Jury Gives Ann ITuteliinson Verdict In Law Suit VFW Organizing Force on Campus OREGON DAILY EMERALD OREGON’S INDEPENDENT COLLEGE DAILY VOLUME XXXVII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1936 NUMBER 103 Linfield Wallops Oregon Varsity, 11 to 6; Helser Allows Ducks Six Hits Future ‘Vets’ Organize Unit On UO Campus McClung Opens Push for ‘Bonus First’ Group With Auxiliary . A group headed by R. Allen Mc Clung started recruiting yester day for an Oregon chapter of the Veterans of Future Wars. The group composed of McClung, Carrell A. Green, R. H. Becker, Robert L. Martin, and R. P. Gra ham have secured their charter from national headquarters and will start distribution of organiza tion’s buttons and collecting 25 cents for membership fees imme diately. “Home Fire” Organizing Following in the footsteps of the men's group, McClung announced last night that an auxiliary Home Fire unit of women had been or ganized yesterday afternoon with Harriet Kistner as commander. Local 1 opinion regarding the move had Don Thomas, recog nized leader of the compulsory ROTC, describing the movement as a waste of energy and one which “ridicules an organization which has its faults, but which should keep us out of future wars.” Paddock Not Joining Charles Paddock, president of the Oregon Committee for Peace and Freedom and the Oregon chapter of the American Student union, showed sympathy for the group as an educational ridicule of the war methods, but refused to join because of its inconsistency with his avowed pacifist views. Others predicted that it would def initely involve those who joined with immediate draft in ’case of war. Colonel Says Nothing Col. E. V. D. Murphy of the Oregon ROTC barracks refused to issue a statement on the grounds that he was not familiar with the entire plan of the organization. The Emerald has already editor ially regarded the VFW as a use less movement against war. McClung said he thought that ridiculers of the organization were overlooking its humorous side, but that he had no further statements to make until he met with the VFW council. Buttons for members being dis tributed bear the face and extend ed arm and torch of the statue of liberty, outlined in white on a royal blue background. Everyone between the ages of 18 to 36 are eligible for member ship. The organization resembles the setup for the U. S. army with a national commander over nine regional commanders. “The veterans of past wars got their share. Why shouldn’t the Veterans of Future Wars get theirs?” asks Lewis J. Gorin Jr., student of Princeton university, Veterans of Future Wars with himself as national commander. Since that time the organization has grown to 130 posts including 102 vet organizations throughout the United States and 28 Veterans of Future Wars, Home Fire divi sion for wTomen, originally initiated at Vassar as the Future Gold Star Mothers. I've sat on the doorstep of a county committeeman by the hour and waited while he made believe he wasn't at home.—Mrs. Frank lin D. Roosevelt. Campus ❖ Calendar The Easter breakfast sponsored by Wesley club will be held as scheduled at 7 a. m. Sunday, wea ther permitting. All are invited. Those planning to go will meet back of the music building. The Easter service which was to be given at 6:30 Sunday morning by the Student Christian council has been called off because the wo men’s physical education group will be unable to participate. * * * AWS carnival directorate pic ture this morning at 10:00 in front of Friendly. Robinson Gives Outstanding Performance in Guild Play; Cast Lends Superb Support Acting Is Best of Recent Campus Productions; Audience Tardy If most of the audience at Guild hall last night had been "Outward Bound” they would have missed the boat. Members of the audience dribbled in as if they were going to a picture show and not to what turned out to be the most ably act ed production on the Guild hall stage in recent years. Horace W. Robinson, as Tom Prior, the young wastrel, gave a brilliant performance. Drawing upon his extensive experience on the stage he painted a vivid picture of this character who was the first to find out that the passengers on the mystery ship were all dead. Entire Cast effective The delightful thing about the acting of the entire cast in Sutton Vane’s strange play, “Outward Bound" was that contrary to the usual happening the less experi enced members of the cast were not made to look amateurish by Mr. Robinson's performance but rather played up to him in a man ner that clearly stamped the>r work in this play as the best they have done while in this school. No small amount of credits for this fact goes to Mrs. Ottilie Turnbull Seybolt, the director. It was while he held the center of the stage that Mr. Robinson did his most effective bits. His fine tonal and facial shadings were Closely followed by the audience and his stage business was clever and pertinent. Mary Bennett Outstanding Mary Bennett was Mrs. Midget last night. She made her role as the wistful Mrs. Midget the most sympathetic portrayal of the eve ning. Her cockney accent, which faltered almost uhnoticeably once or twice, was otherwise consistent. Every