Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 03, 1936, Image 1

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Voters Pick Officers
Sick List Numbers
of the
T h in gam a jigs
Let’s ramble around on this ol
column for today.
See by last night’s paper th<
Italians have the Kthiopes slug
nutty. If you could only tell whei
you’re getting the truth. I cai
never get over how the nasties
thing a grammar school kid coult
call you was Kaiser Bill—all be
cause George Creel and some ol
his henchmen were super-propa
gandists. By the way, have yoi
been reading Westbrook Pegler’i
stuff in the Journal of late—reallj
giving the Nazis the works, bul
it’s hard to believe much of wha1
he is penning. Good thing h<
skipped out of Deutschland befort
he put down those observations.
Report comes from Texas thai
the Townsend candle is burning
low. Southerners never could sei
giving negroes $200 a month. Tt’«
pretty hard to get a lot of them tc
work now.
Members of Congress believe
they will be adjourned sine die b>
May 1. If they are out that soor
many will be at a loss for an ex
cuse to give the home folks for not
returning immediately. As long as
Congress is in session thev have a
real reason for not returning tc
face-to-face the button-hole job
115.000 Federal employees are in
Washington. D. C.
The bankers are said to be “ex
uberant” and “over-ioyled” at
news the Treasury will soon float
a $2,000,000,000 bond issue to fi
nance payment of the bonus and
refunds to packers for unconsti
tutionallv collecting processing
taxes. That joy is to be taken cum
grano salis, and it wouldn’t be a
bad idea to do a little “viewing
with alarm” at the prospect of im
ping the national debt to nearly 32
billions of dollars. Better start
hedging against inflation, you
Under a clause found by a news
hawk in the Soil Conservation Act
the administration is preparing to
continue paying benefits to farm
ers for keeping land out of produc
tion. That’s Roosevelt’s answer to
the Supreme Courts’ thumbs-down
on the AAA, and we are assured of
another treat of the policy of
scarcity. What a bug-house age we
live in: pay a group not to pro
duce with one hand and with the
other pass to them a bountiful
supply of seeds to plant crops they
are paid not to grow. Call for
Rube Goldberg, call for Rube Gold
The Department of Commerce
building used to be called Hoover’s
mausoleum by some of the local
wits. Wonder what they’ll call
some of the white marble extrava
ganzas completed during the reign
of F.D.R.
Whoever started that old rib
cracker about “clever people, these
Chinese” would have done will to
have said these Japanese. That
foxer Premier Okada pulled had
the world caught as flat-footed as
the corner policeman, but it strikes
me that it was a bit hard on his
brother-in-law, who is now sans
innards, and reported quite dead.
A horoscope-maker predicts
Mussolini will be a has-been be
fore the year is out. For once
there seemes to be something to
this horoscope business.
Work Continues
On WPA Projects
Work on the WPA tunnel jobs
for the University has been pro
gressing rapidly, revealed Mr.
Semo'n, engineer in charge.
Air hammers are busy on the
hard shale rock in Unit No. 3 near
Fourteenth street, and the crews
are rapidly approaching the con
necting point near the street.
In the tunnel proper steam pipes
are being hung on hangers and for
the past week welders have been
busy welding the joints.
Forms are being put in place in
the unit near Friendly hall and
concrete pouring is expected soon
The university can never lose
declared a well-known educator
because a freshman never brings
anything in and a senior never
takes anything out. — Cincinnat
School System
Gaining Fame
Says Hunter
’ Chancellor Is Back From
National Educators’
, Convention
. Oregon's single-headed adminis
. tratinn system of higher education
i is attracting the attention of edu
i caters all over the country, Chan
cellor Frederick M. Hunter de
clared yesterday upon his return
i from the national session of the de
partment of superintendence of the
National Education association in
St. Louis, February 24 to 26.
