Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 24, 1936, Image 1

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    1 - . .. -1 1 ..!■■■■ !V
C.artoonist H. Slugg
Pierces Haze, Sees
Happy Hoop Season 1
Passing Show
Embassy Leaves
Juneau's Plight
6Silver Shadow’
p - ■■ ■ - - -«
With reports that insurgent
bombs came dangerously close to
destroying the $500,000 U. S. em
bassy, Washington Sunday ordered
Charge d'Affaires Eric C. Wende
lin and all official American rep
resentatives to evacuate Madrid
and proceed to Valencia under the
protection of U. S. naval vessels.
In the meantime, Spanish So
cialist authorities at Valencia were
accusing Germany and Italy of
aiding the Spanish Fascist fleet
and inferring that the Nazi gov
ernment was responsible for the
torpedoing of the Socialist cruiser
Miguel do Cervantes.
New Deal in the Court
Optimism regarding the supreme
court’s amiability toward the New
Deal was fanned anew yesterday
as the court upheld the constitu
tionality of the New York unem
ployment insurance act.
Administration leaders were par
ticularly enthusiastic over the out
come as the law, similar to acts
already passed in 16 other states,
was formed under the Federal So
cial Security program and in
» formed sources felt that if the!
court reacted similarly on other
pending New Deal cases, the drive
for constitutional amendment
might be balked.
A Landslide for Juneau
With flames following in its de
structive wake, a great landslide
last night rumbled through a por
tion of Juneau, Alaska, leaving
nine persons injured and at least
seven missing.
For 48 hours, rescuers have been
continually working on the 100
foot wide mass, which ranged in
depth from 10 to 40 feet.
How About One for Oregon
So that student's would “stay
off dangerous highways on week
ends,” the University of ,Iowa es
tablished the student - operated
night club, “Silver Shadow,” which
had its formal opening Saturday
University officials were highly ■
pleased with the reception given j
1 the novel innovation, which was
the culmination of a campaign by
the Iowa daily paper.
Russia Was Right
Already strained relations be
tween Russia and Germany were
further endangered yesterday when
Berlin admitted that the Nazi gov
ernment and Japan had come to a
verbal agreement on an Anti-Bol
shevist campaign.
The official announcement sub
stantiated charges made by the
Moscow government last week.
‘Oil's’ Not Well
Refusal to consider the oil work
er£’ syndicate demand for a blan
ket labor contract to govern the
industry, last night left Mexico’s
i oil company executives faced with
a general strike in the great oil
Capital's position in the matter
was taken because the contract
would increase yearly operating
costs about 250,000,000 pesos ($70,
000,000 U. S.) which, the execu
tives said, was about 50,000,000
pesos more than their present an
nual gross revenue.
; ______
Minnesota May
Face Legal Act ion
For Stopping Mail
Legal action against the Univer
sity of Minnesota administration
looms as a result o'f the institu
tion's recent action in stopping
mailed notices of the Progressive j
council, a coalition of the Minne
sota alliance, at the campus post
“The issue is academic freedom,
mailing rights which an individual
possesses shouldn't be forfeited
just because he comes to college,”
a former Progressive party chair
man asserted.
According to the Minnesota
Daily, the suit against the officials
may reach the supreme court.
Flunk Fee No Hardship
The registrar at the University j
of Oklahoma proved statistically
that students with the thinnest
wallets get the most “A’s” when
two state legislators complained
that the $3 “flunking fee” is a
hardship on poor students.
Long's SpeiUMark Falls
Neither Cicero nor the late Huey
(Please turn to page two)
UO Is Liberal But Radicals
Are Found at Washington
And UCLA9 Asserts Dr. Bates
Author Wants Students in Creative,
Not Reeeptive Mood; Believes Classes
Should Question Teachers
“I don't want students to be in a receptive mood, I want them to
be in a creative mood."
Dr. Ernest Sutherland Bates, nationally known author, literary
critic, philosopher and educator—he once headed the department of
rhetoric and American literature in the University has very liberal
ideas on the freedom of expression for students and teachers.
“Students,” he said Sunday as he waited for his train to pull out
for Portland where he is conduct
ing forums for the United States
bureau of education, "should be en
Ivory Tinkler 1
(Courtesy the Kegister-tiuarut
Dean John J. Landsbury of the
scnool or music appeared at the
piano at the orchestra concert last
night. It was the dean’s first cam
pus recital in five years.
Geologists Show
Land Formation
By Erosion Table
The work of 15,000 years in
three days! Century-old can
yons dug out in a single night!
