Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1936, Page Two, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
Robert \V- Lucas, editor Eldon Haberman, manager
Clair Johnson, managing editor
Ed Hanson, cartoonist
Virginia Endicott, news editor
Charles Paddock, sports editor
Ed Robbins, chief night editor
Mildred Blackburne, exchange
Woodrow Jrtiax, radio editor
Miriam Kichner, literary editor
Marge Petsch, woman’s editor
Louise Anderson, society editor
LeRoy Mattingly, Wayne ilar
bert, special assignment re
Hcmiette Ilorak. William Marsh, Dan K. Clark IT, Howard
Kessler. Tom McCall, Fred Colvig, Bob Moore, Mary Graham,
secretary to the board. __
Lloyd Tupling, Paul Deutschmann, Ruth Lake, Kllamae Wood
worth. J»o 1 > Pollock, Signc Rasmussen, Marie Rasmussen, \V ill red
Roadman, Roy Knudsen, Fulton Travis. Jletty Brown, Bob Emer
pon, Gladys Baltlcson, Lillian Warn, Elizabeth Stetson, Bill I ease,
Gerald Crismau, Henryetta Mumnicy, George Knight, Norman
Scott, Mildied Blaekburne, Irma jean Randolph, Ldgar Moore,
Helen Dodds.
Beulah Chapman, Gertrude Carter. Marguerite Kelley, Jean Giil
Dvson. l.ucille Davis, Dave Conkcy, Jerry Sumner, Phyllis Baldwin.
Charles Eaton, Corricne Antrim, Alice Nelson, Tom Allen, Jlubara
Knokkn, Virginia Regan, Juanita Potter. Librarian and secretary,
Pearl Jean Wilson. __
Assistant Managing Editor, this issue Wayne Harbcrt
Day Editor, this issue Darrel Ellis
Assistant Day Editor, this issue Paul Deutschmann
Night Editors, this issue Edgar Moore
Pat Frizzell
Assistant Night Editors, this issue Dorothy Hutchens
Dick Sleight, promotion man
ager , .
Walter Vcrnstrom, circulation
manager; assistant Toni Lu
Hetty Wagner, national adver
tising manager; assistant,
Jane Slatky
Caroline Hand, executive *ec
Advertising Manager, this issue
Kcinhart Knuilsen
Kenneth Wood
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the
college vcur, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination
periods, all ol December except the first seven days, all of
March except the first citflit days. Entered .'is *€con<i-c1ass matter
at the postolfice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription talcs, $2.50 a year.
Is Radicalism Harmful?
Then Do Something—Now!
THId military problem on this campus is one of
the touchiest little ding-bats that the faculty
has juggled in years. And the fun has just begun.
It is likely that the question of whether mili
tary drill is to be optional or compulsory will he
placed on the fall ballot by an initiative. The
people again will decide an important issue of
higher education, and again the wisdom of sub
mitting educational policy to popular vote will be
questioned. But military drill is likewise a matter
of national defense policy, and the popular initia
tive in this case will be more justiifed than in
the tees controversy.
* «]* *
Since military drill is no burning issue on this
campus it is hard to deal with it vigorously. As
the matter now rests, any student who does not
want to take ROTC training has only to signify
his conscientious ojbection and he is excused. The
fly in the ointment, however, is the state-wide
reaction to the question.
One who has the welfare of the University at
heart can find much to fear in the way the issue
will take form. Should the faculty vote for option
al drill, anti should the state board of higher
education refuse to grant it, the ensuing initiative
drive will call down the wrath of many persons
in the state who are suffering under the illusion
that the University is seething with radicalism.
At the same time the state board will again be
under tiio intense fire of labor groups, granges,
and Townsend clubs, who at present are inclined
to favor optional drill.
Should the faculty vote for the retention of
compulsory drill and the state board endorse its
retention, it will be the same old story the com
plete and uncompromising condemnation of the
whole shebang by the same group that success
fuly opposed the COmpusory fees bill.
