Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1936, Image 1

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    Small Change
About Other Schools
In This Issue
Straw Voters
Pick Finley for ASUO
Prcxy Nominee L
+ By Tex Thomason
The world has taken another
step toward that seemingly inevi
table conflict. In the cold grey
dawn of February 26 young army
fanatics struck to wipe out the
liberal element of the Japanese
government. They were highly
successful, Premier Keisuke Okada,
Admiral Viscount Makoto Saito,
former premier and at his death
lord keeper of the privy seal, and
General Jotaro Watanabe, chief of
military education, are dead. Kor
ekiyo Takahashi, minister of fi
nance, and Admiral Kantaro Suzu
ki, lord chamberlain of the impe
rial court, were wounded.
With the tight censorship that
Japan has clamped on, it is impos
sible to obtain an accurate picture
of just what the situation is, but
that it is very critical is indicated
by this very censorship.
London is quoted as observing
that the revolt was inspired by
three developments:
1. Lack of more forceful action
by the Japanese government in
Manchukuoan - Mongolian border
2. The sudden unexplained halt
of Japanese penetration in north
China last November.
3. Dismissal of Gen, Jinzaburo
Mazaki, ex-inspector - general of
the military education department,
whose successor, Gen. Jotaro Wat
anabe, was reported assassinated.
The assassinations are the ex
treme militarists’ way of answer
ing the people of Japan, who only
last week voted against militarism
and for parliamentary rule by es
tablishing Premier Okada more
firmly in power than he had been
since his induction into office in
1934. The samurai, or the war
riors, have given notice that they
will brook no interference with
what they believe the proper course
to put Japan in her “place in the
sun.” They are off, and heaven
alone knows where they will end
up. The greatest of the moderate,
liberal statesmen have been done
away with. There are none to re
place them, and if there were,
what could they do? It has been
proven over and over again that
those who control the army con
trol the nation, and in Japan the
government does not control the
army or the navy. The ministers
of war and navy are from the ac
tive services and, though members
of the cabinet, are not responsible
to it or to parliament, so they do
just about as they please.
Russia eyes all this with grave
misgivings. The border clashes
along the Manchukuo-Outer Mon
golia frontier have intensified and
strained Russo-Japanese relations
almost to the breaking point. She
(Please turn to page four)
AWS Carnival
Directors Plan
Unusual Show
Booths, Dancing, Prizes
Feature Annual Event
Held Here April 18
Unusual booths, dancing and
prizes will predominate at the
AWS Carnival Saturday, April 18,
in McArthur court. A gay and
elaborate show is being planned by
the directorate.
” Every effort will be made to
make this year’s carnival an
entertaining affair, according to
Elizabeth Turner, general chair
man for the carnival. Josephine
McGilchrist will assist Miss Turner
as assistant chairman.
Miss Turner Names Heads
Other members of the director
ate appointed yesterday by Miss
Turner include: Frances Johnson,
raffles; Jean Stevenson, booths;
Isobelle Miller, tickets; Kay Cole
man, clean-up; Gladys Battleson,
recording secretary; Jane Lagas
see, secretary; Molly White, danc
ing; Betty Riesch, AWS booth;
Phylis Adams, publicity; Vivian
Emery, basket social; Marjorie
Kissling, promotion; and the new
AWS treasurer will be in charge
of finance.
Annual Social Event
The AWS Carnival is an annual
social event given for all students
on the campus. The booths are
planned and decorated by the liv
ing organizations with a fraternity
and sorority working together in
charge of each booth. Prizes will
be given for the pair having the
most unusual, artistic and profit
able booth.
Pi Delta Plii Hears
Longfellow Story
Members of Pi Delta Phi heard
the story of Longfellow in France,
which was presented in French by
Dr. Carl Johnson, assistant pro
fessor, at the honorary's monthly
meeting in Gerlinger hall at 7:30.
Dr. Johnson, who spent two
years living at the home of Long
fellow while attending Cambridge
university, received his doctor’s de
gree in the subject of Longfellow
in France. While living at the
poet's home he had access to pri
vate correspondence and delved in
to hundreds of original manuscripts
of the great man kept in vaults.
Last evening he related in
French, Longfellow's voyage from
New York to Europe where he
visited not only France, but Italy,
Germany, and Spain as well.
