Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 07, 1936, Image 1

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Passing Show
President’s Trip
Steel Wages Rise
Alaska Stocks Up
Bandon’s Trouble
Buenos Aires Bound
In order to make a personal ap
pearance at the Inter-American
peace conference, which he initiat
ed, President Roosevelt last night
tentatively scheduled a hurried
voyage to Buenos Aires next
month, according to White House
The president is expected 'to de
liver a ringing denunciation of in
ternational armed conflict and give
added impetus to the conference’s
purpose of abolishing war from
the western hemisphere.
Election Reaction ?
With about 475,000 workers di
rectly affected, several of the na
tion’s largest steel concerns yes
terday voted to raise their pay
scales about 10 per cent, and the
entire industry was expected to
concur with the increased scale af
ter November 16.
for U. S. Steel and Bethlehem
sidiaries alone the increase, on
the basis of 1935 payrolls, was ex
pected to amount to $33,000,000 a
Alaska Anticipates
Alaska, evidently in anticipation
of the nation-wide maritime strike,
had1 stocked up with $2,500,000
more commodities the past two
months than during the same pe
riod a year ago, customs authori
ties revealed yesterday.
According to union officials,
Juneau merchants have ample food
supplies for the pext 60 to 90 days.
Reports further indicated that the
unions stood ready to negotiate
with Alaska shipping lines in the
event of a food shortage.,
Flames Again
“Maybe lightning doesn’t strike
twice, but what about fires?” Ban
don residents are beginning to
The flame-torn community al
most lost its chief remaining in
dustry yesterday when fire threat
ened the destruction of the Moore
Mill and Lumber company. Dam
age was estimated to be slight.
Pensions Planned
With 26,000,000 workers to be
listed under the provisions of the
social security act, government au
thorities yesterday completed plans
to start the gigantic administration
machinery rolling in about ten
The pensions, which will range
from $10 to $85 a month, accord
ing to the earnings of the worker,
will take effect with the taxes
January 1.
Propaganda Stopped
Influences of politics and propa
ganda was banned in France’s
armed forces, as the French sen
ate yesterday passed a resolution
forced by conservatives who op
(Please turn to facie ttcel
Stanford Shows
Shove Ratos Up;
Students Strike
Stanford university and Palo
Alto high school are planning a
boycott of the local theaters. The
Palo Alto theaters recently raised
their rates simply because they
had a monopoly. The schools will
be striking for student rates of 25
They are considering striking
also for the death of the double
bill and the return of Mickey
Take Stock, Students
“Today's undergraduate is alert,
sophisticated, in-on-the-know, in
telligent, clever, cynical, sure. He
is not burdened with a sense of hu
mor, he entertains self-pity, he
thinks the world owes him a living,
he is understandably apprehensive,
he is tempted to drop his piece of
meat for what he sees reflected in
the water. He is not inclined to
properly evaluate the country in
which he has played no pioneering
part. He does not believe in Santa
* Claus,” says Fannie Hurst in pan
ning the undergraduate.
Hats Greet Prof
A group of students on the Has
tings campus was reprimanded se
, verely for leaving the class at ten
minutes after the hour when the
professor failed to appear. The
next day when he met the class he
said, “You could see I was here.
My hat was on the desk.”
The next day the professor
found the room empty but found
a hat on each desk.
Rooters Vacate
Campus to Go to
UCLA Contest
Special Rally Train Off
To Portland at 8:45;
Many Also Expected to
Go in Cars
Following the advance guard of
Oregon rooters who left the cam
pus yesterday via trains, cars, and
the open road, several hundred
more enthusiastic Webfoots are ex
pected to head for the UCLA con
test in Portland today.
Today’s special rally train will
leave at 8:45 a.m. Hound trip tick
ets have been reduced for the trip.
Southern Pacific officials an
nounced last night. At least 100
Duck supporters will probably en
Rally Dance Friday Night
The first pre-game rally dance
was held Friday evening at the Up
town dance hall in Portland. Root
ers were admitted at reduced rates.
