Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 02, 1936, Image 1

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Tackle WSC Trackmen
F rosli
Dunk Sopli in Revenge
NUMBER lift.
Canoe Fete Tickets to Be Placed on Sale Today at ASUO Office, McMorran’s, University Co-op
Ducks Will Attempt
To Break Cougar
Track Jinx Today
Dual Meet Starts at 3,
On Hayward Field;
WSC Won Twice Last
Year by Half Point
The bitter track feud between
the University of Oregon and
Washington State college will
flare again on Hayward field at 3
o'clock today when Karl Schalde
man's northern division champions
from Pullman will attempt again
to conquer Bill Hayward's crack
cinder squad.
For four year the Cougars have
held the spell of the evil one over
their most dreaded opponents, the
Ducks. Twice last year Oregon
was nosed out by Washington
State by no more than a single
WSC Former Winner
In the Oregon-Washington State
dual meet at Pullman last year
one-fifth of a point separated the
tow teams, the score being WSC
65 and three-fifths, and Oregon 65
and two-fifths. At the Northwest
conference meet in Seattle, Wash
ington State made 50 and three
fourths points and Oregon made 49
and three-fourths points. Every
thing indicates that today’s meet
will be equally as close.
Oregon, however, has the edge
today. Even Karl Schaldeman of
WSC concedes the fact, but he
says it Wil be close, whereas the
canny Colonel Bill says that Ore
gon will win if his boys come
through as is expected.
Olympic Possibilities
Both teams will parade Olympic
candidates. Bill Benke, versatile
Washington State junior, is dyna
mite in the sprints, quarter-mile,
low hurdles, and the broadjump.
Today he is expected also to take 1
a lap in the mile relay. However,
a recent leg injury may keep him
out of some of the events.
Oregon’s Bud Shoemake and
“Squeak” Lloyd also are putting in
their plugs toward the Olympic
tryouts. Last year Shoemake ran
the 100-yard dash in 9.5 seconds,
and this year he is one of the
nation’s big threats in the century
and the furlong. Lloyd will com
pete in five events today: the 100,
the 220, the broadjump, the high
jump, and the low hurdles. He is
given a good chance of breaking
Dan Kelley's 20 year record of 24
feet, 3 inches in the broadjump to
day. Last year he jumped 25 feet,
8 and one-half inches.
Others Named
Besides Benke, Washington
State will rely on Jack Orr, 48
second quarter-miler; Harry Net
tleton, half mile; Morris Fiser,
high jump and broad jump; Glen
Taylor, hurdles; Jack Holstine,
javelin; and Dwight Scheyer,
Oregon’s point getters will be
Howie Patterson, 440-yard dash;
Captain George Scharpf and Sam
McGaughey, distances; Marvin
Janak, pole vault and high jump;
and Leonard “Dutch” Holland,
sophomore discus man.
Ralph Colman of Corvallis will
be the starter, and Walter Hum
mel of Eugene will act as meet
Irwin Elder New
Yeomen Prexy
A margin of seven votes elected
Irwin Elder, sophomore in physi
cal education, president of the Ore
gon Yeomen, independent men’s
organization, at the annual Yeo
men elections in Gerlinger hall
Wednesday evening.
Alvin Overgard, junior in busi
ness administration, ran against
Elder. Other officers elected are:
Howard Lee. vice president, Lew
Evans, secretary, and Harold
Strawn, who ran unopposed for
About 42 members attended the
meeting but proxy voting per
mitted 67 votes to be cast.
Howard Ohmart read the newly
proposed constitution, all but the
last section of which was adopted.
Entry List
The entries and the events in
order are as follows:
100-yard dash — WSO, Petti,
chord, Benke; Oregon: Shoe
make, Lloyd, Patterson.
Pole Vault—WSC: Darr; Ore
gon: Janak, Lindgren.
Shot put — WSC: Scheyer,
Campbell; Oregon: F o s k e 11 ,
High jump—WSC: Fiser, Giles;
Oregon: Janak, Lloyd.
Discuss—WSC: Scheyer, Camp
bell; Oregon: Holland, Fos
kett, Berry.
Mile run—WSC: Carriker, Ful
ler; Oregon: Scharpf, Bryant.
440-yard run—WSC: Orr, Benke,
Oregon: Patterson, McDonald.