River paths cut in a few hours!
These are only a few of the
marvels accomplished by the
erosion table constructed by the
geology department. An erosion
table is a table covered with va
rious types of dirt and clay, veg
etated with moss, and washed
by the gentle rains of four min
iature sprinklers which are
turned' on almost constantly.
The purpose of the experiment—
to demonstrate stream erosion
(Please turn to page two)
courageu 10 develop meir own ideas
and to contest those of their teach
ers which might not seem to ring
Students Will Lead
“After all,” the well-known edu
cator smiled, “we will be out of the
picture in a few years and the stu
dents of today will take the lead.”
Speaking of liberal trends of
schools on the Pacific coast, Dr.
Bates said, “The University of Ore
gon is a good deal more liberal
than the University of California,
but the students of the University
of California are much more rad
ical than those of Oregon.
As far as students are concerned
the two most radical schools on the
coast are the University of Wash
ington and UCLA, he said.
Bates is Literary
Dr. Bates is what one would ex
pect a literary man, the writer of
best sellers, and one of the best
known book reviewers in New
York to look like. He appeared
with a beret cocked over the side
of his head. His wide set pensive
brown eyes were those of a think
er not a dreamer, and his bit of
(Please turn to page jour)
Service Exams
Given to Eugene
Police, Firemen
A civil service examination for
firemen was given to fifteen appli
cants on the campus Monday.
Herman Kehrli, chief examiner,
and Warren C. Hyde, assistant ex
aminer, were in charge. James D.
Barnett, head of the political
science department, is chairman of
the civil service commission.
Police examinations are being
given to approximately twenty ap
plicants, Tuesday. An agility test,
for both police and firemen, will
be given Wednesday by R. K. Cut
ler, assistant professor of physical
‘Going, Going, Gone> Is
Cry at A TFS Auction
On the old library steps Tuesday from 10 to 11 o’clock, and right
after lunch, Harry McCall, wielding an old-fashioned gavel over an
honest-to-goodness auction stand will conduct a sale of lost and found ■
articles collected in the University depot for several terms past, the
proceeds of which will go to the associated women students. It is ■
rumored Harry will also auction his famous pet lizard “Zioncheck”
for the benefit of the AWS. ,
Two hundred and twenty-six separate pieces of merchandise with i
articles ranging in value from a
pair of white shoestrings to books,
fountain pens, and jewelry, will be
auctioned off to the highest bidder.
It it’s German you’re taking,
and that needed book still hasn’t
arrived at the Co-op, or somehow
you’ve lost the one you just bought,
turn out at 10 o’clock and see if
one of the five to be auctioneered
isn't the one you need.
With Christmas just 33 day3
around the corner, why not shop
early for her gift among the rings,
compacts, bracelets or necklaces to
be sold. He would doubtlessly love
one of the thirteen fountain pens
or ten eversharps that will go over
the table, even though it is second
Included among the books are
English handbooks or revision,
speech texts, English compositions,
French, German, Spanish, and Ital
ian books, English literatures, bi
ology, Shakespeare, nutrition
business principles, a history of
America, college reading prose,
writing and thinking, hygiene, and
physical education, and freshmen
Wearing apparel includes rain
coats, sweaters, jackets, scarfs,
{Please turn to page two')
The Thrust That Failed
(Courtesy the Morning News)
The desperate drive of Jimmy Nicholson fell inehes short of coveted coast conference pay dirt Satur
day. Fading hack to pass, fourth down with the ball on the nine-yard line, Jimmy found eligible re
ceivers covered, and slanting off toward the sidelines, drove through a bevy of Beaver tachlers to stretch
md fall inches from the goal line and the Webfoots’ second round robin score of the year. Throughout the
game the drive of the diminutive Duck back nearly equalized the powerful crunches of State's Joe Gray.
Profs Edge Ahead
Of Co-ed Riflers9
By Shooting Early
Oregon’s faculty rifle team
took an early lead over the
girls’ squad yesterday afternoon
in the first marksmanship com
petition of the term by shooting
their professorial rounds of pow
der and slugs 24 hours before the
markswomen anticipated enter
ing the ROTC range.
Sergeant Harvey Blythe, mili
tary science instructor and
match official, professod reluc
tance in announcing the winners
until Captain Carleton E. Spen
cer and his rifling cohorts have
permitted the feminine shots to
It was considered advisable,
Blythe said, to let the professors
shoot before the girls in order
to prevent possible casualties
that might result from having
both teams in action at the same
Eight “female women,” as
they are “blythely” called in the
ROTC shack, will close the con
test tonight in the barracks rifle
range on Fourteenth avenue.