Whatever happens, the University of Oregon
is going to come in for much unjust criticism,
whether it be from the liberals or from the con
servatives of the state.
One thing seems to be certain. The state
hoard of higher education will not adopt optional
military drill.
Now the business of reconciling the two camps
appears to be impossible. As stated before, the
present status of military training, with its len
ient if slightly confusing provisions for exemp
tion, makes the situation at this school highly
acceptable to the majority of students.
STATU, Their methods are different. The major
ity of the voters do not circulate petitions; they
do not break up into effective, active groups, and
they (to not hold frequent meetings, furnishing a
steady flow of copy to the public press.
:t< * fk
There is only one way of stopping the in
disi riminate vilification of the University of Ore
gon. That is the immediate organization of the
There are those who will decry this us reaction
of the most horrible sort. But is it ? After all the
University is a state-owned institution, existing J
through the consent of the people of the state.
An organized majority can bo misdrirected.
And, if it is. it should be called to task by the
objections of a determined minority, for in organ
izing the majority for what might he termed
self-preservation the suppression of the minority
is unwise, unnecessary, and impossible in a
«! « *
This newspaper has given a great deal of
space to tile activities of radical students on the
campus For this, there have been two reasons:
first, because it agrees with some of their ob
jectives and admires their alertness and energy:
but, second, because of a hope that there would
arise open, loud-voiced disagreement with their
policies, thereby balancing the student mind.
Object? Not at all. The slumbering majority
permits that energetic minority to walk all over
Something must be done to revive this slug
gish mammoth, for, while reactionaries talk
about radicalism on tire campus of the University,
the state itself is already under the "dictatorship
of the farm-labor vote.'’
The Safety Valve
Letters published in this column should not he construed
as expressing the editorial opinion of the Emerald. Anony
mous contributions will be disregarded. The names of ocm
municants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon
request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserv
ing the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to
accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Editor, the Emerald:
From the comments which have appeared in
your columns recently, one unfamiliar with the
campus might conclude that unfavorable criti
cism of the University library service is general.
Believing that such a conclusion would be quite
unfair, may I state that at least in rny own ex
perience with the library through a number of
years, the service has been intelligent and effic
ient. True, the resources of the library are limited
at various points, but I believe that an instructor
or student can secure available material as quick
ly and effectively here as in any other large
institution with which I am familiar.
Such occasional difficulties as we have ex
perienced have been due almost invariably to my
own failure to make proper advance arrange
ments, or to see that students had exact refer
ences and directions. (Rarely may one assume
that all members of a class know even the loca
tion of the libraries, to say nothing of the tech
nique of library usage.) The entire staff has al
ways been cooperative and individual members
have been very helpful in the preparation of
bibliographies, checking of publishers’ book list,
making available unbound publications, securing
materials from other libraries, and handling
special sets of pamphlet,s or folders. Appreciation
is due especialy to Mr. Warren, reserve librarian,
Miss Rise and Miss Casford of the circulation de
partment, Mr. Seitz of the order department,
and to Mr. Douglass.
It would seem that the librarians will be as
sisted most definitely in their work by thoughtful
cooperation of faculty and students, which takes
into account the present limitations of the library
as to space and budget.
F. L. Stetson,
Professor of Education.
Editor, the Emerald:
It may seem like strangling on a mote in a
star-beam, yet the Department of the Classics,
speaking in the name of the Humanities, feels
outraged, that, despite its protest and timely in
tervention, a fictitious mask is to be placed over
the entrance to trie Library and labeled Aristotle.
It is true, relatively few people, and still fewer
on our own campus, realize that, in lieu of the
beardless anomaly which has been parading under
the nom de guerre of Aristotle and which the
smug, Shavianesque Will Durant still counten
ances in reprints of his “story of Philosophy,’’ and
in lieu of the conventionalized head which our
artists in charge of the project have executed
and submitted to be recognized as a “Greek
Type,” there are two authenticated portrait busts
of Aristotle. But, since Aristotle has enjoyed the
unique distinction of being one of only three
ancients to be selected out of the wealth of an
tiquity to adorn our Library, even to the exclu
sion of Homer or Euripides or Vergil, why in the
name of verity should a suppositicious head be
chosen instead of a replica of one of the two
certified portraits ?