The club decided to postpone the
meeting in March because of exams
and spring vacation. It was
planned to have a purely social
meeting, where French conversa
tion, songs, and games would pre
'No Studying’ Sign Will Guard
Libe Browsing Room
“No studying allowed in this
room” or a sign of similar wordage
will guard the entrance to one of
the most important rooms in the
University’s new library, now
rapidly rising on what was once
called Kincaid field.
The room will be used exclusive
ly for pleasure reading, and an eye
to atmosphere is being studied
from the furniture standpoint. In
stead of the customary hard
seated desks, easy chairs and dav
enports, attractive floor lamps, and
a fireplace at each end of the room
will enrich its homelike appear
It has been tentatively called the
“browsing” room and will be open
to all students of the University.
Walls will be lined with good
books, most of which will be gifts,
all in shelves conveniently placed
for easy access and inspection.
There will be an attendant on
hand at all times, not to enforce
peace and quiet, but to help in the
selection of useful books, and to
charge out those the students want
to take home overnight.
The present plans for the struc
ture have placed the “browsing”
room on the main floor between
the two principal entrances, facing
Condon hall. It will be 25 by 90
feet with a north exposure assur
ing- ample daylight. Partial walls
will divide the loom into three
Carnival Head
Elizabeth Turner who will head
the Associated Women's carnival
during spring term. Miss Turner,
who was appointed early this week,
is also acting head of the sopho
more class.
Gamma Alpha Chi
Dance March 28
Betty Coon, Maude Long
Co-chairmen; Motif Is
Fifth Avenue
The annual spring dance of
Gamma Alpha Chi, women’s na
tional advertising honorary, is be
ing held on March 28, the first
Saturday of spring term, opening
the social functions for the term.
The motif for this year’s dance
is the Gamma Alpha Chi Fifth
Avenue dance and promises to sur
pass the former successes of the
organization. Betty Coon and
Maude Long are co-chairmen for
the affair, and have already ap
pointed their committees.
McArthur court is being used
this year to afford greater dancing
room for those attending than has
been provided in the past. The
ticket sale will be opened next
week, with representatives in each
women’s living organization.
Model Contest Featured
As has been practiced in former
years, a model contest will be held
to select suitable models for the
fashion dance. Hannah Crossley is
in charge of the contest which will
take place next week.
Committee appointments given
out by the co-chairmen include:
tickets. Irene Schaupp, Kathleen
Salisbury; models, Hannah Cross
ley, Toni Lucas; displays, Helen
Bartrum, Margery Kissling; deora
tion, Katheen Duffy, Katherine
Larson; orchestra, Frances Spence;
patrons and partonesses, Millicent
Olin; programs, Mary Starbuck,
Frances Spe-.-'e; publicity, Mar
gery Kisiiing.
Winners of Sales
Contest Announced
Robert Thomas, Leroy James,
and John Whitehouse are the win
ners of the sales contest sponsored
by Professor Kelly’s class in insur
ance. They will go to Portland to
compete in a final contest in which
$25 prize money will be distribut
ed among the three winners.
About six Eugene insurance men
and Professor Kelly of the business
school judged the contestants.
UO Symphony
Concert Set
For Wednesday
Dorothy Louise Johnson
Soloist; Underwood to
Direet Group
With Rex Underwood leading
the University Symphony orches
tra will bring the winter term con
cert series to a close next Wed
nesday, March 4, when they appear
in concert at the school of music
Dorothy Louise Johnson will ap
pear as violin soloist with the
group in its first public appear
ance since the latter part of fall
term. Madelina Giustina was solo
ist at that time.
Over In 70 in Group
Over 70 students and townspeo
ple will make up the personnel of
the orchestra which Director Un
derwood will lead. He has recent
ly been honored by a request to
conduct an all state high school or
chestra of 100 pieces before the
National Educational conference
this June.
Tschaikowsky’s Sixth Symphony
leads a program of three parts
which includes Brandenburg Con
certo, No. 2 in F Major by Bach
and Motte. and Concerto in D Mi
nor by Wieniawski.
ASUO Cards Admit
ASUO cards will admit students
(Please turn to papc four)
Health Situation
Changes Slightly
Dr. Miller Reports Seven
New Influenza Patients;
Total Reaches 33
There is little change in the
health situation on the campus, Dr,
Fred N. Miller of the University
health service reported last night.
