Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 07, 1936, Page Two, Image 2

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Fred W. Colvig. editor Walter R. Vernstrom, manager
LeRoy Mattingly, managing editor
Mildred Blackburne. Darrell Ellis, Howard Kessler. Wayne
Harbert, Dan E. Clark Jr., Victor Dallaire, Charles Paddock
EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Phone 3300 -
Editor, Local 334 ; News Room and Managing Editor, 353.
BUSINESS OFFICE: ASUO of.ices. Phone 3300 Local 237.
Represented by A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New
York City; 123 W. Madison St.. Chicago; 1004 2nd Avc., Seattle;
1031 S. Broadway, Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college
year except Sundays, Monday-, holidays, examination periods, the
fifth day of December to January 4. except January 4 to 12, and
March 5 to March 22, March 22 to March 30. Entered as second
class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rate,
$2.50 a year.
Associate editors: \ lrgima Endicott, Clair Johnson
Lloyd Tupling, assistant man
aging editor
Pat Frizzell, sports editor
Paul Deutschniann. news editor
Ed Robbins, art editor
Robert Pollock, chief night‘cd
Paul Plank, radio editor
Howard Kessler, literary editor
Clare Igoe, women’s editor
Gladys Battleson, society editor
Business Office Assistants
Jean Farrchs, Bettjlnu Swart, Sally McGrow, Velma Smith. Anne
Earnest, Betty t rid' . Margaret Carlton, Doris DeYoung,
Jean Cleveland, Helen Hurst. Janet Kawes, Anne Frcdrickscn,
Mignon Phipps. Barbara Epsy, Caroline Howard, Jane Busket*
Roy Vern«*rom. Rclta Lea Powell, Mary Hopkins, Hazel Dean,
Jane Mirick, Bill Garrett. Bill Pengra, Geanne Eschle, George
Haley, Frances Borden, Rita Wright, Jack Townsend, Patricia
Duggan. Pat Carson, Jean Kawson. Catherine Callaway, Sylvia
Sarlet. Harry Proud loot. Mignon Phipps, Blanche Brown, Ruth
Kctchum. Anna Mae Halverson, Irman Zeller, Russell Espy, Orville
Williams. Kathryn Morrow. Matt Kramer. Beverly Brown, Patricia
Allisc n, Margaret Rankin, Al Branson. Stan Hobson, Peggy Rob
bins, Janet Calavan, Frances McCoy, Theo Prescott.
Parr Aplin. 1. uBe Aiken, Laura Bryant. Morrison Bales,
David Cox, Jean Cramer, Marilyn Dudley, Myra Huber. Stan Hob
son, Da\< IB'-'. Oia May iloldman, Anna May Halverson, Ken
neth Kirtley, Roy Kntidsen. Hubard Kuokka, Doris Lindrgrcn,
Dick Litfm, I'eiker Morris. Alice Nelson, Bill Pengra. Ted Proud
foot, Peggy Robbins, Wilfred Roadman, Ruth Mary Scovel, Kathe
rine Taylor, Roy Vernstrom, Rita Wright.
National Advertising Manager .Patsy Neal
Assistant : Eleanor Anderson
Circulation Promotion Manager.Gerald Crisman
Circulation Manager .Frances Olson
Assistant : Jean Raw son
Merchandising Manager . .Les Miller
Portland Advertising Manager. Bill Sanford
Executive Secretary .Caroline Hand
Collection Manager. . Reed Swenson
Desk tStaff This Issue
Clare Igoe. day editor
Assistant day editor: Beulah Chapman
Dew Evans
Night editors :
Frank Nickerson Bernadine Bowman
College Is Peachy, but.
'YY'UliN John W. Anderson, editor of the
Eugene Morning News, enlled ns up the
other morning to ask how conic all tlit* racket
Wednesday night in the vicinity of the Sacred
Heart hospital, we sensed that he was estab
lishing a prior right. .Just as surely ns an
old-timer miglil have located a claim, Mr.
Anderson was staking out the right of his
editorial column to he first to reprimand the
heedless collegians who shouted and sang at
a late hour almost beneath the windows of
the Eleventh street hospital.
We don’t know exactly what is cricket in
such circumstances, but, inasmuch as Mr.
Anderson failed to deliver bis rebuke in yes
terday’s paper, wo will maintain our for
bearance no longer.
# * #
QO far as we are aware, the Sisters of St.
