““r" Oregon daily emerald OREGON’S INDEPENDENT COLLEGE DAILY VOLUME XXXVII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1936 NUMBER 79 Athletic Aid Asked Of Fraternities Juniors Face Probable Vote On Office Issue Eligibility of Grace Peck Awaiting Decision of ASUO Judiciary Three opinions, two of them negative and the other a recom mendation', were handed out yesterday afternoon by the ASI’O judiciary committee up on as many issues concerning the filling of two vacant offices of the junior class: 1. The secretary of the junior class does not succeed to the presidency upon the vacating of office of president and vice president. This eliminates the possibility of Secretary Grace Peck becoming president. 2. The executive council does not have the power to pass a by-law to provide for the suc cession of class officers in case of vacancy. 3. A recommendation was made that, in order to save time, the vice-president of the ASUO should proceed without delay to call a special meeting of the class. The only development which would obviate the holding of a special election would be the favor able passage of a petition to the scholarship committee of the as sociated student by Carmen Curry, ineligible vice-president of the class, whereby she would be made eligible to hold office. Such a peti tion was being formulated yester day, it was learned, although James H. Gilbert, chairman of the scholarship group, said that he had not yet received such a petition. Must Go to Dean The petition would have to be approved by the dean of women, Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, before it could go to the scholarship com mittee, Dean Gilbert said. Mrs. Schwering was in Portland last night, and the assistant dean, Mrs. Alice Macduff, could not be reached to ascertain whether the petition had been submitted to her. Two possibilities were seen last night upon the probable attitude which the scholarship committee would take, in event of the receipt of the ineligible vice-president’s petition: first, it will maintain that, like the other officers of the (Please turn to paeje tioo) Work Resumed After Cold Period Work on the new library was re sumed yesterday after a three-day layoff because of the weather. Workmen chipped away the re maining ice in preparation for pouring cement on the third floor walls and columns. First floor columns and walls of the new infirmary will probably be ready for pouring tomorrow, ac cording to construction officials. The basement of the new physi cal education building is still be ing excavated. Digging on the eastern section has been complet ed. Although delayed by the water and ice, work on the tunnel con struction is gradually being pushed forward towards Fourteenth street. Campus ❖ •> Calendar No social swim tonight because of ban on all social events. * * * Open house at Westminster house from 8 to 11:30 tonight. Ev erybody welcome. * * * Stephenson Smith will meet his classes today. * * • WAA members are urged to read the revised constitution now post ed in Condon and Gerlinger halls, so that they may vote on it today before the Health week tea. WAA^Health Week Directorate In charge of health week activities, which will end today with the tea in Gerlinger hall and the selection of the University’s healthiest coed, are (from left to right) Frances YVat/.ek, Phyllis Adams, Chair man Helen liar! rum, lane Bogne, and Irene Schaupp. Dean Morse Orders Arrest of Speeder Asks Police Chief for Aid in Tracing C7 Reckless Driver Past Law School; Violator Will Be Prosecuted By WAYNE HARBERT Seeing need of notion on tho part of tho citizens of the state in eliminalin" traffic hazards, and bein" narrowly missed by a speeding motorist yesterday. Dean Wayne L. Morse of the law school has ordered ihe arrest of the driver of an automobile with Oregon license 202,107. Speed Over 50 Miles Per Hour The driver of the car sped by the law school at 0:20 o’clock yesterday afternoon at an estimated rate of between 50 and f>0 miles per hour, whipping by the dean, who was crossing the street, and passing another car. At least four persons were said to have seen the incident. Chief of Police Carl Bergman was asked by Dean Morse to trace the owner of the car so as to make it possible to apprehend the driver, supposedly a University student. Chief Bergman telegraphed the license department at Salem later in the afternoon. Morse Announces Intention It was said by the near victim that he would, upon learning the identity of the driver, swear out a