Defending Oregon's system
against advocates of the multiple
headed systems, Dr. Hunter pre
sented a talk at the meeting. His
defense included eight points with
which he pointed out the economy
of this method of administration,
the possibiities of better contact
with the high student, more oppor
tunity for efficient adult education
i work, and the chances of establish
ing better research departments
and better library service. He
pointed to the fact that there are
some 500,000 volumes available to
any one of the six members of the
Oregon system as evidence of the
opportunity of development there.
Education and Democracy
Education as one of the great
weapons for the defense of democ
racy, was pointed out at the con
ference. “Those at the session
proved by word and act that the
I trend of education in this country
is more than ever toward the sup
port of democracy, and more than
(Phase turn to page Jour)
Casteel, Kessler,
: Hall Head for B.C.
Cannon to Meet Speakers
Tn Seattle; Other Men
In Southern Oregon
William O. Hall and Howard
Kessler, members of the men’s de
bate team together with their
coach, Professor John U. Casteel,
are leaving for British Columbia
today. They will hold symposium
discussions with the University of
British Columbia on the subject:
“In the interests of peace and se
curity, the British empire and
America should recognize Japan’s
Monroe doctrine in China.”
They will be joined Thursday by I
Kessler Cannon in Seattle where
the debaters will speak in a return
engagement of the University of
Washington. They will discuss the
subject: “Can the United States
Remain Neutral?”
Professor W. A. Dahlberg with
his speakers, George Hall, Avery
Combs, Walter Eschebeck, and
Freed Bales left yesterday for
southern Oregon where they are
discussing the question, “Does
Propaganda Constitute a Social
Menace?” They will visit Ash
land, Medford, Glendale, Jackson
ville, Bellview, Kerby, and other
towns in that region.
Campus * •>
Frosh Glee committee will meet
in the College Side at 4 o’clock
today. All committtee chairmen
must be present at this first meet
Theta Sigma Phi will meet at
the Anchorage for lunch at noon.
All members are urged to be pres
Pledges of Phi Beta will meet
tonight at 7 o’clock in Gerlinger
hall. Important for all to be there.
Phi Beta active members will
meet at the Kappa Kappa Gamma
house at 7 o’clock tonight.
VV'AA council meeting in social
room of Gerlinger hall at 7:15 to
I night.
I _
The Classical club will meet this
: evening at the home of Prof. Fre
; eric Dunn of the romance language
The International Ball commit
tee will meet at 3 o'clock this af
ternoon in the Y hut.
February 19ISYA
Checks at Business
Office in Johnson
NVA checks for the period
ending February 19 have ar
rived and students are urged to
call for them as soon as possi
Cheeks may be obtained at
window two of the business of
fice c.n the second floor of the
administration building.
22 Patients
Sick Week’s Lists
Miller States Increase Is
Not Greatly Alarming;
A notable increase in the num
ber of sick students, bringing 23
new patients to local health insti
tutions, was noticed over the last
Dr. Fred N. Miller of the Uni
versity health service reported last
night that the increase, although
large, is not greatly alarming.
Nine in Infirmary
There were nine new patients in
the University infirmary, six in the
infirmary annex, and seven in the
Pacific hospital to bring the total
to 34 on the University sick list.
The nine new patients at the in
firmary are Mignon Kelley, Marcia
Brown, Gretchen Smith, Barbara
Lavers, June Tower, Betty Wag
ner, Carl Jones, Grayson Ross, and
William Speirs. The other four
there are Margaret Petsch, Mary
L. Busche, Evelyn Genoves, and
Clarence Wood.
Annex Has Name
Marvel Twiss, Marian Smith,
Janette Charman, Eileen Donald
son, Barbara McBreen, and Priscil
la Mackie are the most recent addi
tions to the infirmary annex.
Others there are Opal Stilwell,
Vivian White, and Ajleeja Dement*
Jerry Chessman, Peggy Chess
man, Betty Barr, Jack Lew, Jack
Newman, Gerald Green, and Lewis
Harris were admitted to the Pa
cific hospital yesterday. Others in
clude Scott McKown, Zane Kemler,
George Reeves, Kathleen Rose, and
Daniel Jordan.
