Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1936, Page Four, Image 4

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of the
By Tex Thomason
Wavo That Flap;
A motion picture was showing
in town last week titled “Red Sa
lute.” Aside from the fact that it
was an insult to intellect and
packed with moronic dialogue and
far-fetched action, it illustrated
how easy it is to cloak propagan
da in the guise of entertainment.
To review films is out of our!
line, but the story was one of an i
army general's daughter hypno
tized in her adolescent ignorance
by communistic doctrines. The
show opens with her listening en
thralled to her youthful lover try
ing to convert the patriots. He1
stands under a banner labeled j
“liberty League of American Stu- i
dents.” To shorten a drearily long
story; her father forcibly sends
her to Mexico, she meets a satis
fied army private, he shouts the
ease for capitalism, she voices the
virtues of communism, they hag
gle their way back from Juarez to
Washington. There the private
busts up the communists’ meeting,
Lenin’s protege is announced eli
gible for deportation, and daugh
ter, seeing the love-light about to
go out, decides private is the best
remaining bet. They marry, and as
"Red Salute” considerately ends
daughter is humbly mouthing that
she was all wrong and capitalism
must be O.K. after all.
With millions
of unemployed
and a public debt larger than ever
before in history, it is foolish to
argue that the capitalistic system
is a perfect one. But it is equally
foolish to state that a revolution
and a resulting “ism” would cure
our ills. Any government has its
virtues and its faults. Truthful
discussion and depiction of the
pros and cons of any system is the
only way in which the people can
critically evaluate just how good
the various systems are.
To present the eases for either
enpitalism or communism in a se- j
Ties of half-truths and distorted
statements Is deliberate misgtild-j
anee of the public mind. Yet that,
is exactly what “Red Salute” did j
for the case for capitalism. Ilow i
many people will Immediately sub-1
stitute in their minds the Ameri
can Student Union for the Liberty
League of American Students is
impossible to estimate. How many
will leave that show with the im
pression that th«> army is this na
tion’s hope of salvation in the con
test with communism equally de
fies calculation.
Yet to implant these ideas
seemed to be the purpose of the
film. Thousands of entertainment
seekers throughout the land will
take this painless injection of prop
aganda, and if on the minds of the
uncritical masses another sore
spot is left to fester against any
betterment of the existing order,
then the purpose of the film is ac
In concluding, it is interesting to
observe that for several months
the respective publication of the
ASU and Mr. Hearst have been
waging a relentless war of words.
Mr. Hearst favors a large army
and navy; the ASIT is irrevocably
paclfistic. Could Mr. Heart’s own
ership of large blocks of motion
picture stocks have anything to
do with the production of “Red
Salute” ? I wonder.
Possible Nominee
Senator William IS. Borah of
Idaho, pictured above, is frequent
ly mentioned as a possible Repub
lican candidate for president.
I * w!W,.■ m ' WKf. . xX- » |
Processing levies and floor faxes
in the production of textile mills
ire the target of a suit taken to the
supreme court by William M. Itut
er, receiver for the Hoosac Mills.
Miss Bennett
(Continued from [’iif/c one)
naifway with an unexpected tear.
Those who remember Mary Ben
nett as Mrs. Puffy in “The Streets
if New York’’ saw in her the pos
dbilities for character acting. With
in opportunity such as that offered
by the role of Mrs. Midget in “Out
ward Bound,” Miss Bennett will
draw upon a wealth of experience
in creating a character which has
proved its power in appealing to
Broadway audiences.
The University theatre produc
tion will be directed by Ottilie
Turnbull Seybolt. Settings will be
designed and supervised by Hor
ace W. Robinson.
Rosson, Stoddard
(Continued from (one one)
members, and President C. Valen
tine Boyer. They will consider
problems of administration and
Both to Help Successors
After the committee has con
sidered the resignations they will
select successors. Both Rosson and
Stoddard expressed the desire at
the council meeting to offer all
theit- assistance in acquainting the
new men with the duties of their
offices between now and .June 30.