warrant for his or her arrest. “I feel that we have done suffic ient talking about dangerous traf fic conditions on Thirteenth street," Dean Morse said. “The appalling loss of life due to reckless driving apparently cannot be stopped until individual citizens make up their minds to cooperate with the of ficers of the law in enforcing the law. “It is in such a spirit that I pro pose to make an example of whom ever the party was who endangered life under circumstances which should have led any reasonable man to realize the probable con sequences of such a reckless act.” Varsity ‘O’ Ball •Set for March 27 Tickets for the Varsity “O” ball, which was postponed following the University’s ban on all social events because of prevalent sick ness and danger of spreading dis ease, will be good when the dance is held early next term, Harry Mc Call, president of the Order of the “O,” announced last night. The new date for the ball is March 27, the first Friday after spring term starts. McCall ex pressed his regrets that those who have purchased tickets will not be able to use them until then but said the postponement could not be helped in view of the Univer sity ruling. Cutlibert to Speak For Garden Club Fred A. Cuthbert, associate pro fessor of landscape architecture, did not speak before the Eugene Garden club last night as he was scheduled. The speech will be giv en next Wednesday instead. Paddock Elected ASU President Chapter Affiliates With National Organization: 27 Sign Charter Charles A. Paddock, formerly temporary chairman of the Oregon chapter of the American Student Union, was elected president of the organization at the second meeting held last night in Gerling er hall. The group officially completed their affiliation with the national organization by sending in their charter applications. Twenty-seven of the members signed the charter. According to Paddock there are about 35 members. Other officers elected by the pro gressive students were Muriel Nicholas, vice-president; Elaine Ellmaker, secretary - treasurer; Gordon Connelly, publications man ager; and Mary Bailey, member-at large. Connelly will manage the distri bution of the Student Advocate, official publication of the national organization. Plans were made for sale of the monthly magazine on the campus. The problem of conducting a sur vey of student labor conditions was suggested in a letter from the na tional body. No action was taken at last night’s meeting, but a com i mittee will probably be appointed at the next meeting. It is sched uled for Wednesday evening at 7:30 in Gerlinger hall. Professors Lead Fireside Forum To bring about a better under standing between faculty members and students, a series of fireside forms were held last night. Virgil D. Earl, dean of men, Prof. O. F. Stafford, head of the chemistry de partment, and J. H. Bond, profes sor of business administration, ad dressed the members of Phi Sigma Kappa, Kappa Sigma, and Theta j ! Chi fraternities respectively.' j Next Tuesday Pi Kappa Alpha J will head Dr. Warren D. Smith, of the geology department, and Zeta J hall will hear Howard R. Taylor, Healthiest Coed to Be Named Today Selection to Be Made At Gerlinger Tea at 4; Health Week Ends The healthiest girl on the cam pus will be chosen at a large tea today from 4 :00 to 5:30 at Gerling er hall which will end the WAA Health week. Students, faculty members and townspeople are in vited to the tea. The program will consist of an opening song by the Senior Pep Patrol cops followed by a vocal solo by Betty Brogan, accompanied by Helen Jones. The three Hyde girls will entertain with acrobatic stunts, and Helen Jones will play a piano solo. Irene Schaupp, chairman of the tea, has been assisted by Genevieve McNiece, refreshment; Dorothy Magnuson, clean-up; Melba Rio pelle, program; Caroline Hand, in vitations; and Lilian Warn, floor and decorations. Thespians will as sist in serving. To Choose Healthiest Girl The healthiest girl will be chosen from the candidates repre senting the living organizations, who will be presented at the tea. Posture and general physical ap pearance will be the basis for the judging. Girls representing the different houses are: Fredrira Merrill, Delta Delta Delta: Marion Beth Wolfen den, Alpha Phi; Martha McCall, Pi Beta Phi, Gaylle Meyer, Hendricks hall; Jewell Bowman, Alpha Omic ron Pi; Jean Paulsen, Chi Omega; Ruth Lake, Zeta Tau Alpha; Nann Brownlie, Kappa Alpha Theta; Elaine Goodell, Kappa Kappa Gam ma; Faye Buchanan, Alpha Chi Omega; Alice