Will Speak Here
Charles A. Sprague, editor and
manager of the Oregon Statesman,
Salem morning newspaper, will
speak before the Pro-America
Republican Women’s club next Fri
day noon at the Osburn hotel.
This is a non-partisan political
speech and all who wish may at
Mrs. C. L. Schwering, dean of
women at the University of Ore
gon and chairman of the educa
tional committee of Pro-America,
will introduce Mr. Sprague and will
speak briefly on the political and
educational aims of the organiza
Croup Will Hear
III Total 34
Salem Editor
The transition of strict stvle to
the free style of musical expres
s’00 will be the subiect of John J.
Lands bury, dean of the school of
music, at the sixth in the series of
lectures of the Eugene Adult Mu
sic Education group. Dean Lands
burv will speak to the group Wed
nesday, March 4, at 2:30 p. m. in
the music school auditorium.
The idiom and form of the free
style will be the topic around
which Dean Landsbury will build
his lecture. He will illustrate sim
ple forms of the free style. Later
lectures of the study group will
consider larger works such as the
symphony, the concerto, and the
Beach Pajamas Called
Sure Sign of Spring
As far as James Stovall, in
structor in geography is concerned
the arrival of spring is a definitely
established fact.
He announced to his geography
classes yesterday morning that it
wasn’t the first robin, the first
spring beauty, or old sol back
again which influenced his opinion,
but a pair of beach pajamas flop
ping up the road while he was out
driving Sunday that proved to him
that spring had indeed arrived.
Required ROTC
Group Starts
Petition Drive
Drill Advocates Canvass
For Names to Match
700 of Optionalists
Opposing factions on Oregon's
military education question loaded
their guns yesterday for a final
campaign barrage before the Uni
versity faculty votes on the ques
tion at its regular meeting Wed
Tenseness was increased when
the "Committee for the General
Welfare of the University" circu
lated petitions in fraternity and
sorority houses, the dormitories,
and independents voicing their ap
proval of the present system of
compulsory military training as
experssed in their resolution pub
lished in Saturday’s Emerald.
General Campaign
Members of the committee, in
tipholding their stand for compul
sory military, link it with a general
campaign to promote the Univer
sity’s general welfare. They say
that news concerning campus lib
eral organizations has dominated
the state's reading matter about
the University and given people the
wrong opinion of the situation
Another group, the Opinion
Steering Committee, driving to
wards the same objective, however,
appears to disagree with this com
mittee in their first step of back
ing compulsory military.
Optionalists Have 700 Names
At the Wednesday meeting the
(Please turn to facte two)
UO Symphony
Plays Wednesday
Campus Will Hear Works
Of Masters in Music
Auditorium at 8:30
Another of Tschaikowsky’s bril
liant compositions will be heard on
the campus Wednesday night,
when the University svmphonv or
chestra presents his “Sixth Sym
phony” at 8:30 o’clock in the mu
sic auditorium. Tschaikowsky's
“Fifth Symphony in E Minor” was
featured on the program presented
by the Portland symphony orches
The concert, to he directed by
Hex Underwood, is one of the
group’s appearances on the ASUO
winter term schedule.
The Sixth Symphony will occupy
the second half of the program.
Other numbers to be presented in
clude the “Brandenburg Concerto
in F Minor,” Bach-Motto played by
the orchestra, and the “Concerto
in D Minor,” by Wieniawski,
played by Dorothy Louise John
son, a sophomore in music.
The University orchestra will
play host to members of the Eu
gene junior symphony. Holders of
ASUO season concert tickets and
student body cards will be admit
ted without extra charge.
All paid admissions will be
placed in the orchestra scholarship
loan fund created by Mr. Under
wood last fall.
International Ball
Committee Meets
Theare will be a meeting of the
International Ball committee this
afternoon at 3 in the Y hut.
This committee is to make plans
for the ball which will be given
April 4 in conjunction with the
Model League of Nations assembly.