120-yard high hurdles—WSC:
Taylor, Decker, Willard; Ore
Sinnette, Lacy.
220-yard dash — WSC: Petti
chord, Orr; Oregon: Shoe
make, Lloyd, Freeman.
880-yard run—WSC: Nettleton,
Powell ; Oregon: Miller,
Broadjump — WSC: Holstine,
Greening; Oregon: Lindgrene,
Koskeilo, Janak.
220-yard low hurdles — WSC:
Taylor, Decker, Wi llad,
Benke; Oregon: Lacy, Lind
gren, Lloyd.
2-mile run —. WSC: Scherrer,
Carriker, Fuller; Oregon: Mc
Gaughey, Bryant.
Mile relay — WSC: J*ettichord,
Benke, Orr Nettleton; Ore
g oWf McDonald, Freeman,
Miller, Patterson.
Mother’s Banquet
rickets on Sale
Tickets for the annual Mother's
lay banquet May 9 are now or
sale in the office of the dean o1
nen, Virginia Endicott, student
:hairman, announced yesterday.
The tickets are priced at $1 a
slate and should be ordered in ad
vance to insure reservations foi
:he event.
Chicken, fruit salad, butterec
seas, Parkerhouse rolls, sherbet
ind cake are featured on the menu
it has been revealed.
Hopkins Piano
Recital Slated
For Tuesday
Profits Go to Browsing
Room Fund; Tickets Are
Now on Sale
George Hopkins, professor of
piano at the University school of
music, is making the latest con
tribution to the browsing room
fund for the new library with his
recital to be given Monday eve
ning, May 4, at 8:30 o’clock in the
school of music auditorium.
The concert is doubly signifi
cant in that it is also a feature
of national music week which is
being celebrated May 3 to May 9.
The recital is being sponsored by
Phi Mu Alpha, Mu Phi Alpha, and
Phi Beta, all national music honor
aries. All proceeds from the con
cert will be used to help purchase
the browsing room furnishings.
Repeating Program
Mr. Hopkins is repeating the
program he gave in his recital last
February 17. Selections he will
play include works of the famous
composers Beethoven, Mendels
sohn, Chopin, Gershwin, Liszt,
Guion, and MacDowell. He will
also play an original composition
entitled, “Indian Trail.” Many who
heard the concert last winter will
welcome the chance to repeat this
Willis Warren is in charge of
the ticket sale. Theresa Kelly is
general chairman of the recital,
assisted by Edythe Farr, Hollis
Hoven, William Gresham, Bob Col
lins, and Malcolm Almack.
Admission is 25 cents for stu
dents and 35 cents for adults.
Tickets are on sale at McMorran
and Washburne’s, Gordon’s Dress
Shop, and on the campus at living
organizations and in the library.
Orations May 29
Casteel Announces All
Entrants Must Signify
Intention by May 16
The Failing-Beekman senior or
atorical contest, an annual feature
of commencement exercises, is
scheduled for May 29, John L. Cas
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Crowd Throngs McArthur to
Hear Pendarvis
One of the largest crowds ever
:o assemble at a University of Ore
gon dance jammed the drab con
fines of McArthur court when Paul
Pendarvis and his orchestra swung
nto the melodies opening the an
lual Sigma Delta Chi Jouralism
Tam last night.
Approximately 700 closely
oacked couples milled around the
floor. The large balcony surround
ing the dance floor was well-filled.
Featured on the evening’s pro
gram were ceremonies pledging
seven University journalism maj
ors to Sigma Delta Chi, national
journalism honorary. Those who
received the honor were: Howard
Kessler, LeRoy Mattingly, Gordon
Connelly, Darrel Ellis, Ken Kirt
ley, Marvin Lupton, and Bill Pease.
The special intermission floor
show, featuring Eddie Scope, Mar
jorie Beattie, Jack Pierce, and the
Four Rhythm Rascals, kept on
lookers knotted around the orches
tra platform. The balcony audience
stood in the seats to obtain a
better view of the performers.
One of the finest orchestras to
appear on the campus, Pendarvis’
orchestra received the unanimous
approval of the crowd. Rounds of
prolonged applause followed every
number, as favorites of campus
eds and coeds were played.
Even with special 1 o’clock per
mission granted coeds, listeners
were reluctant to leave after the
last number had been played.