No new cases of measles were
reported, but seven new patients
were admitted to local institutions
with influenza. The infirmary and
the infiramry annex are now filled
and four patients were sent to the
Pacific hospital.
Thirty-three patients were con
fined in the infirmary, the annex,
and the Pacific hospital, with 11
in each.
One New Patient
The only new patient in the Uni
versity infirmary is Myrtle Mc
Pherson. Other patients include
Bernice Scherzinger, Evelyn Gen
oves, Margaret Hay, Jean Larson,
[Dixie Miller, Maude Long, Audrey
Aasen, Leland Terry, Robert
Young, and Bartlet Cole.
Marion Lucas, Vivian White, and
Mary Shafer were admitted to the
annex yesterday. Others there are
Ruth Mary Scovel, Helen Engel,
Dorothy Johnson, Jeanne Sherrard,
Arlene Reynolds, Aileen Dement,
Elvera Marx, and Marijane Stur
[ geon.
At the Pacific hospital Scott Mc
Keown, William Courtney, Zane
Kemler, and Charles Paddock are
the only new patients. Others are
Herbert Juell, Kathleen Rose,
Helga Myrno, William Hutchison,
George Reeves, Abram Merritt,
and Daniel Jordan.
No Studying Allowed
There will be no studying allowed in the room pictured above. A sign over the door will forbid same.
| The picture is a reproduction of what the much herlded browsing room in the new library will look like,
Independent Girls
Called to Meeting
Fty Dean of Women
All independent girls who are
not living at homo in Eugene
nro required to come to a brief
but important meeting Wednes
day, March 4 at 8:30 in alumni
hall, according to Hazel I*.
Schwering, dean of women.
Attendance is compulsory,
and roll call will he taken.
To Be Revived
Martha McCall Chairman;
Publicity for Oregon Is
Main Purpose
Revival of an old tradition in the
form of vacation dances on March
■21 in various towns over the state
is being sponsored by the AWS,
with Martha McCall as chairman.
Miss McCall is hoping that the stu
dents will get behind the project
and see that it is put over in a
manner which will give Oregon the
publicity it deserves.
Tickets are being handled by
Frances Johnson, who announces
that she is going to choose repre
sentatives for each men’s living
organization to help with the sales,
awarding a free ticket for each ten
sold. Sales will also be made at
the high schools of Portland, Eu
gene, Salem, Bend, Kamath Falls,
and Astoria, since it is here that
the dances are to be given.
Price 75 Cents
The price for each couple will be
75 cents and for those who decide
to go during the last minute rush
tickets may be bought at the door.
This informal dance, which is
an attempt to awaken more of the
Oregon spirit, has met with ap
proval from Dean Schwering, who
is “glad to see this reviving inter
est” in getting future students and
alumni together for a good time.
Jean Stevenson
Amphibian Head
Jean Stevenson was elected pres
ident of Amphibians, women's
swimming- honorary, at a meeting
held Thursday night at the wo
men’s pool. Other officers elected
were: Jane Chapler, vice-president;
Marian Smith, secretary; Joella
Mayer, treasurer.
Plans were made at the meeting
for the annual pageant to be given
in conjunction with the varsity
swimmers spring term. Warrine
Eastburn, instructor in physical
education, is adviser to the group.
Olive Lewis was appointed chair
man of the pageant.
Retiring officers are Mary Mc
Cracken, Jean Favier, Elaine Good
ell, and Olive Lewis.
60 Householders
Attend Meeting
No effort will be made by house
holders to compete with the $15
a-month scale for board and room
offered by cooperative living
groups, it was indicated at a meet
ing Wednesday of all householders.
Approximately sixty household
ers attended the meeting which
was presided over by Mrs. Hazel
P. Schwering, dean of women,
Wednesday in Villard hall, the
smallest turnout for several terms.
Rates for board and room will
range from $20 to $38 a month. It
is necessary that underclass stu
dents wishing to live outside ,the
-dormitories save at least $6 a
month by this plan before they are
allowed to move.
Ali rooms available will be listed
in the dean of women’s office and
students desiring quarters can
make arrangements there.
Geology Department
Gets Wall Charts
A series of colorful wall charts
have been procured by the geology
department to illustrate geological
formations and index fossils of dif
ferent periods of the world’s his
These will be used next year in
the historical geology classes.