The Oregon rally committee left
Friday afternoon to complete ar
rangements for the dance and rally
stunts Saturday, before and during
the game,
Cramming Rush
For Mid-Terms
Sets Libe Record
“Thursday we had the largest
circulation we have had for four
years,” declared Willis C. War
ren, reserve librarian, speaking
of the circulation from Condon
Volumes given out numbered
1,622, the greatest number since
January 12, 1932, when 1,827
books were recorded. Approxi
mately 60 per cent of the books
were for students of beginner’s
psychology, backgrounds of so
cial science, or principles of eco
nomics. A quiz in three sections
of beginner’s psychology can ac
count for many of the books,
with the last-minute “cramming”
Thursday was the fourth con
secutive day this week in which
the circulation ran over 1,000,
establishing the record for this
Harry Dutton, graduate of the
school of journalism in 1928, for
merly on the staff of the Eugene
News and later editor of the Lake
County Tribune, is now with the
Weekly Plaindealer at Alturas,
These Bruins Out to Cross Oregon's Goal
i i. -_.—,.v
Jack Montgomery is all up in the air, left, heaving a pass to hi
Uclan teammate, George Robinson, veteran left end, who is likewise of
the ground in the middle picture receiving a pass. (Won if it’s the sam
4 ball.) On the right, triple-threat right half Fred Kunk has booted a
f high spiral clear out of the picture. These three lads will be in there
5 making it tough for Oregon on Multnomah field this afternoon.
Vernon Sprague
Condition Better
Injury Is Fractured Skull
Say Hospital Officials;
Cutler Improved
Condition of Vernon Sprague, in
jured November 4 in an unofficial
football game, was somewhat bet
terf, although he was still irra
tional, it was reported from the
Sacred Heart hospital Friday night.
Sprague’s injury is definitely a
fractured skull, according to hos
pital officials. He will be confined
for an indefinite period.
Russ Cutler, gym instructor, who
received a broken cheekbone dur
ing his touch football class last
Wednesday, was considerably im
proved last night. He expects to be
back to his classes Monday.
Nothing definite could be learned
in regard to the investigation of
the intramural sport by Paul R.
Washke. Indications are that most
accidents have occurred in unregu
lated games.
Old Libe Soon to End
Thirty-Year Service
Thirty years of service for the old libe will be ended winter term,
when the 275,000 volumes composing the Oregon library will be moved
to the new building. This will be the library’s eighth move in its 54
: years of existence.
Built in 1907, the old libe is the only building ever erected on the
! campus as a library. For although the Oregon library has server the
various departments adequately
and conveniently through the years
' it has usually been at the tail-end
of most of the building and devel
oping of the school.
When the University was found
ed in 1876 with one building, Deady
hall, there was a delay about secur
ing a library. Until 1882 the Uni
versity’s only “library” was 500
; books obtained by the Laurean and
Eutaxian, two literary societies on
i the campus.
In that year Henry Villard, pio
neer railway builder of the West,
gave 1,000 worth of books to start
a real library. At first this was
located in Prof. Mark Bailey’s of
fice in Deady hall. Besides teach
ing mathematics and astronomy,
Professor Bailey served as librarian
from 1884 to 1891.
In 1885 the 625 books were
moved to a corner in Villard hall,
remaining there until 1893, when
they were again moved to Deady.
During these years, when Dr.
Charles H. Chapman was president
of the University, $400 annually
was set aside for books and $100
for magazines. Although this is a
very small sum compared with the
thousands spent each year now, Dr.
Chapman wrote at that time that
“One hundred dollars is more than
enough to get all the really desir
able magazines.”
In 1897 and 198 the collection,
composed of almost 4000 books by
this time, was housed in the lower
floor of Prof. George Collier’s home
on the corner of Thirteenth and
University. The building later was
bought by the University and is
now the home of Chancellor Hunt
(Please turn to page jour)
Announcement of Alumni
Secretary Maty Re Made
Next Week, Says Gilbert
A decision on the appointment of traveling alumni secretary will be
forthcoming some time next week, it was reported yesterday by Dean
James H. Gilbert, head of the alumni committee in charge of selection
of a secretary.
Announcements of plans awaits the return and approval of C. Valen
tine Boyer, president of the University, who is out of town at present.
The office of alumni secretary has been vacant since Robert Allen
Legion Asks ROTC
To Parade Nov. 11
Five companies constituting Ore
gon’s military department are
making tentative plans to march
in the Eugene Armistice day par
ade, November 11.
Mark Hathaway, chairman of
the local civic committee, issued
the invitation to enter the march
sponsored by the American Legion.
Definite information regarding ac
ceptance of the drill project has
been suspended pending approval
by President C. Valentine Boyer
who is at present absent from the
Extra Drills Taken
During the past month, class
schedules have been rearranged by
Colonel E. V. D. Murphy, military
science commandant, to provide
cadets with three additional drill
The parade, which has become a
traditional activity of ROTC stu
dents in past years, will be assem
bled at 10 a.m. next Wednesday on
Fifth and Willamette streets. From
this point the line of march will
continue south to Thirteenth, east,
to Oak streets and return to the
Corvallis Accident
Witnesses Sought
By Gilbert Harnden
Two Oregon students who
witnessed an auto aceident in
Corvallis during the past week
end are being sought by Gilbert
A. Harnden of the Eugene
Farmers creamery.