Success of the event was attrib
uted to the efforts of the Sigma
Delta Chi dance committee in
bringing the orchestra to the city.
Under the leadership of Dan E.
Clark II, the committee has been
working out details for the affair
since early last term. The com
mittee was made up of Dan E.
Clark II, chairman, Bob Moore,
Bill Marsh, George Calas, Paul
Conroy, Berk Mathews, Don Cas
ciato, Bill Robinson, and Clinton
They’ll Give Honors to Visiting Mothers of Oregon
Seated in the shade of the old library, these two Eugene mothers are surrounded by the student
eommittee which is arranging activities to attract a record number of “moms” to the campus for Mother’s
day and Junior Weekend, May 8, 9, and 10. Left to right: Bill Marsh, Elinor Stewart, W'ayue Harbert,
Virginia Endieott, Marjorie Smith, Margery Kissling, Mrs. Agnes Beckett, Mrs. Percy Brown, Grace
Peek, and Lucile McBride.
Stan Bromberg
To Announce Fete
Robert Bales, Sophomore,
Wins Post as Alternate;
Ten Compete
Stan Bromberg, senior in busi
ness administartion, was awarded
the position of announcer for the
Canoe Fete, at the culmination of
a contest held yesterday afternoon
at 4 o’clock in Friendly hall.
Bromberg’s full, deep voice won
him the job over 10 other candi
dates. Judges were Prof. W. A.
Dahlberg, of the speech depart
ment, Dave Lowry, chairman of
the Canoe Fete, and Helen Jones,
originator of the theme “Star
Robert Bales, sophomore in
social science, was awarded second
place by the three judges. Bales
will act as alternate and will take
Bromberg’s place in case he is un
able to announce.
The complete continuity for the
fete, including descriptions and in
terpretations of the floats will be
announced by the winner of this
contest. He will also assist in ar
ranging the script. Professor Dahl
berg will coach Bromberg to iron
out some of his present difficulties.
Semi-final eliminations picked
six men: Kessler Cannon, Stan
Bromberg, Max Carter, Robert
Bales, and Dan Clark. Earl Buck
num was also included in the first
eliminations but he did not remain
for the finals.
Music Group Initiates
Tau Delta Delta, underclass
music honorary, initiated Betty
Onthank Tuesday night at a meet
ing in the music building. At this
time it also pledged Grace Eurley.
The organization plans to hold a
picnic May 14 and a tea May 21.
Race Dunking Worth $252.69
Moot Court Decides
The physical injuries and social
disgrace suffered by Harry McCall
when he was millraced by members
of the law school student body,
April 6, were worth only $252.69
which Robert Miller, co-defendant
with Tallant Greenough, must pay,
a jury of 12 prominent students
decided in Judge Orlando J. Hollis’
moot trial court last night.
The plaintiff declared that on
April 6, in accordance with the
long established custom of dunking
newly elected law school student
body officers, the defendants, in
company with other members of
the law school student body mill
raced him at the Anchorage al
though he had not been elected but
merely appointed sergeant-at-arms
by Robert Hunter, then president.
Although he escaped from his
captors in front of Villard hall and
sought refuge in the house of Mrs.
Winifred Simpson, he was recap
tured and forcibly escorted to the
Anchorage and there thrown in.
The violent contact with the cold
water aggravating a sinus disor
der and causing him to lose three
days’ time to say nothing of the
mental anguish caused by having
to disrobe in public. He asked
damages totalling $4,300.
The defense contended that Mc
Call was fully aware of the cus
tom of millracing the officers, and
by accepting the appointment gave
his consent to the affair, “which
was only a game, after all.”
Grant Anderson and Ralph Bai
ley handled the case of the plain
(Please turn to page two)
W'eather Permitting,
Field Trip Will Be
Started Today at 10
Members of the plant classi
fieatlon class and landscaping
classes will leave at 10 o’clock
this morning, if weather per
mits, for a field trip. The trip,
under the direction of F. P.
Sipc, asociate professor of bot
any, will be for the purpose of
studying native plants in the
wild state.
Conference Today
Officers Will Be Installed
At Cedarwood Tavern on
Westminster activities climax
for the year when the entire group
retreats to Cedarwood Tavern on
the McKenzie Saturday afternoon
and evening.