Before any action can be taken
by the representative committee
consideration must be given the
stand of the University administra
tion and the board of control on
student activities.
Rosson and Stoddard both
started work with the ASUO in
the fall of 1930. Rosson was ap
pointed acting graduate manager
at that time, and in 1931 he re
placed Jack Benefiel who was
forced to resign from the position
because of illness. Stoddard was
student body president in 1929-30
and during Benefiel’s sickness he
carried out many of the graduate
manager’s duties. In the spring of
1930 Stoddard was appointed as
sistant graduate manager and dur
ing last year’s reorganization he
was made manager of athletics.
Have Reduced Debts
When Rosson and Stoddard as
sumed the post.ions the ASUO was
deeply buried in building debts. Tt
was through their efforts that this
debt has been reduced in the past
six years.
Before he became graduate man
ager Rosson was associate profes
sor of law. In 191(1 he received his
B.S degree at Knox college, and in
1920 his LU.B. at Iowa. He was
a member of the faculty of Kan
sas State Agricultural college from
1921-23. Since then he has been
connected with the University.
Resignation letters of the two
men follow:
To the Executive Council,
Associated Students University of
Upon assuming the duties of the
position of graduate manager of
tlie Associated Student organiza
tion in 1930 it was not my inten
tion to remain permanently in this
position, but rather to aid in the
solution of the acute financial
problems confronting the organiza
tion at that time and to develop in
a wholesome way the entire pro
gram of student activities on the
campus. In spite of the fact that
the intervening years have perpet
uated many of the original prob
lems and created new ones, yet
considerable progress has been
made through the yearly presenta
tion of our program of student ac
tivities, even in years of intense
economic depression.
It is my belief that the prob
lems now facing the Associated
Students in the financing and ad
ministration of student activities
must inevitably be met by change
and reorganization of the present
Hunter Tells Good 1
Of Chancellorship
State Education Head Tells
St. Louis Meet Unified
Control Benefits
In a speech before the depart
ment of superintendents of the Na
tional Education association in St.
Louis, Chancellor Frederick M.
Hunter pointed out eight benefits
of single-headed administration of |
state - supported institutions of i
higher education.
Dr. Hunter described the opera
tion of unified administration of
higher education in Oregon and [
showed the advantages over the;
decentralized plan at a symposium
meeting of prominent educators.
The eight reasons listed by Dr.
Hunter supporting the unified and
co-ordinated system are:
(1) The single system provides
a consolidated agency for curricu
la development, preventing dupli
cation and competition. (2) An
economical central control plan,
for operating the budget and con
serving all possible savings, can
be effected. (3) High school con
tacts can be conducted on a non
competitive basis.
(4) A single distinguished grad
uate school can be maintained. (5)
A single highly scientific research
organization serving all important
state interests can be maintained. I
(6) A single great state-wide adult
education and extension service
can be worked out. (7) A group
of great profession schools, operat
ing upon related undergraduate
foundational curricula, can be or
ganized. (8) A cooperative library
administration can make available
books for all institutions.
In Oregon more than 500,000 vol
umes are now available to any of
the six different libraries main
tained in the system.
system, and that effective consid
eration of such plans should be had
with regard to soundness of prin
ciple, efficiency of operation, and
staff personnel. In view of the fact,
therefore, that I desire to devote
my future to other interests, I
hereby tender my resignation, to
take effect at the completion of
the present year of service on June
30, 1936.
This action on my part is taken
tit this time with a view of aiding
in the institution of effective plans
for the administration of student
activities for the coming year
through providing ample notice
and opportunity for the selection
of my successor and his acquain
tance with the details of this of
fice prior to his assumption of re
sponsibility, if such procedure
seems desirable.
Respectfully submitted,
Graduate Manager.
To the Executive Council,
Associated Students University
of Oregon.