Complete results of this orig
inal contest will be announced in
tomorrow's paper.
Thanksgiving Treat
Planned for Hospital
Thanksgiving day will be ob
served' at the University hospital
for those patients confined, by
i special dinner, and radio enter
The regular schedule will be
naintained by the nurses of the
second floor, but the dispensary
vill be closed.
November 27, the dispensary
vill open at 8 and remain open
mtil 5. Doctors will be on duty
tom 10 to 12 a.m.
Saturday the dispensary will be
)pen from 8 to 12, and doctors will
>e on duty during these hours.
Prohibition Club
Offers Fellowship
Women Grail Scholarship
Applications Arc Rcaily;
$1,400 to Be Given
Applications for the fellowship
established and rpaintained by the
Women’s Organization for Nation
al Prohibition Reform are now ac
cessible for the coming year, an
announcement from President C.
Valentine Boyer's office Monday
This fellowship was begun by
the reform organization in 1934 for
women graduates who show prom
ise of usefulness in the public ser
vice. Under the terms of this gift,
a fellowship of $1,400 is offered
for a year of graduate study at an
approved college or university, in
one or more of the related fields of
history, economics, government,
and social science. The fellowship
is awarded annually by the faculty
of Barnard college, Columbia uni
versity, not later than May.
To be eligible, the announce
ment reads, a candidate must be
a citizen of the United States, have
received the bachelor’s degree at
the time of application but not
earlier than June, 1931, have
shown special ability in the field
of political science, shown promise
of future usefulness in the public
service, be of good moral charac
ter, and have suitable personal
Heat, Lights Installed
In Rat Shack Addition
Heat and light facilities have
been installed in the addition to
the biological and psychological \
survey group of buildings, which
will be used by Professor Calvin
Hall of the psychology department
to experiment on the inheritance of
emotionality of rats.
Twenty cages have been built
which will house 60 rats. Equip
ment and rats will be moved info
the building during Thanksgiving
vacation. .
Symphony’s String Group
(Courtesy the Register-Guard)
Appearing with the University of Oregon symphony orchestra in the music auditorium last night for
ieir first appearance of the year was the string section, pictured above. The group, with the sym
>hony, will make numerous appearances throughout the rest of the school year.
Tuxes in Order
For First Night
Of Guild Play
A campus “first night,” in the
gala Broadway fashion will
mark the opening performance.,
of "Goodbye Again,” the new
University theatre play, Decem
ber 4, according to plans an
nounced by Horace W, Robinson,
Following the true “first night”
tradition, the audience will be
requested to dress in formal or
semi-formal attire, although this
will not be obligatory. A num
ber of dinner parties are sched
uled before the play and on the
opening night only, the curtain
will be at 8:30 instead of the cus
tomary 8 o’clock.
The first floor of the admin
istration building will be con
verted into a spacious theatre
lobby with ample room to ac
commodate the audience during
the intermissions. Coffee and
cigarettes will be served by
hostesses and every attempt will
be made to give the campus and
Eugene a taste of a real Broad
way opening night hit.
All seats will be reserved at a
uniform price for the first night
on Friday. "Goodbye Again” will
be repeated at two regular per
formances Saturday, December
5, and Tuesday, December 8 at
the regular opening time of 8
R. W. Leighton, professor of ed
ucation, spoke last night at the
regular monthly meeting of Ph
Delta Kappa, men’s honorary edu
cational society. His subject wa;
the criteria for the selection o1
curriculum materials of the secon
dary school level.
Student Activities
Set-Up Is Explained
By Orlando Hollis
Jewett Speakers
J Vie Tonight at 6
Theta Chi House Is Some
Of Annual Tilt; Ei^lit
To Compete for Prizes
The W. F. Jewett after-dinner
speaking contest will take place
this evening at 6 p.m. in the Theta
Chi house.
Avery Combs, Jewett contest
winner of previous years and
prominent campus debater, will
preside ns toastmaster. Judges for
the contest include James H. Gil
bert, dean of social science; S.
Stephenson Smith, professor of
English; and Paul E. Kiepe, in
structor in speech.
Entries are Walter Eschebeck,
David Hoss, Ray Hewitt, Robert
Elliott, Dean Ellis, John Luvaas,
Robert Young and Edwin Robbins.
Speeches are to be approximately
eight minutes long on any sub
topic pertaining to the subject of
“Alma Mater.” Prizes are $25, $15
and $5.