Joseph, who operate the hospital, have
made no complaint. Jlut certainly their
Christian tolerance must have been strained
that night when the bibulous brothers of some
fraternity Iramped along hearing a hapless,
sheet-enswallied wretch to one of the mill-race
Jl was real college stuff all light, the kind
you tell your kids about when you’re fat and
fifty, hut up in the hospital were almost a
hundred patients who didn’t feel the least
hi1 collegiate. Many of them were so desper
ately beset with the ills to which flesh is heir
that they didn't give a damn if the cup were
ever tilled for dear old blaukety blank.
^JULhl'J i h is pea e I iv ami undoubtedly ilia
camaraderie ot jest and song is a valuulil '
part of higher l«*{ii-uinj>-, hut Ibis extra-cur
ricular frolicking certainly Jias a limit, ami
most sandy t bat t bought loss band of collog
ians Woduosday night was out of bounds.
Wo ’ll bn vo slight regret if tho sisters at
Sacred Heart call the riot squud tho next
We Just Tried to be Helpful
JL week or so ago tho Kmorald very timidly
ottered lhat tho baud might |day a little
swing music once ami a while at tho games
‘‘.syncopated hors d'oeuvre,’’ w e called it -
and we couldn t liave been more thoroughlv
sat on it we fad suggested banging a red
beard on the Pioneer Mother.
.Apparently neither tin students of the 1'ni
versity. the grid fans of Portland, the mem
bers of tlie team, nor the members of the music
school 1 acuity give a hoot for syncopal ion oiidM
tile tallowed t ield. Well, sn be it. Yuli cail'lljjlfl
kill a guy for just trying to be helpful, though
* # #
never realized we’d get such a rise on
of people. It looks as though someoiu
could have told us what a tender subject tin
band is. We just dropped a match and tin
first thing we knew things started popping
lining a musical moron, according to oui
esteemed psych department, we had the goof
sense to stay under the table. But now thal
the battle has died down a bit we feel we cai
safetly mediate.
JT lias been quire a tussle. Rarely before be
any student, nativity been singled out for
siicli eritieisin as the band has undergone tin
last week or two. Much qf the criticism
especially since the snappy exhibition of tin
Washington band last weekend, has had it?
origin in the nettled pride of Oregon student:
that their band could not In' as nattily dress
ed, as well equipped, and as well drilled ar
bands of certain other schools.
# # #
O one has ever erilici/.ed Ilia musical abil
ity of the bandsmen. No one has said
that they don't play as well as any other
group on the coast. Criticism has generally
been directed at their poor appearance. OJ
course new uniforms would help in this re
gard—but clothes don’t make a band. If the
present uniforms were cleaned and pressed
and worn properly there would be a great
New instruments would help, but a little
polish and elbow grease on the horns and ti
little paint on the drums would add much te
their appearance.
Nothing, however, can take the place ol
drill if the band is to cut any sort of figure
at all marching. Bandsmen complain that
other schools give more credit for band prac
tice and drill. Well, possibly it can be ar
ranged so that more credit may be given for
I heir sacrifice of time and effort. Be that a>
it may—it shouldn’t be a drawback even it
additional credit cannot be obtained. Other
activities on the campus call for sacrifices
from loyal student workers. Even this paper
could not be published if its staff were not
willing to give freely of i1s time for no college
credit at all.
t’liinf on, bandsmen, let’s get going and
show them a thing or two.
Campus Comment
(The views aired in this column are not necessarily
expressive of Emerald policy. Communications should be
kept within a limit of 250 words. Courteous restraint should
be observed in reference to personalities. \o unsigned letters
| will be accepted.)
To the Editor: YOU SHOULD TALK:
To who ever is making such a sorry mess of
that column "Freshman Faux Pas” ... I must say,
you certainly do the upperclassmen no honor by
your representation. It indeed appears that you
upper-classmen have more presence of “wind”
than of "mind” when you try to say something.
Quoting yesterday’s paper:
“Inculcate” means to instill or implant
upon the WIND by frequent repetitions or
No more need be said.
Wendell S. Brooks, Jr.
(Editor’s note: There are two sorts of typo
graphical errors: those like “rgh5@& etc." that
don’t make sense, and those that unfortunately ap
pear to make sense. The errant appearance of
“wind” when it should have been "mind" leaves
us at Mr. Brooks’ mercy.)
Five more words in his vocabulary than ho had
as h.college freshman is the gain of the average
college senior, according t the findings of a six
year study of students in Pennsylvania-made under
the direction of the Carnegie Foundation.
The survey, made as a "study of the relation
ot secondary and higher education," was expected
to show the progress made by groups of young
The college senior who knew as much as he
knew as a freshman was almost a rarity, accord
ing to the scores made on objective tests given
these groups every other year. As freshmen they
scored higher in mathematics, English literature
and vocabulary, history and social studies than
they did as seniors.
in intelligence, general science, general culture,
foreign literature ;uut fine arts the senior students
made slight progress.