Rogers, Alpha Gam ma Delta; Jane Brewster, Gamma Phi Beta; Jean Beard, Alpha Delta Pi; Hazel McBrian, Delta Gamma; Lillian England, Alpha Xi Delta; Dorothy Elsonsohn, Phi Mu; Lor raine Hunt, Sigma Kappa. Helen Bartrum, chairman of the week, has been assisted by Jane Bogue, Frances Watzek, Regan McCoy, Irene Schaupp, Phyllis Adams, and Marge Petsch. Biggs Thrills CO Music-Lovers With Concert Over 300 University music lov ers crowded the music auditorium last night to hear the brilliant and powerful organ concert by E. Powrer Biggs, English-American organist. The program last night repre sented a summary of different pe riods of organ composition begin ning with 18th century masters, Bach and Handel included, nine teenth century romanticists, such as Liszt, and ending with the mod ern French compositions of the twentieth century. Mr. Biggs showed vast under standing of the instrument. Al though all the compositions were heavy, except the chorale, he showed keen distribution of power Of the artist’s ability John Stark Evans, University organist and professor of music, declared, "Per fectly wonderful work. One of the best of the youngest organists, and he is amply proving it tonight.” Villard Donates Two Books Oswald Garrison Villard, former editor of The Nation, recently do nated two books on modern Euro pean affairs to the University of Oregon. The .titles of the books are: “The roretgn Policy of the Powers," by“ Jules Cambon and others; and “The Political Hand book of the World,” a publication of the Council of Foreign P*ela tions. • n M. H. Douglass, librarian, said that Mr. Villard had promised to make future presentations to the University library. Russes Will Leave Villard for SP Depot On Sunday Morning Winter sportsters will be picked up busses and taken to tile Southern Pacific, depot, Sunday morning, instead of hoarding the train at the sid ing near Villard hall, according to announcements yesterday. Busses will leave Villard hall at 5:30 in time to reach the de pot for departure at 0 o’clock. The regular bus fare of seven cents will be charged. Symphony To Perform Here Sunday Willem van Hoogstraten Will Conduct Portland Group’s Concert One of the world’s most famous conductors, Willem van Hoogstrat en, will wield the baton in McAr thur court next Sunday when the Portland Symphony orchestra pre sents its fourth concert on the University campus. Van Hoogstraten has won world recognition as an orchestra con ductor during the past two dec ades, and has been honored as guest conductor by some of the leading musical organizations of this country and Europe. Dr. van Hoogstraton has been one of the few conductors chosen to lead the great New York and Philadelphia symphony concerts. For many years he has devoted from one to four weeks every summer to this work. Conducts at San Diego He has also been guest conduc tor for the Hollywood bowl “Sym phony Under the Stars.” In all these cities he was acclaimed the most popular director of the sea son. Last summer he took his en tire Portland group to the San Di ego fair, where he added to his al ready nation-wide fame through national radio broadcasts. Many friends will be present to greet the famous conductor on his arrival to the campus. He has made many lasting acquaintances on his three previous visits to the campus. He was awarded the de gree of doctor of music by the University for his outstanding achievements in that field. The conductor holds honorary memberships in Phi Mu Alpha, honorary music fraternity, and Phi Sigma Kappa, social fraternity Both were awarded on the cam pus. On recent trips to Europe Dr. van Hoogstraten has directed some of the leading symphonic groups and has studied there in many well-known schools. Slight Damage Done to Shrubs Some damage has been done to the shrubs, but not as much as might have been expected from the icy conditions, it was revealed yes terday by the head gardener. “A few of the flowering vari eties have been set back, and it will be necessary to cut them back considerably,” he said. "But on the whole they will come out of it all right.” Many calls came in about icy sidewalks and steps, and advice was given as to how to combat this condition. Men are working on the roofs of several buildings clearing the ice away from the downspouts in order to release the free water that has gathered there. Fajardo’s Injuries Found Not Serious Alfredo Fajardo, senior in jour nalism, is quickly recovering in the Pacific hospital from his fall yes terday. An examination proved