Stiulent Judges
Turn in Choices
Of Best Papers
Student judges who selected the
best four papers in each of the five
divisions of the Oregon high school
press contest today turned their
choices over to the journalism fac
ulty judges who will select the
final winners.
The preliminary judges who se
lected the finalists to be considered
by the faculty judges were chosen
from the journalism honorary, Sig
ma Delta Chi. Erwin Laurence,
Darrel Ellis, Bill Pease, Kenneth
Kirtley, Stanley Robe, Don Cas
ciato, and Reinhart, Knudsen were
members of the judging team. The
papers were chosen for outstand
ing merit in make-up, typography,
news stories, editorials, and adver
tising. The number of entries in
the contest this year more than
doubled that of last year and ne
cessitated more careful considera
tion than formerly.
Faculty judges will announce
Sunday the winners of each of the
five cups which are to be awarded.
Hal Young, recent addition to
the University music faculty, has
joined the University club in Port
land, the Eugene Rotary club and
has accepted an invitation to
pledge Phi Mu Alpha, men’s music
Crowd of 600 Hears
First Symphony Concert
Over 600 persons heard the University of Oregon symphony orches
tra give its opening concert Monday night in the music auditorium.
Dean John J. Lands’oury, at the piano in a campus recital for the
'irst time in five years, played Hiller’s concerto. He was encored before
:he intermission and several times after finishing his group of solos.
Mor than just a recital by a leader in his field was the dean’s per
formance. Having neglected intensive practice for nearly five years,
ie set out less than two months
go to prove the value of intellect
ver muscular coordination in mu
ic. After his concluding group,
he ovation given him surpassed
hat of any other musician who
tas appeared in recital on this
Characterized by effortless exe
ution and sure touch, Dean Lands
•ury's performance was unusual in
hat he resorted to none of the im
tressive motions often used by
The orchestra itself was out
tanding. The overture to Tann
lauser was beautifully presented.
3relude of act I of Lohengrin was
lone to perfection. Particularly
>utstanding was the work of the
tring sections and the wood-winds.
Under the leadership of Director
ilex Underwood, more than 60
>ieces combined forces to make the
jpening an outstanding success,
rheir next appearance will be
nade sometime In the winter term.
Leading the University of Ore
gon symphony orchestra in its first
appearance of the year last night
was Director Rex Underwood.
Atlilotio and Educational
Boards With Student,
Faculty Membership
Hold Key Position
Control Centralized
Extra-Curricular Situation
Report Shows Position,
Importance of Bodies
Complete details of the reorgan
ized student activities set-up were
reported Monday by Prof. Orlando
J. Hollis, member of the educa
tional activities board and chair
man of a sub-committee of the
board which was appointed sever
al months ago to formulate and
illuminate the relationships among
the various branches of the activi
ties structure.
The report, recently adopted by
the educational activities board,
was explained Thursday at a joint
meeting of the educational activi
ties board, the chairman of its
four councils, and the student ex
ecutive committee.
The main feature of the reorgan
ized ASUO is thalj all student ex
tra-curricular activities will be
regulated by the president of the
University through two boards,
the athletic board and the educa
tional activities board, whose poli
cies will be executed by the athlet
ic manager and educational activi
(Please turn to />age two)
Medical Aptitude
Test Given Soon
The medical aptitude test given
by the Association of American
Medical colleges will be held this
year on Friday, December 4, at 2
o’clock. University of Oregon stu
dents will take the test in Deady
Approximately 90 per cent of
the approved medical colleges in
the United States use, this test as
a factor in selecting students'.
Last year, of the 10,671 students
from 624 colleges who took the
examination, 20 were from the
University of Oregon. This year
45 tests have been ordered.
The test attempts to determine
not what a student has learned in
college, but whether he has a rea
sonable ability to take up the study
of medicine.
The papers are sent to Washing
ton, D. C., and there graded ac
cording to a percentile system.
Grades are* issued only to medical
schools. I
A fee of $1 is charged to defray
expenses of the examination. Stu
dents who wish to take it here are
to report to Dr. H. B. Yocom in
Deady hall a few days before the
examination to receive instructions
and pay their fees.
Buy your Suit and
Overcoat Now
ft’s the last week of Eric
Morrell’s Suit and Over
coat event at—
Lowest prices prevail
Future prices will be higher
Old Man Winter is near
Use our Lay-away Plan
Eric Merrell
Where Value Meets Vou at
the Door