Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1936, Image 1

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    Work on Senior Rail
Opens With Naming
Of Committee Heads
Passing Show
Social Security
Flood in Tokyo
Peacemaker Hull
Japanese Invasion
The social security board yester
day launched a broad campaign to
strengthen the social backbone of
the nation. The huge task is to
make approximately 26,000,000 in
dustrial workers acquainted with
the old age pension plan for which
they will receive application blanks
on November 24.
Posters and newsreel explana
tions will be released today. More
than 1,000,000 posters of all classi
fications will be issued before the
campaign closes.
Reservoir Breaks
Three hundred were reported
dead and several hundred missing in
Tokyo yesterday as rescue workers
searched ruined homes and debris
left in the wake of a flood which
was loosed when the banks of a
reservoir in Okita prefecture col
A wall of water from the burst
reservoir, situated on a hill abovs
a miners’ settlement, rushed down
without warning, sweeping every
thing before it.
Setting an Example
“The road to peace is based upon
economic understanding,” Cordell
Hull, United States secretary of
state, speaking at a dinner honor
ing his arrival in Rio De Janiero,
declared last night. Secretary Hull
arrived at the head of the United
States delegation en route to the
Pan-American peace conference in
Buenos Aires of 21 American re
"If we Americans show a will
ingness to ratify the pledges of
peace among us, the people outside
of this hemisphere will not be heed
less of our example,” he said.
The Big Noise
Puget sound cities revelled yes
terday as news of a maritime arm
istice was spread by telephone up
and down the harbor. Seattle was
informed that whistles in Aber
deen were celebrating settlement of
the maritime strike and in Aber
deen, reports said whistles were
being blown in Seattle for the same
An investigatory stage set in,
however, and the whistles “heard”
in both Seattle and Aberdeen were
traced. A ferry whistle had stuck
and the continuous bellowing had
been falsely interpreted.
China Aivakens
Feeling in Shankhai yesterday
reached a high pitch as patriots
called for militant action for the
(Please turn to page two)
Freshmen at a late hour were
again daubbing the senior bench
with paint. Freshmen were made
to suffer last week when seniors
made them clean the bench after
previous violation of the sanctity
of traditional bench.
State Coeds Ask
Right to Scream
Ai Noisy Parade [
Out-numbered two to one, wo
men on the Oregon State college
csmpus have inaugurated a move
for women’s suffrage at the home
coming noise parade which will be
held at Corvallis Fridav night pre
ceding the Oregon-OSC game.
With “Grant the Girls Some
Gab” as their slogan, the State
coeds are demonstrating their
prowess by howling for the right
to add their bit on the din of the
noise festival.
“A man doesn't have a chance
to get a word in edgewise in ordin
ary conversation,” their challenge
declares. “Here’s a chance for
them to show us just what they
can do in a yelling contest against
the weaker sex.”
What Names for a Pipe
Slang has felt the influence of
civilization on the University of
Texas campus, a recent issue of
the Texan says:
Evolution of collegiate language
has in turn pushed the expressions,
snap, breeze, cinch, pushover into
the oral cemetery, the Texan writ
er claims. The more virile term,
“gut” is at present giving way to
the term crip, which the writer de
clares is already stale and worn
All these terms apparently are
or have been applied to courses in
included in the University’s cur
riculum which require a minimum
(Please turn to page four)
Students Want
Touch Football,
Says PE Poll
Only Negative Vote Cast
By Yeomen; 7 Teams
Unanimously in Favor
Of Continuance
The results of the poll conducted
recently by the physical education
department show an overwhelming
I vote to make touch football a regu
lar part of the fall intramural pro
gram, according to figures released
Thursday by Paul R. Washke, di
rector of the men’s gym. A report
of Dr. Fred N. Miller, director of
the health service, on the number
of accidents produced by the games
was included with the results.
Managers of the twenty-four
teams that competed filled out
answers to the questions on num
ber and types of injuries suffered
in organized intramural games, and
the opinions of the team members
as to whether or not touch football
should be included in the program
for next fall. Suggestions for im
provement of the rules and preven
tion of accidents were included in
the replies.
Twenty-four Teams Vite
Only ‘one organization showed
by its vote that the game is not
entirely popular with the contest
ants. The Yeoman manager, Hal
Draper, gave the one negative vote.