The league will meet Friday eve
ning in Villard hall and Saturday
evening the dance will be given in
Sally Allen Has
Story in Magazine
“O Wise Young Judge,” Sally
Elliott Alien’s exciting short story
in the March issue of the House
hold magazine, draws the following
“You don’t look for a stolen car
and a wild ride in a story of young
love—but this is different!”
Mrs. Allen is the wife of Dean
Eric Allen, head of the journalism
Fee Installments
Due by March 10
At Johnson Hall
The third and last install
ment of fees is now due, accord
ing to E. I’. Lyon, University
cashier. This installment must
be paid by March 10 to avoid
a penalty of 25 cents a day for
late fees.
Payment may he made at
window four of the business of
fice on the second floor of
i Millrace Claims
Victim Saturday
Three Escape Death When
Canoe Capsizes; Police
Recover Botly
Clifford Flowers, freshman negro
student, was drowned at the head
waters of the millrace Saturday
afternoon when a canoe in which
he was riding with three other stu
dents capsized and threw them in
to the swift current.
The body of the victim, w’hose
home was in Portland, was not re
covered until the next morning. A
group of Zeta hall men are going
to Portland tomorrow to attend
the last rites for Flowers, who was
popular among them as a singer
and pianist.
Police who recovered the body
Sunday announced after an exam
ination had been made that Flow
ers’ death was probably not due to
drowning but to heart failure, but
a coroner’s report yesterday gave
drowning as the cause.
Legal Transfer of
7-lb Girl Given
To Oregon Grads
r. ■.
A copy of a legal transfer of
property from A. Stork to Ray
mond G. Wood and Laura Clithero
Wood, ’30, on February 28. 1936.
was received in Dean Eric W. Al
len’s office yesterday.
Description of the property is as
“One female niece of humanitv.
measuring nineteen fl9) inches
and marked with auburn hair, cur
eouipped with a lustv pair of lung's
and marked with auburn haid, cur
lv—as per specifications; named
Roberta Grace Wood.”
Mr. and Mrs. Wood, receivers of
the propertv, reside in Brookings
Oregon. Mrs. Wood is a graduate
of the school of -journalism.
The legal document was signed
bv the footprint of A. Stork him
Students Hear
Reverend Bonsall
Rev. E. H. Bonsall was guest
sneaker at the term meeting of the
student Christian groups of the
citv Sunday at 6:15 in the Congre
gational church.
In his talk on “Our Share in
Building a New World, Rev. Bon
sall read a auotation from a voung
minister's report of the conditions'
of the “share cronners” in Arkan
sas and went on elaborating on the
blue conditions of the country at
Howard Ohmart led the devo
tionals and William Sutherland
Physics School
Gets Motor Set
A motor generator set, donated
i to the nhysics department of the
| University bv the Pacific Tele
j phone and Telegraph company of
Portland arrived on the campus
Saturday afternoon.
The equipment is now stored
near the basement entrance of Mc
Clure hall. It will have to remain
outside until a doorway or window
can be widened in Deady hall so
that it can be moved inside for in
stallation, probably sometime this
The equipment consists of a mo
tor generator set with an 800-am
pere, 30 volt direct current genera
tor and 37 horse power, 220 volt
direct current motor. The genera
tor will be used to furnish power
for large magnets that will aid in
thermo-electric and nucleus study,
said Dr. A. E. Caswell, head of the
physics department.
Men’s Classes
In Gym End
Work of Reconstruction
Starts; Lectures Will
Re Continued
Men’s regular physical educa
tion activity classes have been
cancelled beginning Thursday, ac
cording to Dean Bovard. How
ever, lecture classes will continue,
and exams will be given as usual.
Work on reconstruction was be
gun yesterday. No equipment will
be moved until Thursday morning,
when instructors will report in
work clothes to help with the mov
Offices Moved
Offices now located in the gym
building; will be moved to 101 Mc
Arthur court. Students having;
personal belongings in baskets are
advised to remove them before
Thursday to prevent loss and con
Classes next term will be held in
McArthur court. A large propor
tion of the classes next term are
to he outdoor activities, it is re
ported. There will be no swim
ming, except for members of the
varsitv, which will continue to
practice in the women's pool.