that he received no injuries. He will leave the hospital in a few days. AWS Political Rumblings Begin to Roar Committee Will Not Tell Offieial Slate Before Wednesday, Though With the associated women stu dents nominating assembly slated for next Wednesday, political rumblings among University coeds have started to take form. Elec tions of AWS officers for next year will take place on the Tuesday fol lowing the Wednesday nominating meeting. Margaret Ann Smith, present AWS prexy, when called last night said the nominating committee had already made its selections but that the constitution for the group forbade any announcement of can didates until the general assembly. Endicott, McCall, Cornish I^end Based on activity, service, and scholastic records, however, likely candidates for the presidential nomination would be selected from Elaine Cornish, Martha McCall, or Virginia Endicott, campus political leaders said last night. Other girls mentioned as possible choices for the leading position or for the vice presidentcy included Helen Bar trum, Starla Parvin, Margilee Morse, Prances W a t z e k , and Phyllis Adams. Misses McCall and Endicott when called last night had nothing to say, and the Emerald was un able to reach Miss Cornish. Others Named The secretary, treasurer, and re porter for the AWS is usually chosen from the sophomore class members and here it appears that Gayle Buchanan, Gladys Battleson, Elizabeth Ann DeBusk, Vivian Emery, Hallie Dudrey, Marjorie Gearhart, Toni Lucas, and Laurene Brockshink are regarded as out standing candidates. Campus talk would have Miss Buchanan opposing Miss Battleson for secretary and Miss DeBusk and Miss Emery opposing candidates for treasurer, but again no official confirmation could be obtained. With sergeant at arms chosen from the freshman class Martha Felsheim and Ann Nelson have been mentioned as most likely can didates with Ingred Liljequist, Lucy Ann Houghton, and Mariam Pouch standing out politically in a rather large group of prominent girls in this class Alumni Groups To Raise Funds M. H. Douglass, librarian, said the Portland alumni groups have organized to investigate ways and means of raising funds for furni ture and books to be used in the new library browsing room. At the meeting held Wednesday in Portland committees were ap pointed from men’s and women’s fraternity groups to work out de tails for raising funds. Between $10,000 and $15,000 is expected to be collected. No definite plans were made for raising the money, but a series of teas was suggested by the com mittee of women. They will inves tigate the possibility of having such functions within the next two weeks. At this time the alumni committee will meet again and get definitely underway in their work, Mr. Douglass said. Sigma Alpha Mu Field Secretary Pays Visit The national field executive sec retary of Sigma Almpha Mu fra ternity. James Hammerstein, is visiting the local chapter. A ban quet was held in his honor Wed nesday evening with several prom inent deans and professors of the University attending. Mr. Ham merstein is to leave sometime Fri day. The national headquarters are located in New York City, and the Mr. Hammerstein is on hie first western tour. Stanley Bromberg is president of the local Sigma Tau chapter. 1936 Football Slate To Take More Men, Additional Money Council’s Epoch Making Action The council heard: James Blais make an appeal in behalf of the commonwealth scholarship fund supervised by N. Thomas Stoddard, assistant graduate manager, for aid in the subsidatlon of Oregon uth letics. Blais proposed that each house support one athlete. I’lii Sigma Kappa's plan for revising rushing rules which would install a sealed bid sys tem and limit the number of rushing engagements. The council voted down: The revised council constitu tion and discussed changes for It; heard Ed Fenwick criticize the proposed judiciary as prob ably unable to maintain an Im partial attitude. Morse Is Named On Law Group Governor Appoints Dean Member of Committee On Legal Reform Dean Wayne L. Morse of the law school was appointed Wednesday by Governor Charles H. Martin to membership on the committee to propose legal procedure reform in Oregon. The appointment of the commit tee is in rompliancc with the 1935 legislative act which provides for the continuance of a standing com mittee for judicial reform. Its first meeting will be held in Port land, February 29. Justice George Rossman is chairman of the group. Proposals for legislative reform which