Mr. Harnden wants the testi
mony of the students who were
driving by In a black Hodge se
dan when the accident occurred.
resigned last summer. On October
10 it was reported that efforts were
being made to appoint a new man
by homecoming time, but nothing
was accomplished.
Under the original plan, frater
nities and sororities were to con
tribute $1000 a year to the ex
penses of maintaing a secretary,
the balance to be paid by the alum
ni association.
Fraternities Cause Delay
Failure of the fraternities to ap
prove their $3 50 contributions per
month for each house added to the
delay. Sororities, on the other
hand, announced their 100 percent
support of the contributions over
three weeks ago.
In the opinion of those connected
with the selection of a secretary,
fraternities and sororities will not
be asked for contributions, al
though the way has not been closed
for them to secure material in
regard to incoming students.
Last reports on the situation in
dicated that thirteen or fourteen
applicants were being considered
for the position. The secretary
when appointed will act as a travel
ing contact man for the University,
aiding in intere .ting high school
students in Oregon.
Brown. Oreeon Orarl,
INS MaT'*"'1*' at Seattle
i ]fr'nr1 Rrf)V?r> Or«^n i^nrrol.
O'V'Q /-liir* f o r>f t Vi o (■‘Incrn of 1 Q?0
Vn fbP npw Tntf»T'nQtin^°l Jtfortrci Sor.
tnongfror pf f f lo p nnn^fli n rr
*n wov*I roppiuPrl bv P.POr,'yn Turn.
hull, ru-nfessor of the school of
“MV Prown. who is a roo*-v\her of
*hp Orecon chanters of r>hi Rota
Vanna and Kioma rielfa Phi. scho
lastic and ioornaHstic societies. has
been with the United Press for
two years as assistant, first in the
Salem office and later at Seattle.
Call for Coeds;
Bashful Lawyer
Still Needs Date
Girls, girls! Where are all
those girls? Surely, out of all
the comely coeds in this Univer
sity, one must want a date with
a handsome young law school
A whole day has slipped by
with earnest law students an
xiously awaiting the first clat
ter of high heels on the vener
able stone steps of the law
school, and—no clatter! Now
they're betting 2 to 1 that “X-3"
won’t get a date.
Girls, something must be done
to remedy this awful situation.
Can it be that there is not a girl
in school willing to take a
chance? Think, girls. Haven’t
most of you taken blind dates?
And haven’t most of them been
with a whole lot less assurance
of the character of your prospec
tive escort than the dignity and
reputation of the law school pro
vides? Well then, what’s stop
ping you? It’s still not too late
if you hurry,'
Remember, see Dick Devers at
the law school and ask about
De Arm oriel Lists
ASUO Speakers
_ *
ASUO speakers who will make
announcements in living- organiza
tions on student body affairs, were
named yesterday by Chairman
Robert DeArmond.
Men on the committee are: Sam
Fort, Denton Burdick, James Wells,
Peter Oarrette, Gerald Smith. Clare
Peterson, Barnard Hall, Harold
Haener, Ed Welsh, Stan Hobson.
Frank Drew, John Vannice, Melvin
Shevach, Lute Clement, Dick
Pierce, John Enders, Don Johnson,
and Wayne Harbert.
The women’s division of the
speaker’s committee is not yet
complete, but selections will soon
be made.
Elizabeth Hughes, former secre
tary of the YWCA at the Univer
sity, is one of the actresses in the
peace pageant to be put on by the
Brooklyn players Armistice night
at Madison Square garden in New
York City.
Erratic Bruins Face
Crack Oregon Line,
New Aerial Attack
Webfoots Picked to Snatcli First Win
In Conference Round-Robin; Ycrby,
Gammon Passing Act Ready
(Emerald Sports Editor)
Oregon's rejuvenated Webfoots, armed with a passing attack
an<l a stone-wall line, laste eonferenee gridiron play again this
afternoon when they roll into action against an up-and-down
Brnin horde from I’CLA in Portland's Multnomah stadium.
Opening kickoff is at 2 p.m.