The Department of Classic Languages does
not intend to wield a Gutzon Borglum mallet
over the head of Aristotle, but it wishes the Uni
versity to know that, when the error was dis
covered and opportunity given to rectify that
error, some one has gone blundering on.
Frederic S. Dunn.
Editor, the Emerald:
The University will not be closed. Classes will
not be dismissed. This much is certain unless
unforseen and unexpected conditions should arise.
It is unfortunate that many wild rumors have
been circulated with regard to sickness that ex
ists among students. The truth is essentially as
follows: Among boys the condition with regard
to influenza has improved. There are however,
more new cases among the girls. In view of the
fact that not all cases present themselves to the
health service for early diagnosis it is impossible
to say exactly how many cases of influenza there
are at the present time, but so nearly as we can
estimate there are about forty-five cases of in
fluenza. There have been five cases of pneumonia.
One has been very serverely ill. As was reported
last week there has been one case of suspected
infantile paralysis. No other student has this dis
ease or lias been suspected of having this disease
and 1 have been informed by the county health
officer that no new ease has been reported in
the last week and there is only one other ease
in the community. In the case of the individual on
the campus the student is at the present time not
sick and it is expected that she will be able to
leave for her home to convalesce in a few days.
There is absolutely no truth in reports that there
have been a number of cases of paralysis. It has
always been the policy of the health service to
give all the facts to the student body and no at
tempt will ever be made to distort the news. If
conditions get worse, that is if there are more
cases, file student body will be informed. How
ever, in no event will the health service attempt
to dismiss any classes unless such action should
be taken generally throughout the community
and state.
At tlio present time conditions in Eugene are
similar to those that exist in other parts of the
state and there would be no gain but actually
conditions would be made worse if the University
were to close and students kept in their living
organizations or allowed to travel over the state
to their homes. As indicated yesterday the ban
on social activities wall continue for the reason
that such activities involve an additional and
unnecessary health hazard but beyond this no
action is contemplated either by the University
health service or the local county physician.
1 should' like to appeal to students to refrain
from spreading rumors about the health situation
on the campus for such gossip does a great
deal ot harm and needlessly alarms many people.
The Emerald has been alert to gather the news
and to present all facts to the students and l
believe that the Emerald staff may be depended
upon to continue in this policy. We shall do all
wo can to make the news available to the stu
dents through their own paper.
Kred N. Miller, M.D.
t, ctsity Ki> oician.
As Herblock Sees German Political Olympics
❖ The Marsh of Time
By Bill Marsh
Last weekend, fate ordained that
the jjals of the Gamma Phi Beta
training camp were to be de
prived of their silverware. Yes, by
Jove, rot only their own, but that
belonging to the downtown hotels
as well. And what could be more
amusing than the sight of a nor
mally charming and nicely man
nered group of lassies shipping
soup loudly and raucously from the
edge of the soup bowl? Or per
haps they were eating salads with
the tools that nature gave them,
and none others.
And any rate, the situation was
very funny . . . very funny indeed,
until Toni Lucas called me up, and
accused me of stealing the Gamma
Phi spades and shovels.
That hurts. It smashes one’s
faith in the sanctity of good wo
men and the brotherhood of man.
All the time, mind you, all the time
it was an inside job, planned and
executed by some of the gals
themselves. But they have to have
a fall guy, see. A stooge. A
chump. A sucker. Someone to
frame. So Lucas tries to nail me.
It’s our sympathetic nature I
* $ *
Looming up through the College
Side fog, what should appear hut
the melancholic countenance of
Tex Thomason. Quips Tex to us,
"Have you seen the latest Read
er's Digest?"
