PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon MEMBERS OF MAJOR COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS Represented by A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 12.1 W. Madison St.. Chicago; 1004 Find Ave., Seattle; 1031 S. Broadway, Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco. Robert W- Lucas, editor Eldon Haberman, manager Clair Johnson, managing editor UPPER NEWS STAFF Ed Hanson, cartoonist Virginia Endicott, news editor Charles Paddock, sports editor Ed Robbins, chief night editor Mildred Blackburne, exchange Woodrow Trtiax, radio editor Miriam Eichner, literary editor' Marge Petsch, woman’s editor Louise Anderson, society editor LeKoy Mattingly, Wayne Har bert, special assignment re porters. EDITORIAL BOARD JTcnriettc Horalc, William Marsh, Dan K. Clark IT, Howard Kessler, Tom McCall, Fred Colvig, Bob Moore, Mary Graham, secretary to the board. REPORTERS: Lloyd Tupbng, Paul Dcutschmann, Ruth Lake, Kllamac Wood worth, Pob Pollock, Signe Rasmussen, Marie Rasmussen, Wilfred Roadman, Roy Knudsen. Fulton Travis, Betty Brown, Bob Emer son, Gladys Battleson, Lillian Warn, Elizabeth Stetson, Bill Pease, Gerald Crisman, TIcnryetta Mummey, George Knight, Norman Scott, Mildicd Blackburnc, Irmajtan Randolph, Edgar Moore, Helen Dodds. COPYREADERS: Beulah Chapman, Gertrude Carter. Marguerite Kelley, Jean Gu1 Dvson, Lucille Davis, Dave Conkcy, Jerry Sumner, Phyllis Baldwin. Charles Eaton, Corriene Antrim, Alice Nelson, Tom Allen, Iluhard Knokka, Virginia Regan, Juanita Potter. Librarian and secretary, Pearl Jean WUsotl _ Assistant Managing Editor, this issue LcRoy Mattingly Day Editor, this issue Clare Igoe Assistant Day Editor, this issue Lloyd Tripling Night Editors, this issue Paul Deutschmann Assistant Night Editors, this issue Bob Pollock Florence Haydon BUSINESS STAFF Dick Sleight, promotion man atfer . Walter Vernstrom, circulation manager; assistant Toni Lu cas I3etty Wagner, national nnver tising manager; assistant, Jane Slatky Caroline Hand, executive *ec retary Advertising Manager, this issue Howard Overhack OFFICE ASSISTANTS: lean Krfer, Tune Hunt, Ocorgctte Wilhelm, Lucille Hoodland, Louise Johnson, Jane Slatky, Lucy Downing, Bette Accdham, Betty Wagner, Marilyn Ebi, Dorothy Mahuisic. __ ~ The Oregon Daily Emerald will not he responsible for returning unsolocited manuscripts. I’ublic letters should not ne more than .100 words in length and should he accompanied by the writer's signature and address which will be withheld it requested. All communications arc subject to ten discretion ot tile editors. Anonymous letters will be disregarded, _ The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods, all oi Drrember except the first seven days, .ill ol March except the first eight days. Entered as second-class ™<,cr at the postolfice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates, $-.50 a pat. Best to Hold Fire On 'Rush Week' Plans IN this column yesterday morning the Emerald ^ came out with an endorsement of the plan offered at the last session of the interfraternity council for eliminating the abuses of "rush week.” Perhaps this note of approval has been a little hasty, but the state of affairs in interfra ternity govenment calls for positive action and the Emerald has approved this plan as the only one in sight that offers the least hope of pre venting the "rushing” evils which this year shook fraternal relation* to their foundations. * * * The points of excellence in the plan far out weigh its faults. There arc three features in particular which offer hope, if the plan is adopted: first, rushing activities will be confined to the latter part of freshman week, thereby giving University authorities an unbefuddled group of freshmen to examine and lead into their proper place in University life; secondly, all fresh man date programs must be placed under the supervision of the dean of men’s office, and alter ations in date programs must be made through that office, a possible course for eliminating the "date-breaking” abuses that have been so flag rant in the past; anil, thirdly, but by no moans least important, is the feature which will banish the notorious fraternity house “hot-box,” from which many a browbeaten freshman has emerged with his bit of Greek-letter tinsel all pledging is to be conducted through sealed bids, the mechanics of which are, of course, fully