one of the Guild hall play ers gave a performance that was (Please turn to page three) Jury Gives Miss Hutchinson $500 in 'Golf Ball’ Case Hendershott Was Sued For $20,000 By LILYAN KRANTZ Now if the dandelions in a treacherous gully on the golf course that 15th day of June, 1935, had not gone to seed and so be come a vicious shield for a hiding golf ball, then Miss Ann Hutchin son, playing with a foursome on the course would not have been seeking so long. It follows that she would not have been hit on the head by the ball of Mr. Hermann P. Hendershott playing on the tee above the gully. Unfortunately, the dandelions had gone to seed. Moral: Tarry not, fair maiden. Assuming the greatest profes sional dignity, the barrister-to-be of the trial practice class in third year law school enacted this first of the series of moot trials Thurs day evening in the Lane county circuit court. Orlando J. Hollis, professor of law, was judge. To reconstruct the case, Ann Hutchinson, winsome red-haired plaintiff, sued Hendershott for $20,000 damages. The jury granted her $500 damages for injuries and hospital expenses. , The quiet atmosphere was lent a most pertinent monetary touch (Continued jrom page three) Social Chairmen of Men’s Organizations To Discuss Rules There will be a meeting of all social chairmen of men’s halls and frateriilty houses next Wednesday at 4 o’clock in 110 Johnson. Purpose of the meet ing is to discuss the various so cial rules of the University. All men social chairmen are asked to be present for the meeting which will be very short. Green in, Four Out, 8 Take Infirmary Cure Carroll Green, was the only new patient to be admitted to the Uni versity infirmary yesterday to bring the total to eight students confined there. Four students were released. Others include: Ila Rae Congle ton, Frank Hitchcock, Doyle Pigg, Kirk Eldridge, Roderick Aya, Cromwell Mansell, and Kenyon Skinner. An automobile traveling 45 miles an hour is extremely dangerous. Anyone wishing to go faster should get into the air for safety’s sake. Oregon, OSC Profs, Students Join For PE Conclave Women’s physical education de partments of the University of Oregon and Oregon State college are this week acting as hostess schools at a three-day conference of the western section of the Na tional Association of Directors of Physical Education for Women, held on the Corvallis campus, April 7, 8, and 9. Miss Florence Alden of the University and Miss Laura McAllester of OSC, heads of the women's physical education departments, were in charge of program arrangements. At the meeting of the western division held at Berkeley during the past year, Miss Alden acted as president of the association, and also served as secretary-treasurer of the national organization, which met last year at Oberlin College, Ohio. Several Oregon professors and students are taking part in the three day program, In view of in fluences in a changing social order that are making a particular chal lenge to the field of recreation, the program committee enlisted Dr. Victor P. Morris, professor of eco nomics, to discuss these trends. Dr. John F. Bovard, dean and director of physcial education for the Oregon system of higher edu cation. discussed “Co-Educational Physical Education.” For many years there has been a tendency to organize recreation and physical education for men and girls separ ately. Recently there has been a distinct movement to break away from this artificial separation and to bring young people together in a program of wholesome recrea tive activities aimed at putting the relationship of young people and their common interests on a wider and more wholesome basis. Dr. Bovard described these trends and suggested possible future lines of development. Both men spoke at the Wednesday afternoon session. John J. Landsbury, dean of the school of music; Nowland Zane, associate professor of Space arts; and Mrs. Faye Knox, instructor in the dance, were in charge of the Wednesday evening program, de voted to “Basic Studies in Rhythms of the Arts.” The topic is based on the idea that all of the arts have common fundamentals, of which rhythm is one. There will be a discussion and demonstration of the manner in which the three arts, music, static art, and the dance, express these basic principles, each in its own language. Demonstration will in clude piano numbers, slide illus- j trations for the space arts, and j appearance of five girls of the j master dance group, Claudia Sev ier, Rose Gore, Shirley Bennett, Virginia Kerns, and Josephine Overturf. Candidates Make Official Statements Ten Fraternities Pledge Support to Finley; Hannnond Opponent Campus political organization, which appeared one-sided earlier this week, came into the open yes terday when leaders of both par ties made official announcements concerning tickets which they will promote during the campaign fra cas before election, April 23. Following a political caucus held Thursday night at the Phi Delt house, Craig Finley, junior in psy chology, announced his intention of running for the office of student body president. Majority Present The meeting at which Finley en tered the campus political