will be placed before the committee on legal procedure are the establishment of a drafting bureau for the preparation of leg islative measures, elimination of much clerical help, strict deadlines for introduction of bills, and a lim itation of floor privileges, that is, refusing to allow any except ac credited persons on the senate or house floors. New Facts Aired On Hall Robbery Paul Grace, ex-Stanford student, who was tried and acquitted on a robbery charge in circuit court here last fall, may be cleared be yond any doubt if James A. Far ley, who is under arrest in Los Angeles, is telling a true story. Farley was arrested in the Cali fornia city a few days ago and told police there that he had stolen some diamond rings and two fur coast in Eugene. He said also that he had been chased across the campus by students after he had committed the theft. Grace was tried here for robbing the E. H. Hall residence. The de tails of Farley’s statement coincide with those of the robbery at the Hall home, local officers said. Theummel Is Made Production Manager Grant Theummel, business man ager of the Emerald last year, has been made production manager of the Gerber-Crossley Advertising agency in Portland. Kenneth Wood III In Pacific Hospital Kenneth Wood, graduate assist ant in accounting, who graduated from the business administration school last year, is confined to the Pacific hospital with influenza. Phi Sigs Present Rushing Plan; Constitution Aeceptanee Motion Fails to Pass By LE ROY MATTTNGLY Tli p University's common wealth scholarship fund main tained hv eontrihntions from private firms and individuals of 1 lie state for proselyting and paving part of the expenses of athletes must be supplemented by provisions from other sources if Oregon’s athletic teams are to re mnin in the Pacific coast confer ence, President James Blais said yesterday in a plea for assistance made to the Inter-fraternity coun cil. In suggesting to the council a plan under which each fraternity would pledge and provide room and board for one athlete, Blais said that the plea was the last resort in the effort to maintain Oregon athletics on a par with larger schools on the coast. Bier Schedule Forces Move The increased number of big games on the football schedule for next year, making necessary an addition of 15 to 20 athletes to the usual quota, forced N. Thomas Stoddard, assistant graduate man ager and supervisor of the scholar ship fund, to request the appeal to the fraternities, Blais said. The practice of houses sharing in the expenses of athletics in this manner is wide-spread, the ASUO president stated. Possibilities for voluntary con tributions to the scholarship fund have been thoroughly exhausted by Stoddard in a state-wide canvass, Blais declared. "We will be playing Linfield and Willamette unless aid develops from some source," he told the fraternity presidents. System Used at OSO Houses would select their own man under the plan, Blais said. Washington State and OSC now use this system, he stated. At present, but two athletes re ceive anything in addition to room and board, the president revealed. Basketball players who are receiv ing assistance through the com monwealth fund number 19, ac cording to Blais. Hushing Plan Offered Drastic revision of rushing rules was suggested to the council by Bill Corman, Phi Sigma Kappa president, in a detailed plan. Under the Phi Sigma Kappa plan, sealed bid would be presented by house presidents to the dean of men's office at 1 o’clock Saturday afternoon. These would be distrib uted to rushees in McArthur court between the hours of 2 and 4. Rushing would stop Saturday at 12 o’clock. Each rushee would be required (Please turn to page t?co) PE Instructors Go to Portland Many University physical educa tion instructors have gone to Port land to attend the first Portland convention of the American Physi cal Education association being held Eebraury 21 22. Dean John F. Bovard, Paul R. Washke, Miss Warinne Eastburn, Miss Florence Alden, and Miss Helen Fabricus left yesterday for Portland, it was reported. Among those who left this mor ning were Earl E. Boushey, R. K. Cutler, E. R. Knollin, Mrs. Faye Knox, Miss Janet Woodruff, Miss Augusta Heiberg, Miss Anna M. Thompson, and Miss Elizabeth Dye. A group of four University stu dent, in conjunction with a group from Oregon State, will give a demonstration of the modern dance. Mrs. Knox will explain the dance. The students are Maxine Goetsch, Jill Madsen, Josephine Overturf, and Ethel Johnson.