Bleachers for 400
The building will be cut approxi
mately in half. The north part
remaining will house the swim
ming pool and locker rooms, and
furnish seating rooms for about
400 spectators, according to Dr.
Will V. Norris, professor of phys
ics, who is consulting engineer on
the relief projects.
The roof of the remodeled build
ing will be from eight to ten feet
lower than at present, and will
come to a point in the center.
New chlorination equipment,
which, according to Dr. Norris, will
do away with the over chlorination
of the water, will be installed.
The land where the south part of
the building now stands will be
landscaped for an approach to the
new infirmaay.
Miss Rowland
Speaks at Y Hut
Miss Wilhelmina Rowland, sec
retary and representative of the
student volunteer movement, will
speak to interested students at the
YMCA bungalo this afternoon at 4
Miss Rowland will probably give
an interpretation of the world task
of Christianity.
She will be the dinner guest of
the return delegates from the stu
dent volunteer quadrennial held at
Indianopolis during the Christmas
holidays. This group plans to have
dinner each Tuesday, with some
outside speaker present occasional
Zeta Tau Alpha
Moves March 18
The Zeta Tau Alphas will move
March 18 from their present resi
dence at 1670 Alder, which was
recently bought by Alpha Delta Pi,
to Mary Spiller hall, which will be
known as the Zeta Tau Alpha
house, with the name plates and
telephone number of the sorority.
The move Is for spring term
only, according to Doris Amidon,
oersident of Zeta Tau Alpha. After
that it is planned to establish a
permanent residence on the cam
pus, either by building or buying.
Einficlcl Puts Faculty
Pension Plan in Effect
I-infield college at McMinnville
has joined the few colleges of the
United States which have pensions
for staff members.
On March 1 Linfield put into ef
fect its own plan for pensions
whereby men staff members at the
age of 65 and women staff mem
bers at the age of 60 will receive
pensions. Arrangements were
made through an Oregon insur
ance company.
The employee will contribute
five per cent and the college will
give two per cent of the monthly
salary. The amount of the pension
paid to each person will be deter
mined by the amount accumulated
by him before reaching retirement
University Coeds
Vote for Officers
Today From 9 to 5
Sample Ballot
Virginia Endicott .( )
Martha McCall .( )
Helen Bartrnm .( )
Starla Parvin .( )
Gladys Battleson .( )
Gayle Buchanan .. ( )
Elizabeth Ann Delimit ( )
Vivian Emery .( )
Sergeant -a t-a rms
Martha Felsheim . ( )
Ann Nelson .( )
Laurene Brocksehink ( )
Sue Mosliherirer.( )
Frances Watzek .( )
Olive Lewis .( )
Gretehen Smith .( )
Molly Cunningham .( )
Betty Riesch .( )
Molly White .( )
Marlon Smith .( )
Elizabeth Onthank .( )
Ruth Stanley .( )
Elaine Cornish .( )
Ruth Welter ( )
Edith Clark . ( )
Clara Nasholm .( )
Margaret Carman .( )
Virginia McCorkle.( )
Lillian Warn .( )
Orides Elect
Erma Huston
Other Officers Are Chosen
By Independents; Hall
Picks Miss Todd
At elections held last night,
Erma Huston, sophomore, was
elected president of Orides, inde
pendent women’s organization, and
Polly Lou Todd was chosen presi
dent of Hendricks hall for the com
ing year. Theda Spicer, Eugene, is
retiring president of Orides.
Other Orides officers elected are
Ruth Orrick, vice-president; Mar
garet Reid, secretary; Muriel
Horner, treasurer. Assisting Miss
Todd at Hendricks hall will be
Genevieve Hallin, vice-persident;
Virginia Hastings, secretary;
Louise Watson, treasurer; Claudia
Sevier, sergeant-at-arms.
Four UO Pianists
On KORE Tonight
Jane Thacher, professor of piano
at the University school of music,
will present four members of her
Eugene piano ensemble group in a
radio program Tuesday evening at
S :30 over KORE.