I lie average senior in six colleges recognized
only til out of 100 words "in familiar usage by
educated people, 00 of which lie hail known four
years before.
"It shows the poverty of undergraduate speech
•uni Indicates a dearth of general reading among
the indent bcd\, John K. Tunis said in a recent
magazine article commenting upon the survey.
Students seemed to gain more knowledge in
small college where athletics played a relatively
small pail, the survey showed. Evidence that ath
letics was responsible, however, was not entirely
conclusive. Fraternity.
Erratic* Bruins
(Continued from paye one)
Jean Lacan, fullback, ami either
Don Kennedy or Arleigh Bentley,
Captain Del Bji rk will lead the
Webfoot line in its attempt to stop
the smashes of the two prize Bruin
backs, young Bill Spalding and
Billy Bob William; Coach Old Bill
Spalding has numerous other elu
sive hacks, and the Ducks may
have a tough time.
The rest of Oregon's starting
forward wall, according to Couch
Callison, will he the same as a
week ago. A probable change is
substitution of Yerby, the sopho
more pass snatcher, for John Eng
strom at left end. Verby is tin; re
ceiving half of the now-fatuous
Gammon-to■ Yet by combination
Joe Huston, guard, and Tom
Blackman, fullback, two Webfoots
who have been out of action for
several weeks with injuries, will
be ready to go this afternoon, but
are likely to see little service.
UCLA has, in additon to u for
midable iu toy of backs, a strong
line Sherman Cliavoor, veteran
center, and Captain George Dick- i
eison. behemoth tackle, are out
Tune ’er
Dopes who listen to symphonys
! instead of football games on Sat
urday afternoon are all excited and
happy over NEC's new program
from 3:35 to 4:00 p. in. on Saddy's
... says one mother, “My young
j daughter after listening to only one
of your programs was able to play
‘March Militaire’ and the 'Minuet'
I—please next week will you give
| us ‘Minnie the Moocher'? My hus
band’s just crazy to hear kick the
gong around.” And a 77-year-old
bachelor reports, “I have thrown
away my cane and am taking fid
dle lessons and I must say it
takes a lot of guts to learn. Please
New that Hon y is hack, the
boys are all gathering to figgor
what Yii’h gonna do . . . one of
the high-brow discussions will be
1 Sunday at 9:S0 ever HOW . . .
you’ll get professors of philoso
phy to soothe the Kcpubs and
profs of political science to
itoem tlie Denies.
Down South, nothing is too gooc
for ’em. They have miilion-dollai
stadiums witli cold cement seats
million-dollar football teams that
always get to the Rose Bowl bul
never any farther, and now Stan
ford has a radio program all ol
its own which is almost million
! dollar. No weak, one-lunged loea:
i outlet for it, no sir. The resources
! of the mighty NBC-Blue network
are at its command once a week
You’ll find it Monday at 9 in the
evening. Guy with a doctor’s de
gree will do the spieling.
Ed Wynn, who’ll you’ll hear
at 9 over KEX tonight, has a new
technique in the presentation of
guest stars . . . instead of letting
’em alone to hold the spot for a
few brief moments, he insists
they play his stooges . . . for ex
ample, when some famous ac
tress plays, say, Ophelia, Eddie
will play Hamlet. Which will
make the high-priced guest tal
ent look like six cents. Nice
Could it be possible that the
country haa Literary Indigestion ?
Full Peace Week
Program Slated
By YW and YM
A mass meeting at the Christian
church on Armistice day, open
house for dads, and election and
installation of officers are planned
for the YWCA program for the
week ending November 14.
The YWCA and YMCA Student
Christian council and the Minis
terial association are planning the
program for Peace week.
“Bury the Dead’’ is to be re
shown Monday and Tuesday even
ings as the opening feature. On
Wednesday, Dr. Anderson will
speak at the Christian church, Eu
gene gleemen will sing.
Magazine Prints Article
By Former Professor
An article entitled "Zero and' the
Calendar,” written by Dr. R. M.
Winger, former professor of math
ematics at the University of Ore
gon and now at the University of
Washington, printed in the Scien
tific Monthly magazine for Octo
ber, 11)36, has been reprinted and
copies have been received by the
mathematics department here.
The article concerns the faults
of tlm western calendar and par
ticularly the omission of the year
zero between E C. and A.D., citing
interesting instances which arise
because of this omission.
Semi the Emerald to your friends.
Subscriptions only $3.00 per year.
to find your lost ar
to get that ride to
Portland for the game.
to see the rest of the
students know that you
can type out their term
papers. . . .