described in the complete plan published elsewhere in this edition. « « «> The chief fault of the plan is to be found in the provision for the supervision of date programs by tiic office of the dean of men, a feature admirable for its intent, but which has not been adequately thought out. it takes no account of the fact that it is the normal tiling for a fresh man date card to go through constant alteration during "rush week." it is a manifest impossibility for the office of the dean of men or any other body to keep track of these alterations and the circumventions that will he taken to beat the rules. This is a tough problem which the plan fails to answer. Yesterday afternon there came word that a study of freshman week problems, upon which Stanley King has been working for several months under the guidance of Dean Karl On thank, is near completion and probably will be available early next week. The study is reported to include three different plans for rushing pro cedure. Perhaps one of these plans will cover the difficulties not solved by the present plan. At any rate it is worthwhile to hold fire until it is learned what King has to offer. Library Difficulty Approaches Settlement rr ■'ll 10 recent editorial in the Emerald sugg est ing improvements in the campus library sys- . tern has provoked a lively discussion both for ! and against the present set up. If the criticism in the daily accomplished nothing else it provoked a certain amount of thinking and airing of opinions. However, this paper has been given a definite promise that the charges it made as to ineffic iency and disorganization will be investigated, and where possible, remedied. The library admin istration lias offered to cooperate with the Em erald and the students in working out a plan that will make the library click. Changes in the present system of binding per iodicals, which causes them to be out of the library tor a prolonged length of time, will be worked out. An endeavor for better cooperation between students, faculty and library staff will be initiated. Students have been invited to present demands ror certain periodicals and if the do mand is great enough, the periodicals will be made available. The Emerald is grateful for the cooperation given by the library administration on the issue, and urges the students to do their part in making the library a workable unit for the encourage ment of learning. While the Emerald has not changed its former position in any way, it will stand by for the present and watch for the promised improve ments. Europe Once Again Chooses Up Sides TUST one more smashing blow is needed to ** knock completely off its pins a world even now groggy with punches of wars and rumors of wars, and a resurrection of the alliance system that made possible the world war would provide that blow. The probability of a new lining up of the "Central Powers” is quite justly "viewed with alarm” in diplomatic circles the world over, mean ing as it does, inevitable conflict and a return to the pre-war spirit of international distrust and hatred. If the last great war taught any lesson, it was that the alliance of powers against each other, although it might postpone war, ul timately lead to it. Yet today there are well-authenticated fore casts of an Italo-German-Austro-Polish alliance to set up against the present French-English Russian union. In 1914 Germany did not want to go to war, but due to the promise of assistance she had made to Austria, was forced to send her armies into the field. In 1914 France wanted no war, but she had allied herself with Russia, and so was bound by “a scrap of paper” to add her troops to the holocaust. Thus did alliances make possible a war that set a new high in destruction. Traceable to the Versailles treaty, with its formation of sated nations and discontented na tions, the new alliance system would include, in spirit if not in fact, besides the original members of the Little Entente, a new expanding power that is coming into conflict more and more with the "haves,” namely Japan. With such strength, Lhese allies would inevitably spek new territory, and thereby apply the match to another human bomb. So long as nations were allied on but oorfe side there was some hope for an eventual co operation of the powers to preserve peace, but that hope will fade with the building up of two great opposing ententes. r 