Seven teams are unanimously in
(Please turn to page four)
Dr. Lehner Will
Speak at YMCA
Possibilities of American
Cooperative Movement
To Be Explained
Dr. Anthony Lehner, director of
the adult education program of the
cooperative movement in the Uni
ted States, will explain the "Am
erican Possibilities of the Coopera
ative Movement” to students and
townspeople at 7:30 Saturday in
the YM£A hut.
For several years Doctor Lehner
has been devoting his time to the
educational side of the cooperative
movement. He has been brought
to the west coast by the Portland
Public forum under whose aus
pices he is giving a series of lec
tures on the consumers’ coopera
tive movement in Great Britain,
Denmark, and Sweden.
While farming in Indiana, he be
came interested in producers’ and
consumers’ cooperative movements.
Doctor Lehner, who spent the early
part of his life in Germany where
he graduated from the University
of Leipzig, came to the United
States in 1913.
His appearance in Eugene is be
ing made under the sponsorship of
the YMCA and the Lane County
Consumers’ Cooperative league.
Math Honorary Dines,
Orders 4 New Books
Pi Mu Epsilon, mathematics hon
orary, held a dinner Wednesday
evening. Kenneth S. Ghent, E. E.
DeCou and A. F. Moursund of the
mathematics department spoke on
summer experiences and travels.
Four books for the browsing
room of the new library have been
ordered by the organization. They
are “An Invitation to Mathemat
ics" by Arnold Dresden, “A Mathe
matician Explains” by Mayme
Logsden, “New Mathematical Pas
times” by Major P. A. Macmahon
and “Insurance and Annuities from
the Buyer’s Point of View” by E.
C. Harwood and Bion H. Francis.
Dr. Nelson Bossing to
Speak at Church Forum
Dr. Nelson L. Bossing, professor
of education who spent some time
during the past summer studying
the race question in New York
City, will tell of his experiences
at the ten o’clock forum meeting,
at the Community Liberal church
Sunday. The title of his talk is,
“A Trip Through Harlem,” Doctor
Bossing attended meetings addres
sed by Father Divine and will give
his impressions of him.
Limit Size of Football Squad
Of Coast Conference Clubs?
No! Say UO Athletic Heads
Oregon Team Standard Should Equal
Others in Round-Robin Setup, Say
Loeal Pigskin Sport Heads
The ASUO athletic department is decidedly opposed to any plan
attempting: to equalize the strength of the football teams in the Pacific
Coast conference by limiting the number of men on each squad.
It thinks that the present round-robin setup is all right, and that no
attempt should be made to limit the number of players who can take
part in these athletic contests.
“I don't think their should be any criticism,” said Head Coach
Heating Tunnel
Now Being Built
Better Drainage Expected
With Addition of Pipes
To Present System
The new heating tunnel bein;;
constructed on Thirteenth and Uni
versity will be used primarily as
a branch between the present two
main heating tunnels under the
campus, according to F. E. Sea
man, construction foreman for the
heating plant.
Better drainage is expected with
the new addition. New steam heat
ing pipes have been installed to
transfer steam from one main line
to the other.
The connection is being made
between the heating-plant-to-Igloo
line and the heating-plant-to-new
library line.
Construction is being carried on
by the WPA employing 15 men.
Seaman says completion is due in
about two months.
Geese, Evil Omen,
Land Near OSC
Poultry Building
Natural phenomena or human
forces which moved a brown cow
on the Oregon campus Wednes
day night conspired a second
time on the same day to send
advance Oregon emmissaries to
the Corvallis campus.
A pair of Canada geese on
their way southward alighted
near the poultry building at Ore
gon State just before the open
ing of the Oregon wild life con
ference. Their arrival was con
sidered an evil omen on the Cor
vallis campus, interpreted as an
indication that the Oregon Ducks
will take over the campus in
manner similar to the geese at
the Oregon-Oregon State “civil
war” Saturday afternoon.
Others pointed out that' the
geese came in answer to Gov- '
ernor Martin’s statement that
the wild life meeting was open
to all interested.
Sitrma Delta Chi
Initiates Seven
New Members
Seven new members were form
ally initiated into Sigma Delta Chi,
men’s professional journalism so
ciety, at 5 o’clock Wednesday af
ternoon in Gerlinger hall.
Those initiated were: Lloyd
Tupling, Leonard Greenup, Stan
ley Hobson, Gerald Crisman, Rob
ert Pollock, Fulton H. Travis, and
Wayne Harbert. Following the
ceremonies, a banquet was held.