turmoil was attended by representatives of a majority of men’s living organi zations. Representatives of Phi Gamma Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi, Phi Sigma Kappa, The ta Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, Chi Psi, and Beta The ta Pi were present. They pledged their houses as 100 per cent behind Finley and the Finley ticket. Finley’s ticket is certain to in clude Jim Kurd, champion swim mer, as vice-president, Lillian Warn as secretary, Marjory Kiss ling, senior woman, Don Johnson, junior finance man, and Henry Minger, senior man. “As far as my platform is con cerned,” Finley stated, “I cannot say anything until after definite action has been taken by the exec utive council on proposed changes in ASUO set-up. I am, however, very much pleased with the sup port which has been given me so far, and I feel certain that should I be elected, the loyalty of so large a group will do much to eliminate petty bickering between opposing political factions.” Don Thomas, recognized as the leader of the group backing Fred Hammond for student body presi dent last night declared, “Our boys are sitting tight, and we will have things lined-up fai a few days. We have been organizing right along; no changes have been made in the support. I believe we will be able to make a definite statement of our candidates by next Tuesday.” The announcement which came i from Thomas last night appeared' to end campus gossip that opposi tion to the Finley party was dor mant, since the house splits last week. Hammond politicos, small in number, have been acting quiet ly awaiting definite action from the opposite faction, but it is be lieved that they will swing into full force early next week in prep aration for the nominating assem bly Thursday. Lee Is President Of Toastmasters Howard Lee was elected presi dent at a meeting- qf the Toast master club Wednesday night in the Y hut. Don Yeager was cho sen vice-president, and Lew Evans secretary-treasurer. The club will continue its regu lar policy of informal discussions, but will branch out into larger fields, Lee said in speaking of next year’s plans. Better campus contacts, and the ability of developing leadership and ease in expressing oneself in front I of a group will be aims of the club said the new president. The policy of open meetings will be continued in hope that an all campus membership may be ob tained. The Toastmaster club meets regularly Thursday evenings at 8 in the Y hut. Dorothy Hagge, ’37, Visits on Campus Dorothy Hagge, former student in the University of the class of ’37, is visiting on the campus from her home in Marshfield. Miss Hagge is a member of Kappa Al pha Theta, and was prominent in student activities before she with drew from school the early part of winter term. i Wesley Club Installs Officers Riles to Be Held Sunday: Photo of Officers Will Follow Ceremony Candlelight installation services for new Wesley club officers wil be held Sunday at 6:30 p. m. in the Methodist Episcopal church. The new officers are: president Victor Goff; vice-president, Marj Field; secretary, Mary Rieka baugh; treasurer, Wilbur Greenup: social chairmen, Naomi Tobie Bailey Barnett; deputations, How ard Ohmart; dramatics, Wilfred Roadman; art, Gladys Saunders; social action, Charles Paddock morning forum, Glenn Ridley personnel, Francisco Tubban, Brit tain Ash, Dorothy Rowland, Caro line MacNoul; firesides, Marj Seely; programs, Orval Etter Grace Martin; publicity, Leonard Greenup; food, Hazel Lyle. All old and new officers wil meet on the front steps of the church for a picture immediatelj following the morning services Everyone is asked to appear as the picture will be on a poster tc be circulated throughout Oregon. Forensic Season To Be Completed University Speakers Will Visit Forest Grove and Newberg Monday Three University speakers wil visit Forest Grove and Newberg Monday for the last debates of the forensic season here, announcec Prof. John L. Casteel, director o speech, yesterday. Kessler Cannon, Howard Kess ler and John Luvaas will discus.1 the question: “Can the Unitec States Remain Neutral?” before a chamber of commerce Incheon al Newberg, and later in the day will address a woman’s organization al Forest Grove. The squad will leave for the north Monday morning, and wil travel by automobile. Professoi Casteel will accompany the debat ers. On Wednesday of next week, ir the Del Rey cafe, will be held the forensic banquet, to which all speech students, as well as debat ers, are invited. This event will close the debating for the year at Oregon. Members of the squads will present informal talks, relat ing their experiences on the thou sands of miles traveled by the twe men’s and one women’s teams dur ing the past four months. The complete Mother’s day di rectorate has been named by Co chairmen Grace Peck and Lucille McBride. tops for them. Mrs. Cliveden Banks and Ann, played by Helen Campbell and Portia Booth, respec tively, were the most complete characterizations given by Mr. Robinson’s supporting cast. The parts showed careful thought and minute preparation. (Please turn to page 4) Robin Clinches Evidence That Spring Is Here