1 Other Editors' Opinions By EARNEST E. MEYER (London. Sir Harry Duncan McGowan, chair man of Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., testi fied before an* armament hearing that one side of his firm is engaged in the manufacture of fertilizer to bring forth the fruits of the earth, while the other side is engaged in the manufac ture of explosives to blast those fruits off the face of the earth. “I have no objections to selling arms to both sides in a war,” he said. “I am not a purist in these things. Peace is no job of ours.” — News Item.) • i.ttHUWvn ~r-*r “Peace is no job of ours,” Said Sir Harry sweetly; "We deal in powder and not in flowers,” Said Sir Harry neatly; “We handle explosives and cannons and guns, “And we sell ’em to heroes and hoodlums and huns ’To fertilize fields with the blood of our sons; “So peace is no job of ours,” Said Sir Harry sweetly. Ruddy, push up poppies with your bones in blunders Fields! Ruddy, push up poppies with your blood! A rotted clod beneath the sod will boost the harvest yields, And your value lies in fertilizing mud. What price glory, what price victory, what price Emperors and thrones? It’s It) per cent. So rest content— And, buddy, push up poppies with your hones? “Peace is no job of ours," Said Sir Harry blandly; “We serve with pleasure all the powers," Said Sir Harry grandly. “We sell powder to Russians, Chinese and Japs "To slaughter each other and us, too, perhaps, “But we earn to per cent on the death of those chaps; “So peace is no job of ours," Said Sir Harry blandly. Coolies, push up grass blades with your gangrene festered flesh! Coolies, push up grass blades with your guts! You are fertilizing acres that will bloom and blossom fresh Where the new imadiug masters build their lints. What price conquest, what price slaughter, slav ery and beggar's crust A billion you For the powder men— So coolies, push up grass blades willi your dust! “Peace is no job of ours," Said Sir Harry, smiling; "Peace is the pastime of planters and plowers,” Said Sir Harry, beguiling; “Peace holds no comfort for kings and for kaisers. "Peace is the sop thrown to mice to misers, “But war is trade's sinews that sell fertilizers,” Said Sir Harry, smiling. Children, grow to manhood for (he glory ol your race! Children, grow up quickly for the war! The powder trust is not unjust—it grant) a noble place To you who lacked all usefulness before. First you’re mowed down by the cannon, then you fertilize the earth; In double duty l.ies your beauty — And 10 per cent’s precisely what your lovely lives arc worth. —fsew York Post I ___ Air Y’ * ❖ ❖ Listenin’? By Jimmy Morrison The Air Angle “The Ziegfeld Follies of the Air,” with all the colorful embellishment and star-studded glamor the name of the late Florenz Ziegfeld implies, will be brought to listeners in a new series of weekly’full-hour pro grams beginning tonight, starring James Melton, Fannie Brice, Patti i Chapin, and A1 Goodman's orches tra. The program replaces the Palmolive Beauty Box Theatre under the same sponsorship—the makers of Palmolive soap. The major part of the comedy will be created by Fannie Brice, also currently starring in the new Broadway edition of the “Follies,” with an occasional song by the girl who introduced such famous i numbers as “My Man" and "Second Hand Rose.” For the most part, however, the musical portion of the show will feature Melton, Miss Chapin, and Goodman's orchestra, and occa sional guest stars from radio, stage, and screen. Also, each week there will be a serialized episode in backstage human interest story. The Army - Navy basketball classic to be played in West Point’s new gymnasium will be described play-by-play by Ted Husing over KOIN frpm 11:30 to 1:30 today. * # * Post time for listeners to hear the $112?500 Santa Anita Handicap today is 4 o'clock. About 70,000 spectators are expected to witness the running of the world’s richest stakes, which probably will have such horses as Discovery, Time Supply, Head Play, Azucar, Top Row, Rosemont, First Minstrel, Whopper, Riskulus, Ariel Cross, Pompey's Pillar, Marve, Pre-emi nent, and Flamenco. * • * Combining business with pleas ure, Eddie Cantor, Parkyakarkus, Jimmy Wallington, and the other wags in the Cantor troupe will be heard from the main ballroom of the Hollywood Beach hotel, Holly wood, Florida, Sunday at 8 p. m. The company is in Florida for a vacation. I|: # * ISBC-CBS Programs Today ■ 11:30 Alniy-Navy basketball. KOIN. 4:00 Santa Anita Handicap. KGO and network. 