They show imaginary presenta
tions of animals which roamed the
earth in prehistoric times, as well
as the types of land formations.
The charts have been posted in the
hall on the lower floor of Condon.
Brownie Sale
To Be Held
Kwnnia, Freshman Girls
Take Over Roles as
Cooky Saleswomen;
Staff Named
The Kwama Brownie sale Is
scheduled for Wednesday, March
4, from 9 a. m. until 5:30 p. m.
with the freshman women aiding
their sophomore sisters as cooky
According to Kathleen Duffy,
general chairman, two more booths
making five in all, are to be added
this year for the convenience of
hungry students. Booths will be
placed at the women’s gym, by
the journalism building, before the
Side, between Commerce and Ore
gon, and in front of the old libe.
Price Two for Five
Brownies will come in cellophane
bags. The price per bag of two
cookies will be five cents.
Names of freshman women who
I have signed up to sell brownies
jwill be printed in Saturday's Em
erald with the hours and places
each is to work. Kathleen Duffy
will issue further instructions lat
Other members of the brownie
staff appointed by Miss Duffy fol
lows: brownies, Isabel Miller; sell
ing, Elizabeth Turner; house sales,
Hallie Dudrey and Betty Rosa;
booths, Jean Ackerson and Irma
Huston; posters, Doris Mabie;
publicity, Lillian Warn and Lilyan
House Workers Listed
House representatives: Alpha
Chi Omega, Vivian Emery; Alpha
Gamma Delta, Lilyan Krantz; Al
pha Delta Pi, Gretchen Smith; Al
pha Omicron Pi, Gladys Battleson;
Alpha Phi, Isabel Miller; Chi Ome
ga, Olive Lewis; Delta Delta Del
ta, Jean Ackerson; Delta Gamma,
Constance Kletzer; Gamma Phi
Beta, Iris Schmidt; Hendricks
Hall, Lillian Warn; Kappa Alpha
Theta, Marjorie Gearhart; Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Hallie Dudrey; Phi
Mu, Ona Dee Hendrickson; Pi Beta
Phi, Doris Mabie; Sigma Kappa,
Genevieve McNiece; Susan Camp
bell hall, Alice Cannon; Indepen
dents, Irma Huston.
OSC Advertising
Group Gives Banquet
Several members of the Alpha
Delta Sigma, advertising honorary,
attended the tenth anniversary
banquet of the H. T. Vance chap
ter of the honorary at Corvalli3
last night.
The H. T. Vance chapter of Al
pha Delta Sigma was installed ten
years ago at Oregon State College
by the W. F. G. Thacher chapter
on this campus.
Finley Wins Straw
Ballot; 919 Students
Cast Unofficial Votes
StrawJVote Victor
By more than 100 votes, Craig
Finley, above, swept the Emerald's
surprise straw vote last nigh!
heading a strong list of candidates
for the position of ASUO president
next year.
Crosland Gives
Science Lecture
Dr. H. R. Crosland, associate
professor of psychology, will give
a popular science lecture on “Day
light Ghosts or Phantasms of Ev
eryday Life" next Tuesday evening
at 7:30 in the Villard hall audito
The lecture will demonstrate ths
inaccuracy and unreliability of the
human senses. Lantern slides anr
experiments on individuals as wet
as on the audience will be used tc
illustrate Dr. Crosland’s points.
Eugene people and University
students are invited to attend the
lecture as these science depart
ment lectures are for anyone inter
ested, said Dr. A. E. Caswell, heati
of the physics department, who is
in charge of the series.
Food Classes lo See
Meat-Culling Exhibit
Walter MacPherson, of Elliott’s
grocery, will give a meat-cutting
demonstration before the members
of the food preparation class nexl
week. The exact date of the dem
onstration will be decided later.
During the past week, the class
has been studying cuts and prepa
ration of meats.
Straw Vote Balloting
| T. Craig Finley . 258
j 2. A1 Davis . 127
,3. Ken BeLleu . 126
4. Don Thomas . 92
5. Mel Johnson . 78
6. Bill Marsh . 76
7. Tex Thomason . 67
8. Frank Nash . 41
!). Dave Lowry . 40
10. Charles Paddock . 14
1. .John Allen . 253
2. John Thoma» . 246
3. Cecil Barker . 137
4. Frank Howland . 92
5. Ilavid Crosse . (!7
6. Henry Mincer. 28
7. Howard I^e . 1
Olill Villen LU.HI
| I. Bud Burnett 208
2. Bill ('iimming* . 118
8. Jack Cochrldge .?. 1)8
i 4. Arnie McAvoy . 83
i 5. Harry Weston . 81
6. Harry Clifford 62
7. John Omon . 53
8. Keith Oshurne . 87
9. Herb Joull . 24
10. Boh Wagner 18
11. John LuvauN . 17
12. Bill Van Dusen. 13
13. Robert Bailey . 12
loiai vores i;ast ...