That’s an example of SAE hu
mor. If Tex keeps telling himself
jokes like that all the time, it’s no
wonder at all that his frail expres
sion reminds one of a funeral di
rector with a had stomach ache.
* * *
1 wish Japan and Kussia would
hurry up and get their confounded
war started. This suspense is ter
rible. It's like lying under a leaky
pup tent, staring at tin* canvas
top. You see a drop of water form,
watch it grow bigger and heavier.
It’s right above your face, but the
accursed thing won’t drop and get
it over with. So there you lie,
waiting, meanwhile working your
self up Into a fine nervous frazzle
before the drop finally does splash
against \ our nose.
Such a thing as this Asiatic sit
uation. Any person who hasn't got
his head stuck up high in the ethe
real clouds of theoretical pacifism
recognizes the fact that, contrary
to Kipling, the East and West have
met. Two different types of civi
' lization, two different nations of
thought are rubbing against each
other. Neither will yield, neither
shows any sign of beiug willing to
i back up. The answer, whether you
| like it or not, is war.
And sitting around waiting for
the firecracker that will start the
powder magazine burning is a ter
rific strain.
« * «
I understand that at the end of
days and hours and minutes, all
nicely counted out and tabulated
I in precise military manner. Chief
of stuff Tom Aughinbaugh went
to Portland over the weekend,
t According to brother tijia the
General made the trip to the city
of the living dead for the express
purpose of seeing the girl whom he
practically constantly talks about
in his sleep.
❖ Listenin’?
By Jimmy Morrison
Emerald of the Air
Frank Michck and Tom McCall
will handle the KORE microphone
in another Emerald Sportcast to
day at 3:45.
Today's Brief Biography
A1 Bowlly is Ray Noble’s vocal
ist of Wednesday night “Refresh
ment Time’’ programs. He was
born in Johannesburg, South Afri
ca, and as a young Johannesburg
barber became known as the
“Singing Barber.”
Playing ukelele and banjo (now
obsolete) and singing, Bowlly
toured the Far East with an or
chestra, traveling in China, Japan,
Dutch East Indies, Java, and Su
matra. Then he went to England to
join Fred Elizalde’s band at Lon
don's Savoy hotel, later playing
with Roy Fox and Lew Stone. He
met Ray Noble in London and has
been with him for seven years.
Even though A1 Bowlly has had
robust adventures, such as being
amateur light-heavyweight cham
pion boxer of South Africa and
Corporal in Kaffrarian Rifles in
German East Africa, he specializes
in soft-voiced love songs.
The Air Angle
Rimsky - Korsakov’s “Song of
India" and two other favorite selec
tions will be featured by Lily Pons
during her program with Andre
Kostelanetz' orchestra this eve
ning at G. Miss Pons will also sing
McHugh’s distinctive hit, “With
All My Heart.”
George Burns and Graeie Allen
will launch a determined attack on
the weather, in cooperation with
Jacques Renard's orchestra, on
their program tonight at S:30.
"I think the papers are all wrong
in prophesying more cold weather,"
Graeie says. “If they would only
print ‘Fair and Warmer’ for just
one week, why then I think—
(Copy cut here by George Burns.)
Since Del Courtney’s Bal Tab
arin band made its professional de
but in 1929 it has traveled about
25.000 miles, filled 400 hours of air
8S stations in one broadcast.
yBC.A.BS Programs Today
3:00 Woman's Magazine. NBC.1
G :00 — Andre Kostelanetz' or
chestra. KOIN. KSL.
6:30— Refreshment Time. Ray
Noble's orchestra, Connie Boswell,
A1 Bowlly, and The Freshmen.
7:00 The Vince Program. NBC.
8:30 Burns and Allen. KSL.