5:00 Your Hit Parade. KPO, KGW. 6:00 Rublnoff and His Violin. NBC: Andre Kostelanetz and his orchestra; Nino Martini, Lily Pons, KOIN, KSL. 6:30--Shell Chateau. KPO. 9:00—Ziegfeld Follies of the Air. KSL, KOIN. Junior Class (Continued from page one) time yesterday, awaiting the deci sion on ,the ineligible vice-presi dent's request, ready to begin ac tivities to provide a president and vice-president of the third year year class in the event it is denied. Junior Weekend appointments are expected to be made as soon as an eligible officer is placed at the head of the class. Members of the scholarship com mittee are: Dean Gilbert, chair man; E. M. Pallett, secretary; P. P. Adams, J. F. Bovard, V. D. Earl, C. L. Huffaker, J. J. Lands bury, L. L. Lewis, W. L. Morse, Hazel P. Schwering, A. B. Stillman, H. It. Taylor, and H. B. Yocom. Oregon, Beavers (Continued from {'age one) virtually all Beaver games this year. Wally Palmberg and Hub Tuttle are listed as the- starting forwards, with Earl Conkling at center, and Bob Bergstrom and Cliff Fplen at guards. Leading OSC alternates are Sir Howard Watson Lyman, Art Merryman, Wilbur Kidder. Ike Wintermute, Chet Kebbe, and A1 Hollingsworth. Ducks Must Halt Palmberg Oregon's big task tonight will be to stop the scoring thrusts of willowy Wally Palmberg. who has dazzled conference foes in every contest played by the Staters this winter. Palmberg has piled up 137 points in 12 games and needs to average only 10 in his four remain ing- contests to establish a new all time northern division scoring record. Will-o’-the-wisp Wally was held to eight points in the 2t'-to-27 fuss here but poured in 15 tallies in the slaughter of the Ducks at Corvallis. Palmberg is the choice of nearly all of the Oregon players as their outstanding opponent of the sea son. His brilliant floor play and feeding and his unwillingness to play an individual type of game stamp Palmberg as one or the out standing- players in northern divi sion history. Many Close Careers Tonight will be Palmberg's final appearance at McArthur court in an Oregon State 9uit. Bergstrom, Kidder, and Folen are other Bea vers who will be playing their last game in the Igloo. Five Oregon players will bid a final farewell to Eugene fans this evening. Budd Jones, Willie Jones, Rollie Rourke, Chuck Patterson, and Ward Howell are the lads who : will wind up their home collegiate ! competition. In 69 games between Oregon and Oregon State since the formation ; of the Pacific coast conference, the Webfoots have won 35 times and the Beavers 34. Thus a win for i Slats Gill’s gang tonight will even : the all-time series. Students not presenting ASUO cards will be admitted for 40 cents. Programs containing names and numbers will be sold at the game. Robinson to Play (Continued from page otic) ented wife has since made the name combination of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontainne a high stan dard of “good theatre.” The play itself has a wide ap peal, according to critics who hailed it as the most original and most thrilling play of the year. Since such famous plays as George Bernard Shaw’s “St. Joan,” George Kelley’s "The Show-Off” and “The Swan” by Ference Molnar were of the same season, this comment is especially pertinent. George Jean Nathan, famous dramatic critic, say’s of Sutton Vane, the author: “He has created a sustained theat rical mood that makes a popular theatrical achievement of unusual quality.” Mrs. Seybolt is at present re hearsing the Guild Hall players, who will be placed in the widely varied and interesting roles which “Outward Bound” offers. The complete cast will be announced soon. Tan Delta Delta Initiates Nine New members of Tau Delta Del ta, women’s underclass music hon orary, are: Maxine Forcia, Jane Henderson, Marionbeth Wolfenden, Charlotte Plummer, Madge Cona way, Kathleen Houglum, Mollie Bob Small, Dorothy Gore, and Frances Douglass. Initiation was held Tuesday night at the music building. At the same time, Helen Gorrell was pledged. All of the initiates have played for various social functions. Many of them took part in the annual winter concert which was present ed February 13, by Tau Delta Del ta. President of the organization is Brandon Young: vice-president, Mary Field; and