Prince Clary Callison’s crew, which startled the football world
by holding Washington to a slim 7-to-0 win a week ago, rates
as a slight favorite to down the Bruins. UCLA stumbled before
Low Fare to Berkeley
May Be Given Rooters
For Game Saturday
With prospects of a special
low round-trip train fare to
Berkeley in the offing, the rally
committee is anxious to find
tiovv many students are planning
to attend the California-Oregon
fame at Berkeley next Saturday.
All students intending to fol
low the team art- urged to call
the Southern Pacific ticket of
fice as soon as possible, giving
also the time of departure pre
If 100 rooters go, the low fare
will he assured.
UO Students Attend
Preaching Mission
, Over 30 Representatives of
Religious Groups to Go
Approximately 30 Oregon stu
dents, including at least one from
every campus religious group, left
their classes this weekend to go
to Portland for the national preach
ing mission which began Wednes
Prospects of many more TTniver
sitv renresentatives attending were
o-oorl, for several who went primar
ily for the game Saturday declared
thev would attend some of the ses
sions. Karl W. Onthnnk. dean of
norsonnel. said that “attending the
missions is worth a week of class
A 14-man team, made up of the
world’s greatest, religious leaders,
will nreach at all the meetings. In
cluded are Dr. Stanley E. Jones,
noted missionarv-author of India,
Dr. Warren Hastings of Seattle,
and Miss Muriel Lester, the “Jane
Addams of London."
Over 70 meetings, varying from
ministers' conferences to assem
blies in Portland high schools, Lin
field college, civic groups, women’s
clubs, theaters, and churches, have
been arranged for the four-day
Termed the “greatest interde
nominational plan of evangelism”
ever held in this country, the mis
sion has already reached over half
a million Americans in the appear
ances made in 18 cities. The lead
ers’ goal is at least one million.
The preaching mission idea orig
inated from the belief that religion
has been losing its place in the
social scheme during the transition
from emotional to reasoning re
Dean O. F. Stafford, F. L. Shinn,
A. H. Kunz and R. C. Andrews, all
of the chemistry department, will
attend the monthly meeting of the
Oregon section of the American
Chemical society at Willamette
university at Salem Saturday
Stanford in a tremendous upset
last Saturday, 19 to 6.
For the first time in several sea
sons, the Webfoots are assaulting
their foes through the air. They
began heaving the pigskin last
week when Dave Gammon stepped
into the left half spot and John
Yerby took over left end to snatch
Gammon’s passes. Today more
aerial maneuvers are expected from
the Duck machine.
Oregon Completes Passes
Oregon completed eight passes
against the Huskies, more than
were completed in five previous
games, and all this week in prac
tice Coach Callison has drilled his
team further on overhead plays. To
go with the passes, the Webfoots
have an improved running attack
which promises to make things in
teresting for Bill S p a 1 d i n g’s
UCLA was admitted to the coast
conference in 1928, and every sea
son since, Oregon has played the
Bruins. The Webfoots have copped
the rosy half of the score six times
in eight games.
1932 Game Thriller
The greatest Frank Merriwell
finish in Pacific coast conference
history came in an Oregon-UCLA
contest in Portland in 1932. The
Webfoots were leading, 7 to 6, with
less than a fleeting minute to play,
and the Bruins were cooped up
deep in their own territory. A
sophomore named Ransom (Pants)
Livesay dropped behind his goal
line and heaved a pass to another
sophomore, Mike Frankovitch. The
latter snagged the ball and raced
for a touchdown, scoring after the
final gun had sounded, giving the
UCLAs an amazing 12-to-7 tri
Last fall a strong gang of Bruins
ground the Webfoots into the turf
of the Los Angeles coliseum, 33 to
6. Today Callison’s brigade is out
to avenge that massacre.
With the sensational sophomore
Gammon in the Oregon backfield,
will be Bob Braddock, right half;
(Please turn to pac/c tzen)
Legal Honorary
Banquet Tonight
Phi Delta Phi, law honorary,
will give a banquet Saturday night
for members and their guests be
fore the law school dance. Enter
tainment, the nature of which is to
be a surprise, will be provided.
The banquet will start at 7
o’clock and continue until the clance
at 9:00. Both will be at the Del
Hey cafe.
Dance Plans Complete
Arrangements for the dance have
been completed by Bill Davis and
George Bernie, co-chairmen. Bill
Martin and Tony Yturri are in
charge of the prize dances, Bar
ney Clicks will handle the tickets,
decorations are in the hands of A1
Davis, and Dick Devers heads the
date committee.
Orval Thompson Is in charge of
repeption of the patronesses, and
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