9:00 Town Hall Tonight. Fred
Aien, KPO KFI.
time, and played over as many as
Miller Says Illness
(Continued, from page one)
Conditions at the present time
are the same in Eugene as in other
parts of the state, and would not
be improved, but .in all probability
Play •> By Play
Marian Bauer
V book of verses underneath the
t. jug of wine, a loaf of bread—
and thou
Beside me singing in the wilder
Dh, wilderness were Paradise
And so is the picture. Cut a
;lass if necessary, but don't miss
'Ah Wilderness.” You'll get more
>ut of this than a two hour lecture
vith Haile Selassie as prof. You’ll
;ee people you've known all your
ife, folks you’ve loved and laughed
with, fought and hated with. It
ioesn't need a host of adjectives
to praise its virtues—it's simply
ruman and genuine.
O'Neill has written for us a
great American comedy romance
with an undercurrent of serious in
tent. It's Youth, bewildered and
baffled, groping in the darkness
that only a child can know, seek
ing to find the even tenor of its
way, hoping to find a meaning for
life and living. It's Age at its best,
full and gracious and understand
ing. And the playwright brings
them together, to the threshold
where they meet in a glorious un
derstanding — an understanding
which might have been tragedy,
which so often is tragedy.
Lionel Barrymore is superbly
cast as the father, who was bigger
than his offspring could realize,
who was humanly faulty and im
perfect and lovable. Eric Linden
gives a finely drawn portrayal as
the sensitive impressionable young
ster who hitched his wagon to a
star. His die is definitely cast as
an actor. Wallace Beery, to men
tion only one of a grand support
ing cast, will make you forget
(not as he did, in liquids, but
equally as well) how many term
papers you have to write.
It's a picture thoroughly enjoy
able from start to finish, whole
some, delightful, charming—there
come those inevitable adjectives—
but truthfully, it’s a sure-fire box
office hit. If you miss “Ah Wil
derness” it’ll haunt’cha. Starts to
day at the Mac, with “The Widow
I From Monte Carlo.”
would become worse, if the Univer
sity were to be closed and the stu
dents spread to all parts of the
state, he feels.
Social Ban Extended
The ban on all social functions
will continue for the reason that
such activities involve additional
health hazards, but beyond these
no action is contemplated either
by the University health service or
by the county physician.
Yesterday nine patients were
added to the sick list, one at the
Pacific hospital, three at the Uni
versity infirmary, and five to the
infirmary annex roll.
Sick Listed
Herbert Juell was the only new
patient to be admitted to the Pa
cific hospital from the University.
Other patients are: Kathleen Rose,
Helga Myrno, George Schloetzer,
William Hutchison, Donald Stout,
George Reeves, Richard Farra,
Abram Merritt, John David Ham
ley, Walter Naylor, Ralph Cathey,
Welsey Guderian, Daniel Jordan,
Richard Roberts, and Harrison
Audrey Aasen, Harriet Gamble,
and Bartlett Cole were admitted to
the infirmary and the other pa
tients are: Frederica Merrell,
Maude Long, Dixie Miller, Evelyn
Troudt, and Dewey Paine.
The infirmary annex which was
opened last weekend now has sev
en patients, Helen Carlson, Elvera
Marx, Marijane Sturgeon, Dorothy
Howell, Arlene Reynolds, Aileen
Dement, and Jean Girard.
Can you afford to pay more
when you can buy for less?
.Did you take advantage of these good buys
featured in last month s EMERALD?
Quality Shorts
3 for 1.00
Dudley Field’s Shop
Frederics Yitroti Process
Love's Beauty Parlor
$2.98 to $8.9.1
'Women’s Ski Suits
Men's Ski Jackets
Montgomery Ward
Men's Slacks
Polo Shirts
Dudley Field’s Shop
Fashionable Neckwear •
49c to 98c
Broadway, Inc.
Arrow Shirts
89.00 to $2.50
Erie Merrcll
Ipana Tooth Paste
Yellow Bowl Pipes
Yiek's Yapo Hub
"Western Thrift
Suits and Overcoats
$15.85 to $19.85
Do Neffe s
A Complete Club Breakfast
Cray s Duck Inn
Merchants advertise in the
because they have values arid
services to offer you that
arc exceptional.