Straw Vote Blew Wrong Way
• ■zzpzz’z^.’iuasusm■»&<
I That the Literary Digest’s presidential straw vote which “elected” Alf M. Landon was almost entirely
inaccurate, is shown by the chart above, prepared by D. D. Gage, associate professor of business admin
istration, R. A. Platt, graduate assistant, and Gage’s statistics class. The Digest’s boll had less than
j percent error in only three states.
Literary Digest Vote Is Close
In Only 3 States. Gaqe Savs
' Resuits of the Literary Digest’s
i straw vote reveal the fact that
only in the cases of Tennessee, Ken
tucky, and North Carolina did the
pell show an error of less than five j
per cent, which is allowable, ac- j
cording to the chart prepared by
D. D. Gage, associate professor of
business administration on the
campus, with the aid of Raymond
A. Platts, graduate student in sta
The chart reveals that in most of |
the southern states the margin of s
error ran between 7.5 per cent to t
12.50 per cent. At the other ex- *
treme, New Hampshire, New Jer- 1
sey, Montana, Wisconsin showed £
errors amounting to more than 27 £
per cent. Massachusetts broke the
record of all in showing a discrep- t
mcy between the straw vote and
he actual vote of 32 per cent. The
ctal percentage of error is 19.3.
Chart Shows Results
The chart, accompanying this
:tcry represents, state by state, of
he results of the Literary Digest
'ote poll with the actual results
>f the election Tuesday.
In making this chart no atten
ion was paid to votes cast for oth
r candidates. Both straw and ac
ual votes, the figures for Landon
,nd Roosevelt were totaled and the
otal divided into the sub-figures
o secure a percentage ratio. The
atio of the straw vote was then
ubtracted from the ratio of the
ctual vote.
A frequency distribution was
hen made by class intervals of
I five per cent. States where the er
ror was small are indicated by
| heavy shading, graduating down to
the light shading where the error
was greatest.
Vote Criticized
The criticism of the. Digest vote
in not revealing the true trend of
public opinion was laid more to
its failure to obtain a random sam
ple of the voting public than to the
possibility of its being too small.
Dr. George Gallop’s “American
Institute of Public Opinion,” with
only 250,000 straw votes returned,
as compared to 2,000,000 out of 10,
000,000 returned to the Digest was
much more accurate.
Inaccuracy in the Digest poll
may be laid to the method of select
(Please turn to page four)
I___ —
Women's debate will be held
Monday at 4 o’clock, in room 13.
S. H. Friendly hall. All members
are urged to come.
All young: people of the different
churches will meet at the First
Christian church, Sunday night at
8:30 to practice music for the Ar
mistice day memorial services to
be held at the same church, Wed
nesday night.
Phi Lambda Theta, education
honorary for women, will meet at
the home of Miss Gertrude Sears,
2092 Agate street, Monday at 8:00
A forum sponsored by Alpha
Kappa Delta, the sociology honor
ary, will be held Monday evening
at 7:30 in Friendly hall, room 13.
Everyone is invited.
Winston Allard, George Corn
■ wall, Harry Hodes, Irwin Buch
I wach, Patrick Cassidy, Edgar Wul
I zen, Emili Ocampo, Robert Piper,
j Catherine Cummings, Jean Raw
j son, Betty Brady, Helen Jones,
Beverly Brown, Gayle Meyer, and
LaVern Littleton are in the in-*
firmary today. Bettylou Swart has
been taken to her home in Portland
for treatment.
Sigma Delta Chi pledges will
meet in the journalism building,
Saturday at 11:50 a.m. to be photo
Yeomen to Fete Champ
Team at Meet Monday
The championship Yeomen touch
football team will be guests at a
brief meeting of the Yeomen Mon
day at 7 p.m. m alumni hall in Ger
linger, according to Howard Lee,
Plans for initiating new mem
bers into the group will be laid,
following which the Yeomen will
join the Orides in their regular
dance practice.
T)ng4 likes to hear
JL/Cl'W about you
It’s Hard to Explain
Things in a Letter
Your paper—
sees all, and prints all about campus life at the University.
The Emerald covers fully the things you want to write
home about!
Your parents are interested in first hand information
about the problems and developments in higher education
as discussed and reported by the students themselves.
Your father is interested in getting the sport dope direct
from a center of collegiate activities—a sport page replete
with action and color and intimacy as regards Pacific
coast athletics. Father and mother will enjoy collegiate
humor that is tangy, crisp and modern. Send it home.
The longer you delay the more issues they will miss—
erald Crisman,
irculation Manager,
Oregon Daily Emerald
Dear Sir:
-o^,Please send a coP>' of the Emerald for (1 year—
■>3.00) (Fall term—$1.25) to the following address^
Address .