Those in the class who will plav
are2 Norma Lyon, Mrs. Patricia
Edwards, Mrs. Inez Morrow, and
Mrs. Nell Griswold. The entire en
semble of 12 women will give a re
cital later in the spring. 0
Oregon Leap
To Be Tradition
Oregon Leap is to be the name
of the traditional vacation dances
which will be of the sporty collegi
ate type that will appeal to both
high school students and alumni,
according to Martha McCall, chair
can of the dance.
Pendleton has been added to the
list of those towns in which
dances will be held simultaneously
on March 21. Marian Bauer is in
charge of the Oregon Leap at Pen
The tickets, which are 75 cents,
are being handled by Frances
AWS, WAA, YW Joint
Polls Located in Front
Of OKI Liberary
University coeds will stream to
a special balloting' place in front
of the old libe today from 9 until
5 to cast their vote for next year’s
AWS, WAA, and YWCA leaders.
SeDarate ballots will be furnished
for each slate of candidates.
Results of the AWS. and YWCA
elections will be published in the
Wednesday Emerald but the WAA
group has stated they will not
make their returns known until an
annual banquet set for Thursday,
March 5.
Proxy Hits “Gray" Polities
In an interview last week Mar
garet Ann Smith, retiring presi
dent, said she hoped politics of a
“grayer" nature would be kept out
of the oampaign, and girls would
vote for whoever they believed to
be the most capable person for the
Elections this vear are being
held a bit earlier than formerlv be
cause of a shift in the constitution
of the trrouDs. East year th.ey
were held soring term.
A complete samole ballot Is
orinted in the adioining column.
Election Board Named
The girls in chargs of the polls
Lilyan Krantz, Jean Ackerson,
Jean Boe, Norma Rising, Lucy
Downing, Kay Coleman, Esther
Clausen, Marv Frances Henderson,
Dorothy Carlton, Felker Morris,
Clare Igoe, June Hust, Marion
Beezley, Alyce Rogers, Doris
Mabie, Lolv Reider, Molly White,
Mariory O’Bannon, Donna Davies,
Marionbeth Wolfenden, Lillian
England, Mildred Blackburne, Dor
othy Johnson, and Rachael Platt.
Dr. Crosland
Speaks Tonight
“Daylight Ghosts or Phantasms
of Everyday Life” is the title of
the popular science lecture to be
given tonight at 7:30 in Villard
hall by Dr. H. R. Crosland, asso
ciate professor of psychology.
The popular science lectures are
given in a form interesting to ev
ery one, according to Dr. A. E.
Caswell, head of the physics de
partment, who is in charge of the
series, and all University students
and Eugene people are invited to
Dr. Crosland will demonstrate
the inaccuracy and unreliability of
the human sense organs. Experi
ments will be performed upon indi
viduals and the audience and lan
tern slides will be used to demon
strate the points which Dr. Cros
land seeks to emphasize.
Dr. Hall Chosen
To Be Secretary
Dr. Calvin Hall, assistant pro
fessor in psychology, was chosen
secretary of the group of psycholo
gists which met here last Friday
and Saturday.
In the discussion Saturday morn
ing William Griffith, Reed college,
spoke on research problems carried
on by seniors at Reed college work
ing on their AB theses. Dr. Forbes,
Monmouth Normal school, des
cribed experiments in human learn
The group decide to meet again
next year, probably at Reed college.
Professor Katz Will
Discuss ‘Squeezes’
“Squeezes," which to archeolo
gists mean nothing less than im
pressions of inscriptions made on a
peculiar type of paper, will be the
chief subject of Professor Solo
mon Katz’ talk before the Classi
cal club, which will meet this eve
ning at the home of Prof. Frederic
Dunn of the Romance language
Mr. Katz, assistant of Greek,
spent from February to July of
last year in Asia Minor and Greece,
collecting over 450 Greek and Lat
in inscriptions from milestones,
tombstones, and other ancient re
mains. Ht is at present collecting
his material for publication.