PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon EDITORIAL OFFICES: Journalism building. Phone 3300 — Editor. Loral 354 ; News Room and Managing Editor, 353. BUSINESS OFFICE: McArthur Court. Phone 3300—Local 214. MEMBERS OF MAJOR COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS Represented bv A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 123 VV. Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Avc., Seattle; 1031 S. Broadway, Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco. __ Robert \V. Lucas, editor Eldon Haberman, manager Clair Johnson, managing editor TIPPER NEWS STAFF Ed Hanson, cartoonist Virginia Endicott, news editor Charles Paddock, sports editor Ed Robbins, chief night editor Mildred Plackburne, exchange Woodrow Truax, radio editor Miriam Kichner, literary editor Marge Petsch, woman’s editor Louise Anderson, society editor LeRoy Mattingly, Wayne Har bert, special assignment re porters. EDITORIAL, BOARD Heni'ielte Hnrak, William Marsh, Dan K. Clark II, Howard Kessler, Tom McCall, Fred Colvig, Fob Moore, Mary Graham, secretary to the board. __ REPORTERS: ° » Lloyd Tripling, Paul Dctitschmann, Ruth Lake, Ellamae Wood worth. Bob P wouls in leu«tli and should he accompanied by the writer’s signature and address which will he withheld if rciniested. All ciwnmunicatinn* are subject to the discretion ot the editors. Anonymous letters will be disregarded.___ The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods, all of December except the first seven days, all ot March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class matter at the postoltice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $2.50 a >car. Let's Get Down To Brass Tacks TUESDAY next, the interfraternity council will meet for the umpty-umpth time to bicker over its new constitution. ’lorn McCall will bring the meeting to order, and, after the first perfunctory details in the order of business are cleared away, lie will call for a report from the committee drafting the new orders of the organization. Endless, tedious debate and ho humming there will be, and finally the matter will be brought to a vote—to be voted down for the umpty-umpth time. And precisely nothing will be accomplished— unless unless the fraternity presidents there assembled forget their ceaseless, silly squabbling about points of no consequence whatever, and get down to what are really the prime necessities of any plan that is to prevent the recurrence of those disputes that blasted interfraternity accord last fall. This matter of an "impartial tribunal,” which lias been the stumbling block of the past several sessions, is really of no consequence whatever. Such a tribunal already exists the student advi sary counci, the body of ultimate jurisdiction over all student relations. It settled ttie interfraternity dispute last fall to the satisfaction of all con cerned, and, in doing so, chastened the tribunal of the interfraternity council so that it is unlikely that the latter body will In the future let itself open to the charge of partiality. What the counci should do at its next meeting is to discuss, not the adjudication of “rushing” abuses, but the deeper problem, the abuses thorn selves. What the council should do is to define tire evils of freshmen week in undisputable terms: "hot-boxing," “date-breaking," illegal “pin-plant ing," the "knocking" of one fraternity by mem bers of another, etc. Each of these abuses should be taken, defined, and debated as to whether it is susceptible to explicit regulation, or whether it must be left to the honor of tire fraternities themselves. Unless the council gets down to "brass tacks" and gives close attention to plans for really eliminating the evils of "rush week," refraining from debate upon inconsequential issues, Tues day’s meeting will end as fruitlessly as have those of the past month. All Work, No Play Makes Us 'Disgustipated' of the finest results to be obtained from a college education is learning the value of leisure both mental and physical. A hobby, some definite outside interest, is not only a method whereby a retired business man may spend his money and declining years, but is a method whereby young men and young women may get pleasure and essential rest from routine occupa tions. Leisure does not mean "wasted” time. Leisure simply means a necessary and stimulating change from regular procedure. College students who are wise will begin right now to arrange their study and working hours to include some extra-curric ular activity some sport, some active interest from which they will continue to benefit even after they leave college. All work and no play make not only Jack dull, but dulls the wit and thought of anybody else who doesn't know better than to work all the time. Governor Hoffman lias apparently been liauptnitized. The jumbled collection of letters in the recent Emerald-created word "socialite” pictures in our mind a very excellent symbol of the true jumble of the general social whirl. The Safety Valve Leltor* published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Emerald. Anony mous contributions will be disregarded. The names of ocm municants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserv ing the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campuB. Editor, the Emerald: The radicals and liberals are striving for an ideal it seems; the ideal that every American has a right to be free from compulsion of -any kind that does not accomplish