4,
except January 4 to 12, annd March 5
to March 22, March 22 to March 30.
Entered as second-class matter at the
postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscrip
tion rate, $3.00 a year.
Represented by A. J. Norris Hill Co.,
155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 123
W. Madison St., Chicago; 10U4 2nd
Ave.. Seattle; 1031 S. Broadway, Los
Angeles ; Call Building, San Francisc<\
Business Office Assistants
JJean Farrens, Bettylou Swart, Sally
McGrew, Velma Smith, Anne Earnest,
Betty Crider, Margaret Carlton, Dori
DeYoung, Jean Cleveland, Helen Hurst
Janet Fames, Anne Fredricksen, Mig
non Philips, Barbara Espy. Carolina
Howard, Janee Burkett, Louise Plum
mer, Nancy Cleveland.
National Advertising Mgr.Patsy Neal
Assistant: Eleanor Anderson
Circulation Prom. Mgr...Gerald Crisman
Circulation Manager.Frances Olson
Assistant: Jean Rawson
Merchandising Manager.Los Miller
Portland Adv. Mgr.Bill Sanford
Executive Secretary.Caroline Hand
Collection Manager.Reed Swenson
Tuesday Advertising Manager: Gerald
Crisman; Assistants: Wendell Brooks,
Lincoln DeCew, Delbert Harbert,
Velma Smith.
Dr. Fred Miller
Elected to Health
Service Board
Dr. Fred N. Miller, director of
the University health service, was
elected to the executive committee
of the Pacific Coast branch of the
American student health service
association at their convention at
San Jose college, Saturday.
Dr. Miller attended the confer
ence Friday and Saturday with Dr.
Marion G. Hayes, of the health
service, and Paul ri.. Washke, di
rector of the men’s gym. Seventy
seven delegates were present from
Oregon, Washington, California,
and Arizona.
A study of “Problems of Student
Health Service” was presided over
by Dr. Miller, while discussion and
demonstration of tuberculin test
ing was given by Dr. Hayes. .
The trio drove down the coast
highway and returned by the Sac
ramento valley route. They also
saw and crossed the new San Fran
cisco bridge .
YWCA Advisory Board
Entertains Tomorrow
The monthly “at home” tea of
the advisory board of the YWCA
will be held in the bungalow Wed
nesday afternoon, December 2,
from 3:30 to 5:30. Mrs. Marie
Fletcher, ex-Eugene high school
librarian, will be the hostess of
this Christmas tea to which all
townspeople and faculty members
are invited.
Jameson, Parsons Go to
Prison Industries Meet
Samuel H. Jameson, professor of
sociology, and Philip A. Parsons,
head of the sociology department,
went to Salem Monday to attend
a. meeting of the interim commis
sion on prison industries.
Dr. Parsons is planning to go to
Portland from Salem, where he
will attend to his regular duties on
the state planning board.
Xmas Seal Sale
(Continued from page one)
dividuals, and may be purchased
wholly, in part, or returned.
“It is not as ideal a method as
personal solicitation would be,” Mr.
Gard explained, "but is most prac
tical considering the limited funds
available for the drive.”
Appreciation of students’ cooper
ation in speaking on seal programs
on KORE also was expressed by
Mr. Gard.
Go on, Penelope, ask him if he can spare a couple
of those TWENTY GRANDS! ”
^ E CERTIb \ that we have inspect
ed the I urkish and Domestic Tobaccos
blended in TY\ ENTt GRAND cigarettes
and find them as fine in smoking qual
ity as those used in cigarettes costin"
as much as 50% more.
SeiL Pul 1 & Rusby Inc. A^:a!
_ (i/» collaboration uiih tobacco expert)