Guests at the banquet were Dean
Eric W. Allen and Arne Rae,
George Turnbull, and Charles Hul
ten, professors of journalism.
J. E. Turnbull of Shelton - Turn
bull - Fuller printing company of
Eugene was also a guest.
An informal talk was made by
Dean Allen on his recent visit to
Yeomen-Orides Dance
Scheduled for Tonight
Yeomen-Orides will hold a dance
Friday evening at 9 o’clock in the
AWS rooms. Ten cents will be
charged for non-members. All
members are asked to bring their
membership cards for admittance
to the dance.
Prince Callison yesterday. “After
all, physical education is for the
benefit of all the students isn't it?
They why should it be limited to a
few? We're going to start drilling,
and W'e're going to be right up
there with the rest of them.”
Shields Says: “No Good”
Gene Shields, the Webfoot line
coach, said: “It wouldn’t make any
difference if you limit each squad.
The big schools would pick their
30 men out of 90. Common sense
tells you it shouldn’t be limited to
25 men. A protest wmuld rise that
it is a specialized game for a few
athletes. The only thing for us to
do is to go out to get just as good
The reason that professional
football teams are limited is that
of the expense in the way of salar
ies paid each player, Shields said.
Bill Hayward, head trainer and
track coach in the athletic depart
ment, said: “Limiting the number
of players in each squad wouldn't
work. Any big school would be
against it.”
Cornell Optimistic
Anson B. Cornell, the ASUO ath
letic manager, was very optimis
tic regarding Oregon's football fu
“It would give Oregon a better
chance to get along wdth a travel
ing squad of about 30 men, but not
many less. A football team play
ing as tough a schedule as we play
in the Pacific coast conference has
to have plenty of men,” he said.
“It looks to me like the best
way is to go out and get ball play
ers,” he continued. “It takes mon
ey, but if you’ve got a winning
team you are quite sure of large
gate receipts. If we asked the
teams in the south to cut down
on their suads in order to meet us
on an equal basis, they would kick
us out of their league.”
Oregon to Be Put Over
The University of Oregon must
be sold to the people of the state
and especially to the high school
students as an educational institu
tion of high rank, declared Mr.
(Please turn to page tivo)
Slave Teaching
Is Hit by Smith |
In ASH Speech
Future of Civil Liberty
Depends on Academic
Freedom in Colleges,
Professor Declares
The future of civil liberties in
he world is dependent upon the
icademic freedom encouraged and
naintained in today's institutions
>f learning, »S. Stephenson Smith, j
professor of English, told the Ore
gon chapter of the American Stu
ient union at last night's regular
meeting in Gerlirger.
“If teaching is done by slaves,
how can the students be free?"
Professor Smith argued. He ex
plained that academic freedom and
rivil liberties were reciprocal in
nature, but was inclined to place
the major emphasis upon the ex
tent of freedom of the professor
to advance his own convictions as
such and of the student to contest
any and all statements presented.
Condemns Speech Sanctity
Professor Smith condemned
sanctity of American speeches
from heckling and vocal opposi
tion, which he said were quite evi
dent at Oxford where he received
a part of his broad education.
Academic freedom, he said, rep
resents a university ideal of long
standing, beginning with Aristotle
and' the Greek school and contin
uing down through western tradi
tion. It is a tradition to follow
truth wherever it leads, forever op
(Plcasc turn to page four)
Truax, Volcliok
Are Neophytes
Of Ad Honorary
Alpha Delta Sigma, advertising
honorary, at its Thursday lunch
eon pledged Zolly Volchok and
Woodrow Truax. The pledge cere
mony was given by Ed Morrow,
president. Initiation for the pledg
es will be held later this term.
Plans for the Krazy Kopy Krawl
Alpha Delta Sigma’s annual dance,
to be held the first Saturday of
winter term, were discussed.
Dick Hill was appointed by Mor
row to give the new pledges their
rerritories that they will have to
rover to sell their sandwich boards,
rhese boards are for the pur
pose of'secerning part of the in
tiation fees. Blocks of advertise
nents are sold to the merchant and
n return they get their ads parad
;d through the business section and
;he campus.