Concrete evidence that spring has brought "sweet winds and fair' to the Oregon campus may be seen by the activities of a robin which apparently is considering taking up housekeeping in a tree near the administration building. Last year a robin—evidently the same bird or a near relative dem onstrated mass production anti dis tribution without waste by raising and feeding five youngsters in a tree near the west wall of Johnson This year's bird evidently hae other sites in mind since it has vis ited its old haunts only once oi twice. Each time it appears it hai a worried, care-worn look on its motherly face as if it were being badgered by real estate agents However, the season is yet in th« early stages and it is hoped that the robin may reconsider and re turn to its old haunts to fetch uf and educate the young 'tins. Glee Setting Rated High By Notables Decorations Hailed as ‘Colorful,’ ‘Prettiest Ever Held’ Campus luminaries interviewed last night were unanimous in their | appropbation of the decorations i for the gala FYosh Glee tonight in McArthur court. “The pretties Frosh Glee ever held at the University," Ralph Schomp, assistant graduate man ager, acclaimed. “Very colorful.” Helen Jones, winner of the canoe fete theme contest, said. Igloo to Be Like Japan When Dan Flood’s orchestra swings into the opening melody of the evening, huge McArthur court will have been transformed into a scene of Japan in the spring. A soft blue light will outline a color ful Japanese dragon and penetrate the hundreds of streamers and Japanese lanterns hanging over the dancers. Murals depicting different scenes in Japanese life will line the walls. Snow-covered Fujiyama will rise behind the orchestra stand. Easter Togs Will Be Seen Clad in new Easter toggery campus eds and coeds will gather in the Igloo at 9 o’clock to dance amidst the appropriate spring mo tif. Long dresses will be in order and many males are expected to be garbed in white linen suits. Featured as intermission enter tainment will be the spring pledg ing ceremonies of Skull and Dag ger, awaited with much interest over the entire campus. Ralph Cathey, Bill Dalton, and Lyle Ba ker have provided for a new im pressive ceremony. Plans for the Frosh Glee Were made by Harry Clifford, assisted by Jack Lochridge. On the com-* mittee were Jay Langston, orches tra. Felker Morris, decorations; Sherry Brown, entertainment; Zane Kemler, programs; Forrest Landeen, clean-up; Lloyd Tupling, publicity; George Campbell, fi nance, and Frances Olsen, patrons and patronesses. Randolph Pooley Dies Thursday Randolph Pooley, ex-’37, died of acute heart trouble Thursday night in Palm Springs, California. He had attended the University of Oregon during 1934 and 1935 and was enrolled as a sophomore in the school of journalism. He was an affiliate of Chi Psi lodge. Illness forced Pooley to discon tinue his courses here last spring term and since that time he has been employed in Hood River, Ore gon. Surviving Pooley are his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pooley of Hood River, and a sister, Barbara, a stu dent at Scripps College, Califor nia. r I I Dance Symposium Will End Today 35 on Hnml for Two-Day Session; Five Colleges Are Represented Opening the dance symposium sponsored by Master Dance, mem bers of the honorary and guests held an open hour of dancing in Gerlinger hall last evening. A spe cial feature of the hour was the techniques demonstrating percus sion studies led by students from the different schools attending. About 35 representatives from Linfield college. Oregon State col lege, Washington State college, and the University of Washington are attending the symposium, which will close today. John L. Landsbury, dean of the school of music, Nowland Zane, as sociate professor of art, and Mrs. Faye Knox, instructor in the dance, will give a demonstration showing rhythm in music, space arts, and dancing at 9 o’clock this morning. At 2 o'clock this afternoon Miss Betty L. Thompson of Oregon State college will lead a discussion group on “Modern Trends of Dance Composition.” Miss Norma An derson of Washington State college will lead the discussion of “The Program in College Dance Activi ties," at 3:30. Maxine Goetsch, president of Master Dance, will give a summary of the entire sym posium. Former UO Man’s Story Printed Writer Received MA Here In 1934; Was Active in Literary Work Walter Evans Kidd, who re ceived his M.A. here in 1934 and visited the campus during the week, has a story, “Plow in the Sunset,” in the current number of the Frontier-Midland. Recently, al so, he placed a group of poems with Poetry Magazine, the gen eral title being "Autumn Fur rows.” During his undergraduate years, Mr. Kidd, a member of Delta Up silon, Phi Beta Kappa, and Ye Tabbard Inn, received several lit erary prizes, including the Edison Marshall story award and the George Sterling lyric prize. He also edited the verse column in the Emerald with a zest and progres siveness that stimulated a hot discussion not only on the campus but also in the state at large. At that time, his writings had ap peared in American Mercury, Poetry, Voices, Palms, Nation, Commonwealth, Munsey, and