secretary - treas urer, Phyllis Schatz. Dahlberg, Casteel Act as Debate Judges The speech staff of the Univer sity has been judging high school debates for sfchools in this district during the last few days. Dr. Dahlberg judged a debate at Eugene high school last Friday, while on Monday one between Eu gene high and University high was judged by Mr. Casteel. On Thursday morning Mr. Cas teel was the judge in a debate be tween University high and Spring field high school. Next Friday af ternoon Mr. Carrell will decide the debate between Eugene high and Roseburg. Later dates will be made, but as yet the schedules have not been completed. Dahlberg Speaks at Drain W. A. Dahlberg, speech director, spoke at a George Washington pro gram at Drain high school yester day afternoon. Phi Sig’s Rushing Plan (Editor’s note: The rushing reg ulations presented by Bill Cor man as president of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity are printed in full below. The plan was pre sented to the interfraternity council at a meeting Thursday and as yet has not been acted upon.) OBJECTIVES The primary object of this week should be academic orientation, and secondary, the assurance of the necessary and proper social contacts. Therefore, the name of the week should be changed from "Freshman Week” to “Registration Week." The purpose of this plan is to simplify the academic orientation of incoming students, and elimin ate the more objectionable and su perfluous features of the present rushing system. FACILITATION OF THE THE MECHANICS OF REGISTRATION WEEK Information regarding the rush ing rules, University regulation, week procedure be sent to every incoming freshman. All incoming freshmen be re quired to register at the dean of women's or dean of men’s office upon their arrival. The new fresh men sh',11 be assigned to rooms, and j.11 be required to remain in sucn room until registration week is over. There are very obvious advantages to be had if the dor mitories could be used for this pur pose. INTRODUCTORY TALKS On Monday evening of registra tion week, the chancellor and the president of the University, or someone appointed by them, speaks to the incoming freshmen, intro ducing them to the University in general and registration week in particular. The importance of this meeting shall be stressed in the information sent the incoming freshmen and the fraternities and sororities should cooperate to the fullest extent in assuring attend ance at this meeting. The dean of women, the dean of men, the stu dent body officers, etc., should be officially recognized at this time and an honest effort made to im press the incoming students with the importance of their contacts with the deans and other adminis trative offices. The above objec tives can only be attained by a changed schedule of registration week. The following meets all the requirements fully: Schedule for Registration Week 8 a. m. Monday — Psychological examination to all incoming freshmen at McArthur court. Registration material issued to old students with encouragement to see advisers and finish their ' schedules in order to be free for rushing activities. 10 a. m. Monday—Physical exam inations start; appointments to be made as at present. 1 p. m. Monday—English examina tion to all incoming freshmen at McArthur court. 3 p. m. Monday—Physical examin ations continue. 8 p. m. Monday—Address to all in coming freshmen by the chancel lor and president. 9 a. m. Tuesday—Meeting with the deans, or department heads, of the different schools by those freshmen definitely interested in that school. 10-12 a. m. Tuesday—Informal dis cussions with the deans and de partment heads of the schools, concerning prospective courses, academic orientation, etc. 12 noon Tuesday—Rushing dates start. His Virtue of Honesty Is Recognized in All Walks of Life ▼ It will do us all good just to recall Washington's words, "Father, I cannot tell a lie." and practice this virtue of honesty in all circumstances which we face—such prac tices will gdve us better answers to our problems. DR. ELLA C. MEADE OPTOMETRIST Phono ;W0 14 West 8th ^^ 8 a. m. Thursday—Registration material issued to freshmen. 8 a. m. Friday—McArthur court opens for registration. 12 noon Saturday—Registration closes. 