Because of the problems existing
in the financing and administra
tion of the activities of the Asso
ciated Students of the University
of Oregon, T feel that it is neces
sary for that firm to undergo a
complete reorganization at the ex
piration of the current year.
In making plans for this change
I do not wish my services to be
considered in the selection of staff
I personnel for the coming year. I
I hereby submit my resignation from
I the position of Manager of Athlet
ics of the Associated Students of
I the University of Oregon, to take
| effect at the end of the present
| school year, June 30, 1935.
1 am making this announcement
i at this time in order that ample
| time may be given to the selection
of a successor, and that he can be
j come acquainted with certain de
tails and duties of the position
should the executive council deem
this desirable.
Respectfully submitted,
Manager of Athletics.
—to find your lost
— to get that ride to
Portland for the
- to see that the rest
of the students know
that you can type
out their term papers.
Tunnelers 'Dug Own Graves/ Probers Told
Few of the 200 worker* in the Oauley Bridge, YV. Y'a., tunnel will escape painful death from
silicosis, in the next 10 to 20 years, Miss Philippa Allen, New Y'ork social worker, here told a house labor
sub-committee prolong the tragedy of the building of the four-mile bore. After four years’ work in the
district, Miss Allen declared contractors had failed to provide proper safety equipment, which company
representatives denied. Left to right are shown Mi is Allen, Representatives Glenn Griswold (Dem., Ind.),
Jennings Randolph (Dem., YV. V'u.), and Y'ito Marcantonio ( Rep., N. Y.).
Oregon Botanist Says Spring
Just Around Corner
“Yes, spring is on its way, al
though that snowstorm Sunday
made me doubt it for a while,”
said Professor Henderson, curator
of the University herbarium. “I
can’t remember, in all of the years
I’ve been here, a season which sud
denly melted its ice in the latter
part of February by a warm rain
like this, that wasn’t a harbinger
of spring.”
Professor Henderson is now re
tired from actual teaching at the
University but still acts as curator
for the herbarium and continues
his work upon the flora of the
West, for which he is well known
all over the coast. During the win
ter months when the weather
makes specimen collecting impos
sible, Professor Henderson works
upon the classification of mosses
which he says are “some of the
most beautiful, and most useless of
all the plants created.” He has col
lected several thousand samples of
mosses from all over the West in
cluding special varieties from Alas
Professor Henderson is particu
larly interested in the coming of
spring so that he can start work
upon mushrooms of Oregon, classi
fying those which are edible and
poisonous to man. “Mushrooms,”
said Dr. Henderson, “must be clas
sified as they are collected and can
not be sorted away for study dur
ing the long winter months as can
mosses, so we have to get out and
start work as soon as spring gets
Dr. Henderson, who is over 80
years old, has been active in bot
any work ever since he came to
the University of Oregon in 1924,
and has become one of the well
known botanists of the west. The
white haired curator works every
afternoon in the basement of Con
don but is never too busy to show
or explain his collection to inter
ested students.
Send the Emerald to your friends.
Subscription rates $2.50 a year.
William Boyd Coming to Heilig
Screen Thursday
William Boyd comes to the Hei
g screen Thursday in the first of
series of six Hop-Along-Cassidy
tories by Clarence E. Mulford,
reduced by Paramount. This
eries is out of the ordinary run
f westerns, being backed by the
tories of the famous western writ
r and the characterizations of a
ompetent cast.
Boyd gained stardom in that
'reat picture “The Volga Boat
nan,” but since then has never
eached such heights. A new star is
igain introduced in a William
3oyd film; this time it is Jimmy
kelson, who sings the theme song
)f the picture, "I’m Following the
Stars.v If precedent has anything
o do with Nelson’s success, he will
*o a long way, for Clark Gable got
ais start as the heavy in one of
Boyd’s earlier pictures, “The
Painted Desert.”