At 35 Pounds—the Champ
(Courtesy the Morning News)
Mrs. Hal Young, left, the pri/.e salmon of the week whieh she
caught last weekend, and Hal Young, instructor of voice who helped
her land the giant fish. On her first fishing trip, Mrs. Young yanked
out a 15-pounder with her opening cast. Then she caught the little
fdllow, only 12 pounds. She climaxed the day with the 35-pounder.
Mr. Young's catch was not reported.
Dateless Males
Attention Please!
Emerald Ads Pay
If any of you men arc look
ing for AWS harvest dance
dates, remember it pays to ad
vertise in the Emerald.
The slogan of every newspaper
is “It pays to advertise," but the !
Emerald can really prove it.
Yesterday evening an envelope
containing SO cents and a small
ad was found on the copy desk.
Taking the SO cents was merely
a matter of form.
The ad announced a senior
meeting at “the new rendez
vous." It appeared on the Em
erald editorial page, only an inch
high. Today one of the topics
of conversation on the campus
was one of mystery.
“Where is the new rendez
Conjectures ran rampant.
Guesses were wild. Emerald ads
Bashful Coeds
Harvest Dance Scheduled
For Saturday Evening in
McArthur Court
In spite of the fact that leap
year is nearly over girls on the
campus have not yet fully awak
ened to the fact that on Saturday
evening they will be given a chance
to respectably ask the man of their
heart, or any man in fact, to be
eescorted by them to the AWS
harvest dance in McArthur court
after the annual civil war in Cor
Chairman Isobelle Miller, direct
ing the girl-date dance for Phi
Theta Upsilon under AWS, warned
bashful women that the time was
getting short, "for after all, you
can't expect to call up a man the
day of the dance,” she said last
An ideal harvest setting, with
a hugo full moon, falling autumn
leaves, cornucopias, better known
as horns of plenty, corn stalks, and
proverbial apples and cider which
will be dispensed from booths dur
ing the dance, have been arranged
by decoration chairman Constance
Kletzer, with the assistance of Lu
cia Davis.
Pledging Report
Not Ready to Go
Before Council
A motion was proposed at the
interfraternity council meeting in
Johnson hall yesterday afternoon
to prohibit fraternities from letting
prospective pledges eat regularly
at the house. The motion remain
ed unadopted when the council ad
journed following a prolonged dis
cussion of the matter.
The committee on deferred
pledging appointed by Ed Reames,
president of the council, to meet
with the committee appointed by
the Oregon dads was not ready to
make a report at the meeting yes
Little Art Gallery Shows
Egyptian Architecture
Now on display in the art school
gallery is an exhibit of photograph
ic plates cn Egyptian architecture,
rhese plates are used by classes
which are studying the Egyptian
period in architecture. The exhibit
will be open about two weeks.
Also on display is the Dorland
Robinson exhibit of 19 paintings
in oil, water color, and pastel, done
by a former student of the Uni
versity who died several years ago.
Thanksgiving Day Will
Eml Pot, Quill Contest
Thanksgiving day is the closing
date of Pot and Quill’s scribbling
contest, Virginia Scoville, presi
dent, said. The $5 prize winner
and other contributors selected for
membership will be made public
at the end of the following week.
Student entries are read anony
mously to members, the president
announced. Contributions may still
be dropped in a box placed just
inside the old library.
-Beat the Beavers’
Is Theme of Rally,
Bonfire and Parade
Care of Campus
Responses Vary
’Keep Off the Grass’ Move
Started by ASUO, AWS
Speakers Groups
Students on the campus started
catching; the swing of the recently
started "stay off the grass” move
ment yesterday, with varied re
sponses meeting the pleas of Uni
versity leaders that more care be
shown toward's Oregon's grounds.
Under the direction of Bob De
Armond, chairman of the ASUO
speaker's committee, men went to
women's liivng groups yesterday
noon and urged that coeds do their
part in refraining from walking
on the grass.
Today the AWS speakers group,
under the leadership of Gladys
Battleson, will call at men’s liv
ing groups at noon and ask the
men to cooperate by using estab
lished campus paths and not
trample the lawns.
As a reminder for staying off
the grass Bertha Shepard, presi
dent of Zeta Tau Alpha, said that
the girls in the sorority had agreed
that fines would be assessed on
any member of their group report
ed walking on the lawns.