a social purpose. Well, here is another ideal to think about: the ideal of making every U. of O. studertt a better citizen (and a credit to the °school and country j. That ideal is partly achieved, for instance, by com pulsory enrollment in an elementary English, course. This is necessary because the University entrance requirements are low. Could such a worthy compulsion or means to an end be sin cerely frowned upon by you idealists? Now X believe that the military course shouid be re garded in the same light. Many are the youthful students who would be better citizens after a little training in discipline, leadership, alertness, posture and organized efficiency. Some contend that this fosters militarism. But any R.OTC stu dent will tell you that he has learned all about “cannon fodder” and that illuminating knowledge of military subjects has set him very definitely against war. Also it should be the duty of every citizen to support the present national defense • policy as long as that policy is approved by the majority. As for those of you who have already been endowed with the good qualities mentioned above and who do not wish to support the national defense policy, why not settle your own cases in dividually with the lenient military exemptions committee, instead of lending strength to the minority group whose actions may deprive others of these opportunities. Under optional ROTC the government would reduce the appropriations that support the band, the rifle team, and make possi ble the training of those who want to be officers. The idealists who object to the present arrange ment because of the pianciple of the thing say that those who wanted to could still take the military course anyway. But (I am afraid that) in the short period of registration only a few would learn of the merits of the course and take this opportunity to better themselves and the school in the support of an ideal. They would pass it up just as they would an optional English course. Since the conscientious objectors have re course to an exemption committee that makes “compulsory" an inappropriate word for the pres ent arrangement, and the only remaining com plaints seem to be of a minor nature arising from selfish motives, such as having to wear a "monkey suit,” I believe the present status is wholly correct. I hope this expresses the true opinion of the majority which I have been waiting in vain to hear expressed. Norris Perkins. Editor, the Emerald: One more word, and the counsel for the prose cution in the case of Aristotle vs. the University of Oregon will leave the decision with the jury. This morning’s Emerald contained the news item that the committee on selection of “heads” to adorn the library had abandoned Phidias for tlie quite obvious reason that no adequate repre sentation of Phidias could tie found. Yet Aristotle, with two fine portrait busts extant, is to continue under a disguise of fictitious conventionality. The jury will be, let us say, a group of tourists an the campus, 75 or 100 years from now. Look ing up at the “heads,” one will exclaim, “There's Shakespeare,” and another, “Thomas Jefferson,” and another, “Michael Angelo.” “But,” a fourth will say, “who's that guy (modern classic for isto homo) witli the four-forked beard?” “Oh,” some one will answer, “that's supposed to be Aristotle.” “Supposed, you say? Did they have no knowledge of authentic portraits?” "Oli yes, but—.” Frederic S. Dunn. Editor, the Emerald: May L congratulate you on taking the first straw vote on student body officers. This move ment, if improved and correctly used, might easily develop into a direct primary for Oregon student affairs. However, while the principle is worthy, the actual poll lias been poorly handled. You have failed in several cases to include in your "nomina tions.’' men who were far more qualified for office than those you “nominated.” An example may explain what 1 mean. In the list of "candidates" for sophomore class president you included the name of Mr. McAvoy. I do not doubt that this man is extremely well qualified for office, but it so happens that lie is not even registered in the University. For this same office you failed to "nominate" Robert Hailey. Mr. Hailey was over whelmingly elected freshman class treasurer, and has been one of Oregon's most efficient class officers. He certainly would have polled more votes than some of the unknown politicians who were included. To state the facts bluntly, the Emerald's poll on this office is not to be trusted. 1 trust the Emerald will admit its error, and profiting by its mistakes will continue this worth while policy of determining campus opinion. Hill Hall. ' Editor, the Emerald: Your representative to the dormitory. Bill Hall, picked a very inopportune time to have our organization cast its votes in the straw ballot. Consequently you will not find many votes on the ballot from Sigma hall. Although this vote should be as comprehensive as possible our ballot will probably make little difference even if it were complete. However. 1 do not wish anyone to think that tills ballot is representative of our organization. 