George O’Brien, star of “Whis
pering Smith," the current attrac
tion at the Rex theatre, has proven
himself to be one of the best act
ors of the screen. His portrayals
in “The Iron Horse,” the epic of
the linking of the East and West
by rail, and in F. W. Murnau’s
dramatic hit, “Sunrise,” with
Janet Gaynor are two of the finest
that have come out of Hollywood.
He went on to make the famous
“Johnstown Flood” for the Fox
studios, but when they decided to
regain the top position in west
erns, which was theirs when Tom
Mix was riding under their banner,
O’Brien was the logical choice.
Since then he has brought many of
Mix’s pictures to the talking screen,
including “The Riders of the
Purple Sage” and “The Rainbow
Tral” to become the most popular
outdoor star of Hollywood.
Loretta Young’s next picture will
oe "The Unguarded Hour,” which
ivas a great silent hit starring Mil
ton Sills and Doris Kenyon.
Marie Prevost, who played in
"Flapper Wife," based on the news
paper serial of the same name, and
many other films, including "Kiss
Me Again" with Monte Blue and
Clara Bow, has a small part as
Carole Lombard’s dumb girl friend
in "Hands Across the Table,” now
playing at the Rex theatre.
New Libe Heads
Near Completion
15 Pieces of Sculpture Are
Produced by Former Art
Students Here
Edna Dunberg and Louise Utter,
former students at the art school
who are working on the heads to
be used in decorating the new li
brary, said yesterday that the 15
heads were nearly completed.
Seven of the heads have been
sent to Portland for the final cast
ing preparatory to the completion
of the library frieze. Those sent
are of Aristotle, Shakespeare, Dar
win, Dante, Beethoven, Oliver
Wendell Holmes, and Spinoza.
These have all been done by Miss
The three others which are near
ly finished, and on which Miss
Dunberg is working, are of Thomas
Jefferson, Christ, and Isaac New
The head of Christ is to be the
predominating head. It will be sec
in the middle of the frieze and will
be larger than the other 14 heads
when completed.
Miss Utter has finished her work
on the heads of Leonardi de Vinci,
Buddha, and Thucydides. The
heads of St. Thomas Aquinas and
Phidias are now cast in clay. These
five will be sent to Portland short
Subscription rates $2.50 a year.
c 1936, K. J. ItcyiiuUli* i'ubiu-i-o (Jo., Wiualnu-Salcin, N . C.
For Digestion s Sake_smoke Camels
of student life? That's
the way it looks—but
underneath, nerves
may be seething and
digestion askew from
the long grind. Turn
to Camels — they pro
mote good digestion.
Smoking Camels Found to Ease the
Strain and Promote Well-Being
Life gets more complex. The pace
grows faster. Where do we see the
effects? Frequently on digestion, so
often overtaxed by the busy whirl!
It is significant that smoking
Camels has been established as a
definite aid in promoting good
digestion. You’ll find it worth while
to turn to Camels yourself. They
have a mildness that never grows
tiresome. Make the pleasant ex
perience of smoking Camels part
of your daily life, and see how much
more zest you have for smoking and
how your digestion is measurably
improved. Camels set you right!
IRON MAN. Murray
Murdock (in center),
of the N. Y. Rangers,
has played over 500
straight hockey games.
"I often have to eat
and run,” Murray says.
"Camels help me to
digest my food.”
JUNGLE BOUND! "I smoke Camels
for digestion's sake,” says Frank
Buck, famous wild animal collector.
"Camels for flavor!” he says. "They are
rich and mellow, yet delicately mild.”
.ttna now we come to one or tnoaern ntv smost
gracious privileges—dining at Keen's English
Chop House in New York... famous gather
ing place of those who enjoy good living.
“We’ve noticed that patrons who appreci
ate nne icons also appreciate nne toDaccos,
says William, of Keen’s. "Camels are a favor
ite here. We’ve noticed that our guests who
smoke Camels during and after meals seem
to find more pleasure in dining.”
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