1. Noel Henson . 150
2. A1 Carter . 136
i 3. Ralph Cathey . ISO
4. Louis mills 09
5. Bill Pease . 77
6. Woodrow Traux . 71
Charles Barclay
7. Fred Bradshaw . 62
8. Bob Wilhelm . 83
Total Votes Cast
1. Craig Finley . 142
2. John ThonuiM 109
3. Frank Nash 96
4. Mel Johnson . 86
3. Ken Be Lieu . 83
6. John Allen . 69
7. A! Davis . 66
8. Cecil Barker . 44
». Dave Lowery . 88
10. Don ThoniuH . 38
Tex Thomason
11. Kessler Cannon . 23
12. Don Reed . 17
Frank Howland
18. Oliver Obergaard .. 5
Ernest Savage
Total \ote» cant .. HBH
Emerald's Surprise Poll
Finds Offices Closely
o Contested; Davis and
BeLieu Near Top
Oregon students named Craig
Finley as popular choice for next
year's student body president over
A1 Davis, the closest candidate,
in an unofficial surprise straw vote
conducted by Emerald representa
tives during the dinner hour yes
terday. John Allen was high man
for vice-president.
Out of 919 votes cast for student
body president Finley ran up a to
tal of 258 votes. Davis and Ken
BeLieu ran a neck-and-neck sec
ond, totaling 127 and 126 respec
tively. Don Thomas led others
with 92 ballots.
1’re-cumpuign Choice
The vote was held to reveal the
choice of the entire student body
for class and student body offices,
before political machines swung in
to annual spring campaigns.
About fifty ballots were distrib
uted to students in an effort to get
a true consensus of all student liv
ing organizations. A special meet
ing of independents was held in
Gerlinger hall last night. One Em
erald representative went to each
living organization to supervise the
John Allen Wins
For vice-president of the student
body John Allen topped John
Thomas by 7 votes. Cecil Barker
trailed over one hundred votes be
Noel Benson, Ralph Cathey, and
A1 Carter, were named in that or
der on junior class presidency bal
lots. Not more than 20 votes sep
arated any of the candidates.
Popular choice for sophomore
class president was Bud Burnett
with 208 votes. He was defeated
for freshman class president last
fall. Bill Cummings was second
with 118 votes.
16 Senior Candidates
Out of 16 candidates for presi
dent of the next senior class Craig
Finley again took a first place with
142 votes. John Thomas, who
placed second in the student body
vice-presidency race, was also sec
ond choice for senior class presi
Members of Chi Psi fraternity
and Pi Beta Phi sorority refused
to cast votes for any candidates,
maintaining that was against
house policies.
After votes had been cast heads
of the various groups signed and
sealed the results into plain en
velopes, which were taken to the
Emerald office for tabulation.
Eligibility Not Considered
Eligibility of candidates was not
considered when they were placed
on the ballot. Many of those se
lected are not eligible for office
now, but in all probability they
will have made up academic de
ficiencies by the time spring cam
paigns begin.
Neither was eligibility of voters
considered. Students could make
their own choice for president of
other classes as well as their own.
Student body cards were not nec
Story Contest Date
Reset to March 14
Deadline for entries in the Edi
son Marshall short story contest
has been postponed until March 14,
according to W. F. G. Thacher,
professor of journalism, who is in
charge of the contest.
Fifty dollars is the prize offered
to the writer of the winning story.
Any University undergraduate
may enter. Entrants are limited to
only one story, and the manuscript
must be typed, and two copies sub
The name of the writer should
not appear on the submitted copies,
but written on a piece of paper and
enclosed in an envelope on the face
of which is written the name of
the story.
Stories may be of any length or
SAE Officer Visits
Mr. Lauren Foreman, a national
officer of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, ar
rived here yesterday and will visit
until Saturday with the local chap