other national magazines. “Plow in the Sunset,” he re vealed, is but one of a series of projected stories to interpret the pioneer movement t o Oregon, under his pen name, Conrad Pen dleton. In addition, he is revising (Please turn to f>arie three) 16 Best Dates to be Auctioned Off At AWS Carnival Forget about getting that ol' tux edo pressed. You won’t need to sew that button on your vest, for you don’t have to look your best next Saturday night when the AWS Carnival, “bigger and nois ier than ever," comes to the cam pus. A pocketful of nickels, a pair of old shoes, and a carefree spirit are all that’s needed to enjoy the evening. Boys, haven't you always wanted to go stag to one of the large cam pus affairs? Here is your chance for the carnival is a no-date event. Perhaps you have always wanted a date with one of the sixteen best dates on the campus. If you are one of the sixteen highest bidders when Tom McCall auctions off the lunch boxes and the girls during the intermission, the girl is yours for ‘the supper hour. Roulette wheels, shooting rang es, fortune telling, beano, and races will be featured concessions in the booths run by the various living organizations. Cups will be awarded for the most attractive stand and for the one making the most money. Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, Dr. and Mrs. Schwering, Ralph Schomp, and Mr. E. C. A. Lesch will judge the booths. Jitney dancing will be another feature of the evening. Buck Mc Gowan and his orchestra will play from 9:00 to 12:00. The floor will be waxed and polished so it will be smooth for dancing, Molly White, in charge of the dancing, announced. The directorate for the carnival is headed by Elizabeth Turner. Girls helping her are Josephine McGilchrist, Frances Johnson, Jean Stevenson, Isobelle Miller, Kay Coleman, Gladys Battleson, Jane Lagassee, Molly White, Betty Riesch, Phyllis Adams, Vivian Em ery, Marjorie Kissling, and Eliza beth DeBusk. Three Apply For Oregana, Emerald Jobs Clark, Johnson, Colvig In Race; 4 Want to Be Business Manager Four major University publica tions positions were applied for by 10 students yesterday when they filed petitions with the publica tions committee. Midnight last night was the deadline for peti tions. Dan Clark II, Clair Johnson, and Fred Colvig petitioned for the po sition of Emerald editor. Compet ing' for business manager of the Emerald are Reinhart Knudsen, Walter Vernstrom, Howard Over back, and William Jones. For the editorship of the Ore gana, Mary Graham and Don Cas ciato filed petitions. Ed Morrow was the only petitioner for the po sition of Oregana business mana ger. Meeting Monday According to Ralph Schomp, as sistant graduate manager, the publications committee will proba bly meet Monday to hear the pe titions read. As stated in the ASUO constitution, this commit tee must recommend one person for each position to the executive council not later than the third week in April, which ends on April 18. Members of the publications committee are James Blais, chair man, Robert Lucas, George Root, Roland Rourke, Professor George Turnbull, Professor Orlando Hol lis, Robert Allen, and Hugh Ros son. non-voting member. All Apply in 1»35 Dan Clark II is sports editor of the Emerald, Clair Johnson is the present managing editor. Both are juniors in journalism. Colvig, a senior in journalism, is associate editor of the Emerald. All three of the petitioners also applied last year for the position of Emerald editor. Mary Graham and Casciato are on the 1936 Oregana staff and are juniors in journalism. Morrow, prominent Oregana worker, is a sophomore in business administra tion. Jones and Overback are both sophomores in journalism. Knud sen is a junior in jouralism, and Vernstrom is a sophomore in bus iness administration. Seniors May File Job Applications Miss Janet Smith of the Univer sity employment office said last night that she was receiving appli cations from many employers ask ing for recommendations for per manent jobs. These jobs are for students who are graduating in June. Anyone interested should see Miss Smith at her office in the Y hut during the first part of the week. People who are dependable and willing to work will be offered jobs which of fer chances for promotion, though the pay is not large at first. Miss Smith also said that a num ber of positions were being given students on the campus and that people had been very kind about this. She added, however, that stu dents could use still more jobs. Easter Breakfast Plannee] by Fijis Foremost in campus Easter social affairs will be the annual Easter breakfast of Phi Gamma Delta to be held at the Osburn hotel at 9 o’clock. Many Portland members of the fraternity are ex pected for the breakfast, and guests of honor will be Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Schwering, Mrs. Gene vieve Turnipseed, and Major and Mrs. W. A. Wappenstein. Jack Campbell is in charge of arrangements. Assisting him are Bill Hutchison, Ted Olsen, Fred Beck, Frank Binns, and Charles French. Music for the affair will be furnished by a trio composed of Elaine Moore, pianist, Martha Moore, violinist, and Mary Booth, celloist.