1 p. m. Saturday—Rushing dates end. 2-4 p. m. Saturday—Rushees re cive sealed bids from fraterni ties. These sealed bids shall be taken by the president of each house to the dean of men's of fice for recording, at 1 o’clock. The bids are then to be taken to McArthur court and distributed to the addressees by "University officials. All rushees should call between 2 and 4 o'clock for their bids. No fraternity men shall be allowed to be present and the rushee must make his choice of the bids he has received before he leaves the building. He should then register his choice with the dean of men's office, where, af ter he has signed his choice, he shall be instructed that he is free to proceed to the house for his pledge pin. Other Rules Named To insure the carrying out of such a schedule, and to further carry out the objectives named above, the following rules for rush ing are essential: Rushing rules’for men: The dates for the day should be divided as follows: 8-11 Breakfast and morning. 11-2 Lunch. 2-5 Afternoon. 5-7:30 Dinner. 7:30-11 Evening. A fraternity shall have no more than two dates a day nor more than five during the entire week with each rushee. (With the new schedule there are 21 dates. If each house took five, that would give the rushee dates with four houses, and since there are 17 on the campus, five dates to each house should be a maximum.) Rushee Must Break Dates A rushee can only break dates at the dean of men’s office 24 hours prior to the scheduled date. All dates must be broken by the rushee personally. Houses shall be prohibited from rushing any man who is not regis tered in the dean of men’s office, or who is not living in his assigned room: Penalty: Rushee forfeits right to pledge for one term. There shall be no rushing after 11 p. m.: Penalty: fine from $5 to $25. (Dif ficulty was experienced with the 10:30 rule this year, since in many instances late theater parties were disrupted, etc.) No Advance Pinning No fraternity shall give a fresh man a pledge pin before he has ac cepted the bid of that house and signed his choice at the designated time and place. Any house found guilty of such an offense shall for feit the right to pledge the man for one year. A general assembly for “rush ees” only will be held Saturday at 1 o'clock in McArthur court. The purpose of the assembly will be to explain to the rushee the necessity of deliberation before making his final choice of a house. The bids may be called for immediately af ter the assembly by the rushees. Impartial Tribunal Asked The executive committee or tri bunal appointed to decide the rush week cases should be as unbiased a group as possible, but should be well informed on rushing problems. The following are recommended: 1. Dean of personnel. 2. President of the interfratern ity council. 3. Representative from the stu dent relations committee. 4-5. Faculty men from the law school. The decision of this group shall be final. Penalty Cited Complaints from the president or temporary head of any house must be turned into the tribunal the sec ond week day following rush week (Tuesday). The president of the house making the complaint and the president of the house on which the charge is made should both ap pear before the tribunal. Any penalty imposed upon a house by the tribunal must be com plied with seven days after the house has been notified. If this is not done the entire pledge class of that house shall be revoked until proper action has been taken. WE DO OUR BEST SO THAT YOU’LL LOOK YOUR BEST Domestic Laundry Superior Service—We Prove It LAUNDRY —DRY CLEANING Phone 252 Western Thrift Prices IP ANA TOOTH PASTE 31 C YELLOW BOWL PIPES . .. 1.00 VICKS VAPO RUB.23C WESTERN THRIFT Open 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. 804 Willamette Street Washington’s Birthday Great father, harken to our praise And listen while our voices raise— We'd sing to thee of placid streams On which the brightest sunlight gleams. We'd sing to thee of mountain tops, Of bounteous, yellow, harvest crops, Of lakes that sparkle in the sun, Of stars that gleam when day is done. We'd sing to thee of every state That thou did'st well in union mate; Of territories far away O'er oceans where the white crests play. We'd sing to thee—thy date of birth Will honored be throughout the earth; Great statesman, general and man. Concluding every patriot's plan. —Franklin Lee Stevenson. POOLE FUNERAL HOiViE Office of Lane County Coroner The dignity and majesty of our first President is the quality we try to emulate.