Conference guests will be Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Ross and Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Pattullo, members of
the Westminster board, Rev. and
Mrs. Henry B. McFaidden, director
of church activities of the First
Presbyterian church of Portland,
Betty Walters and Margaret Stev
enson, members of Corvallis West
minster association, and Mrs. Nils
Carlsen of the Westminster cam
pus committee.
The ponference officially opens
Saturday afternoon at 4:00 when
the officers of the various organi
zations will make their annual re
ports. Mr. Ross will speak to the
group in the evening and the
newly elected officers will be in
Frances Mays is in charge of the
Sunday morning worship service
which, if the weather permits, will
be outdoors. H. B. McFadden and
Jim Bryant will speak to the
group on Westminster and its
values. Sunday afternoon has been
left open for recreational activities.
To close the conference, a medita
tion worship service will be called
at 4 :00.
Wesley Students
Attend Convention
Charles Paddock, Carolyn Mc
Noul, and Francisco Tubban left
this morning for Albany, where
they are scheduled to present a
skit called “Cooperation” as part
of the afternoon session of the
Epworth League state convention
Tubban will lead the morning
assembly. The three are represent
ing the Wesley club of the Uni
Schomp Accepts
Portland Position
Assistant Manager Finishes
Active Career Here to
Open New Office
Ralph S. Schomp, assistant
graduate manager, will step into
the position of Portland manager
of the Fenger-Hall Company, Ltd.,
national newspaper representa
tives, about June 15, it was an
nounced yesterday.
Schomp will have a new office
when he takes over his duties, as
the organization will then open its
first Portland offices.
A wide variety of accomplish
ments follow Schomp’s name in
the history of campus activities.
He was active in almost every up
perclass student activity during
the two years preceding his grad
uation in 1935 from the school of
art and architectuer.
He became noted around the
campus for his artistic ability and
was decoration chairman for many
junior and senior dances as well
as doing decorations for other stu
dent body affairs.
(Please turn to par/e two)
Powers to Take
Master’s Exam
Thomas Powers, superintendent
of schools at Monroe, will take the
final examination for his master
of arts degree in education on May
"The Incidence of the School
Taxes on Various Populated
Areas,” is the title of Mr. Powers’
thesis, which was accepted some
time ago. He received his h&che
lor"s degree from Oregon several
years ago.
Peggy Carper Wins
Right to Rule During
Weekend Festivities
Voting Returns
Weekend queen final ballot
Peggy Carper 324
Jayne Bmvemwn 27(5
Irene Schatipp .269
Grace Peek 268
Lucille McBride 249
Helen Jones 197
Jo Skene 196
Starla Parvin .192
Alice Paulding 183
Marjorie Smith .159
Janet Hall 133
Arlene Olnvstead . 86
Here for Mothers
To Be Provided
Mothers desiring transportation
from Portland to Eugene and re
turn for Junior Weekend can re
ceive information by contacting
Mrs. E. C. Peets at 2737 N. E.
Tillamook, Portland, Oregon, or
telephoning GArfield 1439.
A notice from the executive
board of the University of Oregon
Mothers club announced that many
Eugene homes will be hosts to vis
iting mothers, and rooms can' be
had at a very nominal sum.
Jean Burnett’s
Engagement Told
At a large formal dinner at the
Alpha Phi house last night, an
nouncement was mad& of the en
gagement of Miss Jean Burnett,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O.
Burnett, to Mr, Adelbert J. Davis
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Davis, both of Portland. The news
came as a complete surprise to
the friends gathered around the
table, festive with floral decora
tions, in keeping wiflh the May day
Miss Burnett is a junior in the
University. Mr. Davis, a graduate
of Annapolis, is in business in
Irene Scliaupp, Lucille
McBride, Grace Peck,
Jayne Bowerman Are
Named Princesses
Titian-haired Kappa Peggy Car
per was named successor to to the
Junior Weekend throne in yester
day's election."
Voters selected Miss Carper from
a list of 12 of the campus' loveli
est junior coeds. The complete
court, with the princesses listed as
they ranked in the balloting, is to
Queen Peggy Carper
Jayne Bowerman
Irene Schaupp
Grace Peck
Lucille McBride
Coronation ceremonies will be
the high light of the campus lunch
eon on Friday afternoon, when
Queen Peg I and her royal court
will be installed.