1 would gladly take the ballot and get a full vote. Also, l assure you there will be no stuffing or monkey-business which seem to be the reasons for the lack of efficiency in procuring the vote. Douglas M. Felton. President. Sigma hall. "My what awful chiselers." Aristotle would say if he knew that a "reproduction" of his head vo appeal oil the new library, beardless. The Marsh of Time I By Bill Marsh With all this publicity that’sl been given to “sudden death” and * motor accidents in general, there has come a sulisequent wave of prevention . . . what’s to be done to prevent highway crashes and their ghastly toll of bloody deafhs ! . . . what can in* done to make people drive with at least a modi cum of foresight and common sense . . , While driving through the state of Illinois, observant travelers no tice a little custom that might, in j the end, prove very effective in making people use their heads in stead of their throttle toes. It’s simply this. When two cars crash oil a highway, and one or more people are smashed to their deaths, the auto club of Chicago erects a monument on the side of the road at that spot. The monu ment consists of a clearly visible, scarlet sign across the face of which is a white cross. One mon ument is put up for every death. Strangers coming into the state from Iowa or Indiana or Kentucky notice these gruesome markers of sudden death, and wonder what they are. They usually shudder when filling station attendants tell them “Those red signs mark the spots where people have died in automobile crashes.” The thing that gets home is the number of them. It’s almost im possible to drive anywhere without running into these persistent markers of carelessness that snuffed out human life. Sometimes there’ll he three or four of them in a single mile. Drive along, and you can practically see the devil sitting on your radiator cap wait ing, waiting patiently for the time when they’ll put one of those scarlet and white monuments up over the dry stains which YOUR blood has made on the side of the road. Pleasant thought, isn’t it? But by Jove it’s a smart one. Nothing like blood and bone3 and gore to make people use the old bean. * * * Things and Stuff: Ethel Mer man, the songstress whom you liked so well in “Anything Goes,” has to struggle along on a weekly stipend of $2,500.00. I don’t see how she does it. Must be awful to scrimp like that . . . and she never had a singing lesson in her life . . . says she, “Singers who took lessons think more about their dia phragms than they do about their songs” . . . The ancient and honor able game . . . Scotland’s first printed reference to golf appeared in 1438, a year when Columbus was even the proverbial twinkle in old Col umbo’s eye . . . Ex-Premier Laval of Frunce smokes as many as 120 cigarettes a day . . . now, there's the man the cigarette man ufacturers should get to pose for their advertisements . . . The pub lishers of “Music Goes 'Round and ’Round” are very sorrowful . . . three days after it reached Eng land, the King died . . . the king may have been the only nobleman, but I’ll bet that the legitimate racket set up by that musical mon strosity caused more than one death among the commoners . . . by by. I ❖ ❖ Air Y' ❖ Listenin'? : By Jimmy Morrison Emerald of the Air “Among the Maestros,” ■— news of the dance bands—an Emerald of the Air program inaugurated last Friday, will be on the air at 3:45 today. Today’s Brief Biography Presenting Kay Noble: This dis tinguished band leader who came to America from England with nothing but a music library of his own arrangements and broke into popular music spolight here cer tainy deserves all the success he is now enjoying. Born in London, Ray, who is the | son of a noted surgeon, was grad uated from Cambridge and trained in classical composition, but turned to popular music. He won three consecutive contests for the best music arrangement. Then he joined the British Broadcasting' company (BBC) and became general director of British Victor at 26. Although Noble never had a band of his own until he came to America, he made recordings with musicians recruited from half a dozen American bands. His orches tra you hear on “Refreshment Time" programs now is the real McCoy, however. Ray wrote “Goodnight, Sweet heart,” “By the Fireside,” and “Love Is the Sweetest Thing." Two very recent Noble hits are “If You Love Me" and “The Touch of Your Lips.” The Air Angle Stop watches of the directors of "Lombardo Road" were recently drafted to time the duration of that note Carmen Lombardo holds so long on his saxophone in "St. Louis Blues.” Official time was 55.5 seconds. They call it a record; real swing musicians say it's noth ing to brag about. They hope the dreary Lombardo brothers go a long way on Lombardo Road. * * * Larry Cotton, tenor who left Jimmie Grier’s orchestra recently to accept a job in the Chicago NBC studios, will be heard on the blue network tonight at 8:00. His selec tions include “It's Great to Be in Love Again,” “Lovely Lady,” and "Here’s to Romance.” Irma Glen, organ accompanist, will play “When Moonbeams Softly Fall." Si * * The Three Cheers will give their interpretation of popular numbers tonight at G on the program with A1 Pearce and His Gang. Harry Sosnik presents his orchestra in ‘‘Breakin’ in a Pair of Shoes” and "Saddle Your Blues to a Wild Mus tang.” Harry Foster's tenor solo will be "Lovely Lady” from “King of Burlesque.” ISBC-CBS Programs Today 3:00- Woman’s Magazine, NBC. 4:00 Totten on Sports. KPO. 5:30 Broadway Varieties. KSL, KOIN. 6:00 A1 Pearce and His Gang. KPO, KGW. Hollywood Hotel, KSL, KOIN. S:00—Larry Cotton, tenor. NBC blue network. 9:00—Waring’s Pennsylvanians. KPO, KFI. Small Change * Edited by Mildred Blackburns I Leap Year_ Dance Calls Out Etiquette Women Draw Up Rules for Escorting Dates to OSC ‘Limp’ Oregon State hel