YWCA Sophomores
Choose Officers
Dorothy Magnuson was unani
mously elected president of the
sophomore commission Wednesday
by YWCA sophomores. Harriet
Sarazin defeated Margaret Gold
smith for the office of vice-presi
dent, and Frances Olson won over
Catherine Staples in the race for
office of secretary-treasurer.
Installation of both elected and
appointed officers was held Thurs
day evening. Appointed officers
who were installed are Catherine
Callaway, scribbles; Ruth Ketch
urn, social etiquette; Marion De
Koning, religion; Margaret Gold
smith, projects; Catherine Staples,
campus chat; and Hazel Dean,
Girl Reserves.
The frosh and sophomore com
mission cabinet members will hold
a Christmas party December 3.
Yeomen to Sin"
Carols at Revels
The Yeomen glee club elected of
ficers at their meeting Monday
evening and voted to accept the
invitation to sing at the Christmas
Revels if an equal number of girls
volunteer to sing mixed arrange
ments of the Christmas carols with
Donald Fry was elected presi
dent; Elmo Jensen, secretary; |
Robert Struthers, librarian; and
Clarence Elle, arrangements.
The next meeting of the glee |
club will be held in Gerlinger hall j
Monday night at 7 o’clock.
At the regular Yeomen meeting,
last week Harry Hodes was ap- |
pointed chairman of the Christmas
Revels. He will be assisted by Rob
ert Winestone, Robert Fry, Glenn
Smeed, Clarence Elle and Leonard f
Social Science Council
Allots Research Grants |
The social science divisional re
search council allotted a new grant
to John T. Ganoe, professor of his- i
tory, and smaller grants to George !
Tumuli, L. S. Cressman, Mrs. Alice
H. Ernst, Orlando J. Hollis, and H.
D. Sheldon for research projects
in the field of social science.
The program of social science re
search now under way on the cam
pus and the possibilities for enlarg
ing the scope of the program were
Miss Maud Wilson, professor of
physical education, and Milton Nel
son, professor of agricultural eco
nomics, both of Oregon State col
lege, attended the meeting.
Students to Serpentine
Tonight at 6; Bonfire
To Be Built at Corner
Of 14th and Kineaid
Frosli Guard Blaze
OSC Will Burn in Tower
Instead of Effigy; Dance
Follows at Park
Starting at 6 p.m. tonight, three
serpentines will leave different
points around the campus, circle
the men's living organizations and
converge at Fourteenth and Kin
caid to parade around the rally
bonfire. Noel Benson, in charge of
the serpentine, said a rally dance
at Willamette park will start im
mediately after the bonfire.
One line, with Jim Hubbard in
charge, will start at the Beta The
ta Pi house, go to the Chi Psi
lodge, then to the Phi Kappa Psi,
Sigma Nu, and the Kappa Sigma
houses. The second line will start
from the Sigma Phi Epsilon house
and will take the following route:
Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Upsilon,
Sigma Chi, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Men’s Co-op, Sigma Alpha Epsi
lon, and Phi Delta Theta houses.
Lines, lo Join
If on schedule, the first line
should be able to join the second
at the Sigma Chi house. Don
Johnson will be in charge of the
second line.
The third line will start at the
Sigma Alpha Mu house under the
direction of Victor Rosenfeld. Its
(Please turn to page jour)
Profs AreStill
Dateless For
Harvest Hop
"I feel that we really do havei
a chance to go to that dance
now that we've broken, into the
news,” said Paul E. Kiepe as he
viewed the story concerning the
shy instructors desiring dates for
the Harvest dance.
‘‘You know,” he continued, “I
think that if our publicity agent
would just give a truthful de
scription of Mr. Hargis and me
that there would be no doubt of
our getting dozens of bids. This
getting acquainted is really go
ing to be fun.”
Both instructors in speech are
very good company. Donald E.
Hargis is often mistaken for a
student, and tends to the shy
side at first. Mr. Kiepe is very
modest and will probably offer
any date who chooses him, a
chance to make a voice record
ing. He has a very dynamic per
sonality. He is willing to go out
with any except a six-footer.
Mr. Hargis will readily converse
on radio. He is likely to offer
his date an opportunity to talk
over the radio.
— gone to . . .
Eric Morrell
George knows that a bookie
isn’t a small edition of An
thony Adverse, and he picks
a winner when he buyshis
Suit or Overcoat
1 for $16.85, $23.85,
or $26.85
Eric Merrelll
2 Clothes for Men & Boys g