Inaugurates Fete
The queen and her royal court
will ride down the millrace on a
specially constructed float herald
ing the inauguration of the canoe
fete and so that she can give her
royal blessing to the affair.
On Friday evening, the queen
will reign as first mistress of the
ballroom at the Junior Prom.
Slim, about five feet seven inches
tall, her majesty is of slightly more
than average height, an erect and
commanding figure.
Beneath titian hair, a warm, del
icate complexion and an animated
smile which reveals white, even
teeth express Miss Carper’s great
fund of personal charm.
“Of course I shall accept the
honor,” Miss Carper said quietly
last night. “Probably partly be
cause my election was such a sur
prise to me, it made me very hap
py. I am certain that the Week- ,
end of the class of 1937 is going to
be a colorful, successful affair as
every phase of the work has been
intrusted to competent class lead
Totaling of yesterday's ballot
gave the queen-elect a 48-vote
Frosh Answer Soph Slander,
Millrace Wayne Harbert
Editor’s note: Today follows the
class of ’39's full of hooey answer
to yesterday’s soph accusations of
frosh fear and wobbly knees. The
anonymous answer is believed to
have come from the typewriter of
Paul I)eiitschn$innl ace yearling
newspaper man.
To the welcome splash of slan
derous sophomore Emerald Report
er Wayne Harbert, freshman class
activities in regard to the annual
tug of war were initiated yester
day at noon.
It was not yet known last night
whether June Brown, freshman
president, would file suit for libel
against Harbert for his misquota
tion, printed yesterday without any
pRequiem9 Audience Thrilled
By Choir’s Performance
“Requiem,” one of Verdi’s most
colorful and dramatic composi
tions, was presented last night as
the annual spring concert of the
Polyphonic choir under the direc
tion of Paul Petri, professor of
voice at the University school of
The choir and soloists, accom
panied by Robert Gould at the
organ, thrilled the audience of 500
students and townspeople. The
emotional climax of the Mass came
in the last section of the program,
“Lord, Deliver My Soul” (Libera
Mej. This selection was a soprano
solo beautifully sung by Mrs. L. J.
Murdock with the accompaniment
of the full choir.
In the opening Requiem and
Kyrie, sung by soprano, mezzo
soprano, tenor, bass, anti chorus,
the voices ranged from the full
chorus to almost a whisper. The
Sanctus, a Fugue for the entire
choir, was inspiring.
The solos were sung by Mrs. L.
J. Murdock, soprano, Mrs. Bruce
Spalding, mezzo-soprano; Charles
J. Fahey, tenor; and Robert Mc
Knight bass. All of the soloists are
prominent in civic music circles.
Both Mrs. Spalding and Mr. Mc
Knight were former students in
the University school of music.
The "Requiem,” which is a
prayer for the deliverance of the
dead souls from purgatory, is one
of Verdi’s most passionate and
emotional works. The Polyphonic
choir and the soloists have been
working on this Mass since last
tact or attempt to contact ner.
Enraged fresehmen said that dam
ages of at least $10,000 should be
sued for by Miss Brown.
"Certainly the frosh will win
again this year,” the Kappa frosh
prexy fumed. “They have won for
years, and we are going to con
tinue. Tell those weak-kneed soph
omores that we challenge them
right back.”
Freshman statisticians who were
contacted yesterday revealed that
the superiority in numbers of the
sophomores boasted about in Fri
day’s compiling of misstatements
by Harbert, was nothing but paper
strength. True facts show that ap
proximately one-third of those reg
istered as sophomores are third
year students without JC’s.
This fact did not bother the
freshmen, however. President June
suggested that if the sophomores
felt incapable of handling the sit
uation without the aid of these
spurious members of the class of
1938, the freshmen would gladly
take on all of them.
The irritatdd yearling defend
ers of the sterling reputation of
the 1939 men, hoped that their
swift action would serve as a
warning to any other wayward
sophomores who attempted to
scatter false propaganda. Second
year men are advised by these
“avengers” to watch their remarks,
as freshmen in key positions are
ready to turn over all those who
defame the name of the eclass of
Harbert, the unfortunate orig
inator of sophomore propaganda,
could not be found yesterday eve
ning. Persistent rumor suggested
that he had left town, or was in
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